AbstractBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

An abstract caching backend

ApcuBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which stores cache entries by using APCu.

ApcuBackend::addIdentifierToTags() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Associates the identifier with the given tags

MemcachedBackend::addIdentifierToTags() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Associates the identifier with the given tags

$ EnvironmentConfiguration#applicationIdentifierProperty in class EnvironmentConfiguration

A identifier for this installation, all applications with the same identifier would share entries of caches that are used by multiple installations.

AbstractFrontendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

An abstract cache

AbstractParserClass in namespace Neos\Eel

This Abstract Parser class contains definitions for absolutely basic types, like quoted strings or identifiers

CompilingEelParser::ArrayLiteral_Expression() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ArrayLiteral__finalise() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ArrowFunction_arguments() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ArrowFunction_exp() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ArrowFunction__finalise() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
FizzleParser::AttributeFilter__construct() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::AttributeFilter_PropertyPath() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::AttributeFilter_Operator() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::AttributeFilter_Operand() — Method in class FizzleParser
FlowQuery::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class FlowQuery
AbstractOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Convenience base class for FlowQuery Operations. You should set $shortName and optionally also $final and $priority when subclassing.

AddOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Adds the given items to the current context.

ArrayHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Array helpers for Eel contexts

ArrayHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class ArrayHelper

All methods are considered safe

ConfigurationHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class ConfigurationHelper

All methods are considered safe

DateHelper::add() — Method in class DateHelper

Add an interval to a date and return a new DateTime object

DateHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class DateHelper

All methods are considered safe

FileHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class FileHelper
JsonHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class JsonHelper

All methods are considered safe

MathHelper::abs() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::acos() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::acosh() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::asin() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::asinh() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::atan() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::atanh() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::atan2() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class MathHelper

All methods are considered safe

SecurityHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class SecurityHelper

All methods are considered safe

StringHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class StringHelper

All methods are considered safe

TypeHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class TypeHelper
InterpretedEelParser::ArrayLiteral_Expression() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ArrayLiteral__finalise() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
$ ProtectedContext#allowedMethodsProperty in class ProtectedContext
ProtectedContext::allow() — Method in class ProtectedContext

Allow the given method (or array of methods) for calls

ProtectedContextAwareInterface::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class ProtectedContextAwareInterface
$ Message#argumentsProperty in class Message

The message arguments. Will be replaced in the message body.

Result::addError() — Method in class Result

Add an error to the current Result object

Result::addWarning() — Method in class Result

Add a warning to the current Result object

Result::addNotice() — Method in class Result

Add a notice to the current Result object

AfterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a method as an after advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression.

AfterReturningClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a method as an after returning advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression returns.

AfterThrowingClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a method as an after throwing advice to be triggered after any pointcut matching the given expression throws an exception.

AroundClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a method as an around advice to be triggered around any pointcut matching the given expression.

AspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks a class as an aspect.

AutowiringClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to disable autowiring for Dependency Injection on the whole class or on the annotated property only.

$ IgnoreValidation#argumentNameProperty in class IgnoreValidation

Name of the argument to skip validation for. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ MapRequestBody#argumentNameProperty in class MapRequestBody

Name of the argument to map the request body into. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ Session#autoStartProperty in class Session

Whether the annotated method triggers the start of a session.

$ Validate#argumentNameProperty in class Validate

The name of the argument this annotation is attached to, if used on a method. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

AbstractAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Base class for Advices.

$ AbstractAdvice#aspectObjectNameProperty in class AbstractAdvice

Holds the name of the aspect object containing the advice

$ AbstractAdvice#adviceMethodNameProperty in class AbstractAdvice

Contains the name of the advice method

AdviceChainClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

The advice chain holds a number of subsequent advices that match a given join point and calls the advices in the right order.

$ AdviceChain#advicesProperty in class AdviceChain

An array of Advice objects which form the advice chain

$ AdviceChain#adviceIndexProperty in class AdviceChain

The number of the next advice which will be invoked on a proceed() call

AdviceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

This is the interface for a generic AOP advice. It is never implemented directly.

AfterAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Implementation of the After Advice.

AfterReturningAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Implementation of the After Returning Advice.

AfterThrowingAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Implementation of the After Throwing Advice.

AroundAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Implementation of the Around Advice.

AdvicesTraitClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

Contains boilerplate code for AOP execution and is added to AOP proxy classes.

AdvisorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

An advisor is the combination of a single advice and the pointcut where the advice will become active.

$ Advisor#adviceProperty in class Advisor

The advisor's advice

AspectContainerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

An aspect is represented by class tagged with the "aspect" annotation.

$ AspectContainer#advisorsProperty in class AspectContainer

An array of \Neos\Flow\Aop\Advisor objects

AspectContainer::addAdvisor() — Method in class AspectContainer

Adds an advisor to this aspect container

AspectContainer::addInterfaceIntroduction() — Method in class AspectContainer

Adds an introduction declaration to this aspect container

AspectContainer::addPropertyIntroduction() — Method in class AspectContainer

Adds an introduction declaration to this aspect container

AspectContainer::addTraitIntroduction() — Method in class AspectContainer

Adds an introduction declaration to this aspect container

AspectContainer::addPointcut() — Method in class AspectContainer

Adds a pointcut (from a pointcut declaration) to this aspect container

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder

An abstract class with builder functions for AOP method interceptors code builders.

AdvisedConstructorInterceptorBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder

A method interceptor build for constructors with advice.

AdvisedMethodInterceptorBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder

An AOP interceptor code builder for methods enriched by advices.

ClassNameIndex::applyIntersect() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Sets this index to all class names which are present currently and contained in the given index

ClassNameIndex::applyUnion() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Sets this index to all class names which are either already present or are contained in the given index

$ ProxyClassBuilder#aspectContainersProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder

A registry of all known aspects

ProxyClassBuilder::addBuildMethodsAndAdvicesCodeToClass() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Adds code to build the methods and advices array in case the parent class has some.

ProxyClassBuilder::addAdvisedMethodsToInterceptedMethods() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all aspect containers, their aspects and their advisors and adds the methods and their advices to the (usually empty) array of intercepted methods.

ProxyClassBuilder::addIntroducedMethodsToInterceptedMethods() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all methods which were introduced by interfaces and adds them to the intercepted methods array if they didn't exist already.

$ JoinPoint#adviceChainProperty in class JoinPoint

The advice chain for this join point

$ Pointcut#aspectClassNameProperty in class Pointcut

If this pointcut is based on a pointcut declaration, contains the name of the aspect class where the pointcut was declared

$ PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter#annotationProperty in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter#annotationValueConstraintsProperty in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutFilter#aspectClassNameProperty in class PointcutFilter

Name of the aspect class where the pointcut was declared

PointcutFilterComposite::addFilter() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Adds a class filter to the composite

$ PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter#annotationProperty in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter#annotationValueConstraintsProperty in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutSettingFilter#actualSettingValueProperty in class PointcutSettingFilter

The value of the specified setting

RuntimeExpressionEvaluator::addExpression() — Method in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator

Add expression to the evaluator

AnnotationsCacheFlusherClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cache
$ CommandController#argumentsProperty in class CommandController
$ CommandManager#availableCommandsProperty in class CommandManager
ConsoleOutput::ask() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks a question to the user

ConsoleOutput::askQuestion() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks a question to the user

ConsoleOutput::askConfirmation() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks a confirmation to the user.

ConsoleOutput::askHiddenResponse() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks a question to the user, the response is hidden

ConsoleOutput::askAndValidate() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks for a value and validates the response

ConsoleOutput::askHiddenResponseAndValidate() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks for a value, hide and validates the response

$ Request#argumentsProperty in class Request

The arguments for this request

Response::appendContent() — Method in class Response

Appends content to the already existing content.

$ CoreCommandController#aopProxyClassBuilderProperty in class CoreCommandController
$ HelpCommandController#applicationPackageKeyProperty in class HelpCommandController
$ HelpCommandController#applicationNameProperty in class HelpCommandController
AppendLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
ApplicationContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

The Flow Context object.

Sequence::addStep() — Method in class Sequence

Adds the given step to this sequence, to be executed after then step specified by $previousStepIdentifier. If no previous step is specified, the new step is added to the list of steps executed right at the start of the sequence.

$ Bootstrap#activeRequestHandlerProperty in class Bootstrap
$ ProxyClassLoader#availableProxyClassesProperty in class ProxyClassLoader
AbstractExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

An abstract exception handler

Debugger::ansiEscapeWrap() — Method in class Debugger

Wrap a string with the ANSI escape sequence for colorful output

$ Browser#automaticRequestHeadersProperty in class Browser
Browser::addAutomaticRequestHeader() — Method in class Browser

Allows to add headers to be sent with every request the browser executes.

ArgumentsHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper to unify different HTTP request arguments.

$ SecurityEntryPointMiddleware#actionRequestFactoryProperty in class SecurityEntryPointMiddleware
AbstractXmlParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

An abstract class for all concrete classes that parses any kind of XML data.

TranslationHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class TranslationHelper

All methods are considered safe

TranslationParameterToken::arguments() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the arguments.

TranslationParameterToken::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

All methods are considered safe

LocaleCollection::addLocale() — Method in class LocaleCollection

Adds a locale to the collection.

AbstractBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

An abstract Log backend

AnsiConsoleBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

Extended ANSI console backend with human friendly formatting

AnsiConsoleBackend::append() — Method in class AnsiConsoleBackend

Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.

BackendInterface::append() — Method in class BackendInterface

Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.

ConsoleBackend::append() — Method in class ConsoleBackend

Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.

FileBackend::append() — Method in class FileBackend

Appends the given message along with the additional information into the log.

JsonFileBackend::append() — Method in class JsonFileBackend
NullBackend::append() — Method in class NullBackend

Ignores the call

ActionRequestClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

Represents an internal request targeted to a controller action

$ ActionRequest#argumentsProperty in class ActionRequest

The arguments for this request. They must be only simple types, no objects allowed.

$ ActionRequest#argumentNamespaceProperty in class ActionRequest

An optional namespace for arguments of this request. Used, for example, in plugins and widgets.

ActionRequestFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

Creates an ActionRequest from a PSR-7 http request and sets appropriate defaults.

ActionResponseClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

The legacy MVC response object.

ActionResponse::addHttpHeader() — Method in class ActionResponse

Add the specified header to the response, without overwriting any previous value set for this header.

AbstractControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

An abstract base class for HTTP based controllers

$ AbstractController#argumentsProperty in class AbstractController

Arguments passed to the controller

AbstractController::addFlashMessage() — Method in class AbstractController

Creates a Message object and adds it to the FlashMessageContainer.

ActionControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

An HTTP based multi-action controller.

$ ActionController#actionMethodNameProperty in class ActionController

Name of the action method

ActionController::addErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class ActionController

If an error occurred during this request, this adds a flash message describing the error to the flash message container.

ArgumentClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

A controller argument

ArgumentsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

A composite of controller arguments

$ Arguments#argumentNamesProperty in class Arguments

Names of the arguments contained by this object

Arguments::append() — Method in class Arguments

Sets an argument, aliased to offsetSet()

Arguments::addNewArgument() — Method in class Arguments

Creates, adds and returns a new controller argument to this composite object.

Arguments::addArgument() — Method in class Arguments

Adds the specified controller argument to this composite object.

$ ControllerContext#argumentsProperty in class ControllerContext
MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration::allowCreationForSubProperty() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow creation of a certain sub property

MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration::allowModificationForSubProperty() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow modification for a given property path

MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration::allowOverrideTargetType() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow override of the target type through a special "__type" parameter

AmbiguousCommandIdentifierExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Ambiguous command identifier" exception

FlashMessageContainer::addMessage() — Method in class FlashMessageContainer

Add a flash message object.

RequestMatcher::addWeight() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Add a weight to the total

AbstractRoutePartClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

abstract Route Part

AttributeRoutesProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Allows to annotate controller methods with route configurations

AttributeRoutesProviderFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing
UriConstraints::applyTo() — Method in class UriConstraints

Applies all constraints of this instance to the given $templateUri and returns a new UriInterface instance satisfying all of the constraints (see example above)

$ Route#appendExceedingArgumentsProperty in class Route

Specifies whether Route Values, that are not part of the Routes configuration, should be appended as query string

TestingRoutesProvider::addRoute() — Method in class TestingRoutesProvider

Prepends a route additionally to the routes form the Testing context configuration

$ UriBuilder#argumentsProperty in class UriBuilder
$ UriBuilder#addQueryStringProperty in class UriBuilder
$ UriBuilder#argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryStringProperty in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::addNamespaceToArguments() — Method in class UriBuilder

Adds the argument namespace of the current request to the specified arguments.

AbstractViewClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\View

An abstract View

AbstractView::assign() — Method in class AbstractView

Add a variable to $this->variables.

AbstractView::assignMultiple() — Method in class AbstractView

Add multiple variables to $this->variables.

