NodeCommandControllerPlugin::addMissingDefaultValues() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Performs checks for unset properties that has default values and sets them if necessary.

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::addMissingDefaultValuesByNodeType() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Adds missing default values for the given node type

NodePath::appendPathSegment() — Method in class NodePath

IMMUTABLE function to create a new NodePath by appending a path segment. Returns a NEW NodePath object

AbstractNodeDataClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model

Some NodeData (persisted or transient)

$ AbstractNodeData#accessRolesProperty in class AbstractNodeData

List of role names which are required to access this node at all

AbstractNodeData::addOrUpdate() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

By default this method does not do anything.

ArrayPropertyCollectionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model
NodeData::addOrUpdate() — Method in class NodeData

Adds this node to the Node Repository or updates it if it has been added earlier

$ NodeType#abstractProperty in class NodeType

Is this node type marked abstract

NodeType::applyPostprocessing() — Method in class NodeType

Iterates through configured postprocessors and invokes them

NodeType::allowsChildNodeType() — Method in class NodeType

Checks if the given NodeType is acceptable as sub-node with the configured constraints, not taking constraints of auto-created nodes into account. Thus, this method only returns the correct result if called on NON-AUTO-CREATED nodes!

NodeType::allowsGrandchildNodeType() — Method in class NodeType

Checks if the given $nodeType is allowed as a childNode of the given $childNodeName (which must be auto-created in $this NodeType).

Workspace::adjustShadowNodeDataForNodePublishing() — Method in class Workspace

Adjusts related shadow nodes for a "publish node" operation.

NodeTypeConstraints::asLegacyNodeTypeFilterString() — Method in class NodeTypeConstraints

return the legacy (pre-event-sourced) Node Type filter string looking like "Foo:Bar,!MyPackage:Exclude"

$ NodeDataRepository#addedNodesProperty in class NodeDataRepository
NodeDataRepository::add() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Adds a NodeData object to this repository.

NodeDataRepository::addNodeTypeFilterConstraintsToQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Add node type filter constraints to the query builder

NodeDataRepository::addDimensionJoinConstraintsToQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

If $dimensions is not empty, adds join constraints to the given $queryBuilder limiting the query result to matching hits.

NodeDataRepository::addParentPathConstraintToQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
NodeDataRepository::addPathConstraintToQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
NodeDataRepository::addIdentifierConstraintToQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
Context::adoptNode() — Method in class Context

Adopts a node from a (possibly) different context to this context

NodePaths::addNodePathSegment() — Method in class NodePaths

Appends the given $nodePathSegment to the $nodePath

$ Configuration#availableVersionsProperty in class Configuration
$ MigrationStatus#applicationTimeStampProperty in class MigrationStatus
AbstractTransformationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations

Abstract transformation class, transformations should inherit from this.

AddDimensionsClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations

Add dimensions on a node. This adds to the existing dimensions, if you need to overwrite existing dimensions, SetDimensions

$ AddDimensions#addDefaultDimensionValuesProperty in class AddDimensions

Adds the default dimension values for all dimensions that were not given.

AddNewPropertyClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations

Add the new property and its value

$ SetDimensions#addDefaultDimensionValuesProperty in class SetDimensions

Sets the default dimension values for all dimensions that were not given.

AbstractNodePrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

An abstract node privilege acting as a base class for other node privileges restricting operations and data on nodes.

AbstractNodePropertyPrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

Base class for privileges restricting node properties.

AuthorizationServiceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Service

This service provides API methods to check for privileges on nodes and permissions for node actions.

AbstractRendererClass in namespace Neos\Diff\Renderer

Abstract Diff Renderer

AfxDslImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Dsl

Class Fusion AFX Dsl

AfxExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Exception

Class AfxException

AfxParserExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Parser

Class AfxParserException

AfxServiceClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Service

Class AfxService

AfxService::astToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astBooleanToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astExpressionToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astStringToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astTextToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astNodeToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
AfxService::astNodeListToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
$ RuntimeContentCache#addCacheSegmentMarkersToPlaceholdersProperty in class RuntimeContentCache
RuntimeContentCache::addTag() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Adds a tag built from the given key and value.

AbsorbingHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\ExceptionHandlers

Renders the element as an empty string

AbstractRenderingExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\ExceptionHandlers

Handles exceptions

Runtime::addCacheTag() — Method in class Runtime

Add a tag to the current cache segment

BaseUriHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class BaseUriHelper
AbstractArrayFusionObjectClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Base class for Fusion objects that need access to arbitrary properties, like DataStructureImplementation.

AbstractCollectionImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Abstract implementation of a collection renderer for Fusion.

AbstractFusionObjectClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Base class for all Fusion objects

ArrayImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

The old "COA" object

AttributesImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Renders a string of xml attributes from the properties of this Fusion object.

AugmenterImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

A Fusion Augmenter-Object

HtmlAugmenter::addAttributes() — Method in class HtmlAugmenter

Adds the given $attributes to the $html by augmenting the root element.

AddFlashMessageTraitClass in namespace Neos\Media\Browser\Controller

A trait to add backend translation based on the backend users settings

AddFlashMessageTrait::addFlashMessage() — Method in class AddFlashMessageTrait

Add a translated flashMessage.

AssetCollectionControllerClass in namespace Neos\Media\Browser\Controller

Controller for tag handling

$ AssetCollectionController#assetCollectionRepositoryProperty in class AssetCollectionController
AssetControllerClass in namespace Neos\Media\Browser\Controller

Controller for asset handling

$ AssetController#assetRepositoryProperty in class AssetController
$ AssetController#assetCollectionRepositoryProperty in class AssetController
$ AssetController#assetServiceProperty in class AssetController
$ AssetController#assetSourceServiceProperty in class AssetController
$ AssetController#assetSourcesProperty in class AssetController
AssetController::addAssetToCollectionAction() — Method in class AssetController

Adds an asset to an asset collection

AssetProxyControllerClass in namespace Neos\Media\Browser\Controller
$ AssetProxyController#assetSourceServiceProperty in class AssetProxyController
$ ImageController#assetRepositoryProperty in class ImageController
$ ImageVariantController#assetRepositoryProperty in class ImageVariantController
$ TagController#assetCollectionRepositoryProperty in class TagController
$ TagController#assetRepositoryProperty in class TagController
$ UsageController#assetServiceProperty in class UsageController
$ BrowserState#activeAssetSourceIdentifierProperty in class BrowserState
$ PaginateController#assetProxyQueryResultProperty in class PaginateController
$ MediaCommandController#assetRepositoryProperty in class MediaCommandController
$ MediaCommandController#asyncThumbnailsProperty in class MediaCommandController
$ MediaCommandController#assetVariantGeneratorProperty in class MediaCommandController
AbstractAdjustmentClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Adjustment

An abstract adjustment which provides a constructor for setting options

AbstractImageAdjustmentClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Adjustment

An abstract image adjustment

AdjustmentInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Adjustment

Interface for an Asset Adjustment

$ CropImageAdjustment#aspectRatioAsStringProperty in class CropImageAdjustment
CropImageAdjustment::applyToImage() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Applies this adjustment to the given Imagine Image object

ImageAdjustmentInterface::applyToImage() — Method in class ImageAdjustmentInterface

Applies this adjustment to the given Imagine Image object

QualityImageAdjustment::applyToImage() — Method in class QualityImageAdjustment

Applies this adjustment to the given Imagine Image object

$ ResizeImageAdjustment#allowUpScalingProperty in class ResizeImageAdjustment
ResizeImageAdjustment::applyToImage() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Applies this adjustment to the given Imagine Image object

AssetClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

An Asset, the base for all more specific assets in this package.

$ Asset#assetServiceProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#assetRepositoryProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#assetCollectionsProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#assetSourceIdentifierProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#assetSourcesConfigurationProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#assetSourcesProperty in class Asset
Asset::addTag() — Method in class Asset

Add a single tag to this asset

Asset::addThumbnail() — Method in class Asset

An internal method which adds a thumbnail which was generated by the ThumbnailService.

AssetCollectionClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

Class AssetCollection

$ AssetCollection#assetsProperty in class AssetCollection
AssetCollection::addAsset() — Method in class AssetCollection

Add one asset to the asset collection

AssetCollection::addTag() — Method in class AssetCollection

Add a single tag to this asset

AssetInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

A user-managed Asset which is stored in the Asset Repository

AssetNotFoundExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetProxyQueryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetProxyQueryResultInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetProxyRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetProxyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource\AssetProxy

Interface for a stand-in object of remote or already imported assets from an asset source.

AssetSourceAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetSourceConnectionExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource

Exceptions of asset sources which are thrown on connection problems should implement this interface so that they can be handled specifically.

AssetSourceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
AssetTypeFilterClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetSource
$ NeosAssetSource#assetServiceProperty in class NeosAssetSource
$ NeosAssetSource#asyncThumbnailsProperty in class NeosAssetSource
AssetVariantInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

An interface of an asset which was derived from an original asset

AudioClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

An Audio asset

AssetConstraintsClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Dto

Constraints for the Assets that can't be changed by the user while navigating the Media module / endpoints (other than filters)

AssetConstraints::applyToAssetSources() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Filters the given $assetSources according to the active asset source constraints If no asset source constraints is active, the original array is returned

AssetConstraints::applyToAssetSourceIdentifiers() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Verifies the given $assetSourceIdentifier against the asset source constraint: If no asset source constraint is set or the given $assetSourceIdentifier matches one of the allowedAssetSourceIdentifiers, the input is un-altered Otherwise the first allowed allowedAssetSourceIdentifier is returned

AssetConstraints::applyToAssetTypeFilter() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Verifies the given $assetType against the media type constraint: If no media type constraint is set or the given $assetType matches one of the allowed asset types, the input is un-altered Otherwise the first allowed asset type is returned

$ UsageReference#assetProperty in class UsageReference
FileTypeIcon::alt() — Method in class FileTypeIcon
Image::addVariant() — Method in class Image

Adds a variant of this image

$ ImageVariant#adjustmentsProperty in class ImageVariant
ImageVariant::addTag() — Method in class ImageVariant

Add a single tag to this asset

ImageVariant::addVariant() — Method in class ImageVariant

Adding variants to variants is not supported.

ImageVariant::addAdjustment() — Method in class ImageVariant

Adds the given adjustment to the list of adjustments applied to this image variant.

ImageVariant::addAdjustments() — Method in class ImageVariant

Adds the given adjustments to the list of adjustments applied to this image variant.

ImageVariant::applyAdjustment() — Method in class ImageVariant

Apply the given adjustment to the image variant.

$ ImportedAsset#assetSourceIdentifierProperty in class ImportedAsset
$ Tag#assetCollectionsProperty in class Tag
Tag::addChild() — Method in class Tag
$ Thumbnail#asyncProperty in class Thumbnail
$ ThumbnailConfiguration#allowCroppingProperty in class ThumbnailConfiguration
$ ThumbnailConfiguration#allowUpScalingProperty in class ThumbnailConfiguration
$ ThumbnailConfiguration#asyncProperty in class ThumbnailConfiguration
AbstractThumbnailGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ThumbnailGenerator

Abstract Thumbnail Generator

ThumbnailSupportInterface::addThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailSupportInterface

Adds a thumbnail which was generated by the ThumbnailService.

AssetCollectionRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Repository

A repository for AssetCollections

AssetRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Repository

A repository for Assets

$ AssetRepository#assetServiceProperty in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::addAssetCollectionToQueryConstraints() — Method in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::addAssetVariantFilterClause() — Method in class AssetRepository

Adds conditions filtering any implementation of AssetVariantInterface

AssetRepository::add() — Method in class AssetRepository
AudioRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Repository

A repository for Audio

AssetServiceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Service

An asset service that handles for example commands on assets, retrieves information about usage of assets and rendering thumbnails.

$ AssetService#assetVariantGeneratorProperty in class AssetService
AssetSourceServiceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Service

A service for Asset Sources and Asset Proxies

$ AssetSourceService#assetSourcesConfigurationProperty in class AssetSourceService
$ AssetSourceService#assetModelMappingStrategyProperty in class AssetSourceService
$ AssetSourceService#assetRepositoryProperty in class AssetSourceService
AssetVariantGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Service
$ AssetVariantGenerator#assetServiceProperty in class AssetVariantGenerator
$ ImageService#assetRepositoryProperty in class ImageService
$ ImageService#allowedFormatsProperty in class ImageService
ImageService::applyAdjustments() — Method in class ImageService
$ ThumbnailGenerator#autoCreateThumbnailPresetsProperty in class ThumbnailGenerator
$ ThumbnailGenerator#asyncThumbnailsProperty in class ThumbnailGenerator

If enabled

ThumbnailService::applyFormatToThumbnailConfiguration() — Method in class ThumbnailService

Create a new thumbnailConfiguration with the identical configuration to the given one PLUS setting of the target-format

AbstractAssetUsageStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Strategy

Abstract asset usage strategy

AssetModelMappingStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Strategy

Describes a strategy to find an asset model class based on the resource and optional source properties.

AssetUsageStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Strategy

Interface for asset usage strategies

AssetValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Validator

Conjunction validator that loads all implementations of the \Neos\Media\Domain\Validator\AssetValidatorInterface and merges all their results

AssetValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Validator

Interface to implement to hook into the asset model validation

AudioValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Validator

Validator for Audio objects

AdjustmentClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\ValueObject\Configuration
AspectRatioClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\ValueObject\Configuration
Variant::adjustments() — Method in class Variant
AssetServiceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Media\Exception

A Neos.Media exception for the Asset Service

AssetSourceServiceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Media\Exception

A Neos.Media exception for the Asset Source Service

AssetVariantGeneratorExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Media\Exception

A Neos.Media exception for the Asset Variant Generator

AssetAssetCollectionConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Doctrine

Condition generator covering Asset <-> AssetCollection relations (M:M relations are not supported by the Flow PropertyConditionGenerator yet)

AssetCollectionConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Doctrine

A SQL condition generator, supporting special SQL constraints for asset collections

AssetConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Doctrine

A SQL condition generator, supporting special SQL constraints for assets

AssetTagConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Doctrine

Condition generator covering Asset <-> Tag relations (M:M relations are not supported by the Flow PropertyConditionGenerator yet)

AssetWithoutAssetCollectionConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Doctrine

Condition generator covering Asset >-< AssetCollection relations (M:M relations are not supported by the Flow PropertyConditionGenerator yet)

ArrayConverterClass in namespace Neos\Media\TypeConverter

This converter transforms Neos.Media AssetInterface instances to arrays.

AspectRatioFromStringConverterClass in namespace Neos\Media\TypeConverter

This converter transforms to \Neos\Media\Domain\ValueObject\Configuration\AspectRatio objects from string.

AssetCollectionToArrayConverterClass in namespace Neos\Media\TypeConverter

This converter transforms Neos.Media AssetCollection instances to arrays.

AssetInterfaceConverterClass in namespace Neos\Media\TypeConverter

This converter transforms to \Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface (Image or ImageVariant) objects.

$ AssetInterfaceConverter#assetRepositoryProperty in class AssetInterfaceConverter
$ AssetInterfaceConverter#assetModelMappingStrategyProperty in class AssetInterfaceConverter
AssetInterfaceConverter::applyTypeSpecificHandling() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter
AssetInterfaceConverter::applyModelMappingStrategy() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Applies the model mapping strategy for a converted resource to determine the final target type.

ImageInterfaceConverter::applyTypeSpecificHandling() — Method in class ImageInterfaceConverter

Converts and adds ImageAdjustments to the ImageVariant

$ ImageViewHelper#assetServiceProperty in class ImageViewHelper
$ ThumbnailViewHelper#assetServiceProperty in class ThumbnailViewHelper
$ ImageViewHelper#assetServiceProperty in class ImageViewHelper
$ ThumbnailViewHelper#assetServiceProperty in class ThumbnailViewHelper
NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::addLabelsToNodeTypeConfiguration() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect
NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::applyEditorLabels() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect
DomainCommandController::addCommand() — Method in class DomainCommandController

Add a domain record

DomainCommandController::activateCommand() — Method in class DomainCommandController

Activate a domain record by hostname (with globbing)

SiteCommandController::activateCommand() — Method in class SiteCommandController

Activate a site (with globbing)

$ UserCommandController#authenticationProviderSettingsProperty in class UserCommandController
UserCommandController::activateCommand() — Method in class UserCommandController

Activate a user (with globbing)

UserCommandController::addRoleCommand() — Method in class UserCommandController

Add a role to a user

$ ContentController#assetRepositoryProperty in class ContentController
ContentController::assetsWithMetadataAction() — Method in class ContentController

Fetch the metadata for multiple assets

AbstractModuleControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Module
AdministrationControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Module
$ SitesController#assetCollectionRepositoryProperty in class SitesController
SitesController::activateSiteAction() — Method in class SitesController

Activates a site

SitesController::activateDomainAction() — Method in class SitesController

Activates a domain

$ UsersController#authenticationProviderSettingsProperty in class UsersController
UsersController::assignElectronicAddressOptions() — Method in class UsersController
UserSettingsController::assignElectronicAddressOptions() — Method in class UserSettingsController
AssetProxiesControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Service

Rudimentary REST service for assets

$ AssetProxiesController#assetRepositoryProperty in class AssetProxiesController
$ AssetProxiesController#assetSourceServiceProperty in class AssetProxiesController
$ AssetProxiesController#asyncThumbnailsProperty in class AssetProxiesController
AssetsControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Service

Rudimentary REST service for assets

$ AssetsController#assetRepositoryProperty in class AssetsController
$ AssetsController#asyncThumbnailsProperty in class AssetsController
NodesController::addExistingNodeVariantInformationToResponse() — Method in class NodesController

If the node is not found, we first want to figure out whether the node exists in other dimensions or is really non-existent

NodesController::adoptNodeAndParents() — Method in class NodesController

Adopt (translate) the given node and parents that are not yet visible to the given context

AccountPostEventListenerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\EventListener

Doctrine event listener for clearing the Neos configuration version cache on account changes.

$ Domain#activeProperty in class Domain

If domain is active

AssetUsageInNodePropertiesClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Model\Dto

A DTO for storing information related to a usage of an asset in node properties.

$ Site#assetCollectionProperty in class Site
$ FusionService#autoIncludeFusionPatternProperty in class FusionService

Pattern used for determining the Fusion root file for autoIncludes

$ FusionService#appendFusionIncludesProperty in class FusionService

Array of Fusion files to include after the site Fusion

$ FusionService#autoIncludeConfigurationProperty in class FusionService
$ SiteImportService#assetClassNamesProperty in class SiteImportService

An array that contains all fully qualified class names that implement AssetInterface

$ SiteService#assetCollectionRepositoryProperty in class SiteService
SiteService::assignUploadedAssetToSiteAssetCollection() — Method in class SiteService

Adds an asset to the asset collection of the site it has been uploaded to Note: This is usually triggered by the ContentController::assetUploaded signal

$ UserService#accountFactoryProperty in class UserService
$ UserService#accountRepositoryProperty in class UserService
$ UserService#authenticationManagerProperty in class UserService
UserService::addUser() — Method in class UserService

Adds a user whose User object has been created elsewhere

UserService::addRoleToUser() — Method in class UserService

Adds the specified role to all accounts of the given user and potentially carries out further actions which are needed to properly reflect these changes.

UserService::addRoleToAccount() — Method in class UserService

Adds the specified role to the given account and potentially carries out further actions which are needed to properly reflect these changes.

UserService::activateUser() — Method in class UserService

Reactivates the given user

AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Strategy
$ Event#accountIdentifierProperty in class Event

The identifier of the account that triggered this event. Optional.

Event::addChildEvent() — Method in class Event

Add a new child event. Is called from the child event's constructor.

EventsOnDate::add() — Method in class EventsOnDate

add another event to this group

EventEmittingService::add() — Method in class EventEmittingService

Add the passed event (which has been generated by generate()) to persistence.

AbstractIntegrationServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Integrations
ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::afterNodeCreate() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Add the created node to the previously created "Added Node" event

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::afterNodeCopy() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::afterNodeMove() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::afterAdoptNode() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::afterNodePublishing() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
AbstractMenuItemsImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion

Base class for MenuItems and DimensionsMenuItems

$ ContentCacheFlusher#assetServiceProperty in class ContentCacheFlusher
ArrayHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion\Helper

Some Functional Programming Array helpers for Eel contexts

ArrayHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class ArrayHelper

All methods are considered safe

CachingHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class CachingHelper

All methods are considered safe

LinkHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class LinkHelper
NodeHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class NodeHelper
RenderingHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class RenderingHelper

All methods are considered safe

$ ImageUriImplementation#assetServiceProperty in class ImageUriImplementation

Resource publisher

RouteCacheAspect::addCurrentNodeIdentifier() — Method in class RouteCacheAspect

Add the current node and all parent identifiers to be used for cache entry tagging

RouteCacheAspect::addWorkspaceName() — Method in class RouteCacheAspect

Add the current workspace name as a tag for the route cache entry

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::applyDomainToUriConstraints() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
ContentElementWrappingService::addNodePropertyAttributes() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Adds node properties to the given $attributes collection and returns the extended array

ContentElementWrappingService::addCssClasses() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Add required CSS classes to the attributes.

ContentElementWrappingService::addDocumentMetadata() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Collects metadata for the Neos backend specifically for document nodes.

ContentElementWrappingService::addGenericEditingMetadata() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Collects metadata attributes used to allow editing of the node in the Neos backend.

AbstractServiceControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service\Controller

Abstract Service Controller

AbstractDataSourceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource

Data source interface for getting data.

$ ImageVariantGarbageCollector#assetRepositoryProperty in class ImageVariantGarbageCollector
$ LinkingService#assetRepositoryProperty in class LinkingService
VieSchemaBuilder::addProperty() — Method in class VieSchemaBuilder

Adds a property to the list of known properties

NodeView::assignNode() — Method in class NodeView

Assigns a node to the NodeView.

NodeView::assignNodes() — Method in class NodeView
NodeView::assignChildNodes() — Method in class NodeView

Prepares this view to render a list or tree of child nodes of the given node.

NodeView::assignNodeAndChildNodes() — Method in class NodeView

Prepares this view to render a list or tree of given node including child nodes.

NodeView::assignFilteredChildNodes() — Method in class NodeView

Prepares this view to render a list or tree of filtered nodes.

AssetTransformationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\TYPO3CR\Transformations

Convert serialized Assets to references.

$ ImageVariantTransformation#assetRepositoryProperty in class ImageVariantTransformation
AuthenticationProviderLabelViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Renders a label for the given authentication provider identifier

$ AuthenticationProviderLabelViewHelper#authenticationProviderSettingsProperty in class AuthenticationProviderLabelViewHelper
$ UserInitialsViewHelper#accountRepositoryProperty in class UserInitialsViewHelper
AbstractRenderingStateViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Rendering

Abstract ViewHelper for all Neos rendering state helpers.

FusionView::assign() — Method in class FusionView

Clear the cached runtime instance on assignment of variables

AssetJsonViewClass in namespace Neos\Neos\View\Service

A view specialised on a JSON representation of Assets.

AfxTemplateGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\SiteKickstarter\Generator

Service to generate site packages


NodeData::buildDimensionValues() — Method in class NodeData

Build a cached array of dimension values and a hash to search for it.

NodeType::buildFullConfiguration() — Method in class NodeType

Builds the full configuration by merging configuration from the supertypes into the local configuration.

