interface ChildNodeAccessInterface (View source)

Child Node Access Facet. View Helpers should implement this interface if they need access to the direct children in the Syntax Tree at rendering-time.

This might happen if you only want to selectively render a part of the syntax tree depending on some conditions. To render sub nodes, you can fetch the RenderingContext via $this->renderingContext.

In most cases, you will not need this facet, and it is NO PUBLIC API! Right now it is only used internally for conditions, so by subclassing Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelpers\AbstractConditionViewHelper, this should be all you need.

See \Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper for an example how it is used.


setChildNodes(array $childNodes)

Sets the direct child nodes of the current syntax tree node.


void setChildNodes(array $childNodes)

Sets the direct child nodes of the current syntax tree node.


array $childNodes

Return Value
