class PackageManager (View source)
The default Flow Package Manager
The current format version for PackageStates.php files |
The default package states |
protected Bootstrap | $bootstrap | ||
protected PackageFactory | $packageFactory | ||
protected Dispatcher | $dispatcher | ||
protected array | $packages | Array of available packages, indexed by package key (case sensitive) |
protected array<string,string> | $packageKeys | A translation table between lower cased and upper camel cased package keys |
protected array | $composerNameToPackageKeyMap | A map between ComposerName and PackageKey, only available when scanAvailablePackages is run |
protected string | $packagesBasePath | Absolute path leading to the various package directories |
protected string | $packageInformationCacheFilePath | ||
protected array | $packageStatesConfiguration | Package states configuration as stored in the PackageStates.php file |
protected array | $settings | ||
protected FlowPackageInterface[] | $flowPackages |
Inject settings into the package manager. Has to be called explicitly on object initialization as the package manager subpackage is excluded from proxy class building.
No description
Get only packages that implement the FlowPackageInterface for use in the Framework Array keys will be the respective package keys.
Returns true if a package is available (the package's files exist in the packages directory) or false if it's not.
Returns the base path for packages
Returns a PackageInterface object for the specified package.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all available packages.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all frozen packages.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all packages that match the given package state, path, and type filters. All three filters must match, if given.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects in the given array of packages that are of the specified package type.
Create a package, given the package key
Moves a package from one path to another.
Freezes a package
Tells if a package is frozen
Unfreezes a package
Refreezes a package
Rescans available packages, order and write a new PackageStates file.
Loads the states of available packages from the PackageStates.php file and initialises a package scan if the file was not found or the configuration format was not current.
Load the current package states
Scans all directories in the packages directories for available packages.
Traverses directories recursively from the given starting point and yields folder paths, who contain a composer.json.
No description
Requires and registers all packages which were defined in packageStatesConfiguration
Registers a package under the given composer name with the configuration.
Takes the given packageStatesConfiguration, sorts it by dependencies, saves it and returns the ordered list
Save the given (ordered) array of package states data
Orders all packages by comparing their dependencies. By this, the packages and package configurations arrays holds all packages in the correct initialization order.
Collects the manifest data for all packages in the given package states array
Returns the correctly cased version of the given package key or false if no such package is available.
Resolves a Flow package key from a composer package name.
Check the conformance of the given package key
Emits a signal when package states have been changed (e.g. when a package was created)
injectSettings(array $settings)
Inject settings into the package manager. Has to be called explicitly on object initialization as the package manager subpackage is excluded from proxy class building.
__construct(string $packageInformationCacheFilePath, string $packagesBasePath)
No description
initialize(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
Initializes the package manager
internal |
Get only packages that implement the FlowPackageInterface for use in the Framework Array keys will be the respective package keys.
isPackageAvailable(string $packageKey)
Returns true if a package is available (the package's files exist in the packages directory) or false if it's not.
Returns the base path for packages
getPackage(string $packageKey)
Returns a PackageInterface object for the specified package.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all available packages.
A package is available, if the package directory contains valid meta information.
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all frozen packages.
A frozen package is not considered by file monitoring and provides some precompiled reflection data in order to improve performance.
getFilteredPackages(string $packageState = 'available', string $packageType = null)
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all packages that match the given package state, path, and type filters. All three filters must match, if given.
protected array
filterPackagesByType(array $packages, string $packageType)
Returns an array of PackageInterface objects in the given array of packages that are of the specified package type.
createPackage(string $packageKey, array $manifest = [], string $packagesPath = null)
Create a package, given the package key
protected void
movePackage(string $fromAbsolutePath, string $toAbsolutePath)
Moves a package from one path to another.
freezePackage(string $packageKey)
Freezes a package
isPackageFrozen(string $packageKey)
Tells if a package is frozen
unfreezePackage(string $packageKey)
Unfreezes a package
refreezePackage(string $packageKey)
Refreezes a package
Rescans available packages, order and write a new PackageStates file.
protected array
Loads the states of available packages from the PackageStates.php file and initialises a package scan if the file was not found or the configuration format was not current.
protected array
Load the current package states
protected array
Scans all directories in the packages directories for available packages.
For each package a Package object is created and stored in $this->packages.
protected Generator
findComposerPackagesInPath(string $startingDirectory)
Traverses directories recursively from the given starting point and yields folder paths, who contain a composer.json.
When a composer.json was found, traversing into lower directories is stopped.
protected array
preparePackageStateConfiguration(FlowPackageKey $packageKey, string $packagePath, array $composerManifest)
No description
protected void
registerPackagesFromConfiguration(array $packageStatesConfiguration)
Requires and registers all packages which were defined in packageStatesConfiguration
protected void
registerPackageFromStateConfiguration(string $composerName, array $packageStateConfiguration)
Registers a package under the given composer name with the configuration.
This uses the PackageFactory to create the Package instance and sets it to all relevant data arrays.
protected array
sortAndSavePackageStates(array $packageStates)
Takes the given packageStatesConfiguration, sorts it by dependencies, saves it and returns the ordered list
protected void
savePackageStates(array $orderedPackageStates)
Save the given (ordered) array of package states data
protected array
sortAvailablePackagesByDependencies(array $packageStates)
Orders all packages by comparing their dependencies. By this, the packages and package configurations arrays holds all packages in the correct initialization order.
protected array
collectPackageManifestData(array $packageStates)
Collects the manifest data for all packages in the given package states array
getCaseSensitivePackageKey(string $unknownCasedPackageKey)
Returns the correctly cased version of the given package key or false if no such package is available.
getPackageKeyFromComposerName(string $composerName)
Resolves a Flow package key from a composer package name.
isPackageKeyValid(string $packageKey)
Check the conformance of the given package key
protected void
Emits a signal when package states have been changed (e.g. when a package was created)
The advice is not proxyable, so the signal is dispatched manually here.