$ Workspace#baseWorkspaceProperty in class Workspace

Workspace (if any) this workspace is based on.

NodeDataRepository::buildQueryBuilderForRelationMap() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Returns a query builder for a query on node data using the given relation map.

ContextFactory::buildContextInstance() — Method in class ContextFactory

Creates the actual Context instance.

NodeFilter::buildFilterConjunction() — Method in class NodeFilter
NodeTransformation::buildTransformationConjunction() — Method in class NodeTransformation
NodeTransformation::buildTransformationObject() — Method in class NodeTransformation

Builds a transformation object from the given configuration.

Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

AbstractNodePrivilege::buildCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractNodePrivilege
AbstractNodePrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class AbstractNodePrivilege
CreateNodePrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class CreateNodePrivilege
EditNodePrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class EditNodePrivilege

This is the pointcut expression for all methods to intercept. It targets all public methods that could change the outer state of a node.

EditNodePropertyPrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class EditNodePropertyPrivilege
ReadNodePropertyPrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class ReadNodePropertyPrivilege
RemoveNodePrivilege::buildMethodPrivilegeMatcher() — Method in class RemoveNodePrivilege
NodePublishingDependencySolver::buildNodeDependencies() — Method in class NodePublishingDependencySolver

Prepare dependencies for the given list of nodes

Utility::buildAutoCreatedChildNodeIdentifier() — Method in class Utility

Generate a stable identifier for auto-created child nodes

PaginateController::buildPagination() — Method in class PaginateController

Returns an array with the keys "pages", "current", "numberOfPages", "nextPage" & "previousPage"

RuntimeContentCache::buildCacheIdentifierValues() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Builds an array of additional key / values which must go into the calculation of the cache entry identifier for a cached content segment.

RuntimeContentCache::buildCacheTags() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Builds an array of string which must be used as tags for the cache entry identifier of a specific cached content segment.

BubblingHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\ExceptionHandlers

Wrap the exception to retain the fusion path at which it was originally thrown

Parser::buildPrototypeHierarchy() — Method in class Parser

Precalculate merged configuration for inherited prototypes.

BaseUriHelperClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Eel

This is a purely internal helper to provide baseUris for Caching.

$ BaseUriHelper#baseUriProviderProperty in class BaseUriHelper
Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

$ AssetCollectionController#browserStateProperty in class AssetCollectionController
$ AssetController#browserStateProperty in class AssetController
$ TagController#browserStateProperty in class TagController
BrowserStateClass in namespace Neos\Media\Browser\Domain\Session

A container for the state the media browser is in.

PaginateController::buildPagination() — Method in class PaginateController

Returns an array with the keys "pages", "current", "numberOfPages", "nextPage" & "previousPage"

$ NeosAssetSource#bootstrapProperty in class NeosAssetSource
BoxClass in namespace Neos\Media\Imagine
Package::boot() — Method in class Package
AssetInterfaceConverter::buildObject() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Builds a new instance of $objectType with the given $possibleConstructorArgumentValues.

BackendUserTranslationTraitClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller

A trait to add backend translation based on the backend users settings

BackendControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Backend

The Neos Backend controller

$ BackendController#backendRedirectionServiceProperty in class BackendController
MenuHelper::buildSiteList() — Method in class MenuHelper

Build a list of sites

MenuHelper::buildModuleList() — Method in class MenuHelper
$ LoginController#backendRedirectionServiceProperty in class LoginController
$ DomainRepository#bootstrapProperty in class DomainRepository
ContentContextFactory::buildContextInstance() — Method in class ContentContextFactory

Creates the actual Context instance.

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeNodeCreate() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Emit a "Node Added" event

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeNodePropertyChange() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Emit an event when node properties have been changed

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeNodePublishing() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeNodeCopy() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Emits a "Node Copy" event

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeNodeMove() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Emits a "Node Move" event

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::beforeAdoptNode() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService

Emits a "Node Adopt" event

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::buildItems() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Builds the array of menu items containing those items which match the configuration set for this Menu object.

DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::buildItems() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation

Builds the array of Menu items for this variant menu

MenuItemsImplementation::buildItems() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Builds the array of menu items containing those items which match the configuration set for this Menu object.

MenuItemsImplementation::buildMenuLevelRecursive() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation
MenuItemsImplementation::buildMenuItemRecursive() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Prepare the menu item with state and sub items if this isn't the last menu level.

PluginImplementation::buildPluginRequest() — Method in class PluginImplementation

Build the pluginRequest object

PluginViewImplementation::buildPluginRequest() — Method in class PluginViewImplementation

Build the proper pluginRequest to render the PluginView of some configured Master Plugin

Package::boot() — Method in class Package
BackendModuleRoutePartHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Routing

A route part handler for finding nodes specifically in the website's frontend.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::buildUriConstraintsForResolvedNode() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Builds UriConstraints for the given $node with:

  • domain specific constraints for nodes in a different Neos site
  • a path suffix corresponding to the configured "uriPathSuffix"
FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::buildContextFromRequestPath() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Creates a content context from the given request path, considering possibly mentioned content dimension values.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::buildContextFromPath() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Creates a content context from the given "context path", i.e. a string used for resolving (not matching) a node.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::buildContextFromWorkspaceName() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::buildContextFromWorkspaceNameAndDimensions() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Sets context properties like "invisibleContentShown" according to the workspace (live or not) and returns a ContentContext object.

BackendRedirectionServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service
$ IconNameMappingService#backwardsCompatibilityMappingProperty in class IconNameMappingService
$ IconNameMappingService#brandIconsProperty in class IconNameMappingService
$ LinkingService#baseUriProviderProperty in class LinkingService
BackendAssetsUtilityClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Utility

A collection of helper methods for the Neos backend assets

$ CssBuiltVersionViewHelper#backendAssetsUtilityProperty in class CssBuiltVersionViewHelper
$ JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper#bootstrapProperty in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
$ JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper#backendAssetsUtilityProperty in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
$ ShouldLoadMinifiedJavascriptViewHelper#backendAssetsUtilityProperty in class ShouldLoadMinifiedJavascriptViewHelper
$ FusionExceptionView#bootstrapProperty in class FusionExceptionView


$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#contentDimensionCombinatorProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
NodeCommandControllerPlugin::createMissingChildNodes() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Performs checks for missing child nodes according to the node's auto-create configuration and creates them if necessary.

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::createChildNodesByNodeType() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Create missing child nodes for the given node type

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::createContext() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Creates a content context for given workspace

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::collectNodesWithInvalidDimensions() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Collects all nodes of the given node type which have dimension values not fitting to the current dimension configuration.

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::collectNodesWithInvalidWorkspace() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Collects all nodes of the given node type which refer to an invalid workspace configuration.

ContentStreamIdentifierClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\ContentStream

The ContentStreamIdentifier is the identifier for a Content Stream, which is a central concept in the Event-Sourced CR introduced with Neos 5.0.

ContentStreamIdentifier::create() — Method in class ContentStreamIdentifier
$ NodeFactory#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeFactory
NodeFactory::createFromNodeData() — Method in class NodeFactory

Creates a node from the given NodeData container.

NodeFactory::createContextMatchingNodeData() — Method in class NodeFactory

Generates a Context that exactly fits the given NodeData Workspace and Dimensions.

$ AbstractNodeData#contentObjectProxyProperty in class AbstractNodeData

An optional object which is used as a content container alternative to $properties

$ AbstractNodeData#creationDateTimeProperty in class AbstractNodeData
ContentDimensionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model

A content dimension for nodes

ContentObjectProxyClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model

A Content Object Proxy object to connect domain models to nodes

$ ContentObjectProxy#contentObjectProperty in class ContentObjectProxy
ContentSubgraphClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\InterDimension

The content subgraph domain model

InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::createContentSubgraph() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::connectSubgraphs() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::calculateFallbackWeight() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
ContentDimensionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\IntraDimension

The content dimension domain model

ContentDimension::createValue() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimensionValueClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\IntraDimension

The content dimension value domain model

ContentDimensionValue::calculateFallbackDepth() — Method in class ContentDimensionValue
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::createDimension() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
$ Node#contextProperty in class Node
$ Node#contextFactoryProperty in class Node
Node::createNodeForVariant() — Method in class Node

Create a node for the given NodeData, given that it is a variant of the current node

Node::copyBefore() — Method in class Node

Copies this node before the given node

Node::copyAfter() — Method in class Node

Copies this node after the given node

Node::copyInto() — Method in class Node

Copies this node into the given node

Node::copyIntoInternal() — Method in class Node

Internal method to do the actual copying.

Node::createNode() — Method in class Node

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node. Also sets default properties and creates default subnodes.

Node::createSingleNode() — Method in class Node

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node, without setting default properties or creating subnodes. Only used internally.

Node::createNodeFromTemplate() — Method in class Node

Creates and persists a node from the given $nodeTemplate as child node

Node::createRecursiveCopy() — Method in class Node

Create a recursive copy of this node below $referenceNode with $nodeName.

Node::createVariantForContext() — Method in class Node

Given a context a new node is returned that is like this node, but lives in the new context.

Node::countChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Returns the number of direct child nodes of this node from its subgraph.

$ NodeData#contentObjectProxyProperty in class NodeData

Optional proxy for a content object which acts as an alternative property container

NodeData::createNodeData() — Method in class NodeData

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node. Also sets default properties and creates default subnodes.

NodeData::createSingleNodeData() — Method in class NodeData

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node, without setting default properties or creating subnodes.

NodeData::createNodeDataFromTemplate() — Method in class NodeData

Creates and persists a node from the given $nodeTemplate as child node

NodeData::createShadow() — Method in class NodeData

Create a shadow NodeData at the given path with the same workspace and dimensions as this

NodeData::calculatePathHash() — Method in class NodeData

Calculates the hash corresponding to the path of this instance.

NodeData::calculateParentPathHash() — Method in class NodeData

Calculates the hash corresponding to the dimensions and their values for this instance.

NodeInterface::createNode() — Method in class NodeInterface

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node. Also sets default properties and creates default subnodes.

NodeInterface::createSingleNode() — Method in class NodeInterface

Creates, adds and returns a child node of this node, without setting default properties or creating subnodes.

NodeInterface::createNodeFromTemplate() — Method in class NodeInterface

Creates and persists a node from the given $nodeTemplate as child node

NodeInterface::copyBefore() — Method in class NodeInterface

Copies this node before the given node

NodeInterface::copyAfter() — Method in class NodeInterface

Copies this node after the given node

NodeInterface::copyInto() — Method in class NodeInterface

Copies this node to below the given node. The new node will be added behind any existing sub nodes of the given node.

NodeInterface::createVariantForContext() — Method in class NodeInterface

Given a context a new node is returned that is like this node, but lives in the new context.

NodeAggregateIdentifier::create() — Method in class NodeAggregateIdentifier
TraversableNodeInterface::countChildNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Returns the number of direct child nodes of this node from its subgraph.

TraversableNodes::count() — Method in class TraversableNodes
ContentDimensionRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Repository

A repository for access to available content dimensions (from configuration)

NodeDataRepository::countByParentAndNodeType() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Counts nodes by its parent and (optionally) by its node type.

NodeDataRepository::countByWorkspace() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Counts the number of nodes within the specified workspace

NodeDataRepository::createQueryBuilder() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
NodeDataRepository::collectWorkspaceAndAllBaseWorkspaces() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Returns an array that contains the given workspace and all base (parent) workspaces of it.

$ FirstLevelNodeCache#childNodesByPathAndNodeTypeFilterProperty in class FirstLevelNodeCache
ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSourceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service

A Dimension Preset Source that gets presets from settings

$ ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource#configurationProperty in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Dimension presets configuration indexed by dimension name, see ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::comparePresetsForTargetValue() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Compares the given $possibleBetterPreset to the $targetValues (based on the position of the contained values) and returns either $possibleBetterPreset or the $currentBestPreset, depending on the result.

ContentDimensionCombinatorClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service

Generates dimension combinations.

$ ContentDimensionCombinator#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class ContentDimensionCombinator
ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service

An interface for a Content Dimension Preset source

ContextClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service
$ Context#contextFactoryProperty in class Context
$ Context#currentDateTimeProperty in class Context
ContextFactoryClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service

The ContextFactory makes sure you don't create context instances with the same properties twice. Calling create() with the same parameters a second time will return the same Context instance again.

$ ContextFactory#contextInstancesProperty in class ContextFactory
$ ContextFactory#contextImplementationProperty in class ContextFactory

The context implementation this factory will create

$ ContextFactory#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class ContextFactory
ContextFactory::create() — Method in class ContextFactory

Create the context from the given properties. If a context with those properties was already created before then the existing one is returned.

ContextFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service

ContextFactory Interface

ContextFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class ContextFactoryInterface

Create the context from the given properties. If a context with those properties was already created before then the existing one is returned.

NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult::createForNode() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult
NodeImportService::convertElementToValue() — Method in class NodeImportService

Convert an element to the value it represents.

$ NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService#contentDimensionCombinatorProperty in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService
$ NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService
$ NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService
NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService::checkIntegrityForDocumentNodeMove() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService
$ NodeService#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeService
NodeService::createChildNodes() — Method in class NodeService

Creates missing child nodes for the given node.

NodeService::cleanUpAutoCreatedChildNodes() — Method in class NodeService

Removes all auto created child nodes that existed in the previous nodeType.

NodeService::cleanUpProperties() — Method in class NodeService

Remove all properties not configured in the current Node Type.

NodeServiceInterface::createChildNodes() — Method in class NodeServiceInterface

Creates missing child nodes for the given node.

NodeServiceInterface::cleanUpProperties() — Method in class NodeServiceInterface

Removes all properties not configured in the current Node Type.

NodeServiceInterface::cleanUpAutoCreatedChildNodes() — Method in class NodeServiceInterface

Removes all auto created child nodes that existed in the previous nodeType.

$ NodeTypeManager#cachedNodeTypesProperty in class NodeTypeManager

Node types, indexed by name

$ NodeTypeManager#cachedSubNodeTypesProperty in class NodeTypeManager

Node types, indexed by supertype (also including abstract node types)

$ NodeTypeManager#configurationManagerProperty in class NodeTypeManager
NodeTypeManager::createNodeType() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Creates a new node type

$ PublishingService#contextFactoryProperty in class PublishingService
$ PublishingService#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class PublishingService
PublishingService::createContext() — Method in class PublishingService

Creates a new content context based on the given workspace and the NodeData object.

CacheLifetimeOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

"cacheLifetime" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. Will get the minimum of all allowed cache lifetimes for the nodes in the current FlowQuery context. This means it will evaluate to the nearest future value of the hiddenBeforeDateTime or hiddenAfterDateTime properties of all nodes in the context. If none are set or all values are in the past it will evaluate to NULL.

CacheLifetimeOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class CacheLifetimeOperation
ChildrenOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

"children" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. It iterates over all context elements and returns all child nodes or only those matching the filter expression specified as optional argument.

ChildrenOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ChildrenOperation
ClosestOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

"closest" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. For each node in the context, get the first node that matches the selector by testing the node itself and traversing up through its ancestors.

ClosestOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ClosestOperation
ContextOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

"context" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. Modifies the ContentRepository Context of each node in the current FlowQuery context by the given properties and returns the same nodes by identifier if they can be accessed in the new Context (otherwise they will be skipped).

$ ContextOperation#contextFactoryProperty in class ContextOperation
ContextOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ContextOperation
FilterOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class FilterOperation
FindOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class FindOperation
HasOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class HasOperation
NextAllOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class NextAllOperation
NextOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class NextOperation
NextUntilOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class NextUntilOperation
ParentOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ParentOperation
ParentsOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ParentsOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
PrevAllOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class PrevAllOperation
PrevOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class PrevOperation
PrevUntilOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class PrevUntilOperation
PropertyOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class PropertyOperation
SiblingsOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class SiblingsOperation
ContentContextExceptionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Exception

A content context exception

$ NodeCommandController#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeCommandController
ConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Configuration

Abstract Migration Configuration as a base for different configuration sources.

ConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Configuration

Interface for Migration Configurations to allow different configuration sources.

$ MigrationConfiguration#commentsProperty in class MigrationConfiguration
$ DimensionValues#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class DimensionValues
NodeFilter::constructFilterObject() — Method in class NodeFilter
$ NodeMigration#configurationProperty in class NodeMigration

Migration configuration

$ AddDimensions#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class AddDimensions
ChangeNodeTypeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations

Change the node type.

ChangePropertyValueClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Transformations

Change the value of a given property.

$ ChangePropertyValue#currentValuePlaceholderProperty in class ChangePropertyValue

Placeholder for the current property value to be inserted in newValue.

$ RenameDimension#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class RenameDimension
$ SetDimensions#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class SetDimensions
CreateNodePrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

A privilege to restrict node creation

CreateNodePrivilegeContextClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

An Eel context matching expression for the CreateNodePrivilege

$ CreateNodePrivilegeContext#creationNodeTypesProperty in class CreateNodePrivilegeContext
CreateNodePrivilegeContext::createdNodeIsOfType() — Method in class CreateNodePrivilegeContext
CreateNodePrivilegeSubjectClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

A create node privilege subject

$ CreateNodePrivilegeSubject#creationNodeTypeProperty in class CreateNodePrivilegeSubject
ConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node\Doctrine

A SQL condition generator, supporting special SQL constraints for nodes.

$ ConditionGenerator#contextFactoryProperty in class ConditionGenerator
$ NodePrivilegeContext#contextFactoryProperty in class NodePrivilegeContext
$ NodePrivilegeContext#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class NodePrivilegeContext
TransientNodeCache::cache() — Method in class TransientNodeCache
$ FallbackGraphService#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class FallbackGraphService
$ NodeConverter#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeConverter
NodeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class NodeConverter

Converts the specified $source into a Node.

NodeSerializer::convertFrom() — Method in class NodeSerializer
NodeTemplateConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class NodeTemplateConverter

Converts the specified node path into a Node.

$ PaginateController#configurationProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#currentPageProperty in class PaginateController
PaginateController::calculateDisplayRange() — Method in class PaginateController

If a certain number of links should be displayed, adjust before and after amounts accordingly.

$ PaginateViewHelper#controllerProperty in class PaginateViewHelper
CommentClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Parser\Expression

Class Expression

$ Lexer#currentCharacterProperty in class Lexer

The currently focused character

$ Lexer#characterPositionProperty in class Lexer

The current character position

Lexer::consume() — Method in class Lexer

Returns the current character and moves one step forward

AfxService::convertAfxToFusion() — Method in class AfxService
FusionCachingAspect::cacheGetMergedFusionObjectTree() — Method in class FusionCachingAspect
CacheSegmentParserClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\Cache

A parser which extracts cache segments by searching for start and end markers in the given content.

$ CacheSegmentParser#cacheSegmentsProperty in class CacheSegmentParser
$ CacheSegmentParser#contentProperty in class CacheSegmentParser
CacheSegmentParser::calculateCurrentPosition() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser

Calculates a position assuming that the given position is a token followed by the random cache marker

CacheSegmentParser::calculateNextTokenPosition() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser

Find the next position of the given token (one of the ContentCache::CACHESEGMENT*_TOKEN constants) in the parsed content.

ContentCacheClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\Cache

A wrapper around a Neos Flow cache which provides additional functionality for caching partial content (segments) rendered by the Fusion Runtime.

$ ContentCache#cacheProperty in class ContentCache
ContentCache::createCacheSegment() — Method in class ContentCache

Takes the given content and adds markers for later use as a cached content segment.

ContentCache::createUncachedSegment() — Method in class ContentCache

Similar to createCacheSegment() creates a content segment with markers added, but in contrast to that function this method is used for rendering a segment which is not supposed to be cached.

ContentCache::createDynamicCachedSegment() — Method in class ContentCache

Similar to createUncachedSegment() creates a content segment with markers added, but in contrast to that function this method is used for rendering a segment which will be evaluated at runtime but can still be cached.

$ RuntimeContentCache#cacheMetadataProperty in class RuntimeContentCache

Stack of cached segment metadata (lifetime)

$ RuntimeContentCache#contentCacheProperty in class RuntimeContentCache
DslFactory::create() — Method in class DslFactory
ContextDependentHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\ExceptionHandlers

A special exception handler that is used on the outer path to catch all unhandled exceptions and uses other exception handlers depending on the context.

$ Parser#currentLineNumberProperty in class Parser

The line number which is currently processed

$ Parser#currentSourceCodeLinesProperty in class Parser

An array of strings of the source code which has

$ Parser#currentObjectPathStackProperty in class Parser

The current object path context as defined by confinements.

$ Parser#currentBlockCommentStateProperty in class Parser

Determines if a block comment is currently active or not.

$ Parser#contextPathAndFilenameProperty in class Parser

An optional context path which is used as a prefix for inclusion of further Fusion files

$ Runtime#contextStackProperty in class Runtime

Stack of evaluated "@context" values

$ Runtime#currentContextProperty in class Runtime

Reference to the current context

$ Runtime#currentApplyValuesProperty in class Runtime

Reference to the current apply value

$ Runtime#controllerContextProperty in class Runtime
Runtime::canRender() — Method in class Runtime

Determine if the given Fusion path is renderable, which means it exists and has an implementation.

RuntimeFactory::create() — Method in class RuntimeFactory
RuntimeFactory::createControllerContextFromEnvironment() — Method in class RuntimeFactory
CacheExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Exception

This exception is thrown for errors related to the Content Cache

CanRenderImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

CanRender Fusion-Object

CaseImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Case Fusion Object

CollectionImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Render a Fusion collection of nodes

ComponentImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

A Fusion Component-Object

FusionPathProxy::count() — Method in class FusionPathProxy
LazyProps::current() — Method in class LazyProps
$ HttpResponseImplementation#contentStreamFactoryProperty in class HttpResponseImplementation
AssetCollectionController::createAction() — Method in class AssetCollectionController
AssetController::createAction() — Method in class AssetController

Create a new asset

AssetController::createTagAction() — Method in class AssetController
AssetController::createAssetCollectionAction() — Method in class AssetController
TagController::createAction() — Method in class TagController
$ UsageController#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class UsageController
$ PaginateController#configurationProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#currentPageProperty in class PaginateController
PaginateController::calculateDisplayRange() — Method in class PaginateController

If a certain number of links should be displayed, adjust before and after amounts accordingly.

$ PaginateViewHelper#controllerProperty in class PaginateViewHelper
MediaCommandController::createThumbnailsCommand() — Method in class MediaCommandController

Create thumbnails

MediaCommandController::clearThumbnailsCommand() — Method in class MediaCommandController

Remove thumbnails

$ ImageEventListener#cacheManagerProperty in class ImageEventListener
CropImageAdjustmentClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Adjustment

An adjustment for cropping an image

CropImageAdjustment::calculateDimensionsByAspectRatio() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Calculates the actual position and dimensions of the cropping area based on the given image dimensions and desired aspect ratio.

CropImageAdjustment::canBeApplied() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Check if this Adjustment can or should be applied to its ImageVariant.

ImageAdjustmentInterface::canBeApplied() — Method in class ImageAdjustmentInterface

Check if this Adjustment can or should be applied to its ImageVariant.

QualityImageAdjustment::canBeApplied() — Method in class QualityImageAdjustment

Check if this Adjustment can or should be applied to its ImageVariant.

ResizeImageAdjustment::canBeApplied() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Check if this Adjustment can or should be applied to its ImageVariant.

ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateDimensions() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Calculates and returns the dimensions the image should have according all parameters set in this adjustment.

ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateWithFixedDimensions() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment
ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateOutboundBox() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Calculate the final dimensions for an outbound box. usually exactly the requested width and height unless that would require upscaling and it is not allowed.

ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateScalingToWidth() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Calculates new dimensions with a requested width applied. Takes upscaling into consideration.

ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateScalingToHeight() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Calculates new dimensions with a requested height applied. Takes upscaling into consideration.

ResizeImageAdjustment::calculateOutboundScalingDimensions() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Calculates a resize dimension box that allows for outbound resize.

$ Asset#captionProperty in class Asset
$ Asset#copyrightNoticeProperty in class Asset
AssetProxyQueryInterface::count() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryInterface
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::countAll() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface

Count all assets, regardless of tag or collection

AssetSourceInterface::createFromConfiguration() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface

This factory method is used instead of a constructor in order to not dictate a __construct() signature in this interface (which might conflict with an asset source's implementation or generated Flow proxy class).

NeosAssetProxyQuery::count() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQuery
NeosAssetProxyQueryResult::current() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQueryResult
NeosAssetProxyQueryResult::count() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQueryResult
NeosAssetProxyRepository::countAll() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetProxyRepository::countUntagged() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetSource::createFromConfiguration() — Method in class NeosAssetSource
SupportsTaggingInterface::countUntagged() — Method in class SupportsTaggingInterface
AssetConstraints::create() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Create an empty instance (without any active constraints)

Image::calculateDimensionsFromResource() — Method in class Image

Calculates and sets the width and height of this Image asset based on the given PersistentResource.

$ Tag#childrenProperty in class Tag
$ Thumbnail#configurationProperty in class Thumbnail
$ Thumbnail#configurationHashProperty in class Thumbnail
AbstractThumbnailGenerator::canRefresh() — Method in class AbstractThumbnailGenerator
DocumentThumbnailGenerator::canRefresh() — Method in class DocumentThumbnailGenerator
FontDocumentThumbnailGenerator::canRefresh() — Method in class FontDocumentThumbnailGenerator
ImageThumbnailGenerator::canRefresh() — Method in class ImageThumbnailGenerator
ThumbnailGeneratorInterface::canRefresh() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratorInterface
AssetRepository::countByTag() — Method in class AssetRepository

Counts Assets with the given Tag assigned

AssetRepository::countAll() — Method in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::countUntagged() — Method in class AssetRepository

Counts Assets without any tag

AssetRepository::countByAssetCollection() — Method in class AssetRepository

Count assets by asset collection

ThumbnailRepository::countUngenerated() — Method in class ThumbnailRepository

Count ungenerated objects

AssetVariantGenerator::createVariants() — Method in class AssetVariantGenerator
AssetVariantGenerator::createVariant() — Method in class AssetVariantGenerator
AssetVariantGenerator::createAssetVariant() — Method in class AssetVariantGenerator
$ FileTypeIconService#cacheProperty in class FileTypeIconService
ThumbnailGenerator::createThumbnails() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator
ConfigurationAssetModelMappingStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Strategy

A mapping strategy based on configured expressions.

Box::contains() — Method in class Box
$ AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator#collectionTitleOrIdentifierProperty in class AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator
ArrayConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class ArrayConverter
ArrayConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ArrayConverter

Convert an object from $source to an array

AspectRatioFromStringConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class AspectRatioFromStringConverter

Convert From

AssetCollectionToArrayConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class AssetCollectionToArrayConverter
AssetCollectionToArrayConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class AssetCollectionToArrayConverter

Convert an object from $source to an array

AssetInterfaceConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

If $source has an identity, we have a persisted Image, and therefore this type converter should withdraw and let the PersistedObjectConverter kick in.

AssetInterfaceConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Convert an object from $source to an \Neos\Media\Domain\Model\AssetInterface implementation

ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter

If $source has an identity, we have a persisted Image, and therefore this type converter should withdraw and let the PersistedObjectConverter kick in.

ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter::convertFrom() — Method in class ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter

Convert an object from \Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface to a json representation

ImageInterfaceJsonSerializer::convertFrom() — Method in class ImageInterfaceJsonSerializer

Convert an object from \Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface to a json representation.

ProcessingInstructionsConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ProcessingInstructionsConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

TagConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class TagConverter

Convert an object from $source to an \Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Tag implementation

TagToArrayConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class TagToArrayConverter
TagToArrayConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class TagToArrayConverter

Convert an object from $source to an array

CheckboxViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Media\ViewHelpers\Form

View Helper which creates a simple checkbox ().

FusionCachingAspect::cacheGetMergedFusionObjectTree() — Method in class FusionCachingAspect
SiteRepositoryCachingAspect::cacheFirstOnlineSite() — Method in class SiteRepositoryCachingAspect
SiteRepositoryCachingAspect::cacheDomainForActiveRequest() — Method in class SiteRepositoryCachingAspect
$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
NodeCommandControllerPlugin::createMissingSitesNode() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Creates the /sites node if it is missing.

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::createContext() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Creates a content context for given workspace and language identifiers

SiteCommandController::createCommand() — Method in class SiteCommandController

Create a new site

UserCommandController::createCommand() — Method in class UserCommandController

Create a new user

WorkspaceCommandController::createCommand() — Method in class WorkspaceCommandController

Create a new workspace

$ BackendController#currentSessionProperty in class BackendController
ContentControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Backend

The Neos ContentModule controller; providing backend functionality for the Content Module.

ContentController::createImageVariantAction() — Method in class ContentController

Generate a new image variant from given data.

MenuHelper::collectModuleData() — Method in class MenuHelper
CreateContentContextTraitClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller

A trait to add create a content context

CreateContentContextTrait::createContentContext() — Method in class CreateContentContextTrait

Create a ContentContext based on the given workspace name

CreateContentContextTrait::createContextMatchingNodeData() — Method in class CreateContentContextTrait

Generates a Context that exactly fits the given NodeData Workspace, Dimensions & Site.

$ NodeController#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeController
ConfigurationControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Module\Administration

The Neos Configuration module controller

$ ConfigurationController#configurationManagerProperty in class ConfigurationController
$ ConfigurationController#configurationSchemaValidatorProperty in class ConfigurationController
SitesController::createSitePackageAction() — Method in class SitesController

Create a new site-package and directly import it.

SitesController::createSiteNodeAction() — Method in class SitesController

Create a new empty site.

SitesController::createDomainAction() — Method in class SitesController

Create a domain

$ UsersController#currentUserProperty in class UsersController
UsersController::createAction() — Method in class UsersController

Create a new user

UsersController::createElectronicAddressAction() — Method in class UsersController

Create an new electronic address

$ WorkspacesController#contextFactoryProperty in class WorkspacesController
$ WorkspacesController#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class WorkspacesController
WorkspacesController::createAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Create a workspace

WorkspacesController::computeChangesCount() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Computes the number of added, changed and removed nodes for the given workspace

WorkspacesController::computeSiteChanges() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Builds an array of changes for sites in the given workspace

$ UserSettingsController#currentUserProperty in class UserSettingsController
UserSettingsController::createElectronicAddressAction() — Method in class UserSettingsController

Create an new electronic address

ContentDimensionsControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Service

REST service controller for managing content dimensions

$ ContentDimensionsController#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class ContentDimensionsController
NodesController::createAction() — Method in class NodesController

Create a new node from an existing one

WorkspacesController::createAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Create a workspace

$ AccountPostEventListener#cacheManagerProperty in class AccountPostEventListener
$ PluginViewDefinition#configurationProperty in class PluginViewDefinition

Configuration for this node type, can be an arbitrarily nested array.

UserInterfaceMode::createByConfiguration() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode

Creates an UserInterfaceMode object by configuration

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSourceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

A Dimension Preset Source that gets presets from settings

ContentContextClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

The Content Context

$ ContentContext#currentSiteProperty in class ContentContext
$ ContentContext#currentDomainProperty in class ContentContext
$ ContentContext#currentSiteNodeProperty in class ContentContext
ContentContextFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

ContentContextFactory which ensures contexts stay unique. Make sure to get ContextFactoryInterface injected instead of this class.

$ ContentContextFactory#contextImplementationProperty in class ContentContextFactory

The context implementation this factory will create

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

An interface for a Content Dimension Preset source

FusionService::createRuntime() — Method in class FusionService

Create a runtime for the given site node

$ SiteExportService#contextFactoryProperty in class SiteExportService
$ SiteImportService#contextFactoryProperty in class SiteImportService
UserService::createUser() — Method in class UserService

Creates a user based on the given information

UserService::currentUserCanPublishToWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Checks if the current user may publish to the given workspace according to one the roles of the user's accounts

UserService::currentUserCanReadWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Checks if the current user may read the given workspace according to one the roles of the user's accounts

UserService::currentUserCanManageWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Checks if the current user may manage the given workspace according to one the roles of the user's accounts

UserService::currentUserCanTransferOwnershipOfWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Checks if the current user may transfer ownership of the given workspace

UserService::currentUserIsAdministrator() — Method in class UserService
UserService::createPersonalWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Creates a personal workspace for the given user's account if it does not exist already.

ParentsOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ParentsOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
SortOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class SortOperation
$ Event#childEventsProperty in class Event

Child events, of this event

$ NodeEvent#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeEvent
$ EventEmittingService#currentUsernameProperty in class EventEmittingService
ContentRepositoryIntegrationServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Integrations

Monitors Neos.ContentRepository changes

$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#changedNodesProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#currentNodeAddEventsProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#currentlyCopyingProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#currentlyMovingProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#currentlyAdoptingProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
$ AbstractMenuItemsImplementation#currentNodeProperty in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation
$ AbstractMenuItemsImplementation#currentLevelProperty in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Internal cache for the currentLevel tsValue.

$ AbstractMenuItemsImplementation#currentNodeRootlineProperty in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Rootline of all nodes from the current node to the site root node, keys are depth of nodes.

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::calculateItemState() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Helper Method: Calculates the state of the given menu item (node) depending on the currentNode.

ContentCacheFlusherClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion\Cache

This service flushes Fusion content caches triggered by node changes.

$ ContentCacheFlusher#contentCacheProperty in class ContentCacheFlusher
$ ContentCacheFlusher#cachingHelperProperty in class ContentCacheFlusher
$ ContentCacheFlusher#contextFactoryProperty in class ContentCacheFlusher
$ ContentCacheFlusher#contextsProperty in class ContentCacheFlusher
ContentElementEditableImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion

Adds meta data attributes to the processed Property to enable in place editing

$ ContentElementEditableImplementation#contentElementEditableServiceProperty in class ContentElementEditableImplementation
ContentElementWrappingImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion

Adds meta data attributes to the processed Content Element

$ ContentElementWrappingImplementation#contentElementWrappingServiceProperty in class ContentElementWrappingImplementation
ConvertUrisImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion

A Fusion Object that converts link references in the format "://" to proper URIs

$ DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation#configurationContentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
$ DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation#contentDimensionCombinatorProperty in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::calculateTargetDimensionsForCombination() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation

Calculates the target dimensions for a given dimension combination.

$ NodeWrappingHandler#contentElementWrappingServiceProperty in class NodeWrappingHandler
$ PageHandler#contentElementWrappingServiceProperty in class PageHandler
CachingHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion\Helper

Caching helper to make cache tag generation easier.

CachingHelper::convertArrayOfNodesToArrayOfNodeIdentifiersWithPrefix() — Method in class CachingHelper

Render a caching configuration for array of Nodes

LinkHelper::convertUriToObject() — Method in class LinkHelper
$ RenderingHelper#contentDimensionsConfigurationProperty in class RenderingHelper
MenuItemsImplementation::calculateNodeDepthFromRelativeLevel() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Calculates an absolute depth value for a relative level given.

CreationDialogPostprocessorClass in namespace Neos\Neos\NodeTypePostprocessor

Node Type post processor that looks for properties flagged with "showInCreationDialog" and sets the "creationDialog" configuration accordingly

$ NodeTypePresetPostprocessor#childNodePresetConfigurationProperty in class NodeTypePresetPostprocessor
$ PluginNodeTypePostprocessor#configurationManagerProperty in class PluginNodeTypePostprocessor
$ RouteCacheAspect#contextFactoryProperty in class RouteCacheAspect
RouteCacheFlusher::commit() — Method in class RouteCacheFlusher

Flush caches according to the previously registered node changes.

$ FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler#contextFactoryProperty in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
$ FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler#contentDimensionPresetSourceProperty in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::convertRequestPathToNode() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Returns the initialized node that is referenced by $requestPath, based on the node's "uriPathSegment" property.

NodeIdentityConverterAspect::convertNodeToContextPathForRouting() — Method in class NodeIdentityConverterAspect

Convert the object to its context path, if we deal with ContentRepository nodes.

$ BackendRedirectionService#contextFactoryProperty in class BackendRedirectionService
BackendRedirectionService::createContext() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService

Create a ContentContext to be used for the backend redirects.

BackendRedirectionService::createWorkspaceAndRootNodeIfNecessary() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService

If the specified workspace or its root node does not exist yet, the workspace and root node will be created.

ContentElementEditableServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service

The content element editable service adds the necessary markup around a content element such that it can be edited using the inline editing of the Neos Backend.

ContentElementWrappingServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service

The content element wrapping service adds the necessary markup around a content element such that it can be edited using the Content Module of the Neos Backend.

ContentElementWrappingService::collectEditingClassNames() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Collects CSS class names used for styling editable elements in the Neos backend.

AbstractServiceController::convertException() — Method in class AbstractServiceController
$ NodeController#contextFactoryProperty in class NodeController
NodeController::createAction() — Method in class NodeController

Creates a new node

NodeController::createAndRenderAction() — Method in class NodeController

Creates a new node and renders the node inside the containing content collection.

NodeController::createNodeForTheTreeAction() — Method in class NodeController

Creates a new node and returns tree structure

NodeController::copyAction() — Method in class NodeController

Copy $node before, into or after $targetNode

NodeController::copyAndRenderAction() — Method in class NodeController

Copies the given node before, into or after the target node depending on the given position and renders it's content collection.

NodeController::createContext() — Method in class NodeController

Create a Context for a workspace given by name to be used in this controller.

$ AbstractDataSource#controllerContextProperty in class AbstractDataSource
IconNameMappingService::convert() — Method in class IconNameMappingService
LinkingService::convertUriToObject() — Method in class LinkingService

Return the object the URI addresses or NULL.

LinkingService::createNodeUri() — Method in class LinkingService

Renders the URI to a given node instance or -path.

LinkingService::createSiteUri() — Method in class LinkingService
DateStringConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class DateStringConverter
NodePropertyConverterService::convertValue() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Convert the given value to a simple type or an array of simple types.

NodePropertyConverterService::createConfiguration() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Create a property mapping configuration for the given dataType to convert a Node property value from the given dataType to a simple type.

NodeReferenceConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class NodeReferenceConverter
NodeTypeStringConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class NodeTypeStringConverter
NodeOperations::create() — Method in class NodeOperations

Helper method for creating a new node.

NodeOperations::copy() — Method in class NodeOperations

Copy $node before, into or after $targetNode

$ PluginService#contentContextFactoryProperty in class PluginService
PublishingService::collectAllContentChildNodes() — Method in class PublishingService
$ VieSchemaBuilder#configurationProperty in class VieSchemaBuilder
NodeView::collectChildNodeData() — Method in class NodeView

Collect node data and traverse child nodes

NodeView::collectParentNodeData() — Method in class NodeView
NodeView::collectTreeNodeData() — Method in class NodeView
XliffService::collectPackageSources() — Method in class XliffService

Collect all sources found in the given package as array (key = source, value = true) If sourcesToBeIncluded is an array, only those sources are returned what match the wildcard-patterns in the array-values

EntityToIdentityConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class EntityToIdentityConverter

Check if the given object has an identity.

EntityToIdentityConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class EntityToIdentityConverter

Converts the given source object to an array containing the type and identity.

ChangeStatsViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Displays a text-based "bar graph" giving an indication of the amount and type of changes done to something. Created for use in workspace management.

ColorOfStringViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Generates a color code for a given string

ConfigurationCacheVersionViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

ViewHelper for rendering the current version identifier for the configuration cache.

$ ConfigurationCacheVersionViewHelper#configurationCacheProperty in class ConfigurationCacheVersionViewHelper
ConfigurationTreeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Render HTML markup for the full configuration tree in the Neos Administration -> Configuration Module.

CssBuiltVersionViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Returns a shortened md5 of the built CSS file

$ EditableViewHelper#contentElementEditableServiceProperty in class EditableViewHelper
$ WrapViewHelper#contentElementWrappingServiceProperty in class WrapViewHelper
ClosestDocumentViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Node

ViewHelper to find the closest document node to a given node

$ FusionExceptionView#contentContextFactoryProperty in class FusionExceptionView
FusionView::canRenderWithNodeAndPath() — Method in class FusionView

Is it possible to render $node with $his->fusionPath?

$ AfxTemplateGenerator#contentDimensionRepositoryProperty in class AfxTemplateGenerator


NodeCommandController::detectPlugins() — Method in class NodeCommandController

Detects plugins for this command controller

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::dispatch() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Trigger a custom event

$ ContentDimension#defaultProperty in class ContentDimension
$ ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator#defaultContextConfigurationProperty in class ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator
$ ContentSubgraph#dimensionValuesProperty in class ContentSubgraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::determineWeightNormalizationBase() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
$ ContentDimension#depthProperty in class ContentDimension
$ ContentDimensionValue#depthProperty in class ContentDimensionValue
$ IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph#dimensionsProperty in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
Node::dimensionsAreMatchingTargetDimensionValues() — Method in class Node

Internal method

$ NodeData#depthProperty in class NodeData

Level number within the global node tree

$ NodeData#dimensionsProperty in class NodeData
$ NodeData#dimensionsHashProperty in class NodeData

MD5 hash of the content dimensions The hash is generated in buildDimensionValues().

$ NodeData#dimensionValuesProperty in class NodeData
$ NodeType#declaredSuperTypesProperty in class NodeType

node types this node type directly inherits from

$ Workspace#descriptionProperty in class Workspace

An optional user-defined description

$ ContentDimensionRepository#dimensionsConfigurationProperty in class ContentDimensionRepository
$ NodeDataRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class NodeDataRepository
$ WorkspaceRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class WorkspaceRepository
$ Context#dimensionsProperty in class Context
NodeImportService::determineFormatVersion() — Method in class NodeImportService

Determines the ContentRepository format version of the given xml

PublishingService::discardNode() — Method in class PublishingService

Discards the given node.

PublishingService::doDiscardNode() — Method in class PublishingService

Method which does the actual work of discarding, includes a protection against endless recursions and multiple discarding of the same node.

PublishingService::discardNodes() — Method in class PublishingService

Discards the given nodes.

PublishingService::discardAllNodes() — Method in class PublishingService

Discards all unpublished nodes of the given workspace.

PublishingServiceInterface::discardNode() — Method in class PublishingServiceInterface

Discards the given node.

PublishingServiceInterface::discardNodes() — Method in class PublishingServiceInterface

Discards the given nodes.

PublishingServiceInterface::discardAllNodes() — Method in class PublishingServiceInterface

Discards all unpublished nodes of the given workspace.

$ Migration#downConfigurationProperty in class Migration
$ MigrationStatus#directionProperty in class MigrationStatus

Direction of this migration status, one of the DIRECTION_* constants.

$ MigrationStatusRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class MigrationStatusRepository
DimensionValuesClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Filters

Filter nodes by their dimensions.

$ DimensionValues#dimensionValuesProperty in class DimensionValues

The array of dimension values to filter for.

DoctrineFilterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Filters
$ AddDimensions#dimensionValuesProperty in class AddDimensions

If you omit a configured dimension this transformation will add the default value for that dimension.

$ SetDimensions#dimensionValuesProperty in class SetDimensions

If you omit a configured dimension this transformation will set the default value for that dimension.

FallbackGraphService::determineAffectedVariantSubgraphIdentifiers() — Method in class FallbackGraphService
FallbackGraphService::determineConnectedSubgraphIdentifiers() — Method in class FallbackGraphService
$ NodePublishingDependencySolver#dependenciesOutgoingProperty in class NodePublishingDependencySolver
$ NodePublishingDependencySolver#dependenciesIncomingProperty in class NodePublishingDependencySolver
$ PaginateController#displayRangeStartProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#displayRangeEndProperty in class PaginateController
DiffClass in namespace Neos\Diff

Class Diff

$ AbstractRenderer#diffProperty in class AbstractRenderer
$ AbstractRenderer#defaultOptionsProperty in class AbstractRenderer
$ HtmlArrayRenderer#defaultOptionsProperty in class HtmlArrayRenderer
DslFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core

This dsl factory takes care of instantiating a Fusion dsl transpilers.

$ DslFactory#dslSettingsProperty in class DslFactory
DslInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core

Contract for a Fusion DSL parser

$ Parser#dslFactoryProperty in class Parser
$ Runtime#defaultContextVariablesProperty in class Runtime

Default context with helper definitions

$ Runtime#debugModeProperty in class Runtime
DebugMessageClass in namespace Neos\Fusion

A DTO for transporting internal debugging messages

$ DebugMessage#dataProperty in class DebugMessage
DataStructureImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

Fusion object to render and array of key value pairs by evaluating all properties

DebugDumpImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

A Fusion object for dumping debugging fusion-values

DebugImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects

A Fusion object for debugging fusion-values

DebugStackClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Service
$ DebugStack#dataProperty in class DebugStack
DebugStack::dump() — Method in class DebugStack
AssetCollectionController::deleteAction() — Method in class AssetCollectionController
$ AssetController#domainRepositoryProperty in class AssetController
AssetController::deleteAction() — Method in class AssetController

Delete an asset

AssetController::deleteTagAction() — Method in class AssetController
AssetController::deleteAssetCollectionAction() — Method in class AssetController
TagController::deleteAction() — Method in class TagController
$ UsageController#domainUserServiceProperty in class UsageController
$ BrowserState#dataProperty in class BrowserState
$ PaginateController#displayRangeStartProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#displayRangeEndProperty in class PaginateController
$ MediaCommandController#dbalConnectionProperty in class MediaCommandController
$ NeosAssetSource#descriptionProperty in class NeosAssetSource
DimensionsTraitClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

Trait for methods regarding the dimensions of an asset

DocumentClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

A Document, e.g. PDF files, binaries, .

DocumentThumbnailGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ThumbnailGenerator

A system-generated preview version of a Document (PDF, AI and EPS)

$ AssetCollectionRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class AssetCollectionRepository
$ AssetRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class AssetRepository
DocumentRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Repository

A repository for Documents

$ TagRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class TagRepository
Variant::description() — Method in class Variant
$ AssetInterfaceConverter#defaultNewAssetTypeProperty in class AssetInterfaceConverter

If creating a new asset from this converter this defines the default type as fallback.

$ ImageInterfaceConverter#defaultNewAssetTypeProperty in class ImageInterfaceConverter

If creating a new asset from this converter this defines the default type as fallback.

$ ImageVariantConverter#defaultNewAssetTypeProperty in class ImageVariantConverter

If creating a new asset from this converter this defines the default type as fallback.

$ NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect#dataTypesDefaultConfigurationProperty in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect
$ SiteRepositoryCachingAspect#domainForActiveRequestProperty in class SiteRepositoryCachingAspect
DomainCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Command

Domain command controller for the Neos.Neos package

$ DomainCommandController#domainRepositoryProperty in class DomainCommandController
DomainCommandController::deleteCommand() — Method in class DomainCommandController

Delete a domain record by hostname (with globbing)

DomainCommandController::deactivateCommand() — Method in class DomainCommandController

Deactivate a domain record by hostname (with globbing)

$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#dimensionCombinatorProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
NodeCommandControllerPlugin::dispatch() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Trigger a custom event

SiteCommandController::deactivateCommand() — Method in class SiteCommandController

Deactivate a site (with globbing)

UserCommandController::deleteCommand() — Method in class UserCommandController

Delete a user (with globbing)

UserCommandController::deactivateCommand() — Method in class UserCommandController

Deactivate a user (with globbing)

WorkspaceCommandController::discardCommand() — Method in class WorkspaceCommandController

Discard changes in workspace

WorkspaceCommandController::deleteCommand() — Method in class WorkspaceCommandController

Deletes a workspace

$ ModuleController#dispatcherProperty in class ModuleController
DisabledModuleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Exception

A "Disabled Module" exception

$ NodeController#defaultViewObjectNameProperty in class NodeController
$ LoginController#defaultViewObjectNameProperty in class LoginController
$ LoginController#domainRepositoryProperty in class LoginController
DimensionControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller\Module\Administration

The Neos Dimension module controller

$ SitesController#domainRepositoryProperty in class SitesController
SitesController::deleteSiteAction() — Method in class SitesController

Delete a site.

SitesController::deactivateSiteAction() — Method in class SitesController

Deactivates a site

SitesController::deleteDomainAction() — Method in class SitesController

Deletes a domain attached to a site

SitesController::deactivateDomainAction() — Method in class SitesController

Deactivates a domain

UsersController::deleteAction() — Method in class UsersController

Delete the given user

UsersController::deleteElectronicAddressAction() — Method in class UsersController

Delete an electronic address action

$ HistoryController#defaultViewObjectNameProperty in class HistoryController
WorkspacesController::deleteAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Delete a workspace

WorkspacesController::discardNodeAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Discard a a single node

WorkspacesController::discardWorkspaceAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Discards content of the whole workspace

UserSettingsController::deleteElectronicAddressAction() — Method in class UserSettingsController

Delete an electronic address action

DomainClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Model

Domain Model of a Domain.

$ AssetUsageInNodeProperties#dimensionValuesProperty in class AssetUsageInNodeProperties
$ Site#domainsProperty in class Site
DomainRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository

The Site Repository

$ DomainRepository#domainMatchingStrategyProperty in class DomainRepository
$ DomainRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class DomainRepository
$ SiteRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class SiteRepository
$ SiteRepository#defaultSiteNodeNameProperty in class SiteRepository
$ ContentContextFactory#domainRepositoryProperty in class ContentContextFactory
DefaultPrototypeGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

Generate a Fusion prototype definition for a given node type

DomainMatchingStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

Strategy for matching domains

$ SiteImportService#dateTimeClassNamesProperty in class SiteImportService

An array that contains all fully qualified class names that extend \DateTime including \DateTime itself

$ SiteService#domainRepositoryProperty in class SiteService
$ UserInterfaceModeService#defaultEditPreviewModeProperty in class UserInterfaceModeService
$ UserService#defaultAuthenticationProviderNameProperty in class UserService

Might be configurable in the future, for now centralising this as a "constant"

UserService::deleteUser() — Method in class UserService

Deletes the specified user and all remaining content in his personal workspaces

UserService::deactivateUser() — Method in class UserService

Deactivates the given user

UserService::deletePersonalWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Removes all personal workspaces of the given user's account if these workspaces exist. Also removes all possibly existing content of these workspaces.

$ Event#dataProperty in class Event

Payload of the event.

$ EventsOnDate#dayProperty in class EventsOnDate
$ NodeEvent#documentNodeIdentifierProperty in class NodeEvent

the document node identifier on which the action took place. is equal to NodeIdentifier if the action happened on documentNodes

$ NodeEvent#dimensionProperty in class NodeEvent

the dimension values for that event

$ EventRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class EventRepository
EntityIntegrationService::dummyMethodToEnsureInstanceExists() — Method in class EntityIntegrationService

Dummy method which is called in a prePersist signal. If we remove that, this object is never instantiated and thus cannot hook into the Doctrine EntityManager.

DimensionsMenuItemsImplementationClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Fusion

Fusion implementation for a dimensions menu items.

CachingHelper::descendantOfTag() — Method in class CachingHelper

Generate a @cache entry tag for descendants of a node, an array of nodes or a FlowQuery result A cache entry with this tag will be flushed whenever a node (for any variant) that is a descendant (child on any level) of one of the given nodes is updated.

$ PluginImplementation#dispatcherProperty in class PluginImplementation
$ PluginImplementation#documentNodeProperty in class PluginImplementation
$ CreationDialogPostprocessor#dataTypesDefaultConfigurationProperty in class CreationDialogPostprocessor
DefaultPropertyEditorPostprocessorClass in namespace Neos\Neos\NodeTypePostprocessor

Add default editor configurations for properties based on type and editor

$ DefaultPropertyEditorPostprocessor#dataTypesDefaultConfigurationProperty in class DefaultPropertyEditorPostprocessor
$ IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph#dimensionsProperty in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
$ FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler#domainRepositoryProperty in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
$ BackendRedirectionService#domainRepositoryProperty in class BackendRedirectionService
BackendRedirectionService::determineStartModule() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService
ContentElementWrappingService::dasherize() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingService

Converts camelCased strings to lower cased and non-camel-cased strings

DataSourceControllerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service\Controller

Data Source Controller

$ NodeController#domainRepositoryProperty in class NodeController
NodeController::deleteAction() — Method in class NodeController

Deletes the specified node and all of its sub nodes

$ WorkspaceController#defaultViewObjectNameProperty in class WorkspaceController
WorkspaceController::discardNodeAction() — Method in class WorkspaceController

Discards the given node

WorkspaceController::discardNodesAction() — Method in class WorkspaceController

Discards the given nodes

WorkspaceController::discardAllAction() — Method in class WorkspaceController

Discard everything in the workspace with the given workspace name

DataSourceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource

Data source interface for providing generic data

DateStringConverterClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Service\Mapping

Converts a Date to a JavaScript compatible representation, meaning also to convert it to UTC timezone.

PublishingService::discardNode() — Method in class PublishingService

Discards the given node from its workspace.

PublishingService::discardNodes() — Method in class PublishingService

Discards the given nodes.

$ UserService#defaultLanguageIdentifierProperty in class UserService
$ NodeConverter#domainRepositoryProperty in class NodeConverter
DocumentBreadcrumbPathViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend

Render a bread crumb path by using the labels of documents leading to the given node path

$ JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper#domainRepositoryProperty in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
$ UserInitialsViewHelper#domainUserServiceProperty in class UserInitialsViewHelper
$ FusionExceptionView#domainRepositoryProperty in class FusionExceptionView


EventDispatchingNodeCommandControllerPluginInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Command

An interface for plugins for the NodeCommandController that dispatches events

$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#entityManagerProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin
$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#eventCallbacksProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Callbacks to be invoked when an event is triggered

ContentStreamIdentifier::equals() — Method in class ContentStreamIdentifier
NodePath::equals() — Method in class NodePath
AbstractNodeData::ensurePropertiesIsNeverNull() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Make sure the properties are always an array.

ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model

The expression based node label generator that is used as default if a label expression is configured.

$ ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator#eelEvaluatorProperty in class ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator
$ ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator#expressionProperty in class ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator
Node::emitBeforeNodeMove() — Method in class Node
Node::emitAfterNodeMove() — Method in class Node
Node::emitBeforeNodeCopy() — Method in class Node
Node::emitAfterNodeCopy() — Method in class Node
Node::emitNodePathChanged() — Method in class Node

Signals that the node path has been changed.

Node::emitBeforeNodeCreate() — Method in class Node

Signals that a node will be created.

Node::emitAfterNodeCreate() — Method in class Node

Signals that a node was created.

Node::emitNodeAdded() — Method in class Node

Signals that a node was added.

Node::emitNodeUpdated() — Method in class Node

Signals that a node was updated.

Node::emitNodeRemoved() — Method in class Node

Signals that a node was removed.

Node::emitBeforeNodePropertyChange() — Method in class Node

Signals that the property of a node will be changed.

Node::emitNodePropertyChanged() — Method in class Node

Signals that the property of a node was changed.

Node::equals() — Method in class Node

Compare whether two traversable nodes are equal

NodeData::emitNodePathChanged() — Method in class NodeData

Signals that a node has changed its path.

Workspace::emitBaseWorkspaceChanged() — Method in class Workspace

Emits a signal after the base workspace has been changed

Workspace::emitBeforeNodePublishing() — Method in class Workspace

Emits a signal just before a node is being published

Workspace::emitAfterNodePublishing() — Method in class Workspace

Emits a signal when a node has been published.

NodeAggregateIdentifier::equals() — Method in class NodeAggregateIdentifier
$ NodeTypeConstraints#explicitlyAllowedNodeTypeNamesProperty in class NodeTypeConstraints
$ NodeTypeConstraints#explicitlyDisallowedNodeTypeNamesProperty in class NodeTypeConstraints
NodeTypeName::equals() — Method in class NodeTypeName
TraversableNodeInterface::equals() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Compare whether two traversable nodes are equal

$ NodeDataRepository#entityManagerProperty in class NodeDataRepository

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

NodeDataRepository::emitRepositoryObjectsPersisted() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Signals that persistEntities() in this repository finished correctly.

Context::emitBeforeAdoptNode() — Method in class Context
Context::emitAfterAdoptNode() — Method in class Context
$ NodeExportService#entityManagerProperty in class NodeExportService

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

$ NodeExportService#exceptionsDuringExportProperty in class NodeExportService
$ NodeExportService#exportedNodePathsProperty in class NodeExportService
NodeExportService::export() — Method in class NodeExportService

Exports the node data of all nodes in the given sub-tree by writing them to the given XMLWriter.

NodeExportService::exportNodeDataList() — Method in class NodeExportService

Exports the given Nodes into the XML structure, contained in tags.

NodeExportService::exportNodeData() — Method in class NodeExportService

Exports a single Node into the XML structure

$ NodeImportService#entityManagerProperty in class NodeImportService

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService::ensureIntegrityForDocumentNodeMove() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckService
NodeTypeManager::evaluateSuperTypesConfiguration() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Evaluates the given superTypes configuation and returns the array of effective superTypes.

NodeTypeManager::evaluateSuperTypeConfiguration() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Evaluates a single superType configuration and returns the NodeType if enabled.

PublishingService::emitNodePublished() — Method in class PublishingService

Signals that a node has been published.

PublishingService::emitNodeDiscarded() — Method in class PublishingService

Signals that a node has been discarded.

NodePaths::explodeContextPath() — Method in class NodePaths

Splits the given context path into relevant information, which results in an array with keys: "nodePath", "workspaceName", "dimensions"

CacheLifetimeOperation::evaluate() — Method in class CacheLifetimeOperation
ChildrenOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ChildrenOperation
ChildrenOperation::earlyOptimizationOfFilters() — Method in class ChildrenOperation

Optimize for typical use cases, filter by node name and filter by NodeType (instanceof). These cases are now optimized and will only load the nodes that match the filters.

ClosestOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ClosestOperation
ContextOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ContextOperation
FilterOperation::evaluate() — Method in class FilterOperation
FilterOperation::evaluateOperator() — Method in class FilterOperation
FindOperation::evaluate() — Method in class FindOperation

This operation operates rather on the given Context object than on the given node and thus may work with the legacy node interface until subgraphs are available {@inheritdoc}

HasOperation::evaluate() — Method in class HasOperation
NextAllOperation::evaluate() — Method in class NextAllOperation
NextOperation::evaluate() — Method in class NextOperation
NextUntilOperation::evaluate() — Method in class NextUntilOperation
ParentOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ParentOperation
ParentsOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ParentsOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
PrevAllOperation::evaluate() — Method in class PrevAllOperation
PrevOperation::evaluate() — Method in class PrevOperation
PrevUntilOperation::evaluate() — Method in class PrevUntilOperation
PropertyOperation::evaluate() — Method in class PropertyOperation
SiblingsOperation::evaluate() — Method in class SiblingsOperation
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository

A generic ContentRepository exception

ExportExceptionClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Exception

This exception is thrown as composite exception if something goes wrong during the node export.

$ NodeType#excludeProperty in class NodeType

If set this NodeType is actually excluded instead exclusively included.

$ NodeMigration#entityManagerProperty in class NodeMigration
NodeMigration::execute() — Method in class NodeMigration

Execute all migrations

NodeMigration::executeSingle() — Method in class NodeMigration

Execute a single migration

NodeTransformation::execute() — Method in class NodeTransformation

Executes all configured transformations starting on the given node.

AbstractTransformation::execute() — Method in class AbstractTransformation

Execute the transformation on the given node.

AddDimensions::execute() — Method in class AddDimensions

Add dimensions to the node.

AddNewProperty::execute() — Method in class AddNewProperty

Add the new property with the given value on the given node.

ChangeNodeType::execute() — Method in class ChangeNodeType

Change the Node Type on the given node.

ChangePropertyValue::execute() — Method in class ChangePropertyValue

Change the property on the given node.

RemoveNode::execute() — Method in class RemoveNode

Remove the given node

RemoveProperty::execute() — Method in class RemoveProperty

Remove the property from the given node.

RenameDimension::execute() — Method in class RenameDimension

Change the property on the given node.

RenameNode::execute() — Method in class RenameNode

Renames the node to the new name.

RenameProperty::execute() — Method in class RenameProperty

Renames the configured property to the new name.

SetDimensions::execute() — Method in class SetDimensions

Change the property on the given node.

StripTagsOnProperty::execute() — Method in class StripTagsOnProperty

Strips tags on the value of the property to work on.

TransformationInterface::execute() — Method in class TransformationInterface

Execute the transformation on the given node.

$ AbstractNodePrivilege#eelCompilingEvaluatorProperty in class AbstractNodePrivilege
AbstractNodePrivilege::evaluateNodeContext() — Method in class AbstractNodePrivilege

Evaluates the matcher with this objects nodeContext and returns the result.

$ ConditionGenerator#entityTypeProperty in class ConditionGenerator
EditNodePrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

A privilege to restrict editing of nodes and their properties

EditNodePropertyPrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Node

A privilege to restrict editing of node properties.

NodeTemplateConverter::extractNodeType() — Method in class NodeTemplateConverter

Detects the requested node type and returns a corresponding NodeType instance.

ExpressionClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Afx\Parser\Expression

Class Expression

CacheSegmentParser::extractContentAndSubSegments() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser
CacheSegmentParser::extractContent() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser
$ RuntimeContentCache#enableContentCacheProperty in class RuntimeContentCache
RuntimeContentCache::enter() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Enter an evaluation

RuntimeContentCache::evaluateUncached() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Evaluate a Fusion path with a given context without content caching

AbsorbingHandler::exceptionDisablesCache() — Method in class AbsorbingHandler

The absorbing handler is meant to catch loose evaluation errors (like missing assets) in a useful way, therefor caching is desired.

AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler::exceptionDisablesCache() — Method in class AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler

Can be used to determine if handling the exception should disable the cache or not.

$ ContextDependentHandler#environmentProperty in class ContextDependentHandler
$ Runtime#eelEvaluatorProperty in class Runtime
Runtime::evaluate() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluate an absolute Fusion path and return the result

Runtime::evaluateObjectOrRetrieveFromCache() — Method in class Runtime

Does the evaluation of a Fusion instance, first checking the cache and if conditions and afterwards applying processors.

Runtime::evaluateExpressionOrValueInternal() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluates an EEL expression or value, checking if conditions first and applying processors.

Runtime::evaluateEelExpression() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluate an Eel expression

Runtime::evaluateApplyValues() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluate "@apply" for the given fusion key.

Runtime::evaluateProcessors() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluate processors on given value.

Runtime::evaluateIfCondition() — Method in class Runtime

Evaluate eventually existing meta "@if" conditionals inside the given configuration and path.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Fusion

An exception thrown by Fusion processors or generally in the Fusion context.

AbstractCollectionImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class AbstractCollectionImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes as concatenated string

AbstractCollectionImplementation::evaluateAsArray() — Method in class AbstractCollectionImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes as array

AbstractFusionObject::evaluate() — Method in class AbstractFusionObject

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

AttributesImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class AttributesImplementation
AugmenterImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class AugmenterImplementation
CanRenderImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class CanRenderImplementation
CaseImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class CaseImplementation

Execute each matcher until the first one matches

CollectionImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class CollectionImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes

ComponentImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ComponentImplementation

Evaluate the fusion-keys and transfer the result into the context as props afterwards evaluate the renderer with this context

DataStructureImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class DataStructureImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

DebugDumpImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class DebugDumpImplementation

Return the values in a human readable form

DebugImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class DebugImplementation

Return the values in a human readable form

HttpResponseImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class HttpResponseImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

ResponseHeadImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ResponseHeadImplementation

Just return the processed value

JoinImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class JoinImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

LoopImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class LoopImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes

MapImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class MapImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes as array

MatcherImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class MatcherImplementation

If $condition matches, render $type and return it. Else, return MATCH_NORESULT.

RawCollectionImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class RawCollectionImplementation

Evaluate the collection nodes

ReduceImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ReduceImplementation

Reduce the given items to a single value

RendererImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class RendererImplementation

Render $type and return it.

ResourceUriImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ResourceUriImplementation

Returns the absolute URL of a resource

TagImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class TagImplementation

Return a tag

TemplateImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class TemplateImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

UriBuilderImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation
ValueImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ValueImplementation

Just return the processed value

HtmlAugmenter::elementHasAttributes() — Method in class HtmlAugmenter

Checks whether the given $element contains at least one of the specified $attributes (case insensitive)

$ RenderViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class RenderViewHelper
AssetCollectionController::editAction() — Method in class AssetCollectionController
AssetController::editAction() — Method in class AssetController

Edit an asset

AssetController::editTagAction() — Method in class AssetController
AssetController::editAssetCollectionAction() — Method in class AssetController
AssetController::errorAction() — Method in class AssetController

This custom errorAction adds FlashMessages for validation results to give more information in the

ImageController::editAction() — Method in class ImageController
TagController::editAction() — Method in class TagController
$ MediaCommandController#entityManagerProperty in class MediaCommandController
AssetProxyQueryInterface::execute() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryInterface
NeosAssetProxyQuery::execute() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQuery
$ NeosAssetProxyRepository#entityManagerProperty in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
$ FileTypeIcon#extensionProperty in class FileTypeIcon
$ AbstractThumbnailGenerator#environmentProperty in class AbstractThumbnailGenerator
$ AssetRepository#entityManagerProperty in class AssetRepository

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

$ ThumbnailRepository#entityManagerProperty in class ThumbnailRepository
AssetService::emitAssetCreated() — Method in class AssetService

Signals that an asset was added.

AssetService::emitAssetRemoved() — Method in class AssetService

Signals that an asset was removed.

AssetService::emitAssetUpdated() — Method in class AssetService

Signals that an asset was updated.

AssetService::emitAssetResourceReplaced() — Method in class AssetService

Signals that a resource on an asset has been replaced

FileTypeIconService::extractFileExtension() — Method in class FileTypeIconService
$ ImageService#environmentProperty in class ImageService
ThumbnailService::emitThumbnailPersisted() — Method in class ThumbnailService

Signals that a thumbnail was persisted.

ThumbnailService::emitThumbnailCreated() — Method in class ThumbnailService

Signals that a thumbnail was created.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Media

A generic Neos.Media exception

$ AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator#entityManagerProperty in class AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator
$ AssetCollectionConditionGenerator#entityTypeProperty in class AssetCollectionConditionGenerator
$ AssetConditionGenerator#entityTypeProperty in class AssetConditionGenerator
$ AssetTagConditionGenerator#entityManagerProperty in class AssetTagConditionGenerator
$ AssetWithoutAssetCollectionConditionGenerator#entityManagerProperty in class AssetWithoutAssetCollectionConditionGenerator
$ TagConditionGenerator#entityTypeProperty in class TagConditionGenerator
$ NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect#editorDefaultConfigurationProperty in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect
NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::enrichNodeTypeLabelsConfiguration() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect
$ SiteRepositoryCachingAspect#environmentProperty in class SiteRepositoryCachingAspect
$ NodeCommandControllerPlugin#eventCallbacksProperty in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Callbacks to be invoked when an event is triggered

SiteCommandController::exportCommand() — Method in class SiteCommandController

Export sites content (e.g. site:export --package-key "Neos.Demo")

$ ContentController#entityToIdentityConverterProperty in class ContentController
ContentController::emitAssetUploaded() — Method in class ContentController

Signals that a new asset has been uploaded through the Neos Backend

SettingsController::editPreviewAction() — Method in class SettingsController
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Controller

A generic Neos Controller exception

SitesController::editAction() — Method in class SitesController

A edit view for a site and its settings.

SitesController::editDomainAction() — Method in class SitesController

Edit a domain

UsersController::editAction() — Method in class UsersController

Edit an existing user

UsersController::editAccountAction() — Method in class UsersController

Edit the given account

$ HistoryController#eventRepositoryProperty in class HistoryController
WorkspacesController::editAction() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Edit a workspace

UserSettingsController::editAction() — Method in class UserSettingsController

Edit settings of the current user

UserSettingsController::editAccountAction() — Method in class UserSettingsController

Edit the given account

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain

A generic Neos Domain exception

Site::emitSiteChanged() — Method in class Site

Internal signal

$ UserInterfaceMode#editProperty in class UserInterfaceMode
SiteExportService::export() — Method in class SiteExportService

Fetches the site with the given name and exports it into XML.

SiteExportService::exportToPackage() — Method in class SiteExportService

Fetches the site with the given name and exports it into XML in the given package.

SiteExportService::exportToFile() — Method in class SiteExportService

Fetches the site with the given name and exports it as XML into the given file.

SiteExportService::exportSites() — Method in class SiteExportService

Exports the given sites to the XMLWriter

SiteExportService::exportSite() — Method in class SiteExportService

Export the given $site to the XMLWriter

$ SiteImportService#eventEmittingServiceProperty in class SiteImportService
SiteImportService::emitSiteImported() — Method in class SiteImportService

Signal that is triggered when a site has been imported successfully

SiteService::emitSitePruned() — Method in class SiteService

Signal that is triggered whenever a site has been pruned

$ UserInterfaceModeService#editPreviewModesProperty in class UserInterfaceModeService
UserService::emitUserCreated() — Method in class UserService

Signals that a new user, including a new account has been created.

UserService::emitUserDeleted() — Method in class UserService

Signals that the given user has been deleted.

UserService::emitUserUpdated() — Method in class UserService

Signals that the given user data has been updated.

UserService::emitRolesAdded() — Method in class UserService

Signals that new roles have been assigned to the given account

UserService::emitRolesRemoved() — Method in class UserService

Signals that roles have been removed to the given account

UserService::emitUserActivated() — Method in class UserService

Signals that the given user has been activated

UserService::emitUserDeactivated() — Method in class UserService

Signals that the given user has been activated

ParentsOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ParentsOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
SortOperation::evaluate() — Method in class SortOperation
EventClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Domain\Model

Base class for generic events

$ Event#eventTypeProperty in class Event

What was this event about? Is a required string constant.

EventsOnDateClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Domain\Model

Helper Model which groups a number of events on a given day. Used especially in the view.