ViewInterface::assign() — Method in class ViewInterface

Add a variable to the view data collection.

ViewInterface::assignMultiple() — Method in class ViewInterface

Add multiple variables to the view data collection

CompileTimeObjectManager::applyClassFilterConfiguration() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Filters the classnames available for object management by filter expressions that includes classes.

$ Configuration#argumentsProperty in class Configuration

Arguments of the constructor detected by reflection

$ Configuration#autowiringProperty in class Configuration

Mode of the autowiring feature. One of the AUTOWIRINGMODE* constants

$ ConfigurationArgument#autowiringProperty in class ConfigurationArgument
ConfigurationBuilder::autowireArguments() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

If mandatory constructor arguments have not been defined yet, this function tries to autowire them if possible.

ConfigurationBuilder::autowireProperties() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

This function tries to find yet unmatched dependencies which need to be injected via "inject*" setter methods.

$ ConfigurationProperty#autowiringProperty in class ConfigurationProperty
$ ObjectManager#allSettingsProperty in class ObjectManager

An array of settings of all packages, indexed by package key

ProxyClass::addConstant() — Method in class ProxyClass

Adds a constant to this proxy class

ProxyClass::addProperty() — Method in class ProxyClass

Adds a class property to this proxy class

ProxyClass::addInterfaces() — Method in class ProxyClass

Adds one or more interfaces to the "implements" section of the class definition.

ProxyClass::addTraits() — Method in class ProxyClass

Adds one or more traits to the class definition.

$ ProxyMethodGenerator#addedPreParentCallCodeProperty in class ProxyMethodGenerator
$ ProxyMethodGenerator#addedPostParentCallCodeProperty in class ProxyMethodGenerator
$ ProxyMethodGenerator#attributesCodeProperty in class ProxyMethodGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::addPreParentCallCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Adds PHP code to the body of this proxy method which will be executed before a possible parent call.

ProxyMethodGenerator::addPostParentCallCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Adds PHP code to the body of this proxy method which will be executed after a possible parent call.

$ GenericPackage#autoloadTypesProperty in class GenericPackage
$ GenericPackage#autoloadConfigurationProperty in class GenericPackage
AbstractPersistenceManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

The Flow Persistence Manager base class

$ AbstractPersistenceManager#allowedObjectsProperty in class AbstractPersistenceManager
AbstractPersistenceManager::allowObject() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted even if the current HTTP request is considered a "safe" request.

AllowedObjectsContainerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

A container for the list of allowed objects to be persisted during this request.

AllowedObjectsListenerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

An onFlush listener for Flow's Doctrine PersistenceManager, that validates to be persisted entities against the list of allowed objects.

$ AllowedObjectsListener#allowedObjectsProperty in class AllowedObjectsListener
ArrayTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

Converts Doctrine collections to arrays

EntityManagerConfiguration::applyDqlSettingsToConfiguration() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Apply configured settings regarding DQL to the Doctrine Configuration.

EntityManagerConfiguration::applyCacheConfiguration() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Apply basic cache configuration for the metadata, query and result caches.

EntityManagerConfiguration::applySecondLevelCacheSettingsToConfiguration() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Apply configured settings regarding Doctrine's second level cache.

FlowAnnotationDriver::addColumnToMappingArray() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Parse the given Column into an array

PersistenceManager::add() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Adds an object to the persistence.

Query::addParameters() — Method in class Query

Add parameters to the query

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Adds an object to this repository.

PersistenceManagerInterface::add() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Adds an object to the persistence.

PersistenceManagerInterface::allowObject() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Adds the given object to a list of allowed objects which may be persisted when persistAllowedObjects() is called.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Adds an object to this repository.

RepositoryInterface::add() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Adds an object to this repository.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::allowAllProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow all properties in property mapping, even unknown ones.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::allowProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow a list of specific properties. All arguments of allowProperties are used here (varargs).

PropertyMappingConfiguration::allowAllPropertiesExcept() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Allow all properties during property mapping, but reject a few selected ones.

AbstractTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Type converter which provides sensible default implementations for most methods. If you extend this class you only need to do the following:

ArrayConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms various types to arrays.

ArrayFromObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

TypeConverter which converts generic objects to arrays by converting and returning

ArrayObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms ArrayObjects to arrays.

ClassSchema::addProperty() — Method in class ClassSchema

Adds (defines) a specific property and its type.

