class PropertyMappingConfiguration implements PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface (View source)

Concrete configuration object for the PropertyMapper.



Placeholder in property paths for multi-valued types


protected array $configuration

multi-dimensional array which stores type-converter specific configuration:

  1. Dimension: Fully qualified class name of the type converter
  2. Dimension: Configuration Key Value: Configuration Value
protected PropertyMappingConfiguration[] $subConfigurationForProperty

Stores the configuration for specific child properties.

protected array $mapping

Keys which should be renamed

protected TypeConverterInterface $typeConverter
protected array $propertiesToBeMapped

List of allowed property names to be converted

protected array $propertiesToSkip

List of property names to be skipped during property mapping

protected array $propertiesNotToBeMapped

List of disallowed property names which will be ignored while property mapping

protected bool $skipUnknownProperties

If true, unknown properties will be skipped during property mapping

protected bool $mapUnknownProperties

If true, unknown properties will be mapped.



No description

shouldMap(string $propertyName)

The behavior is as follows:

shouldSkip(string $propertyName)

Check if the given $propertyName should be skipped during mapping.


Allow all properties in property mapping, even unknown ones.

allowProperties(string ...$propertyNames)

Allow a list of specific properties. All arguments of allowProperties are used here (varargs).

skipProperties(string ...$propertyNames)

Skip a list of specific properties. All arguments of skipProperties are used here (varargs).

allowAllPropertiesExcept(string ...$propertyNames)

Allow all properties during property mapping, but reject a few selected ones.


When this is enabled, properties that are disallowed will be skipped instead of triggering an error during mapping.


Whether unknown (unconfigured) properties should be skipped during mapping, instead if causing an error.

getConfigurationFor(string $propertyName)

Returns the sub-configuration for the passed $propertyName. Must ALWAYS return a valid configuration object!

getTargetPropertyName(string $sourcePropertyName)

Maps the given $sourcePropertyName to a target property name.

getConfigurationValue(string $typeConverterClassName, string $key)

No description

setMapping(string $sourcePropertyName, string $targetPropertyName)

Define renaming from Source to Target property.

setTypeConverterOptions(string $typeConverter, array $options)

Set all options for the given $typeConverter.

setTypeConverterOption(string $typeConverter, int|string $optionKey, mixed $optionValue)

Set a single option (denoted by $optionKey) for the given $typeConverter.

getTypeConvertersWithParentClasses(string $typeConverter)

Get type converter classes including parents for the given type converter

forProperty(string $propertyPath)

Returns the configuration for the specific property path, ready to be modified. Should be used inside a fluent interface like: $configuration->forProperty('')->setTypeConverterOption(....)

traverseProperties(array $splittedPropertyPath)

Traverse the property configuration. Only used by forProperty().


Return the type converter set for this configuration.

setTypeConverter(TypeConverterInterface $typeConverter)

Set a type converter which should be used for this specific conversion.



No description

bool shouldMap(string $propertyName)

The behavior is as follows:

  • if a property has been explicitly forbidden using allowAllPropertiesExcept(...), it is directly rejected
  • if a property has been allowed using allowProperties(...), it is directly allowed.
  • if allowAllProperties* has been called, we allow unknown properties
  • else, return false.


string $propertyName

Return Value


true if the given propertyName should be mapped, false otherwise.

bool shouldSkip(string $propertyName)

Check if the given $propertyName should be skipped during mapping.


string $propertyName

Return Value


PropertyMappingConfiguration allowAllProperties()

Allow all properties in property mapping, even unknown ones.

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration allowProperties(string ...$propertyNames)

Allow a list of specific properties. All arguments of allowProperties are used here (varargs).

Example: allowProperties('title', 'content', 'author')


string ...$propertyNames

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration skipProperties(string ...$propertyNames)

Skip a list of specific properties. All arguments of skipProperties are used here (varargs).

Example: skipProperties('unused', 'dummy')


string ...$propertyNames

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration allowAllPropertiesExcept(string ...$propertyNames)

Allow all properties during property mapping, but reject a few selected ones.

Example: allowAllPropertiesExcept('password', 'userGroup')


string ...$propertyNames

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration skipUnknownProperties()

When this is enabled, properties that are disallowed will be skipped instead of triggering an error during mapping.

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

bool shouldSkipUnknownProperties()

Whether unknown (unconfigured) properties should be skipped during mapping, instead if causing an error.

Return Value


PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface getConfigurationFor(string $propertyName)

Returns the sub-configuration for the passed $propertyName. Must ALWAYS return a valid configuration object!


string $propertyName

Return Value


the property mapping configuration for the given $propertyName.

string getTargetPropertyName(string $sourcePropertyName)

Maps the given $sourcePropertyName to a target property name.


string $sourcePropertyName

Return Value


property name of target

mixed getConfigurationValue(string $typeConverterClassName, string $key)

No description


string $typeConverterClassName
string $key

Return Value


configuration value for the specific $typeConverterClassName. Can be used by Type Converters to fetch converter-specific configuration

PropertyMappingConfiguration setMapping(string $sourcePropertyName, string $targetPropertyName)

Define renaming from Source to Target property.


string $sourcePropertyName
string $targetPropertyName

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration setTypeConverterOptions(string $typeConverter, array $options)

Set all options for the given $typeConverter.


string $typeConverter

class name of type converter

array $options

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

PropertyMappingConfiguration setTypeConverterOption(string $typeConverter, int|string $optionKey, mixed $optionValue)

Set a single option (denoted by $optionKey) for the given $typeConverter.


string $typeConverter

class name of type converter

int|string $optionKey
mixed $optionValue

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this

protected array getTypeConvertersWithParentClasses(string $typeConverter)

Get type converter classes including parents for the given type converter

When setting an option on a subclassed type converter, this option must also be set on all its parent type converters.


string $typeConverter

The type converter class

Return Value


Class names of type converters

PropertyMappingConfiguration forProperty(string $propertyPath)

Returns the configuration for the specific property path, ready to be modified. Should be used inside a fluent interface like: $configuration->forProperty('')->setTypeConverterOption(....)


string $propertyPath

Return Value


(or a subclass thereof)

PropertyMappingConfiguration traverseProperties(array $splittedPropertyPath)

Traverse the property configuration. Only used by forProperty().


array $splittedPropertyPath

Return Value


(or a subclass thereof)

TypeConverterInterface|null getTypeConverter()

Return the type converter set for this configuration.

Return Value


The type converter to be used for this particular PropertyMappingConfiguration, or NULL if the system-wide configured type converter should be used.

PropertyMappingConfiguration setTypeConverter(TypeConverterInterface $typeConverter)

Set a type converter which should be used for this specific conversion.


TypeConverterInterface $typeConverter

Return Value

PropertyMappingConfiguration this