class FusionService (View source)

currently scope prototype will change with the removal of the internal state to singleton in Neos 9.0


protected string deprecated $siteRootFusionPattern

Pattern used for determining the Fusion root file for a site

protected array deprecated $prependFusionIncludes

Array of Fusion files to include before the site Fusion

protected array deprecated $appendFusionIncludes

Array of Fusion files to include after the site Fusion

protected SiteRepository $siteRepository
protected Parser $fusionParser
protected RuntimeFactory $runtimeFactory
protected FusionSourceCodeFactory $fusionSourceCodeFactory
protected FusionConfigurationCache $fusionConfigurationCache


getMergedFusionObjectTree(TraversableNodeInterface $startNode) deprecated

Returns a merged Fusion object tree in the context of the given nodes

createRuntime(TraversableNodeInterface $currentSiteNode, ControllerContext $controllerContext) deprecated

Create a runtime for the given site node

setSiteRootFusionPattern(string $siteRootFusionPattern) deprecated

Set the pattern for including the site root Fusion

getPrependFusionIncludes() deprecated

Get the Fusion resources that are included before the site Fusion.

setPrependFusionIncludes(array $prependFusionIncludes) deprecated

Set Fusion resources that should be prepended before the site Fusion, it defaults to the Neos Root.fusion Fusion.

getAppendFusionIncludes() deprecated

Get Fusion resources that will be appended after the site Fusion.

setAppendFusionIncludes(array $appendFusionIncludes) deprecated

Set Fusion resources that should be appended after the site Fusion, this defaults to an empty array.


FusionConfiguration createFusionConfigurationFromSite(Site $site)

No description


Site $site

Return Value


array getMergedFusionObjectTree(TraversableNodeInterface $startNode) deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 {@link createFusionConfigurationFromSite}

Returns a merged Fusion object tree in the context of the given nodes


TraversableNodeInterface $startNode

Node marking the starting point (i.e. the "Site" node)

Return Value


The merged object tree as of the given node

Runtime createRuntime(TraversableNodeInterface $currentSiteNode, ControllerContext $controllerContext) deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link createFusionConfigurationFromSite} and {@link RuntimeFactory::createFromConfiguration} instead

Create a runtime for the given site node


TraversableNodeInterface $currentSiteNode
ControllerContext $controllerContext

Return Value


void setSiteRootFusionPattern(string $siteRootFusionPattern) deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link FusionSourceCodeFactory} in combination with {@link RuntimeFactory::createRuntimeFromSourceCode()} instead

Set the pattern for including the site root Fusion


string $siteRootFusionPattern

A string for the sprintf format that takes the site package key as a single placeholder

Return Value


array getPrependFusionIncludes() deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link FusionSourceCodeFactory} in combination with {@link RuntimeFactory::createRuntimeFromSourceCode()} instead

Get the Fusion resources that are included before the site Fusion.

Return Value


void setPrependFusionIncludes(array $prependFusionIncludes) deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link FusionSourceCodeFactory} in combination with {@link RuntimeFactory::createRuntimeFromSourceCode()} instead

Set Fusion resources that should be prepended before the site Fusion, it defaults to the Neos Root.fusion Fusion.


array $prependFusionIncludes

Return Value


array getAppendFusionIncludes() deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link FusionSourceCodeFactory} in combination with {@link RuntimeFactory::createRuntimeFromSourceCode()} instead

Get Fusion resources that will be appended after the site Fusion.

Return Value


void setAppendFusionIncludes(array $appendFusionIncludes) deprecated

deprecated with Neos 8.3, will be removed with 9.0 use {@link FusionSourceCodeFactory} in combination with {@link RuntimeFactory::createRuntimeFromSourceCode()} instead

Set Fusion resources that should be appended after the site Fusion, this defaults to an empty array.


array $appendFusionIncludes

An array of Fusion resource URIs

Return Value