$ EventsOnDate#eventsProperty in class EventsOnDate
EventRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Domain\Repository

The repository for events

EventEmittingServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Domain\Service

Main entry point for generating events

$ EventEmittingService#eventContextProperty in class EventEmittingService

This array implements a stack of events. The last element of this stack is the current "parent event".

$ EventEmittingService#eventRepositoryProperty in class EventEmittingService
$ EventEmittingService#enabledProperty in class EventEmittingService
EventEmittingService::emit() — Method in class EventEmittingService

Convenience method for generating an event and directly adding it afterwards to persistence.

$ AbstractIntegrationService#eventEmittingServiceProperty in class AbstractIntegrationService
$ ContentRepositoryIntegrationService#entityManagerProperty in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
EntityIntegrationServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\EventLog\Integrations

Monitors entity changes

$ EntityIntegrationService#entityManagerProperty in class EntityIntegrationService

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

$ EntityIntegrationService#eelEvaluatorProperty in class EntityIntegrationService
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Neos

A generic Neos exception

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Returns the items as result of the fusion object.

ContentElementEditableImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ContentElementEditableImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

ContentElementWrappingImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingImplementation

Evaluate this Fusion object and return the result

ConvertUrisImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ConvertUrisImplementation

Convert URIs matching a supported scheme with generated URIs

$ NodeWrappingHandler#environmentProperty in class NodeWrappingHandler
$ PageHandler#environmentProperty in class PageHandler
ImageUriImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation

Returns a processed image path

NodeUriImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

Render the Uri.

PluginImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class PluginImplementation

Returns the rendered content of this plugin

PluginViewImplementation::evaluate() — Method in class PluginViewImplementation

Returns the rendered content of this plugin

$ CreationDialogPostprocessor#editorDefaultConfigurationProperty in class CreationDialogPostprocessor
$ DefaultPropertyEditorPostprocessor#editorDefaultConfigurationProperty in class DefaultPropertyEditorPostprocessor
$ InterDimensionalFallbackGraph#edgesProperty in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Routing

A Neos routing exception

AbstractServiceController::errorAction() — Method in class AbstractServiceController

A preliminary error action for handling validation errors

$ AssetTransformation#entityManagerProperty in class AssetTransformation

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

AssetTransformation::execute() — Method in class AssetTransformation

Change the property on the given node.

$ ImageVariantTransformation#entityManagerProperty in class ImageVariantTransformation

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

ImageVariantTransformation::execute() — Method in class ImageVariantTransformation

Change the property on the given node.

PluginViewTransformation::execute() — Method in class PluginViewTransformation

Change the property on the given node.

EntityToIdentityConverterClass in namespace Neos\Neos\TypeConverter

Converts the given entity to a JSON representation containing the identity and object type

$ ChangeStatsViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class ChangeStatsViewHelper
$ ConfigurationTreeViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class ConfigurationTreeViewHelper
$ DocumentBreadcrumbPathViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class DocumentBreadcrumbPathViewHelper
IfModuleAccessibleViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class IfModuleAccessibleViewHelper
$ IsAllowedToEditUserViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class IsAllowedToEditUserViewHelper
$ JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
$ ShouldLoadMinifiedJavascriptViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class ShouldLoadMinifiedJavascriptViewHelper
EditableViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\ContentElement

Renders a wrapper around the inner contents of the tag to enable frontend editing.

$ WrapViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class WrapViewHelper
$ StandaloneViewViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class StandaloneViewViewHelper
FusionExceptionView::extractBodyFromOutput() — Method in class FusionExceptionView


NodeCommandControllerPlugin::fixNodesWithInconsistentIdentifier() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Detect and fix nodes in non-live workspaces whose identifier does not match their corresponding node in the live workspace.

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::findMissingShadowNodesInWorkspace() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Collects all nodes with missing shadow nodes

ContentStreamIdentifier::fromString() — Method in class ContentStreamIdentifier
NodePath::fromString() — Method in class NodePath
NodePath::fromPathSegments() — Method in class NodePath
NodeFactory::filterNodeByContext() — Method in class NodeFactory

Filter a node by the current context.

$ ContentSubgraph#fallbackEdgesProperty in class ContentSubgraph
$ VariationEdge#fallbackProperty in class VariationEdge
$ ContentDimensionValue#fallbackProperty in class ContentDimensionValue
Node::findParentNode() — Method in class Node
Node::findNodePath() — Method in class Node

Retrieves and returns the node's path to its root node.

Node::findNamedChildNode() — Method in class Node
Node::findChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Returns all direct child nodes of this node.

Node::findReferencedNodes() — Method in class Node

Retrieves and returns all nodes referenced by this node from its subgraph.

Node::findNamedReferencedNodes() — Method in class Node

Retrieves and returns nodes referenced by this node by name from its subgraph.

Node::findReferencingNodes() — Method in class Node

Retrieves and returns nodes referencing this node from its subgraph.

Node::findNamedReferencingNodes() — Method in class Node

Retrieves and returns nodes referencing this node by name from its subgraph.

NodeData::findExistingDimensionMatching() — Method in class NodeData

Internal method used in setDimensions to reuse dimension objects with the same name/value pair.

$ NodeType#fullConfigurationProperty in class NodeType

Full configuration for this node type, can be an arbitrarily nested array. Includes any inherited configuration.

$ NodeType#finalProperty in class NodeType

Is this node type marked final

Workspace::findCorrespondingNodeDataInTargetWorkspace() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the NodeData instance with the given identifier from the target workspace.

NodeAggregateIdentifier::fromString() — Method in class NodeAggregateIdentifier
NodeAggregateIdentifier::forAutoCreatedChildNode() — Method in class NodeAggregateIdentifier
NodeName::fromString() — Method in class NodeName
NodeTypeName::fromString() — Method in class NodeTypeName
TraversableNodeInterface::findParentNode() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns the parent node from the node's subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findNodePath() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns the node's path to its root node.

TraversableNodeInterface::findNamedChildNode() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns a child node by name from the node's subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findChildNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns all direct child nodes of this node from its subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findReferencedNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns all nodes referenced by this node from its subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findNamedReferencedNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns nodes referenced by this node by name from its subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findReferencingNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns nodes referencing this node from its subgraph.

TraversableNodeInterface::findNamedReferencingNodes() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Retrieves and returns nodes referencing this node by name from its subgraph.

TraversableNodes::fromArray() — Method in class TraversableNodes
ContentDimensionRepository::findAll() — Method in class ContentDimensionRepository

Returns an array of content dimensions that are available in the system.

NodeDataRepository::findByNodeIdentifier() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
NodeDataRepository::findOneByPath() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find a single node by exact path.

NodeDataRepository::findShadowNodeByPath() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find a shadow node by exact path

NodeDataRepository::findRawNodesByPath() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

This finds nodes by path and delivers a raw, unfiltered result.

NodeDataRepository::findOneByPathInContext() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds a node by its path and context.

NodeDataRepository::findOneByIdentifier() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds a node by its identifier and workspace.

NodeDataRepository::findAllIterator() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find all objects and return an IterableResult

NodeDataRepository::findByParentAndNodeTypeRecursively() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds recursively nodes by its parent and (optionally) by its node type.

NodeDataRepository::findByParentAndNodeType() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds nodes by its parent and (optionally) by its node type.

NodeDataRepository::findByParentWithoutReduce() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find NodeData by parent path without any dimension reduction and grouping by identifier

NodeDataRepository::findByIdentifierWithoutReduce() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find NodeData by identifier path without any dimension reduction

NodeDataRepository::findByParentAndNodeTypeInContext() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds nodes by its parent and (optionally) by its node type given a Context

NodeDataRepository::findNextFreeIndexInParentPath() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds the next free index on the level below the given parent path across all workspaces.

NodeDataRepository::findNextLowerIndex() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Returns the next-lower-index seen from the given reference index in the level below the specified parent path. If no node with a lower than the given index exists at that level, the reference index is returned.

NodeDataRepository::findNextHigherIndex() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Returns the next-higher-index seen from the given reference index in the level below the specified parent path. If no node with a higher than the given index exists at that level, NULL is returned.

NodeDataRepository::findFirstByParentAndNodeType() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds a single node by its parent and (optionally) by its node type

NodeDataRepository::findFirstByParentAndNodeTypeInContext() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds a single node by its parent and (optionally) by its node type

NodeDataRepository::findOnPath() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Finds all nodes of the specified workspace lying on the path specified by (and including) the given starting point and end point and (optionally) a node type filter.

NodeDataRepository::findByProperties() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find nodes by a value in properties

NodeDataRepository::flushNodeRegistry() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Flushes the addedNodes and removedNodes registry.

NodeDataRepository::filterOutRemovedObjects() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Iterates of the array of objects and removes all those which have recently been removed from the repository, but whose removal has not yet been persisted.

NodeDataRepository::findByWorkspace() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find all NodeData objects inside a given workspace sorted by path to be used in publishing. The order makes sure that parent nodes are published first.

NodeDataRepository::findByPathWithoutReduce() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Find all node data in a path matching the given workspace hierarchy

NodeDataRepository::findNodesByRelatedEntities() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Searches for possible relations to the given entity identifiers in NodeData.

NodeDataRepository::findNodesByPathPrefixAndRelatedEntities() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Searches for possible relations to the given entity identifiers in NodeData using a path prefix.

NodeDataRepository::filterNodeDataByBestMatchInContext() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
WorkspaceRepository::findByBaseWorkspace() — Method in class WorkspaceRepository
WorkspaceRepository::findByIdentifier() — Method in class WorkspaceRepository
FirstLevelNodeCacheClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\Cache

A first level cache for the NodeDataRepository. It is used to keep Nodes in memory (indexed by identifier and path) and allows to fetch them by path or identifier as single node.

FirstLevelNodeCache::flush() — Method in class FirstLevelNodeCache

Flush the cache.

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::findPresetByDimensionValues() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Find a dimension preset by dimension values

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::findPresetsByTargetValues() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Finds for each configured dimension the best matching preset based on given target value for that dimension.

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::findPresetByDimensionValues() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Find a dimension preset by dimension values

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::findPresetsByTargetValues() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Finds for each configured dimension the best matching preset based on given target value for that dimension.

$ Context#firstLevelNodeCacheProperty in class Context
NodeExportService::findNodeDataListToExport() — Method in class NodeExportService

Find all nodes of the specified workspace lying below the path specified by (and including) the given starting point.

$ NodeTypeManager#fallbackNodeTypeNameProperty in class NodeTypeManager
$ NodeTypeManager#fullNodeTypeConfigurationsProperty in class NodeTypeManager
$ CacheLifetimeOperation#finalProperty in class CacheLifetimeOperation
FilterOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

This filter implementation contains specific behavior for use on ContentRepository nodes. It will not evaluate any elements that are not instances of the NodeInterface.

FindOperationClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Eel\FlowQueryOperations

"find" operation working on ContentRepository nodes. This operation allows for retrieval of nodes specified by a path, identifier or node type (recursive).

$ PropertyOperation#finalProperty in class PropertyOperation
$ DimensionValues#filterForDefaultDimensionValuesProperty in class DimensionValues

Overrides the given dimensionValues with dimension defaults.

FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Filters

Filter instances are used to filter nodes to be worked on during a migration.

$ NodeFilter#filterConjunctionsProperty in class NodeFilter
FallbackGraphServiceClass in namespace Neos\ContentRepository\Service

The fallback graph application service

HtmlArrayRenderer::fixSpaces() — Method in class HtmlArrayRenderer

Replace a string containing spaces with a HTML representation using  .

SequenceMatcher::findLongestMatch() — Method in class SequenceMatcher

Find the longest matching block in the two sequences, as defined by the lower and upper constraints for each sequence. (for the first sequence, $alo - $ahi and for the second sequence, $blo - $bhi)

FusionCachingAspectClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Aspects
$ FusionCachingAspect#fusionCacheProperty in class FusionCachingAspect
ContentCache::flushByTag() — Method in class ContentCache

Flush content cache entries by tag

ContentCache::flush() — Method in class ContentCache

Flush all content cache entries

FileMonitorListenerClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\Core\Cache

Listener to clear Fusion caches if important files have changed

$ FileMonitorListener#flowCacheManagerProperty in class FileMonitorListener
FileMonitorListener::flushContentCacheOnFileChanges() — Method in class FileMonitorListener
RuntimeContentCache::flushTags() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache

Resets the assigned tags, returning the previously set tags.

AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler::formatScriptPath() — Method in class AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler

breaks the given path to multiple line to allow a nicer formatted logging

HtmlMessageHandler::formatErrorCodeMessage() — Method in class HtmlMessageHandler

Renders a message depicting the user where to find further information for the given reference code.

HtmlMessageHandler::formatFusionPath() — Method in class HtmlMessageHandler

Renders an indented multi-line stack-trace for the given Fusion path.

Runtime::finalizePathEvaluation() — Method in class Runtime

Ends the evaluation of a fusion path by popping the context and property stack if needed and leaving the cache context.

RuntimeConfiguration::forPath() — Method in class RuntimeConfiguration

Get the expanded Fusion configuration for the given path

$ RuntimeException#fusionPathProperty in class RuntimeException
$ AbstractFusionObject#fusionObjectNameProperty in class AbstractFusionObject

Name of this Fusion object, like Neos.Neos:Text

AbstractFusionObject::fusionValue() — Method in class AbstractFusionObject

Return the Fusion value relative to this Fusion object (with processors etc applied).

FluidViewClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects\Helpers

Extended Fluid Template View for use in Fusion.

$ FluidView#fusionObjectProperty in class FluidView
FusionAwareViewInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects\Helpers

You should implement this interface with a View that should allow access to the Fusion object it is rendered from (and so the Fusion runtime).

FusionPathProxyClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\FusionObjects\Helpers

A proxy object representing a Fusion path inside a Fluid Template. It allows to render arbitrary Fusion objects or Eel expressions using the already-known property path syntax.

$ FusionPathProxy#fusionRuntimeProperty in class FusionPathProxy

Reference to the Fusion Runtime which controls the whole rendering

DebugStack::flush() — Method in class DebugStack
FusionContextTraitClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\ViewHelpers

This trait is to be used in ViewHelpers that need to get information from the Fusion runtime context.

$ RenderViewHelper#fusionViewProperty in class RenderViewHelper
FusionViewClass in namespace Neos\Fusion\View

View for using Fusion for standard MVC controllers.

$ FusionView#fusionParserProperty in class FusionView
$ FusionView#fusionPathProperty in class FusionView

Runtime cache of the Fusion path which should be rendered; derived from the controller and action names or set by the user.

$ FusionView#fusionRuntimeProperty in class FusionView

The Fusion Runtime

$ ResizeImageAdjustment#filterProperty in class ResizeImageAdjustment
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::filterByType() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::findAll() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::findBySearchTerm() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::findByTag() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::findUntagged() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
NeosAssetProxyRepository::filterByType() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetProxyRepository::filterByCollection() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository

NOTE: This needs to be refactored to use an asset collection identifier instead of Media's domain model before it can become a public API for other asset sources.

NeosAssetProxyRepository::findAll() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetProxyRepository::findBySearchTerm() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetProxyRepository::findByTag() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetProxyRepository::findUntagged() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
SupportsCollectionsInterface::filterByCollection() — Method in class SupportsCollectionsInterface

NOTE: This needs to be refactored to use an asset collection identifier instead of Media's domain model before it can become a public API for other asset sources.

SupportsTaggingInterface::findByTag() — Method in class SupportsTaggingInterface

NOTE: This needs to be refactored to use a tag identifier instead of Media's domain model before it can become a public API for other asset sources.

SupportsTaggingInterface::findUntagged() — Method in class SupportsTaggingInterface
AssetConstraints::fromArray() — Method in class AssetConstraints
FileTypeIconClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model

File Type Icon

$ ThumbnailConfiguration#formatProperty in class ThumbnailConfiguration
FontDocumentThumbnailGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ThumbnailGenerator

A system-generated preview version of a font document.

AssetRepository::findBySearchTermOrTags() — Method in class AssetRepository

Find assets by title or given tags

AssetRepository::findByTag() — Method in class AssetRepository

Find Assets with the given Tag assigned

AssetRepository::findAll() — Method in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::findUntagged() — Method in class AssetRepository

Find Assets without any tag

AssetRepository::findByAssetCollection() — Method in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::findOneByResourceSha1() — Method in class AssetRepository
AssetRepository::findAllIterator() — Method in class AssetRepository

Find all objects and return an IterableResult

ImageRepository::findAssetIdentifiersWithVariants() — Method in class ImageRepository

Return raw data about existing assets and their variants

ImportedAssetRepository::findOneByAssetSourceIdentifierAndRemoteAssetIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAssetRepository
ImportedAssetRepository::findOneByLocalAssetIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAssetRepository
TagRepository::findBySearchTerm() — Method in class TagRepository
TagRepository::findByAssetCollections() — Method in class TagRepository
TagRepository::findOneByLabel() — Method in class TagRepository
TagRepository::findByParent() — Method in class TagRepository
ThumbnailRepository::findAllIterator() — Method in class ThumbnailRepository

Find all objects and return an IterableResult

ThumbnailRepository::findUngeneratedIterator() — Method in class ThumbnailRepository

Find ungenerated objects and return an IterableResult

ThumbnailRepository::findOneByAssetAndThumbnailConfiguration() — Method in class ThumbnailRepository

Returns a thumbnail of the given asset with the specified dimensions.

FileTypeIconServiceClass in namespace Neos\Media\Domain\Service

Service that retrieves an icon for the file type of a given filename

$ ThumbnailService#formatConversionsProperty in class ThumbnailService
Adjustment::fromConfiguration() — Method in class Adjustment
AspectRatio::fromString() — Method in class AspectRatio
Variant::fromConfiguration() — Method in class Variant
VariantPreset::fromConfiguration() — Method in class VariantPreset
AssetInterfaceConverter::fetchObjectFromPersistence() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Fetch an object from persistence layer.

FileTypeIconViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Media\ViewHelpers

Renders an HTML tag for a file type icon for a given Neos.Media's asset instance

FusionCachingAspectClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Aspects
$ FusionCachingAspect#fusionCacheProperty in class FusionCachingAspect
$ SiteRepositoryCachingAspect#firstOnlineSiteProperty in class SiteRepositoryCachingAspect
DomainCommandController::findDomainsByHostnamePattern() — Method in class DomainCommandController

Find domains that match the given hostname with globbing support

SiteCommandController::findSitesByNodeNamePattern() — Method in class SiteCommandController

Find all sites the match the given site-node-name-pattern with support for globbing

UserCommandController::findUsersByUsernamePattern() — Method in class UserCommandController

Find all users the match the given username with globbing support

$ LoginController#flashMessageServiceProperty in class LoginController
$ DimensionController#fallbackGraphServiceProperty in class DimensionController
AccountPostEventListener::flushConfigurationCache() — Method in class AccountPostEventListener
$ UserInterfaceMode#fusionPathProperty in class UserInterfaceMode
DomainRepository::findByHost() — Method in class DomainRepository

Finds all active domains matching the given hostname.

DomainRepository::findOneByHost() — Method in class DomainRepository

Find the best matching active domain for the given hostname.

DomainRepository::findOneByActiveRequest() — Method in class DomainRepository
SiteRepository::findFirst() — Method in class SiteRepository

Finds the first site

SiteRepository::findOnline() — Method in class SiteRepository

Find all sites with status "online"

SiteRepository::findFirstOnline() — Method in class SiteRepository

Find first site with status "online"

SiteRepository::findOneByNodeName() — Method in class SiteRepository
SiteRepository::findDefault() — Method in class SiteRepository

Find the site that was specified in the configuration defaultSiteNodeName

UserRepository::findAllOrderedByUsername() — Method in class UserRepository
UserRepository::findBySearchTerm() — Method in class UserRepository
ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::findPresetByUriSegment() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Find a dimension preset by URI identifier

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::findPresetByUriSegment() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Find a dimension preset by URI identifier

FusionServiceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Domain\Service

The Fusion Service

$ FusionService#fusionParserProperty in class FusionService
NodeSearchService::findByProperties() — Method in class NodeSearchService

Search all properties for given $term

NodeSearchServiceInterface::findByProperties() — Method in class NodeSearchServiceInterface
UserInterfaceModeService::findModeByCurrentUser() — Method in class UserInterfaceModeService

Get the current rendering mode (editPreviewMode).

UserInterfaceModeService::findDefaultMode() — Method in class UserInterfaceModeService

Returns the default rendering mode.

UserInterfaceModeService::findModeByName() — Method in class UserInterfaceModeService

Finds an rendering mode by name.

UserService::findUserForAccount() — Method in class UserService
$ AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy#firstlevelCacheProperty in class AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy
EventRepository::findRelevantEventsByWorkspace() — Method in class EventRepository

Find all events which are "top-level" and in a given workspace (or are not NodeEvents)

EventRepository::findRelevantEvents() — Method in class EventRepository

Find all events which are "top-level", i.e. do not have a parent event.

DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::findAcceptableNode() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
ArrayHelper::filter() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Filter an array of objects, by only keeping the elements where each object's $filterProperty evaluates to true.

ArrayHelper::filterNegated() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Filter an array of objects, by only keeping the elements where each object's $filterProperty evaluates to false.

ArrayHelper::filterInternal() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Internal method for filtering

RenderingHelper::findPresetInDimension() — Method in class RenderingHelper
MenuItemsImplementation::findMenuStartingPoint() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Find the starting point for this menu. depending on given startingPoint If startingPoint is given, this is taken as starting point for this menu level, as a fallback the Fusion context variable node is used.

MenuItemsImplementation::findParentNodeInBreadcrumbPathByLevel() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Finds the node in the current breadcrumb path between current site node and current node whose level matches the specified entry level.

$ InterDimensionalFallbackGraph#fallbackGraphProperty in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
$ IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph#fallbackGraphProperty in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
BackendModuleRoutePartHandler::findValueToMatch() — Method in class BackendModuleRoutePartHandler
FrontendNodeRoutePartHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Routing

A route part handler for finding nodes specifically in the website's frontend.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::findValueToMatch() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Extracts the node path from the request path.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Neos\Routing

Marker interface which can be used to replace the currently used FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler, to e.g. use the one with localization support.

NodeController::filterChildNodesForTreeAction() — Method in class NodeController

Return child nodes of specified node for usage in a TreeLoader based on filter

NodeTypeSchemaBuilder::flattenAlohaFormatOptions() — Method in class NodeTypeSchemaBuilder

In order to allow unsetting options via the YAML settings merging, the formatting options can be set via 'option': true, however, the frontend schema expects a flattened plain numeric array. This methods adjust the setting accordingly.

FusionExceptionViewClass in namespace Neos\Neos\View
$ FusionExceptionView#fusionServiceProperty in class FusionExceptionView
$ FusionExceptionView#fusionRuntimeProperty in class FusionExceptionView
FusionViewClass in namespace Neos\Neos\View

A Fusion view for Neos

$ FusionView#fusionServiceProperty in class FusionView
$ FusionView#fusionPathProperty in class FusionView

The Fusion path to use for rendering the node given in "value", defaults to "page".

$ FusionView#fusionRuntimeProperty in class FusionView
FusionViewI18nTraitClass in namespace Neos\Neos\View
FormDefinitionDataSourceClass in namespace Neos\NodeTypes\Form\Service\DataSource
FusionRecursiveDirectoryRendererClass in namespace Neos\SiteKickstarter\Service


NodeCommandControllerPlugin::getSubCommandShortDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Returns a short description

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::getSubCommandDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Returns a piece of description for the specific task the plugin solves for the specified command

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::getNodeDataByNodeTypeAndWorkspace() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Retrieves all NodeData objects of a certain node type inside a given workspace.

NodeCommandControllerPluginInterface::getSubCommandShortDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPluginInterface

Returns a short description for the specific task the plugin solves for the specified command

NodeCommandControllerPluginInterface::getSubCommandDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPluginInterface

Returns a piece of description for the specific task the plugin solves for the specified command

ContentStreamIdentifier::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class ContentStreamIdentifier
NodePath::getParts() — Method in class NodePath
NodePath::getDepth() — Method in class NodePath
NodeFactory::getNodeInterfaceImplementations() — Method in class NodeFactory

Get all NodeInterface implementations to check if a configured node class is in there.

AbstractNodeData::getProperty() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the specified property.

AbstractNodeData::getProperties() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns all properties of this node.

AbstractNodeData::getPropertyNames() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the names of all properties of this node.

AbstractNodeData::getContentObject() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the content object of this node (if any).

AbstractNodeData::getNodeType() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the node type of this node.

AbstractNodeData::getCreationDateTime() — Method in class AbstractNodeData
AbstractNodeData::getLastModificationDateTime() — Method in class AbstractNodeData
AbstractNodeData::getLastPublicationDateTime() — Method in class AbstractNodeData
AbstractNodeData::getHiddenBeforeDateTime() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the date and time before which this node will be automatically hidden.

AbstractNodeData::getHiddenAfterDateTime() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the date and time after which this node will be automatically hidden.

AbstractNodeData::getAccessRoles() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the names of defined access roles

AbstractNodeData::getWorkspace() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

Returns the workspace this node is contained in

ContentDimension::getIdentifier() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getDefault() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentObjectProxy::getObject() — Method in class ContentObjectProxy

Returns the real object this proxy stands for

ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator::getExpression() — Method in class ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator
ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator::getLabel() — Method in class ExpressionBasedNodeLabelGenerator

Render a node label

ContentSubgraph::getDimensionValues() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getDimensionValue() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getIdentityHash() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getWeight() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getVariantEdges() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getFallbackEdges() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getVariants() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
ContentSubgraph::getFallback() — Method in class ContentSubgraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getPrimaryFallback() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getSubgraphs() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getSubgraph() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
VariationEdge::getVariant() — Method in class VariationEdge
VariationEdge::getFallback() — Method in class VariationEdge
VariationEdge::getWeight() — Method in class VariationEdge
ContentDimension::getName() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getLabel() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getValues() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getValue() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getRootValues() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimension::getDepth() — Method in class ContentDimension
ContentDimensionValue::getVariants() — Method in class ContentDimensionValue
ContentDimensionValue::getFallback() — Method in class ContentDimensionValue
ContentDimensionValue::getValue() — Method in class ContentDimensionValue
ContentDimensionValue::getDepth() — Method in class ContentDimensionValue
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::getDimensions() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::getDimension() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
Node::getContextPath() — Method in class Node

Returns the absolute path of this node with additional context information (such as the workspace name).

Node::getOtherNodeVariants() — Method in class Node

Get other variants of this node (with different dimension values)

Node::getCreationDateTime() — Method in class Node
Node::getLastModificationDateTime() — Method in class Node
Node::getLastPublicationDateTime() — Method in class Node
Node::getPath() — Method in class Node

Returns the path of this node

Node::getDepth() — Method in class Node

Returns the level at which this node is located.

Node::getName() — Method in class Node

Returns the name of this node

Node::getLabel() — Method in class Node

Returns the node label as generated by the configured node label generator

Node::getWorkspace() — Method in class Node

Returns the workspace this node is contained in

Node::getIdentifier() — Method in class Node

Returns the identifier of this node

Node::getIndex() — Method in class Node

Returns the index of this node which determines the order among siblings with the same parent node.

Node::getParent() — Method in class Node

Returns the parent node of this node

Node::getParentPath() — Method in class Node

Returns the parent node path

Node::getProperty() — Method in class Node

Returns the specified property.

Node::getProperties() — Method in class Node

Returns all properties of this node.

Node::getPropertyNames() — Method in class Node

Returns the names of all properties of this node.

Node::getContentObject() — Method in class Node

Returns the content object of this node (if any).

Node::getNodeType() — Method in class Node

Returns the node type of this node.

Node::getNode() — Method in class Node

Returns a node specified by the given relative path.

Node::getPrimaryChildNode() — Method in class Node

Returns the primary child node of this node.

Node::getChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Returns all direct child nodes of this node.

Node::getNumberOfChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Returns the number of child nodes a similar getChildNodes() call would return.

Node::getHiddenBeforeDateTime() — Method in class Node

Returns the date and time before which this node will be automatically hidden.

Node::getHiddenAfterDateTime() — Method in class Node

Returns the date and time after which this node will be automatically hidden.

Node::getAccessRoles() — Method in class Node

Returns the names of defined access roles

Node::getContext() — Method in class Node

Returns the context this node operates in.

Node::getNodeData() — Method in class Node
Node::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class Node

Returns a string which distinctly identifies this object and thus can be used as an identifier for cache entries related to this object.

Node::getDimensions() — Method in class Node

Return the assigned content dimensions of the node.

Node::getContentStreamIdentifier() — Method in class Node
Node::getNodeAggregateIdentifier() — Method in class Node
Node::getNodeTypeName() — Method in class Node
Node::getNodeName() — Method in class Node
Node::getDimensionSpacePoint() — Method in class Node
Node::getOriginDimensionSpacePoint() — Method in class Node
NodeData::getName() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the name of this node

NodeData::getPath() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the path of this node

NodeData::getContextPath() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the absolute path of this node with additional context information (such as the workspace name).

NodeData::getDepth() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the level at which this node is located.

NodeData::getWorkspace() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the workspace this node is contained in

NodeData::getIdentifier() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the identifier of this node.

NodeData::getIndex() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the index of this node which determines the order among siblings with the same parent node.

NodeData::getParent() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the parent node of this node

NodeData::getParentPath() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the parent node path

NodeData::getChildNodeData() — Method in class NodeData

Returns all direct child node data of this node data with reducing the result by dimensionHash only

NodeData::getNumberOfChildNodes() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the number of child nodes a similar getChildNodes() call would return.

NodeData::getDimensions() — Method in class NodeData

Internal use, do not retrieve collection directly

NodeData::getMovedTo() — Method in class NodeData
NodeData::getDimensionValues() — Method in class NodeData

Returns the dimensions and their values.

NodeData::getDimensionsHash() — Method in class NodeData

Get a unique string for all dimension values

NodeData::getExistingShadowNodeDataInExactWorkspace() — Method in class NodeData

Find an existing shadow node data on the given path for the current node data of the node (used by setPath)

NodeDimension::getName() — Method in class NodeDimension
NodeDimension::getValue() — Method in class NodeDimension
NodeDimension::getNodeData() — Method in class NodeDimension
NodeInterface::getName() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the name of this node

NodeInterface::getLabel() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns a full length plain text label of this node

NodeInterface::getProperty() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the specified property.

NodeInterface::getProperties() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns all properties of this node.

NodeInterface::getPropertyNames() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the names of all properties of this node.

NodeInterface::getContentObject() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the content object of this node (if any).

NodeInterface::getNodeType() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the node type of this node.

NodeInterface::getHiddenBeforeDateTime() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the date and time before which this node will be automatically hidden.

NodeInterface::getHiddenAfterDateTime() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the date and time after which this node will be automatically hidden.

NodeInterface::getAccessRoles() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the names of defined access roles

NodeInterface::getPath() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the path of this node

NodeInterface::getContextPath() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the absolute path of this node with additional context information (such as the workspace name).

NodeInterface::getDepth() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the level at which this node is located.

NodeInterface::getWorkspace() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the workspace this node is contained in

NodeInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the identifier of this node.

NodeInterface::getIndex() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the index of this node which determines the order among siblings with the same parent node.

NodeInterface::getParent() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the parent node of this node

NodeInterface::getParentPath() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the parent node path

NodeInterface::getNode() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns a node specified by the given relative path.

NodeInterface::getPrimaryChildNode() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the primary child node of this node.

NodeInterface::getChildNodes() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns all direct child nodes of this node.

NodeInterface::getNodeData() — Method in class NodeInterface

Return the NodeData representation of the node.

NodeInterface::getContext() — Method in class NodeInterface

Return the context of the node

NodeInterface::getDimensions() — Method in class NodeInterface

Return the assigned content dimensions of the node.

NodeInterface::getOtherNodeVariants() — Method in class NodeInterface

Get other variants of this node (with different dimension values)

NodeLabelGeneratorInterface::getLabel() — Method in class NodeLabelGeneratorInterface

Render a node label

NodeTemplate::getIdentifier() — Method in class NodeTemplate

Returns the UUID set in this NodeTemplate.

NodeTemplate::getName() — Method in class NodeTemplate

Get the name of this node template.

NodeTemplate::getWorkspace() — Method in class NodeTemplate

A NodeTemplate is not stored in any workspace, thus this method returns NULL.

NodeType::getFlattenedSuperTypes() — Method in class NodeType

Returns a flat list of super types to inherit from.

NodeType::getName() — Method in class NodeType

Returns the name of this node type

NodeType::getDeclaredSuperTypes() — Method in class NodeType

Returns the direct, explicitly declared super types of this node type.

NodeType::getLocalConfiguration() — Method in class NodeType

Get the local configuration of the node type. Should only be used internally.

NodeType::getFullConfiguration() — Method in class NodeType

Get the full configuration of the node type. Should only be used internally.

NodeType::getConfiguration() — Method in class NodeType

Returns the configuration option with the specified $configurationPath or NULL if it does not exist

NodeType::getLabel() — Method in class NodeType

Get the human-readable label of this node type

NodeType::getOptions() — Method in class NodeType

Get additional options (if specified)

NodeType::getNodeLabelGenerator() — Method in class NodeType

Return the node label generator class for the given node

NodeType::getProperties() — Method in class NodeType

Return the array with the defined properties. The key is the property name, the value the property configuration. There are no guarantees on how the property configuration looks like.

NodeType::getPropertyType() — Method in class NodeType

Returns the configured type of the specified property

NodeType::getDefaultValuesForProperties() — Method in class NodeType

Return an array with the defined default values for each property, if any.

NodeType::getAutoCreatedChildNodes() — Method in class NodeType

Return an array with child nodes which should be automatically created

NodeType::getTypeOfAutoCreatedChildNode() — Method in class NodeType
UserInterface::getLabel() — Method in class UserInterface

Returns a label which can be used as a human-friendly identifier for this user, for example his or her first and last name.

Workspace::getName() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the name of this workspace

Workspace::getTitle() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the workspace title

Workspace::getDescription() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the workspace description

Workspace::getOwner() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the workspace owner.

Workspace::getBaseWorkspace() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the base workspace, if any

Workspace::getBaseWorkspaces() — Method in class Workspace

Returns all base workspaces, if any

Workspace::getRootNodeData() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the root node data of this workspace

Workspace::getNodeCount() — Method in class Workspace

Returns the number of nodes in this workspace.

NodeAggregateIdentifier::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class NodeAggregateIdentifier
NodeTypeConstraints::getExplicitlyAllowedNodeTypeNames() — Method in class NodeTypeConstraints
NodeTypeConstraints::getExplicitlyDisallowedNodeTypeNames() — Method in class NodeTypeConstraints
NodeTypeName::getValue() — Method in class NodeTypeName
NodeInterface::getContentStreamIdentifier() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getNodeAggregateIdentifier() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getNodeTypeName() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getNodeType() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getNodeName() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getOriginDimensionSpacePoint() — Method in class NodeInterface

returns the DimensionSpacePoint the node is at home in. Usually needed to address a Node in a NodeAggregate in order to update it.

NodeInterface::getProperties() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns all properties of this node. References are NOT part of this API; there you need to check getReference() and getReferences()

NodeInterface::getProperty() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the specified property.

NodeInterface::getLabel() — Method in class NodeInterface

Returns the node label as generated by the configured node label generator

TraversableNodeInterface::getDimensionSpacePoint() — Method in class TraversableNodeInterface

Returns the DimensionSpacePoint the node was requested in, i.e. one of the DimensionSpacePoints this node is visible in. If you need the DimensionSpacePoint where the node is actually at home, see getOriginDimensionSpacePoint()

TraversableNodes::getIterator() — Method in class TraversableNodes
NodeDataRepository::getNodeDataForParentAndNodeType() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Internal method

NodeDataRepository::getNodeTypeFilterConstraintsForDql() — Method in class NodeDataRepository

Generates a two dimensional array with the filters. First level is: 'excludeNodeTypes' 'includeNodeTypes'

NodeDataRepository::getNodeTypeFilterConstraints() — Method in class NodeDataRepository
FirstLevelNodeCache::getByPath() — Method in class FirstLevelNodeCache

If the cache contains a node for the given path, it is returned.

FirstLevelNodeCache::getByIdentifier() — Method in class FirstLevelNodeCache

If the cache contains a node with the given identifier, it is returned.

FirstLevelNodeCache::getChildNodesByPathAndNodeTypeFilter() — Method in class FirstLevelNodeCache

Returns the cached child nodes for the given path and node type filter.

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::getAllPresets() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Get the full presets configuration as an array

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::getDefaultPreset() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Get the default preset of a dimension

ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource::getAllowedDimensionPresetsAccordingToPreselection() — Method in class ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource

Returns a list of presets of the specified dimension which are allowed in combination with the given presets of other dimensions.

ContentDimensionCombinator::getAllAllowedCombinations() — Method in class ContentDimensionCombinator

Array of all possible dimension configurations allowed by configured presets.

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::getAllPresets() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Get the full presets configuration as an array

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::getDefaultPreset() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Get the default preset of a dimension

ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface::getAllowedDimensionPresetsAccordingToPreselection() — Method in class ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

Returns a list of presets of the specified dimension which are allowed in combination with the given presets of other dimensions.

Context::getWorkspace() — Method in class Context

Returns the current workspace.

Context::getWorkspaceName() — Method in class Context

Returns the name of the workspace.

Context::getCurrentDateTime() — Method in class Context

Returns the current date and time in form of a \DateTime object.

Context::getRootNode() — Method in class Context

Convenience method returns the root node for this context workspace.

Context::getNode() — Method in class Context

Returns a node specified by the given absolute path.

Context::getNodeByIdentifier() — Method in class Context

Get a node by identifier and this context

Context::getNodeVariantsByIdentifier() — Method in class Context

Get all node variants for the given identifier

Context::getNodesOnPath() — Method in class Context

Finds all nodes lying on the path specified by (and including) the given starting point and end point.

Context::getDimensions() — Method in class Context

An indexed array of dimensions with ordered list of values for matching nodes by content dimensions

Context::getTargetDimensions() — Method in class Context

An indexed array of dimensions with a set of values that should be applied when updating or creating

Context::getTargetDimensionValues() — Method in class Context

An indexed array of dimensions with a set of values that should be applied when updating or creating

Context::getProperties() — Method in class Context

Returns the properties of this context.

Context::getFirstLevelNodeCache() — Method in class Context

Not public API!

ContextFactory::getIdentifier() — Method in class ContextFactory

Provides a way to identify a context to prevent duplicate context objects.

ContextFactory::getIdentifierSource() — Method in class ContextFactory

This creates the actual identifier and needs to be overridden by builders extending this.

ContextFactory::getAvailableDimensions() — Method in class ContextFactory
ContextFactory::getInstances() — Method in class ContextFactory

Returns all known instances of Context.

ContextFactoryInterface::getInstances() — Method in class ContextFactoryInterface

Returns all known instances of Context.

NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult::getPlainMessage() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult
NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResultPart::getDimensionsLabel() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResultPart
ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration::getConfigurationFor() — Method in class ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration

The sub-configuration to be used is the current one.

ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration::getConfigurationValue() — Method in class ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration
ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration::getTargetPropertyName() — Method in class ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration

Maps the given $sourcePropertyName to a target property name.

ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration::getTypeConverter() — Method in class ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration

This method can be used to explicitely force a TypeConverter to be used for this Configuration.

NodeImportService::getCurrentPath() — Method in class NodeImportService

Provides the path for a NodeData according to the current stacks

NodeImportService::getParentPath() — Method in class NodeImportService

Provides the parent of the given path

NodeService::generateUniqueNodeName() — Method in class NodeService

Generate a node name, optionally based on a suggested "ideal" name

NodeService::generatePossibleNodeName() — Method in class NodeService

Generate possible node name. When an idealNodeName is given then this is put into a valid format for a node name, otherwise a random node name in the form "node-alphanumeric" is generated.

NodeServiceInterface::generateUniqueNodeName() — Method in class NodeServiceInterface

Generates a possible node name, optionally based on a suggested "ideal" name.

NodeTypeManager::getNodeTypes() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Return all registered node types.

NodeTypeManager::getSubNodeTypes() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Return all non-abstract node types which have a certain $superType, without the $superType itself.

NodeTypeManager::getNodeType() — Method in class NodeTypeManager

Returns the specified node type (which could be abstract)

PublishingService::getUnpublishedNodes() — Method in class PublishingService

Returns a list of nodes contained in the given workspace which are not yet published

PublishingService::getUnpublishedNodesCount() — Method in class PublishingService

Returns the number of unpublished nodes contained in the given workspace

PublishingServiceInterface::getUnpublishedNodes() — Method in class PublishingServiceInterface

Returns a list of nodes contained in the given workspace which are not yet published

PublishingServiceInterface::getUnpublishedNodesCount() — Method in class PublishingServiceInterface

Returns the number of unpublished nodes contained in the given workspace

NodePaths::generateContextPath() — Method in class NodePaths

Returns the given absolute node path appended with additional context information (such as the workspace name and dimensions).

NodePaths::getNodeNameFromPath() — Method in class NodePaths

Get the name for a Node based on the given path.

NodePaths::getParentPath() — Method in class NodePaths

Get the parent path of the given Node path.

NodePaths::getPathDepth() — Method in class NodePaths

Returns the depth of the given Node path.

NodePaths::getRelativePathBetween() — Method in class NodePaths

Get the relative path between the given $parentPath and the given $subPath.

NodePaths::generateRandomNodeName() — Method in class NodePaths

Generates a simple random node name.

FilterOperation::getPropertyPath() — Method in class FilterOperation
NextAllOperation::getNextForNode() — Method in class NextAllOperation
NextOperation::getNextForNode() — Method in class NextOperation
NextUntilOperation::getNextForNode() — Method in class NextUntilOperation
NextUntilOperation::getNodesUntil() — Method in class NextUntilOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::getParents() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::getNodesUntil() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
PrevAllOperation::getPrevForNode() — Method in class PrevAllOperation
PrevOperation::getPrevForNode() — Method in class PrevOperation
PrevUntilOperation::getPrevForNode() — Method in class PrevUntilOperation
PrevUntilOperation::getNodesUntil() — Method in class PrevUntilOperation
Configuration::getAvailableVersions() — Method in class Configuration

Returns an array with all available versions.

Configuration::getMigrationVersion() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the configuration of the given version, if available.

ConfigurationInterface::getAvailableVersions() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Returns all available versions.

ConfigurationInterface::getMigrationVersion() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface

Returns the migration configuration with the given version.

MigrationFactory::getMigrationForVersion() — Method in class MigrationFactory
MigrationFactory::getAvailableMigrationsForCurrentConfigurationType() — Method in class MigrationFactory

Return array of all available migrations with the current configuration type

Migration::getVersion() — Method in class Migration
Migration::getDownConfiguration() — Method in class Migration
Migration::getUpConfiguration() — Method in class Migration
MigrationConfiguration::getComments() — Method in class MigrationConfiguration
MigrationConfiguration::getMigration() — Method in class MigrationConfiguration
MigrationConfiguration::getWarnings() — Method in class MigrationConfiguration
MigrationStatus::getApplicationTimeStamp() — Method in class MigrationStatus

The date and time the recorded migration was applied.

MigrationStatus::getDirection() — Method in class MigrationStatus

The direction of the applied migration.

MigrationStatus::getVersion() — Method in class MigrationStatus

The version of the applied migration.

DoctrineFilterInterface::getFilterExpressions() — Method in class DoctrineFilterInterface
NodeType::getFilterExpressions() — Method in class NodeType
PropertyValue::getFilterExpressions() — Method in class PropertyValue

Filters for nodes having the property and value requested.

NodeFilter::getFilterExpressions() — Method in class NodeFilter

Return array with Doctrine expressions

RenameDimension::getNewDimensionName() — Method in class RenameDimension
RenameDimension::getOldDimensionName() — Method in class RenameDimension
ToStringFunction::getSql() — Method in class ToStringFunction
AbstractNodePrivilege::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractNodePrivilege

Unique identifier of this privilege

AbstractNodePrivilege::getPointcutFilterComposite() — Method in class AbstractNodePrivilege
AbstractNodePropertyPrivilege::getNodePropertyNames() — Method in class AbstractNodePropertyPrivilege
CreateNodePrivilege::getCreationNodeTypes() — Method in class CreateNodePrivilege
CreateNodePrivilegeContext::getCreationNodeTypes() — Method in class CreateNodePrivilegeContext
CreateNodePrivilegeSubject::getCreationNodeType() — Method in class CreateNodePrivilegeSubject
ConditionGenerator::getNodeByIdentifier() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
NodePrivilegeContext::getNodeByIdentifier() — Method in class NodePrivilegeContext

Returns a node from the given $nodeIdentifier (disabling authorization checks)

NodePrivilegeSubject::getNode() — Method in class NodePrivilegeSubject
NodePrivilegeSubject::getJoinPoint() — Method in class NodePrivilegeSubject
PropertyAwareNodePrivilegeContext::getNodePropertyNames() — Method in class PropertyAwareNodePrivilegeContext
PropertyAwareNodePrivilegeSubject::getPropertyName() — Method in class PropertyAwareNodePrivilegeSubject
ReadNodePrivilege::getConditionGenerator() — Method in class ReadNodePrivilege
AuthorizationService::getNodeTypeNamesDeniedForCreation() — Method in class AuthorizationService

Returns the node types that the currently authenticated user is denied to create within the given $referenceNode

AuthorizationService::getDeniedNodePropertiesForEditing() — Method in class AuthorizationService
FallbackGraphService::getIntraDimensionalFallbackGraph() — Method in class FallbackGraphService
FallbackGraphService::getInterDimensionalFallbackGraph() — Method in class FallbackGraphService
Diff::getA() — Method in class Diff

Get a range of lines from $start to $end from the first comparison string and return them as an array. If no values are supplied, the entire string is returned. It's also possible to specify just one line to return only that line.

Diff::getB() — Method in class Diff

Get a range of lines from $start to $end from the second comparison string and return them as an array. If no values are supplied, the entire string is returned. It's also possible to specify just one line to return only that line.

Diff::getGroupedOpcodes() — Method in class Diff

Generate a list of the compiled and grouped opcodes for the differences between the two strings. Generally called by the renderer, this class instantiates the sequence matcher and performs the actual diff generation and return an array of the opcodes for it. Once generated, the results are cached in the diff class instance.

SequenceMatcher::getMatchingBlocks() — Method in class SequenceMatcher

Return a nested set of arrays for all of the matching sub-sequences in the strings $a and $b.

SequenceMatcher::getOpCodes() — Method in class SequenceMatcher

Return a list of all of the opcodes for the differences between the two strings.

