class Scripts (View source)
Initialization scripts for modules of the Flow package
static protected string | $builtPhpCommand |
Register the class loader into the Doctrine AnnotationRegistry so the DocParser is able to load annation classes from packages.
Injects the classes cache to the already initialized class loader
Does some emergency, forced, low level flush caches if the user told to do so through the command line.
Initializes the package system and loads the package configuration and settings provided by the packages.
Initializes the Configuration Manager, the Flow settings and the Environment service
Recompile classes after file monitoring was executed and class files have been changed.
Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 1)
Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 2)
Checks if classes (i.e. php files containing classes), Policy.yaml, Objects.yaml or localization files have been altered and if so flushes the related caches.
Let the given file monitor track changes of the specified directory if it exists.
Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system.
Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system without waiting for the output.
No description
No description
Compares the realpath of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a CLI request.
Compares the actual version of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a non-CLI request.
static void
initializeClassLoader(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Class Loader
static void
registerClassLoaderInAnnotationRegistry(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Register the class loader into the Doctrine AnnotationRegistry so the DocParser is able to load annation classes from packages.
static void
initializeClassLoaderClassesCache(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Injects the classes cache to the already initialized class loader
static void
forceFlushCachesIfNecessary(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Does some emergency, forced, low level flush caches if the user told to do so through the command line.
static void
initializeSignalSlot(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Signal Slot module
static void
initializePackageManagement(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the package system and loads the package configuration and settings provided by the packages.
static void
initializeConfiguration(Bootstrap $bootstrap, bool $enableCache = true)
Initializes the Configuration Manager, the Flow settings and the Environment service
static void
initializeSystemLogger(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the System Logger
static protected ThrowableStorageInterface
initializeExceptionStorage(Bootstrap $bootstrap, array $settings)
Initialize the exception storage
static void
initializeErrorHandling(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the error handling
static void
initializeCacheManagement(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the cache framework
static void
initializeProxyClasses(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Runs the compile step if necessary
static void
recompileClasses(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Recompile classes after file monitoring was executed and class files have been changed.
initializeObjectManagerCompileTimeCreate(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 1)
static void
initializeObjectManagerCompileTimeFinalize(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 2)
static void
initializeObjectManager(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the runtime Object Manager
static void
initializeReflectionServiceFactory(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Reflection Service Factory
initializeReflectionService(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the Reflection Service
static void
initializeSystemFileMonitor(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Checks if classes (i.e. php files containing classes), Policy.yaml, Objects.yaml or localization files have been altered and if so flushes the related caches.
This function only triggers the detection of changes in the file monitors. The actual cache flushing is handled by other functions which are triggered by the file monitor through a signal. For Flow, those signal-slot connections are defined in the class \Neos\Flow\Package.
static protected array
getListOfPackagesWithConfiguredObjects(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
No description
static protected void
monitorDirectoryIfItExists(FileMonitor $fileMonitor, string $path, string|null $filenamePattern = null)
Let the given file monitor track changes of the specified directory if it exists.
static protected void
compileDoctrineProxies(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Update Doctrine 2 proxy classes
This is not simply bound to the finishedCompilationRun signal because it needs the advised proxy classes to run. When that signal is fired, they have been written, but not loaded.
static void
initializeResources(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initialize the stream wrappers.
static bool
executeCommand(string $commandIdentifier, array $settings, bool $outputResults = true, array $commandArguments = [])
Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system.
static void
executeCommandAsync(string $commandIdentifier, array $settings, array $commandArguments = [])
Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system without waiting for the output.
Note: As the command execution is done in a separate thread potential exceptions or failures will not be reported
static protected string
buildSubprocessCommand(string $commandIdentifier, array $settings, array $commandArguments = [])
No description
static string
buildPhpCommand(array $settings)
No description
static protected
ensureCLISubrequestsUseCurrentlyRunningPhpBinary(string $phpBinaryPathAndFilename)
Compares the realpath of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a CLI request.
This avoids config errors where users forget to set Neos.Flow.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename in CLI.
static protected
ensureWebSubrequestsUseCurrentlyRunningPhpVersion(string $phpCommand)
Compares the actual version of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a non-CLI request.
This avoids config errors where users forget to set Neos.Flow.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename in connection with a web server.
static protected bool
useClassLoader(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Check if the old fallback classloader should be used.
The old class loader is used only in a testing context.