
Declares a method as an after advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression.

Declares a method as an after returning advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression returns.

Declares a method as an after throwing advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression throws an exception.

Declares a method as an around advice to be triggered around any pointcut matching the given expression.

Marks a class as an aspect.

Used to disable autowiring for Dependency Injection on the whole class or on the annotated property only.

Declares a method as an before advice to be triggered before any pointcut matching the given expression.

Marks an object as an entity.

Marks a CLI command as a cache-flushing command.

Marks a property as being (part of) the identity of an object.

Used to ignore validation on a specific method argument or class property.

Used to enable property injection.

Used to enable property injection for cache frontends.

Used to mark a command as internal - it will not be shown in CLI help output.

Introduces the given interface or property into any target class matching the given pointcut expression.

Marks a property or class as lazy-loaded.

Used to map the request body to a single action argument.

Declares a named pointcut. The annotated method does not become an advice but can be used as a named pointcut instead of the given expression.

Used to disable proxy building for an object.

Used to set the scope of an object.

Used to control the behavior of session handling when the annotated method is called.

Marks a method as a signal for the signal/slot implementation of Flow. The method will be augmented as needed (using AOP) to be a usable signal.

Action methods marked with this annotation will not be secured against CSRF.

Marks a property as transient - it will never be considered by the persistence layer for storage and retrieval.

Controls how a property or method argument will be validated by Flow.

Marks the annotate class as a value object.