interface DimensionResolverInterface (View source)

Common interface for content dimension resolvers which are hooked into the Frontend Routing.

They are responsible for two concerns:

1) At the beginning of a request, during the Routing stage, to figure out the DimensionSpacePoint which should be shown from the URL (by looking at the first URI Path Segment, or the Hostname, or ...)

2) During Link rendering, to add the dimension part to the URL in the appropriate way.

There is always a single {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface} active; though this implementation can delegate to other implementations of this interface - thus it is built to be extensible via composition.

For a high-level overview on the Frontend Routing, visit {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\EventSourcedFrontendNodeRoutePartHandler}.

Usage of {[\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface::fromRequestToDimensionSpacePoint}

This](../../../../Neos/Neos/FrontendRouting/DimensionResolution/DimensionResolverInterface.html) method is called during the Routing stage (1) above. It receives a {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext}, through which the current URL and route parameters can be received; and via {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\SiteDetection\SiteDetectionResult}, also the current site / content repository / hostname are accessible.

The {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext::withAddedDimensionSpacePoint()} method should be called with the resolving result, potentially multiple times. NOTE: {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext} is immutable, so calling a method like the above returns a new instance which you need to properly return to the caller.

Usage of {[\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface::fromDimensionSpacePointToUriConstraints}

This](../../../../Neos/Neos/FrontendRouting/DimensionResolution/DimensionResolverInterface.html) method is called during the Link rendering (2) above. It receives a DimensionSpacePoint and returns an UriConstraints object which contains the necessary URL modifications.

Site-specific configuration through Settings.yaml

In Settings.yaml, underneath the path Neos.Neos.sites.[site-node-name|*].contentDimensions.resolver.factoryClassName, you specify which {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverFactoryInterface} should be used to build the used {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface}.

The settings path can either:

  • contain a specific site node name - in this case, the dimension config etc is just used for the single site.
  • contain a fallback * for all other cases.

The referenced factories are usually singletons; and you can process configuration and instantiate the actual {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface} instances in any way you want. You need to pass in all dependencies the resolver needs.

The delegation logic described above is implemented in {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DelegatingResolver}, which is directly referenced in {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\EventSourcedFrontendNodeRoutePartHandler}.

{\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverFactoryInterface} and {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\Resolver\CompositeResolver}

For many use cases where you want to compose different resolvers (e.g. use UriPathResolver for the language dimension; and the HostnameResolver for the country dimension), you have to write a custom {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverFactoryInterface}, where you can instantiate your desired resolvers with the configuration you need.

To form a chain of resolvers, you can all the different resolver instances with the {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\Resolver\CompositeResolver}.

For even more advanced cases, you will need a custom {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverFactoryInterface} and a corresponding {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface}.

Composition of {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DimensionResolverInterface}

As written above, it is common that a resolver delegates to one or more other resolvers. To ensure that this composition will work nicely, it is prohibited inside Resolvers to read Settings or any other global state. If you need to access global state, read it in the Factory and pass it via Constructor to the Resolvers.

(Note: This rule does not apply to {\Neos\Neos\FrontendRouting\DimensionResolution\DelegatingResolver}, which is the hardcoded entrypoint to the resolver list.)


fromRequestToDimensionSpacePoint(RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext $context)

Called in the incoming direction, when an URL is resolved on its way

fromDimensionSpacePointToUriConstraints(DimensionSpacePoint $dimensionSpacePoint, SiteNodeName $targetSiteIdentifier, UriConstraints $uriConstraints)

Called for each generated URL, to adjust (and return) the passed-in UriConstraints depending on the given DimensionSpacePoint.


RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext fromRequestToDimensionSpacePoint(RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext $context)

Called in the incoming direction, when an URL is resolved on its way


RequestToDimensionSpacePointContext $context

Return Value


the modified context

UriConstraints fromDimensionSpacePointToUriConstraints(DimensionSpacePoint $dimensionSpacePoint, SiteNodeName $targetSiteIdentifier, UriConstraints $uriConstraints)

Called for each generated URL, to adjust (and return) the passed-in UriConstraints depending on the given DimensionSpacePoint.


DimensionSpacePoint $dimensionSpacePoint
SiteNodeName $targetSiteIdentifier
UriConstraints $uriConstraints

the pre-applied uriConstraints -> modify and return them.

Return Value
