class HtmlAugmenter (View source)

A tool that can augment HTML for example by adding arbitrary attributes.

This is used in order to add meta data arguments to content elements in the Backend.


$html = '

Some HTML code
'; $result = (new HtmlAugmenter())->addAttributes($html, array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'));

// will return '

Some HTML code</div'



renderAttributes(iterable $attributes, bool $allowEmpty = true)

Render the tag attributes for the given key->values as string, if a value is an iterable it will be concatenated with spaces as separator

addAttributes(string $html, array $attributes, string $fallbackTagName = 'div', array $exclusiveAttributes = null, bool $allowEmptyAttributes = true)

Adds the given $attributes to the $html by augmenting the root element.

getHtmlRootElement(string $html)

Detects a unique root tag in the given $html string and returns its DOMNode representation - or NULL if no unique root element could be found

mergeAttributes(DOMNode $element, array $newAttributes)

Merges the attributes of $element with the given $newAttributes If an attribute exists in both collections, it is merged to " " (if both values differ)

elementHasAttributes(DOMNode $element, array $attributes = null)

Checks whether the given $element contains at least one of the specified $attributes (case insensitive)


protected string renderAttributes(iterable $attributes, bool $allowEmpty = true)

Render the tag attributes for the given key->values as string, if a value is an iterable it will be concatenated with spaces as separator


iterable $attributes
bool $allowEmpty

Return Value


addAttributes(string $html, array $attributes, string $fallbackTagName = 'div', array $exclusiveAttributes = null, bool $allowEmptyAttributes = true)

Adds the given $attributes to the $html by augmenting the root element.

Attributes are merged with the existing root element's attributes. If no unique root node can be determined, a wrapping tag is added with all the given attributes. The name of this tag can be specified with $fallbackTagName.


string $html

The HTML code to augment

array $attributes

Attributes to be added to the root element in the format array('' => '', ...)

string $fallbackTagName

The root element tag name if one needs to be added

array $exclusiveAttributes

A list of lowercase(!) attribute names that should be exclusive to the root element. If the existing root element contains one of these a new root element is wrapped

bool $allowEmptyAttributes

Allow empty attributes without a value

protected DOMNode|null getHtmlRootElement(string $html)

Detects a unique root tag in the given $html string and returns its DOMNode representation - or NULL if no unique root element could be found


string $html

Return Value


protected void mergeAttributes(DOMNode $element, array $newAttributes)

Merges the attributes of $element with the given $newAttributes If an attribute exists in both collections, it is merged to " " (if both values differ)


DOMNode $element
array $newAttributes

Return Value


protected bool elementHasAttributes(DOMNode $element, array $attributes = null)

Checks whether the given $element contains at least one of the specified $attributes (case insensitive)


DOMNode $element
array $attributes

array of attribute names to check (lowercase)

Return Value


true if at least one of the $attributes is contained in the given $element, otherwise false