class PersistenceManager extends AbstractPersistenceManager (View source)
Flow's Doctrine PersistenceManager
protected array | $settings | from AbstractPersistenceManager | |
protected array | $newObjects | from AbstractPersistenceManager | |
protected bool | $hasUnpersistedChanges | from AbstractPersistenceManager | |
protected AllowedObjectsContainer | $allowedObjects | from AbstractPersistenceManager | |
protected LoggerInterface | $logger | ||
protected ThrowableStorageInterface | $throwableStorage | ||
protected EntityManagerInterface | $entityManager | ||
protected ValidatorResolver | $validatorResolver | ||
protected ReflectionService | $reflectionService |
Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.
Clears the in-memory state of the persistence.
Registers an object which has been created or cloned during this request.
Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted even if the current HTTP request is considered a "safe" request.
Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted even if the current HTTP request is considered a "safe" request.
Converts the given object into an array containing the identity of the domain object.
Recursively iterates through the given array and turns objects into an arrays containing the identity of the domain object.
Gives feedback if the persistence Manager has unpersisted changes.
Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.
Commits new objects and changes to objects in the current persistence session into the backend
Checks if the given object has ever been persisted.
Returns the (internal) identifier for the object, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.
Returns the object with the (internal) identifier, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.
Return a query object for the given type.
Adds an object to the persistence.
Removes an object to the persistence.
Update an object in the persistence.
Returns true, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.
Called from functional tests, creates/updates database tables and compiles proxies.
Called after a functional test in Flow, dumps everything in the database.
Signals that all persistAll() has been executed successfully.
injectSettings(array $settings)
Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.
Clears the in-memory state of the persistence.
Managed instances become detached, any fetches will return data directly from the persistence "backend".
registerNewObject(PersistenceMagicInterface $object)
Registers an object which has been created or cloned during this request.
The given object must contain the Persistence_Object_Identifier property, thus the PersistenceMagicInterface type hint. A "new" object does not necessarily have to be known by any repository or be persisted in the end.
Objects registered with this method must be known to the getObjectByIdentifier() method.
whitelistObject(object $object)
deprecated Use allowObject() instead. See
Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted even if the current HTTP request is considered a "safe" request.
allowObject(object $object)
Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted even if the current HTTP request is considered a "safe" request.
convertObjectToIdentityArray(object $object)
Converts the given object into an array containing the identity of the domain object.
convertObjectsToIdentityArrays(array $array)
Recursively iterates through the given array and turns objects into an arrays containing the identity of the domain object.
Gives feedback if the persistence Manager has unpersisted changes.
This is primarily used to inform the user if he tries to save data in an unsafe request.
injectLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.
persistAll(bool $onlyAllowedObjects = false)
Commits new objects and changes to objects in the current persistence session into the backend
isNewObject(object $object)
Checks if the given object has ever been persisted.
getIdentifierByObject(object $object)
Returns the (internal) identifier for the object, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.
Note: this returns an identifier even if the object has not been persisted in case of AOP-managed entities. Use isNewObject() if you need to distinguish those cases.
improve try/catch block
getObjectByIdentifier(mixed $identifier, string $objectType = null, bool $useLazyLoading = false)
Returns the object with the (internal) identifier, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.
createQueryForType(string $type)
Return a query object for the given type.
add(object $object)
Adds an object to the persistence.
remove(object $object)
Removes an object to the persistence.
update(object $object)
Update an object in the persistence.
Returns true, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.
Called from functional tests, creates/updates database tables and compiles proxies.
Called after a functional test in Flow, dumps everything in the database.
protected void
Signals that all persistAll() has been executed successfully.