SequenceMatcher::getGroupedOpcodes() — Method in class SequenceMatcher

Return a series of nested arrays containing different groups of generated opcodes for the differences between the strings with up to $context lines of surrounding content.

CacheSegmentParser::getOutput() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser

Returns the fully intact content as originally given to extractRenderedSegments() but without the markers. This content is suitable for being used as output for the user.

CacheSegmentParser::getCacheSegments() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser

Returns an array with extracted content segments, including the type (if they can be cached or not) and tags to be used for their entries when the segments are stored in a persistent cache.

CacheSegmentParser::getUncachedPartCount() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser
CacheSegmentParser::getOuterSegmentContent() — Method in class CacheSegmentParser
ContentCache::getCachedSegment() — Method in class ContentCache

Tries to retrieve the specified content segment from the cache – further nested inline segments are retrieved as well and segments which were not cacheable are rendered.

ContentCache::getTypeForContextValue() — Method in class ContentCache

TODO: Adapt to Flow change https://review.typo3.org/#/c/33138/

RuntimeContentCache::getEnableContentCache() — Method in class RuntimeContentCache
AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler::getRuntime() — Method in class AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler

Returns current Fusion runtime

Parser::getNextFusionLine() — Method in class Parser

Get the next, unparsed line of Fusion from this->currentSourceCodeLines and increase the pointer

Parser::getParsedObjectPath() — Method in class Parser

Parse an object path specified as a string and returns an array.

Parser::getProcessedValue() — Method in class Parser

Parses the given value (which may be a literal, variable or object type) and returns the evaluated result, including variables replaced by their actual value.

Parser::getValueFromObjectTree() — Method in class Parser

Retrieves a value from a node in the object tree, specified by the object path array.

Parser::getCurrentObjectPathPrefix() — Method in class Parser

Returns the first part of an object path from the current object path stack which can be used to prefix a relative object path.

Runtime::getCurrentContext() — Method in class Runtime

Get the current context array

Runtime::getLastEvaluationStatus() — Method in class Runtime
Runtime::getControllerContext() — Method in class Runtime

Returns the context which has been passed by the currently active MVC Controller

Runtime::getDefaultContextVariables() — Method in class Runtime

Get variables from configuration that should be set in the context by default.

DebugMessage::getTitle() — Method in class DebugMessage
DebugMessage::getPath() — Method in class DebugMessage
DebugMessage::getData() — Method in class DebugMessage
DebugMessage::getLevel() — Method in class DebugMessage
BaseUriHelper::getConfiguredBaseUriOrFallbackToCurrentRequest() — Method in class BaseUriHelper
RuntimeException::getFusionPath() — Method in class RuntimeException
AbstractCollectionImplementation::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractCollectionImplementation

Render the array collection by triggering the itemRenderer for every element

AbstractCollectionImplementation::getItems() — Method in class AbstractCollectionImplementation
AbstractFusionObject::getRuntime() — Method in class AbstractFusionObject

Get the Fusion runtime this object was created in.

ArrayImplementation::getGlue() — Method in class ArrayImplementation

Arrays are always concatenated with an empty string

AttributesImplementation::getAllowEmpty() — Method in class AttributesImplementation

Whether empty attributes (HTML5 syntax) should be allowed

CanRenderImplementation::getType() — Method in class CanRenderImplementation

Fusion type which shall be rendered

CollectionImplementation::getGlue() — Method in class CollectionImplementation

Collections are always concatenated with an empty string

ComponentImplementation::getProps() — Method in class ComponentImplementation

Calculate the component props

DebugImplementation::getTitle() — Method in class DebugImplementation
DebugImplementation::getPlaintext() — Method in class DebugImplementation
FluidView::getResourcePackage() — Method in class FluidView
FluidView::getFusionObject() — Method in class FluidView
FusionAwareViewInterface::getFusionObject() — Method in class FusionAwareViewInterface
FusionPathProxy::getIterator() — Method in class FusionPathProxy

Iterates through all subelements.

HttpResponseImplementation::getResponseHead() — Method in class HttpResponseImplementation

Get the HTTP Header values for this response

HttpResponseImplementation::getResponseHeadName() — Method in class HttpResponseImplementation
ResponseHeadImplementation::getHttpVersion() — Method in class ResponseHeadImplementation

Get HTTP protocol version

ResponseHeadImplementation::getStatusCode() — Method in class ResponseHeadImplementation
ResponseHeadImplementation::getHeaders() — Method in class ResponseHeadImplementation
JoinImplementation::getGlue() — Method in class JoinImplementation

Get the glue to insert between items

LoopImplementation::getGlue() — Method in class LoopImplementation

Get the glue to insert between items

MapImplementation::getItems() — Method in class MapImplementation
MapImplementation::getItemName() — Method in class MapImplementation
MapImplementation::getItemKey() — Method in class MapImplementation
MapImplementation::getIterationName() — Method in class MapImplementation

If set iteration data (index, cycle, isFirst, isLast) is available in context with the name given.

MatcherImplementation::getCondition() — Method in class MatcherImplementation
MatcherImplementation::getType() — Method in class MatcherImplementation

The type to render if condition is true

MatcherImplementation::getRenderPath() — Method in class MatcherImplementation

A path to a Fusion configuration

ReduceImplementation::getItems() — Method in class ReduceImplementation

The list items that shall be reduced to a single value

ReduceImplementation::getItemName() — Method in class ReduceImplementation
ReduceImplementation::getItemKey() — Method in class ReduceImplementation
ReduceImplementation::getCarryName() — Method in class ReduceImplementation
ReduceImplementation::getInitialValue() — Method in class ReduceImplementation
ReduceImplementation::getIterationName() — Method in class ReduceImplementation

If set iteration data (index, cycle, isFirst, isLast) is available in context with the name given.

RendererImplementation::getType() — Method in class RendererImplementation

The type to render if condition is true

RendererImplementation::getRenderPath() — Method in class RendererImplementation

A path to a Fusion configuration

ResourceUriImplementation::getPath() — Method in class ResourceUriImplementation

The location of the resource, can be either a path relative to the Public resource directory of the package or a resource://... URI

ResourceUriImplementation::getPackage() — Method in class ResourceUriImplementation

Target package key (only required for relative paths)

ResourceUriImplementation::getResource() — Method in class ResourceUriImplementation

If specified, this resource object is used instead of the path and package information

TagImplementation::getTagName() — Method in class TagImplementation

The tag name (e.g. 'body', 'head', 'title', ...)

TagImplementation::getOmitClosingTag() — Method in class TagImplementation

Whether to leave out the closing tag (defaults to false)

TagImplementation::getContent() — Method in class TagImplementation

The tag content

TagImplementation::getAttributes() — Method in class TagImplementation

The tag attributes dataStructure If anything but an iterable is returned the value is casted to string

TagImplementation::getAllowEmptyAttributes() — Method in class TagImplementation

Whether empty attributes (HTML5 syntax) should be allowed

TemplateImplementation::getTemplatePath() — Method in class TemplateImplementation

Path to the template which should be rendered

TemplateImplementation::getPartialRootPath() — Method in class TemplateImplementation

Path to the partial root

TemplateImplementation::getLayoutRootPath() — Method in class TemplateImplementation

Path to the layout root

TemplateImplementation::getSectionName() — Method in class TemplateImplementation

Name of a specific section, if only this section should be rendered.

TemplateImplementation::getPath() — Method in class TemplateImplementation
UriBuilderImplementation::getPackage() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Key of the target package

UriBuilderImplementation::getSubpackage() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Key of the target sub package

UriBuilderImplementation::getController() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Target controller name

UriBuilderImplementation::getAction() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Target controller action name

UriBuilderImplementation::getArguments() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Controller arguments

UriBuilderImplementation::getFormat() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

The requested format, for example "html"

UriBuilderImplementation::getSection() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

The anchor to be appended to the URL

UriBuilderImplementation::getAdditionalParams() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Additional query parameters that won't be prefixed like $arguments (overrule $arguments)

UriBuilderImplementation::getArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString() — Method in class UriBuilderImplementation

Arguments to be removed from the URI. Only active if addQueryString = true

ValueImplementation::getValue() — Method in class ValueImplementation
HtmlAugmenter::getHtmlRootElement() — Method in class HtmlAugmenter

Detects a unique root tag in the given $html string and returns its DOMNode representation - or NULL if no unique root element could be found

FusionContextTrait::getContextVariable() — Method in class FusionContextTrait

Get a variable value from the Fusion runtime context.

FusionView::getMergedFusionObjectTree() — Method in class FusionView

Parse all the fusion files the are in the current fusionPathPatterns

FusionView::getFusionPathPatterns() — Method in class FusionView

Get the currently configured fusion path patterns @package is replaced by the current package key

FusionView::getPackageKey() — Method in class FusionView

Get the package key to load the Fusion from. If set, $this->getOption('packageKey') is used.

FusionView::getFusionPathForCurrentRequest() — Method in class FusionView

Determines the Fusion path depending on the current controller and action

AssetController::getErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class AssetController

Individual error FlashMessage that hides which action fails in production.

ImageMapper::getMappingResult() — Method in class ImageMapper
BrowserState::get() — Method in class BrowserState

Return a value for $key.

BrowserState::getActiveAssetSourceIdentifier() — Method in class BrowserState
AbstractImageAdjustment::getPosition() — Method in class AbstractImageAdjustment
CropImageAdjustment::getHeight() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Returns height

CropImageAdjustment::getWidth() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Returns width

CropImageAdjustment::getX() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Returns x

CropImageAdjustment::getY() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment

Returns y

CropImageAdjustment::getAspectRatio() — Method in class CropImageAdjustment
QualityImageAdjustment::getQuality() — Method in class QualityImageAdjustment

Returns quality

ResizeImageAdjustment::getMaximumHeight() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns maximumHeight

ResizeImageAdjustment::getMaximumWidth() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns maximumWidth

ResizeImageAdjustment::getHeight() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns height

ResizeImageAdjustment::getWidth() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns width

ResizeImageAdjustment::getMinimumHeight() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns minimumHeight

ResizeImageAdjustment::getMinimumWidth() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns minimumWidth

ResizeImageAdjustment::getRatioMode() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns ratioMode

ResizeImageAdjustment::getAllowUpScaling() — Method in class ResizeImageAdjustment

Returns allowUpScaling

Asset::getIdentifier() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getLabel() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getLastModified() — Method in class Asset

Returns the last modification timestamp for this asset

Asset::getResource() — Method in class Asset

PersistentResource of the original file

Asset::getFileExtension() — Method in class Asset

Returns a file extension fitting to the media type of this asset

Asset::getMediaType() — Method in class Asset

Returns the IANA media type of this asset

Asset::getTitle() — Method in class Asset

The title of this image

Asset::getCaption() — Method in class Asset

The caption of this asset

Asset::getCopyrightNotice() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getTags() — Method in class Asset

Return the tags assigned to this asset

Asset::getThumbnail() — Method in class Asset

Returns a thumbnail of this asset

Asset::getAssetCollections() — Method in class Asset

Return the asset collections this asset is included in

Asset::getAssetSourceIdentifier() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getAssetProxy() — Method in class Asset
Asset::getUsageCount() — Method in class Asset

Returns the number of times the asset is in use.

AssetCollection::getTitle() — Method in class AssetCollection

Returns the Title

AssetCollection::getAssets() — Method in class AssetCollection

Returns the Assets

AssetCollection::getTags() — Method in class AssetCollection

Return the tags assigned to this asset

AssetInterface::getTitle() — Method in class AssetInterface

The title of this asset

AssetInterface::getResource() — Method in class AssetInterface

Returns the resource of this asset

AssetInterface::getMediaType() — Method in class AssetInterface

Returns the IANA media type of this asset

AssetInterface::getFileExtension() — Method in class AssetInterface

Returns a file extension fitting to the media type of this asset

AssetProxyQueryInterface::getOffset() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryInterface
AssetProxyQueryInterface::getLimit() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryInterface
AssetProxyQueryInterface::getSearchTerm() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryInterface
AssetProxyQueryResultInterface::getQuery() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryResultInterface

Returns a clone of the query object

AssetProxyQueryResultInterface::getFirst() — Method in class AssetProxyQueryResultInterface

Returns the first asset proxy in the result set

AssetProxyRepositoryInterface::getAssetProxy() — Method in class AssetProxyRepositoryInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getAssetSource() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getLabel() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getFilename() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getLastModified() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getFileSize() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getMediaType() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getWidthInPixels() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getHeightInPixels() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getThumbnailUri() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getPreviewUri() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getImportStream() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
AssetProxyInterface::getLocalAssetIdentifier() — Method in class AssetProxyInterface
ProvidesOriginalUriInterface::getOriginalUri() — Method in class ProvidesOriginalUriInterface
SupportsIptcMetadataInterface::getIptcProperty() — Method in class SupportsIptcMetadataInterface

Returns the given IPTC metadata property if it exists, or an empty string otherwise.

SupportsIptcMetadataInterface::getIptcProperties() — Method in class SupportsIptcMetadataInterface

Returns all known IPTC metadata properties as key => value (e.g. "Title" => "My Photo")

AssetSourceAwareInterface::getAssetSourceIdentifier() — Method in class AssetSourceAwareInterface
AssetSourceAwareInterface::getAssetProxy() — Method in class AssetSourceAwareInterface
AssetSourceInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface

A unique string which identifies the concrete asset source.

AssetSourceInterface::getLabel() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface
AssetSourceInterface::getIconUri() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface

Returns the resource path to the icon of the asset source

AssetSourceInterface::getDescription() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface

Returns the description of the asset source

AssetSourceInterface::getAssetProxyRepository() — Method in class AssetSourceInterface
AssetTypeFilter::getAllowedValues() — Method in class AssetTypeFilter
AssetTypeFilter::getAssetType() — Method in class AssetTypeFilter
NeosAssetProxy::getAssetSource() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getIdentifier() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getLabel() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getFilename() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getLastModified() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getFileSize() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getMediaType() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getWidthInPixels() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getHeightInPixels() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getAsset() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getThumbnailUri() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getPreviewUri() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getOriginalUri() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getImportStream() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxy::getLocalAssetIdentifier() — Method in class NeosAssetProxy
NeosAssetProxyQuery::getOffset() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQuery
NeosAssetProxyQuery::getLimit() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQuery
NeosAssetProxyQuery::getSearchTerm() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQuery
NeosAssetProxyQueryResult::getQuery() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQueryResult
NeosAssetProxyQueryResult::getFirst() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyQueryResult
NeosAssetProxyRepository::getAssetProxy() — Method in class NeosAssetProxyRepository
NeosAssetSource::getIdentifier() — Method in class NeosAssetSource
NeosAssetSource::getLabel() — Method in class NeosAssetSource
NeosAssetSource::getIconUri() — Method in class NeosAssetSource

Returns the resource path to Assetsources icon

NeosAssetSource::getDescription() — Method in class NeosAssetSource
NeosAssetSource::getAssetProxyRepository() — Method in class NeosAssetSource
NeosAssetSource::getThumbnailUriForAsset() — Method in class NeosAssetSource

Internal method used by NeosAssetProxy

NeosAssetSource::getPreviewUriForAsset() — Method in class NeosAssetSource

Internal method used by NeosAssetProxy

AssetVariantInterface::getOriginalAsset() — Method in class AssetVariantInterface

Returns the Asset this derived asset is based on

DimensionsTrait::getWidth() — Method in class DimensionsTrait

Width of the image in pixels

DimensionsTrait::getHeight() — Method in class DimensionsTrait

Height of the image in pixels

DimensionsTrait::getAspectRatio() — Method in class DimensionsTrait

Edge / aspect ratio of the image

DimensionsTrait::getOrientation() — Method in class DimensionsTrait

Orientation of this image, i.e. portrait, landscape or square

AssetConstraints::getAllowedAssetSourceIdentifiers() — Method in class AssetConstraints
AssetConstraints::getAllowedMediaTypes() — Method in class AssetConstraints
AssetConstraints::getMediaTypeAcceptAttribute() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Returns the allowed media types as a string that can be used for "accept" attributes in file upload HTML elements

AssetConstraints::getAllowedAssetTypeFilterOptions() — Method in class AssetConstraints

Returns an array with all supported asset type filter values according to the active media type constraints If no media type constraint is set, all options are returned including the special "All": ("All", "Image", "Video", ...) Otherwise only the allowed asset types are returned ("Video", "Image").

UsageReference::getAsset() — Method in class UsageReference
FileTypeIcon::getIconPath() — Method in class FileTypeIcon
FileTypeIcon::getIconSet() — Method in class FileTypeIcon
FileTypeIcon::getIconExtension() — Method in class FileTypeIcon
Image::getVariants() — Method in class Image

Returns all variants (if any) derived from this asset

Image::getVariant() — Method in class Image

Returns the variant identified by $presetIdentifier and $presetVariantName (if existing)

ImageInterface::getWidth() — Method in class ImageInterface

Width of the image in pixels

ImageInterface::getHeight() — Method in class ImageInterface

Height of the image in pixels

ImageInterface::getAspectRatio() — Method in class ImageInterface

Edge / aspect ratio of the image

ImageInterface::getOrientation() — Method in class ImageInterface

Orientation of this image, i.e. portrait, landscape or square

ImageVariant::getOriginalAsset() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the original image this variant is based on

ImageVariant::getResource() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the resource of this image variant

ImageVariant::getFileExtension() — Method in class ImageVariant

File extension of the image without leading dot.

ImageVariant::getTitle() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the title of the original image

ImageVariant::getCaption() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the caption of the original image

ImageVariant::getCopyrightNotice() — Method in class ImageVariant
ImageVariant::getName() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the name

ImageVariant::getVariants() — Method in class ImageVariant

Retrieving variants from variants is not supported (no-operation)

ImageVariant::getPresetIdentifier() — Method in class ImageVariant

Returns the identifier of the image variant preset which created this variant (if any)

ImageVariant::getPresetVariantName() — Method in class ImageVariant
ImageVariant::getAdjustments() — Method in class ImageVariant
ImportedAsset::getAssetSourceIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAsset
ImportedAsset::getRemoteAssetIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAsset
ImportedAsset::getLocalAssetIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAsset
ImportedAsset::getLocalOriginalAssetIdentifier() — Method in class ImportedAsset
ImportedAsset::getImportedAt() — Method in class ImportedAsset
QualityTrait::getQuality() — Method in class QualityTrait

Returns the quality of the image

ResourceBasedInterface::getResource() — Method in class ResourceBasedInterface

Returns the PersistentResource

Tag::getLabel() — Method in class Tag

The label of this tag

Tag::getAssetCollections() — Method in class Tag

Return the asset collections this tag is included in

Tag::getParent() — Method in class Tag
Tag::getChildren() — Method in class Tag
$ Thumbnail#generatorStrategyProperty in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getOriginalAsset() — Method in class Thumbnail

Returns the Asset this thumbnail is derived from

Thumbnail::getConfigurationValue() — Method in class Thumbnail
Thumbnail::getResource() — Method in class Thumbnail

PersistentResource of this thumbnail

Thumbnail::getStaticResource() — Method in class Thumbnail
ThumbnailConfiguration::getWidth() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getMaximumWidth() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getHeight() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getMaximumHeight() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getRatioMode() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getHash() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getQuality() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
ThumbnailConfiguration::getFormat() — Method in class ThumbnailConfiguration
AbstractThumbnailGenerator::getPriority() — Method in class AbstractThumbnailGenerator
AbstractThumbnailGenerator::getOption() — Method in class AbstractThumbnailGenerator
ThumbnailGeneratorInterface::getPriority() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratorInterface

Return the priority of this ThumbnailGenerator. ThumbnailGenerator with a high priority are chosen before low priority.

ThumbnailSupportInterface::getThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailSupportInterface

Returns a thumbnail of this model

VariantSupportInterface::getVariants() — Method in class VariantSupportInterface

Returns all variants (if any) derived from this asset

VariantSupportInterface::getVariant() — Method in class VariantSupportInterface

Returns the variant identified by $presetIdentifier and $presetVariantName (if existing)

Video::getWidth() — Method in class Video

Width of the video in pixels. If the width cannot be determined, -1 is returned.

Video::getHeight() — Method in class Video

Height of the video in pixels. If the height cannot be determined, -1 is returned.

AssetRepository::getAssetVariantFilterClauseForDql() — Method in class AssetRepository

Returns a DQL clause filtering any implementation of AssetVariantInterface

AssetService::getRepository() — Method in class AssetService

Returns the repository for an asset

AssetService::getThumbnailUriAndSizeForAsset() — Method in class AssetService

Calculates the dimensions of the thumbnail to be generated and returns the thumbnail URI.

AssetService::getUsageStrategies() — Method in class AssetService

Returns all registered asset usage strategies

AssetService::getUsageReferences() — Method in class AssetService

Returns an array of asset usage references.

AssetService::getUsageCount() — Method in class AssetService

Returns the total count of times an asset is used.

AssetSourceService::getAssetSources() — Method in class AssetSourceService
AssetVariantGenerator::getVariantPresets() — Method in class AssetVariantGenerator
FileTypeIconService::getIcon() — Method in class FileTypeIconService

Returns an icon for a file type within given dimensions

ImageService::getOptionsMergedWithDefaults() — Method in class ImageService
ImageService::getImageSize() — Method in class ImageService

Get the size of a Flow PersistentResource that contains an image file.

ThumbnailService::getThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailService

Returns a thumbnail of the given asset

ThumbnailService::getPresets() — Method in class ThumbnailService
ThumbnailService::getThumbnailConfigurationForPreset() — Method in class ThumbnailService
ThumbnailService::getUriForThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailService
AbstractAssetUsageStrategy::getUsageCount() — Method in class AbstractAssetUsageStrategy

Returns the total count of usages found.

AssetUsageStrategyInterface::getUsageCount() — Method in class AssetUsageStrategyInterface

Returns the total count of usages found.

AssetUsageStrategyInterface::getUsageReferences() — Method in class AssetUsageStrategyInterface

Returns an array of usage reference objects.

ThumbnailGeneratorStrategy::getThumbnailGeneratorClassNames() — Method in class ThumbnailGeneratorStrategy

Returns all class names implementing the ThumbnailGeneratorInterface.

AspectRatio::getWidth() — Method in class AspectRatio
AspectRatio::getHeight() — Method in class AspectRatio
AspectRatio::getRatio() — Method in class AspectRatio
AspectRatio::getOrientation() — Method in class AspectRatio
MediaTypePattern::getMediaTypePattern() — Method in class MediaTypePattern
Box::getWidth() — Method in class Box
Box::getHeight() — Method in class Box
AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class AssetAssetCollectionConditionGenerator
AssetTagConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class AssetTagConditionGenerator
AssetWithoutAssetCollectionConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class AssetWithoutAssetCollectionConditionGenerator
ReadAssetCollectionPrivilege::getConditionGenerator() — Method in class ReadAssetCollectionPrivilege
ReadAssetPrivilege::getConditionGenerator() — Method in class ReadAssetPrivilege
ReadTagPrivilege::getConditionGenerator() — Method in class ReadTagPrivilege
ArrayConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class ArrayConverter

Return a list of sub-properties inside the source object.

ArrayConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class ArrayConverter

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType, in this case always "array"

AspectRatioFromStringConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class AspectRatioFromStringConverter

Convert all properties in the source array

AssetCollectionToArrayConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class AssetCollectionToArrayConverter

Return a list of sub-properties inside the source object.

AssetCollectionToArrayConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class AssetCollectionToArrayConverter

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType, in this case always "array"

AssetInterfaceConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

All properties in the source array except __identity and adjustments are sub-properties.

AssetInterfaceConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Convert the property "resource"

AssetInterfaceConverter::getTargetTypeForSource() — Method in class AssetInterfaceConverter

Determines the target type based on the source's (optional) __type key.

ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class ImageInterfaceArrayPresenter

Convert all properties in the source array

ImageInterfaceConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class ImageInterfaceConverter

All properties in the source array except __identity are sub-properties.

TagToArrayConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class TagToArrayConverter

Return a list of sub-properties inside the source object.

TagToArrayConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class TagToArrayConverter

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType, in this case always "array"

CheckboxViewHelper::getNameWithoutPrefix() — Method in class CheckboxViewHelper

Get the name of this form element, without prefix.

FusionCachingAspect::getSiteForSiteNode() — Method in class FusionCachingAspect

Get a site for the given site node.

NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::getInspectorElementTranslationId() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect

Generates a generic inspector element label with the given $nodeTypeSpecificPrefix.

NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::getPropertyLabelTranslationId() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect

Generates a property label with the given $nodeTypeSpecificPrefix.

NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::getPropertyConfigurationTranslationId() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect

Generates a property configuration-label with the given $nodeTypeSpecificPrefix.

NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect::generateNodeTypeLabelIdPrefix() — Method in class NodeTypeConfigurationEnrichmentAspect

Generates a label prefix for a specific node type with this format: "Vendor_Package:NodeTypes.NodeTypeName"

PluginUriAspect::getControllerObjectName() — Method in class PluginUriAspect

Merge the default plugin arguments of the Plugin with the arguments in the request and generate a controllerObjectName

PluginUriAspect::generateUriForNode() — Method in class PluginUriAspect

This method generates the Uri through the joinPoint with temporary overriding the used node

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::getSubCommandShortDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Returns a short description

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::getSubCommandDescription() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Returns a piece of description for the specific task the plugin solves for the specified command

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::generateUriPathSegments() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Generate missing URI path segments

NodeCommandControllerPlugin::generateUriPathSegmentsForNode() — Method in class NodeCommandControllerPlugin

Traverses through the tree starting at the given root node and sets the uriPathSegment property derived from the node label.

UserCommandController::getTableRowForUser() — Method in class UserCommandController

Prepares a table row for output with data of the given User

ContentController::getImageInterfacePreviewData() — Method in class ContentController

Returns important meta data for the given object implementing ImageInterface.

ContentController::getImagePreviewData() — Method in class ContentController
ContentController::getImageVariantPreviewData() — Method in class ContentController
ContentController::getAssetProperties() — Method in class ContentController
LoginController::getErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class LoginController

Disable the default error flash message

AbstractModuleController::getErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class AbstractModuleController

Display no flash message at all on errors.

UsersController::getAuthenticationProviders() — Method in class UsersController

Returns sorted list of auth providers by name.

UsersController::getAllowedRoles() — Method in class UsersController

Returns the roles that the current editor is able to assign Administrator can assign any roles, other users can only assign their own roles

WorkspacesController::getOriginalNode() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Retrieves the given node's corresponding node in the base workspace (that is, which would be overwritten if the given node would be published)

WorkspacesController::getPropertyLabel() — Method in class WorkspacesController

Tries to determine a label for the specified property

Domain::getHostname() — Method in class Domain

Returns the hostname

Domain::getScheme() — Method in class Domain

Returns the scheme for this domain

Domain::getPort() — Method in class Domain

Returns the port for this domain

Domain::getSite() — Method in class Domain

Returns the site this domain is pointing to

Domain::getActive() — Method in class Domain

Returns if the domain is active

Domain::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class Domain
AssetUsageInNodeProperties::getNodeIdentifier() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodeProperties
AssetUsageInNodeProperties::getWorkspaceName() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodeProperties
AssetUsageInNodeProperties::getDimensionValues() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodeProperties
AssetUsageInNodeProperties::getNodeTypeName() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodeProperties
PluginViewDefinition::getPluginNodeType() — Method in class PluginViewDefinition
PluginViewDefinition::getName() — Method in class PluginViewDefinition

Returns the name of the plugin view

PluginViewDefinition::getConfiguration() — Method in class PluginViewDefinition

Get the full configuration of the node type. Should only be used internally.

PluginViewDefinition::getLabel() — Method in class PluginViewDefinition

Get the human-readable label of this node type

PluginViewDefinition::getControllerActionPairs() — Method in class PluginViewDefinition
Site::getName() — Method in class Site

Returns the name of this site

Site::getNodeName() — Method in class Site

Returns the node name of this site

Site::getState() — Method in class Site

Returns the state of this site

Site::getSiteResourcesPackageKey() — Method in class Site

Returns the key of a package containing the static resources for this site.

Site::getDomains() — Method in class Site
Site::getActiveDomains() — Method in class Site
Site::getFirstActiveDomain() — Method in class Site
Site::getPrimaryDomain() — Method in class Site

Returns the primary domain, if one has been defined.

Site::getAssetCollection() — Method in class Site
User::getLabel() — Method in class User

Returns a label which can be used as a human-friendly identifier for this user.

User::getPreferences() — Method in class User
UserInterfaceMode::getName() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode
UserInterfaceMode::getFusionPath() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode
UserInterfaceMode::getTitle() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode
UserInterfaceMode::getOptions() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode
UserInterfaceMode::getOptionByPath() — Method in class UserInterfaceMode
UserPreferences::getPreferences() — Method in class UserPreferences

Get preferences

UserPreferences::get() — Method in class UserPreferences
UserPreferences::getInterfaceLanguage() — Method in class UserPreferences
ContentContext::getCurrentSite() — Method in class ContentContext

Returns the current site from this frontend context

ContentContext::getCurrentDomain() — Method in class ContentContext

Returns the current domain from this frontend context

ContentContext::getCurrentSiteNode() — Method in class ContentContext

Returns the node of the current site.

ContentContext::getProperties() — Method in class ContentContext

Returns the properties of this context.

ContentContext::getCurrentRenderingMode() — Method in class ContentContext
ContentContextFactory::getIdentifierSource() — Method in class ContentContextFactory

This creates the actual identifier and needs to be overridden by builders extending this.

DefaultPrototypeGeneratorInterface::generate() — Method in class DefaultPrototypeGeneratorInterface

Generate a Fusion prototype definition for a given node type

DomainMatchingStrategy::getSortedMatches() — Method in class DomainMatchingStrategy

Returns those of the given domains which match the specified hostname.

FusionService::getMergedFusionObjectTree() — Method in class FusionService

Returns a merged Fusion object tree in the context of the given nodes

FusionService::getSiteForSiteNode() — Method in class FusionService
FusionService::generateNodeTypeDefinitions() — Method in class FusionService

Generate Fusion prototype definitions for all node types

FusionService::generateFusionForNodeType() — Method in class FusionService

Generate a Fusion prototype definition for a given node type

FusionService::getFusionIncludes() — Method in class FusionService

Concatenate the given Fusion resources with include statements

FusionService::getPrependFusionIncludes() — Method in class FusionService

Get the Fusion resources that are included before the site Fusion.

FusionService::getAppendFusionIncludes() — Method in class FusionService

Get Fusion resources that will be appended after the site Fusion.

SiteImportService::getSiteByNodeName() — Method in class SiteImportService

Updates or creates a site with the given $siteNodeName

UserService::getUsers() — Method in class UserService

Retrieves a list of all existing users

UserService::getUser() — Method in class UserService

Retrieves an existing user by the given username

UserService::getUsername() — Method in class UserService

Returns the username of the given user

UserService::getCurrentUser() — Method in class UserService

Returns the currently logged in user, if any

UserService::getDefaultAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class UserService

Returns the default authentication provider name

UserService::getAllRoles() — Method in class UserService

Returns an array with all roles of a user's accounts, including parent roles, the "Everybody" role and the "AuthenticatedUser" role, assuming that the user is logged in.

AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy::getUsageReferences() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy

Returns an array of usage reference objects.

AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy::getRelatedNodes() — Method in class AssetUsageInNodePropertiesStrategy

Returns all nodes that use the asset in a node property.

ParentsUntilOperation::getParents() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
ParentsUntilOperation::getNodesUntil() — Method in class ParentsUntilOperation
Event::getEventType() — Method in class Event

Return the type of this event

Event::getTimestamp() — Method in class Event

Return the timestamp of this event

Event::getData() — Method in class Event

Return the payload of this event

Event::getAccountIdentifier() — Method in class Event

Return the identifier of the account (if any) which triggered this event

Event::getParentEvent() — Method in class Event

Return the parent event (if any)

Event::getChildEvents() — Method in class Event

Return the child events (if any)

EventsOnDate::getEvents() — Method in class EventsOnDate
EventsOnDate::getDay() — Method in class EventsOnDate
NodeEvent::getWorkspaceName() — Method in class NodeEvent

Return name of the workspace where the node event happened

NodeEvent::getDocumentNodeIdentifier() — Method in class NodeEvent

Return the node identifier of the closest parent document node related to this event

NodeEvent::getNodeIdentifier() — Method in class NodeEvent

Return the node identifier of the node this event relates to

NodeEvent::getClosestAggregateNode() — Method in class NodeEvent

Returns the closest aggregate node of the given node

NodeEvent::getDocumentNode() — Method in class NodeEvent

Returns the closest document node, if it can be resolved.

NodeEvent::getNode() — Method in class NodeEvent

Returns the node this even refers to, if it can be resolved.

NodeEvent::getCurrentSite() — Method in class NodeEvent

Prevents invalid calls to the site repository in case the site data property is not available.

EventEmittingService::generate() — Method in class EventEmittingService

Generates a new event, without persisting it yet.

EventEmittingService::getCurrentContext() — Method in class EventEmittingService

The current context-event or NULL if none exists currently.

ContentRepositoryIntegrationService::generateNodeEvents() — Method in class ContentRepositoryIntegrationService
AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::getRenderHiddenInIndex() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Should nodes that have "hiddenInIndex" set still be visible in this menu.

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::getItems() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Main API method which sends the to-be-rendered data to Fluid

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::getCurrentNodeRootline() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Get the rootline from the current node up to the site node.

AbstractMenuItemsImplementation::getNodeLevelInSite() — Method in class AbstractMenuItemsImplementation

Node Level relative to site root node.

ContentCacheFlusher::getContextForReference() — Method in class ContentCacheFlusher
ContentCacheFlusher::getAllImplementedNodeTypeNames() — Method in class ContentCacheFlusher
ContentCacheFlusher::getCachingHelper() — Method in class ContentCacheFlusher
ContentElementEditableImplementation::getValue() — Method in class ContentElementEditableImplementation

The string to be processed

ContentElementWrappingImplementation::getValue() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingImplementation

The string to be processed

ContentElementWrappingImplementation::getAdditionalAttributes() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingImplementation

Additional attributes to be rendered in the ContentElementWrapping

ContentElementWrappingImplementation::getContentElementFusionPath() — Method in class ContentElementWrappingImplementation

Returns the Fusion path to the wrapped Content Element

DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::getDimension() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::getPresets() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::getIncludeAllPresets() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation
DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation::getNodeInDimensions() — Method in class DimensionsMenuItemsImplementation

Get the current node in the given dimensions.

NodeWrappingHandler::getMessage() — Method in class NodeWrappingHandler

appends the given reference code to the exception's message unless it is unset

ArrayHelper::groupBy() — Method in class ArrayHelper

The input is assumed to be an array or Collection of objects. Groups this input by the $groupingKey property of each element.

CachingHelper::getNodeTypeTagFor() — Method in class CachingHelper
LinkHelper::getScheme() — Method in class LinkHelper
ImageUriImplementation::getAsset() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getWidth() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getMaximumWidth() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getHeight() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getMaximumHeight() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getAllowCropping() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getAllowUpScaling() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getQuality() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getAsync() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getFormat() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
ImageUriImplementation::getPreset() — Method in class ImageUriImplementation
MenuItemsImplementation::getEntryLevel() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

The last navigation level which should be rendered.

MenuItemsImplementation::getFilter() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

NodeType filter for nodes displayed in menu

MenuItemsImplementation::getMaximumLevels() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Maximum number of levels which should be rendered in this menu.

MenuItemsImplementation::getLastLevel() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation

Return evaluated lastLevel value.

MenuItemsImplementation::getStartingPoint() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation
MenuItemsImplementation::getItemCollection() — Method in class MenuItemsImplementation
NodeUriImplementation::getNode() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

A node object or a string node path or NULL to resolve the current document node

NodeUriImplementation::getFormat() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

The requested format, for example "html"

NodeUriImplementation::getSection() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

The anchor to be appended to the URL

NodeUriImplementation::getAdditionalParams() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

Additional query parameters that won't be prefixed like $arguments (overrule $arguments)

NodeUriImplementation::getArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

Arguments to be removed from the URI. Only active if addQueryString = true

NodeUriImplementation::getAddQueryString() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

If true, the current query parameters will be kept in the URI

NodeUriImplementation::getBaseNodeName() — Method in class NodeUriImplementation

The name of the base node inside the Fusion context to use for resolving relative paths.

PluginImplementation::getPackage() — Method in class PluginImplementation
PluginImplementation::getSubpackage() — Method in class PluginImplementation
PluginImplementation::getController() — Method in class PluginImplementation
PluginImplementation::getAction() — Method in class PluginImplementation
PluginImplementation::getArgumentNamespace() — Method in class PluginImplementation
PluginImplementation::getPluginNamespace() — Method in class PluginImplementation

Returns the plugin namespace that will be prefixed to plugin parameters in URIs.

InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getNodes() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getEdges() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getWidth() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
InterDimensionalFallbackGraph::getHeight() — Method in class InterDimensionalFallbackGraph
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::getDimensions() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::getWidth() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph::getHeight() — Method in class IntraDimensionalFallbackGraph
FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::getRelativeNodePathByUriPathSegmentProperties() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Builds a node path which matches the given request path.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::getRequestPathByNode() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Renders a request path based on the "uriPathSegment" properties of the nodes leading to the given node.

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::getCurrentSite() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Determines the currently active site based on the "requestUriHost" parameter (that has to be set via HTTP middleware)

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::getSiteByHostName() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Returns a site matching the given $hostName

FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler::getUriSegmentForDimensions() — Method in class FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler

Find a URI segment in the content dimension presets for the given "language" dimension values

ModulePrivilege::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class ModulePrivilege

Returns a string which distinctly identifies this object and thus can be used as an identifier for cache entries related to this object.

ModulePrivilege::getPointcutFilterComposite() — Method in class ModulePrivilege
ModulePrivilegeSubject::getModulePath() — Method in class ModulePrivilegeSubject
BackendRedirectionService::getAfterLoginRedirectionUri() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService

Returns a specific URI string to redirect to after the login; or NULL if there is none.

BackendRedirectionService::getAfterLogoutRedirectionUri() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService

Returns a specific URI string to redirect to after the logout; or NULL if there is none.

BackendRedirectionService::getLastVisitedNode() — Method in class BackendRedirectionService
DataSourceController::getDataSources() — Method in class DataSourceController

Get available data source implementations

NodeController::getChildNodesForTreeAction() — Method in class NodeController

Return child nodes of specified node for usage in a TreeLoader

WorkspaceController::getWorkspaceWideUnpublishedNodesAction() — Method in class WorkspaceController

Get every unpublished node in the workspace with the given workspace name

AbstractDataSource::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractDataSource
DataSourceInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class DataSourceInterface
DataSourceInterface::getData() — Method in class DataSourceInterface

Get data

LinkingService::getScheme() — Method in class LinkingService
LinkingService::getLastLinkedNode() — Method in class LinkingService

Returns the node that was last used to resolve a link to.

$ NodePropertyConverterService#generatedPropertyMappingConfigurationsProperty in class NodePropertyConverterService
NodePropertyConverterService::getProperty() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Get a single property reduced to a simple type (no objects) representation

NodePropertyConverterService::getPropertiesJson() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Get all properties as JSON encoded string representation

NodePropertyConverterService::getPropertiesArray() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Get all properties reduced to simple type (no objects) representations in an array

NodePropertyConverterService::getDefaultValueForProperty() — Method in class NodePropertyConverterService

Tries to find a default value for the given property trying: 1) The specific property configuration for the given NodeType 2) The generic configuration for the property type in settings.

NodeOperations::getDesignatedParentNode() — Method in class NodeOperations
NodeTypeSchemaBuilder::generateNodeTypeSchema() — Method in class NodeTypeSchemaBuilder

The preprocessed node type schema contains everything we need for the UI:

NodeTypeSchemaBuilder::generateConstraints() — Method in class NodeTypeSchemaBuilder

Generate the list of allowed sub-node-types per parent-node-type and child-node-name.

PluginService::getPluginNodes() — Method in class PluginService

Returns an array of all available plugin nodes

PluginService::getPluginNodesWithViewDefinitions() — Method in class PluginService

Returns an array of all plugin nodes with View Definitions

PluginService::getNodes() — Method in class PluginService

Find all nodes of a specific node type

PluginService::getPluginViewDefinitionsByPluginNodeType() — Method in class PluginService

Get all configured PluginView definitions for a specific $pluginNodeType

PluginService::getPluginViewConfigurationsByPluginNodeType() — Method in class PluginService
PluginService::getPluginNodeByAction() — Method in class PluginService

returns a plugin node or one of it's view nodes if an view has been configured for that specific controller and action combination

PluginService::getPluginViewDefinitionByAction() — Method in class PluginService

Fetch a PluginView definition that matches the specified controller and action combination

PluginService::getPluginViewNodeByMasterPlugin() — Method in class PluginService

returns a specific view node of an master plugin or NULL if it does not exist

UserService::getBackendUser() — Method in class UserService

Returns the current backend user

UserService::getPersonalWorkspace() — Method in class UserService

Returns the current user's personal workspace or null if no user is logged in

UserService::getPersonalWorkspaceName() — Method in class UserService

Returns the name of the currently logged in user's personal workspace (even if that might not exist at that time).

UserService::getUserPreference() — Method in class UserService

Returns the stored preferences of a user

UserService::getInterfaceLanguage() — Method in class UserService

Returns the interface language the user selected. Will fall back to the default language defined in settings

VieSchemaBuilder::generateVieSchema() — Method in class VieSchemaBuilder

Converts the nodes types to a fully structured array in the same structure as the schema to be created.

VieSchemaBuilder::getAllSubtypes() — Method in class VieSchemaBuilder

Return all sub node types of a node type (recursively)

VieSchemaBuilder::getAllAncestors() — Method in class VieSchemaBuilder

Return all ancestors of a node type

XliffService::getCachedJson() — Method in class XliffService

Return the json array for a given locale, sourceCatalog, xliffPath and package.

XliffService::getTranslationUnitValue() — Method in class XliffService
XliffService::getCacheVersion() — Method in class XliffService
AssetTransformation::getHandledObjectTypes() — Method in class AssetTransformation
BackendAssetsUtility::getCssBuiltVersion() — Method in class BackendAssetsUtility

Returns a shortened md5 of the built CSS file

NodeUriPathSegmentGenerator::generateUriPathSegment() — Method in class NodeUriPathSegmentGenerator

Generates a URI path segment for a given node taking it's language dimension into account

User::getPersonalWorkspaceNameForUsername() — Method in class User

Constructs a personal workspace name for the user with the given username.

JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper::getStaticResourceWebBaseUri() — Method in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper::getRequireJsPathMapping() — Method in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper::getNodeTypeGroupsSettings() — Method in class JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper
EditableViewHelper::getNodeFromFusionContext() — Method in class EditableViewHelper
GetTypeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers

View helper to check if a given value is an array.

AbstractRenderingStateViewHelper::getContextNode() — Method in class AbstractRenderingStateViewHelper

Get a node from the current Fusion context if available.

AbstractRenderingStateViewHelper::getNodeContext() — Method in class AbstractRenderingStateViewHelper
FusionExceptionView::getFusionRuntime() — Method in class FusionExceptionView
FusionView::getFusionPath() — Method in class FusionView
FusionView::getClosestDocumentNode() — Method in class FusionView
FusionView::getCurrentSiteNode() — Method in class FusionView
FusionView::getCurrentNode() — Method in class FusionView
FusionView::getFusionRuntime() — Method in class FusionView
FormDefinitionDataSource::getData() — Method in class FormDefinitionDataSource
AfxTemplateGenerator::generateSitePackage() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate a site package and fill it with boilerplate data.

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateSitesXml() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate a "Sites.xml" for the given package and name.

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateSitesRootFusion() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate basic root Fusion file.

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateSitesFusionDirectory() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Render the whole directory of the fusion part

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateSiteNodeName() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate site node name based on the given package key

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateNodeTypesConfiguration() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate a example NodeTypes.yaml

AfxTemplateGenerator::generateAdditionalFolders() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

Generate additional folders for site packages.

AfxTemplateGenerator::getResourcePathForFile() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

returns resource path for the generator

AfxTemplateGenerator::getGeneratorName() — Method in class AfxTemplateGenerator

returns the human readable name of the generator

SitePackageGeneratorInterface::generateSitePackage() — Method in class SitePackageGeneratorInterface

returns generated files as an array

SitePackageGeneratorInterface::getGeneratorName() — Method in class SitePackageGeneratorInterface

returns the human readable name of the generator

SiteGeneratorCollectingService::getAllGenerators() — Method in class SiteGeneratorCollectingService
SitePackageGeneratorNameService::getNameOfSitePackageGenerator() — Method in class SitePackageGeneratorNameService


$ AbstractNodeData#hiddenProperty in class AbstractNodeData

If this node is hidden, it is not shown in a public place

$ AbstractNodeData#hiddenBeforeDateTimeProperty in class AbstractNodeData

If set, this node is automatically hidden before the specified date / time

$ AbstractNodeData#hiddenAfterDateTimeProperty in class AbstractNodeData

If set, this node is automatically hidden after the specified date / time

$ AbstractNodeData#hiddenInIndexProperty in class AbstractNodeData

If this node should be hidden in indexes, such as a website navigation

AbstractNodeData::hasProperty() — Method in class AbstractNodeData

If this node has a property with the given name.

Node::hasProperty() — Method in class Node

If this node has a property with the given name.

Node::hasChildNodes() — Method in class Node

Checks if this node has any child nodes.

Node::hasAccessRestrictions() — Method in class Node

Tells if a node, in general, has access restrictions, independent of the current security context.

$ NodeData#hiddenBeforeDateTimeProperty in class NodeData
$ NodeData#hiddenAfterDateTimeProperty in class NodeData
NodeData::hasAccessRestrictions() — Method in class NodeData

Tells if a node, in general, has access restrictions, independent of the current security context.

NodeInterface::hasProperty() — Method in class NodeInterface

If this node has a property with the given name.

NodeInterface::hasChildNodes() — Method in class NodeInterface

Checks if this node has any child nodes.

NodeInterface::hasAccessRestrictions() — Method in class NodeInterface

Tells if a node, in general, has access restrictions, independent of the current security context.

NodeType::hasConfiguration() — Method in class NodeType

Checks if the configuration of this node type contains a setting for the given $configurationPath

NodeType::hasAutoCreatedChildNode() — Method in class NodeType
NodeInterface::hasProperty() — Method in class NodeInterface

If this node has a property with the given name. Does NOT check the NodeType; but checks for a non-NULL property value.

$ NodeDataRepository#highestIndexCacheProperty in class NodeDataRepository
NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult::hasIntegrityViolations() — Method in class NodeMoveIntegrityCheckResult
NodeExportService::handleExceptionsDuringExport() — Method in class