class HtmlMessageHandler extends AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler (View source)
Renders the exception as HTML.
protected Runtime | $runtime | Current Fusion runtime |
from AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler |
Handle an Exception thrown while rendering Fusion
breaks the given path to multiple line to allow a nicer formatted logging
Can be used to determine if handling the exception should disable the cache or not.
No description
No description
No description
Renders a message depicting the user where to find further information for the given reference code.
Renders an indented multi-line stack-trace for the given Fusion path.
setRuntime(Runtime $runtime)
Sets the current Fusion runtime
protected Runtime
Returns current Fusion runtime
handleRenderingException(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception)
Handle an Exception thrown while rendering Fusion
protected string
handle(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception, int $referenceCode)
Renders the exception in HTML for display
protected string
formatScriptPath(string $fusionPath, string $delimiter, bool $escapeHtml = true)
breaks the given path to multiple line to allow a nicer formatted logging
formatScriptPath('page formatScriptPath('page Can be used to determine if handling the exception should disable the cache or not. No description No description No description Renders a message depicting the user where to find further information
for the given reference code. Renders an indented multi-line stack-trace for the given Fusion path. example: default is rendered as default
protected bool
exceptionDisablesCache(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception)
injectLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
injectThrowableStorage(ThrowableStorageInterface $throwableStorage)
__construct(bool $renderTechnicalDetails = true)
protected string
formatErrorCodeMessage(int $referenceCode)
protected string
formatFusionPath(string $fusionPath)