class PageHandler extends AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler (View source)
A special exception handler that is used on the outer path to catch all unhandled exceptions and uses other exception handlers depending on the login status.
protected Runtime | $runtime | Current Fusion runtime |
from AbstractRenderingExceptionHandler |
protected PrivilegeManagerInterface | $privilegeManager | ||
protected ContentElementWrappingService | $contentElementWrappingService | ||
protected Environment | $environment |
Handle an Exception thrown while rendering Fusion
breaks the given path to multiple line to allow a nicer formatted logging
Can be used to determine if handling the exception should disable the cache or not.
Renders an actual HTTP response including the correct status and cache control header.
Prepare a Fluid view for rendering an error page with the Neos backend
setRuntime(Runtime $runtime)
Sets the current Fusion runtime
protected Runtime
Returns current Fusion runtime
handleRenderingException(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception)
Handle an Exception thrown while rendering Fusion
protected string
handle(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception, int $referenceCode)
Handle an exception by displaying an error message inside the Neos backend, if logged in and not displaying the live workspace.
protected string
formatScriptPath(string $fusionPath, string $delimiter, bool $escapeHtml = true)
breaks the given path to multiple line to allow a nicer formatted logging
formatScriptPath('page formatScriptPath('page Can be used to determine if handling the exception should disable the cache or not. Renders an actual HTTP response including the correct status and cache control header. Prepare a Fluid view for rendering an error page with the Neos backend
protected bool
exceptionDisablesCache(string $fusionPath, Exception $exception)
protected string
wrapHttpResponse(Exception $exception, string $bodyContent)
protected StandaloneView