class PluralsReader (View source)
A reader for data placed in "plurals" tag in CLDR.
There are a few similar words used in plurals.xml file of CLDR used by this class. Following naming convention is used in the code (a name of corresponding tag from xml file is provided in brackets, if any):
- ruleset: a set of plural rules for a locale [pluralRules]
- rule: a rule for one of the forms: zero, one, two, few, many [pluralRule]
- subrule: one of the conditions of rule. One rule can have many conditions joined with "and" or "or" logical operator.
An expression to catch one plural subrule. One rule consists of one or more subrules. |
Constants for every plural rule form defined in CLDR. |
protected CldrRepository | $cldrRepository | ||
protected VariableFrontend | $cache | ||
protected array | $rulesets | An array of rulesets, indexed numerically. |
protected array | $rulesetsIndices | An associative array holding information which ruleset is used by given locale. One or more locales can use the same ruleset. |
Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.
Returns matching plural form based on $quantity and $locale provided.
Generates an internal representation of plural rules which can be found in plurals.xml CLDR file.
Parses a plural rule from CLDR.
injectCldrRepository(CldrRepository $repository)
No description
injectCache(VariableFrontend $cache)
Injects the Flow_I18n_Cldr_Reader_PluralsReader cache
Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.
getPluralForm(mixed $quantity, Locale $locale)
Returns matching plural form based on $quantity and $locale provided.
Plural form is one of following: zero, one, two, few, many, other. Last one (other) is returned when number provided doesn't match any of the rules, or there is no rules for given locale.
getPluralForms(Locale $locale)
Returns array of plural forms available for particular locale.
protected void
Generates an internal representation of plural rules which can be found in plurals.xml CLDR file.
The properties $rulesets and $rulesetsIndices should be empty before running this method.
protected array
parseRule(string $rule)
Parses a plural rule from CLDR.
A plural rule in CLDR is a string with one or more test conditions, with 'and' or 'or' logical operators between them. Whole expression can look like this:
n is 0 OR n is not 1 AND n mod 100 in 1..19
As CLDR documentation says, following test conditions can be used:
- is x, is not x: $n is (not) equal $x
- in x..y, not in x..y: $n is (not) one of integers from range <$x, $y>
- within x..y, not within x..y: $n is (not) any number from range <$x, $y>
Where $n can be a number (also float) as is, or a result of $n mod $x.
Array returned follows simple internal format (see documentation for $rulesets property for details).