$ ReflectionService#annotationReaderProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#availableClassNamesProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#annotatedClassesProperty in class ReflectionService

Array of annotation classnames and the names of classes which are annotated with them

ReflectionService::addParentClass() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::addImplementedInterface() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::addPropertiesToClassSchema() — Method in class ReflectionService

Adds properties of the class at hand to the class schema.

StaticResourceHelper::allowsCallOfMethod() — Method in class StaticResourceHelper
MessageCollector::append() — Method in class MessageCollector
$ ResourceRepository#addedResourcesProperty in class ResourceRepository
ResourceRepository::add() — Method in class ResourceRepository
$ FileSystemTarget#absoluteBaseUriProperty in class FileSystemTarget

The resolved absolute web URI for this target. If $baseUri was absolute this will be the same, otherwise the request base uri will be prepended.

AccountClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

An account model

$ Account#accountIdentifierProperty in class Account
$ Account#authenticationProviderNameProperty in class Account
Account::addRole() — Method in class Account

Adds a role to this account

Account::authenticationAttempted() — Method in class Account

Sets the authentication status. Usually called by the responsible \Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface

AccountFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

A factory for conveniently creating new accounts

AccountRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

The repository for accounts

$ LoggingAspect#alreadyLoggedAuthenticateCallProperty in class LoggingAspect
AuthenticationManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

Contract for an authentication manager.

AuthenticationManagerInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationManagerInterface

Tries to authenticate the tokens in the security context, if needed.

AuthenticationProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

Contract for an authentication provider used by the AuthenticationProviderManager.

AuthenticationProviderInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderInterface

Tries to authenticate the given token. Sets isAuthenticated to true if authentication succeeded.

AuthenticationProviderManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

The default authentication manager, which relies on Authentication Providers to authenticate the tokens stored in the security context.

$ AuthenticationProviderManager#authenticationStrategyProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager
AuthenticationProviderManager::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Tries to authenticate the tokens in the security context (in the given order) with the available authentication providers, if needed.

AuthenticationProviderResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

The authentication provider resolver. It resolves the class name of a authentication provider based on names.

AuthenticationTokenResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

The authentication token resolver. It resolves the class name of a authentication token based on names.

AbstractAuthenticationControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Controller

An action controller for generic authentication in Flow

$ AbstractAuthenticationController#authenticationManagerProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationController
AbstractAuthenticationController::authenticateAction() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

Calls the authentication manager to authenticate all active tokens and redirects to the original intercepted request on success if there is one stored in the security context. If no intercepted request is found, the function simply returns.

AbstractEntryPointClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\EntryPoint

An abstract authentication entry point.

AbstractProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Provider

An abstract authentication provider.

FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider::authenticate() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider

Sets isAuthenticated to true for all tokens.

$ PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider#accountRepositoryProperty in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider
PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider::authenticate() — Method in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider

Checks the given token for validity and sets the token authentication status accordingly (success, wrong credentials or no credentials given).

$ TestingProvider#accountProperty in class TestingProvider
$ TestingProvider#authenticationStatusProperty in class TestingProvider
TestingProvider::authenticate() — Method in class TestingProvider

Sets isAuthenticated to true for all tokens.

AbstractTokenClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

An abstract authentication token.

$ AbstractToken#authenticationProviderNameProperty in class AbstractToken
$ AbstractToken#authenticationStatusProperty in class AbstractToken

Current authentication status of this token

$ AbstractToken#accountProperty in class AbstractToken
AfterInvocationManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Contract for an after invocation manager. It is used to check return values of a method against security rules.

AfterInvocationProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Contract for an after invocation processor.

AccessDenyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Interceptor

This security interceptor always denys access.

AccessGrantClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Interceptor

This security interceptor always grants access.

$ PolicyEnforcement#authenticationManagerProperty in class PolicyEnforcement
$ RequireAuthentication#authenticationManagerProperty in class RequireAuthentication
$ PrivilegeManager#allowAccessIfAllAbstainProperty in class PrivilegeManager

If set to true access will be granted for objects where all voters abstain from decision.

PrivilegeManager::applyPrivilegeToResult() — Method in class PrivilegeManager
$ PrivilegePermissionResult#abstainsProperty in class PrivilegePermissionResult
AbstractPrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege

An abstract base class for privileges

SqlFilter::addFilterConstraint() — Method in class SqlFilter

Gets the SQL query part to add to a query.

AbstractPrivilegeParameterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Parameter

A privilege parameter

$ Context#authenticationStrategyProperty in class Context

One of the AUTHENTICATE_* constants to set the authentication strategy.

$ Context#activeTokensProperty in class Context

Array of tokens currently active

$ Context#authorizationChecksDisabledProperty in class Context

Whether authorization is disabled areAuthorizationChecksDisabled()

Context::areAuthorizationChecksDisabled() — Method in class Context

Returns true if authorization should be ignored, otherwise false This is mainly useful to fetch records without Content Security to kick in (e.g. for AuthenticationProviders)

AlgorithmsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

Cryptographic algorithms

HashService::appendHmac() — Method in class HashService

Appends a hash (HMAC) to a given string and returns the result

$ Pbkdf2HashingStrategy#algorithmProperty in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Hash algorithm to use, see hash_algos()

AccessDeniedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "AccessDenied" Exception

AuthenticationRequiredExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "AccessDenied" Exception

AuthenticationRequiredException::attachInterceptedRequest() — Method in class AuthenticationRequiredException

Attach the given action request as intercepted request and return self.

$ Role#abstractProperty in class Role

Whether or not the role is "abstract", meaning it can't be assigned to accounts directly but only serves as a "template role" for other roles to inherit from

Role::addParentRole() — Method in class Role

Add a (direct) parent role to this role.

Role::addPrivilege() — Method in class Role

Add a privilege to this role.

$ CsrfProtection#authenticationManagerProperty in class CsrfProtection
SessionMetaData::ageDifference() — Method in class SessionMetaData

Determine the age difference between the metadata items

Session::addTag() — Method in class Session

Tags this session with the given tag.

Session::autoExpire() — Method in class Session

Automatically expires the session if the user has been inactive for too long.

SessionInterface::addTag() — Method in class SessionInterface

Tags this session with the given tag.

TransientSession::addTag() — Method in class TransientSession

Tags this session with the given tag.

AlgorithmsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

A utility class for various algorithms.

ValidatorResolver::addCustomValidators() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

This adds custom validators to the passed $conjunctionValidator.

AbstractCompositeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

An abstract composite validator consisting of other validators

AbstractCompositeValidator::addValidator() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Adds a new validator to the conjunction.

AbstractValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Abstract validator

$ AbstractValidator#acceptsEmptyValuesProperty in class AbstractValidator

Specifies whether this validator accepts empty values.

AbstractValidator::addError() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Creates a new validation error object and adds it to $this->errors

AggregateBoundaryValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A validator which will not validate Aggregates that are lazy loaded and uninitialized.

AlphanumericValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for alphanumeric strings.

GenericObjectValidator::addPropertyValidator() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Adds the given validator for validation of the specified property.

$ NotEmptyValidator#acceptsEmptyValuesProperty in class NotEmptyValidator

This validator always needs to be executed even if the given value is empty.

$ ResourceUriNode#argumentsProperty in class ResourceUriNode
AbstractConditionViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

This view helper is an abstract ViewHelper which implements an if/else condition.

AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

Abstract view helper with locale awareness.

AbstractTagBasedViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

Tag based view helper.

AbstractViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

The abstract base class for all view helpers.

ViewHelperResolver::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewHelperResolver

Add a PHP namespace where ViewHelpers can be found and give it an alias/identifier.

ViewHelperResolver::addNamespaceInternal() — Method in class ViewHelperResolver
AbstractWidgetControllerClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget

This is the base class for all widget controllers.

AbstractWidgetViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget
$ AbstractWidgetViewHelper#ajaxWidgetProperty in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

If set to true, it is an AJAX widget.

AjaxWidgetContextHolderClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget

This object stores the WidgetContext for the currently active widgets of the current user, to make sure the WidgetContext is available in Widget AJAX requests.

AjaxWidgetMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget

A HTTP middleware specifically for Ajax widgets It's task is to interrupt the default dispatching as soon as possible if the current request is an AJAX request triggered by a Fluid widget (e.g. contains the arguments "widgetId" or "widgetContext").

$ AjaxWidgetMiddleware#actionRequestFactoryProperty in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware
$ AjaxWidgetMiddleware#ajaxWidgetContextHolderProperty in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware
$ WidgetContext#ajaxWidgetIdentifierProperty in class WidgetContext

Per-User unique identifier of the widget, if it is an AJAX widget.

$ WidgetContext#ajaxWidgetConfigurationProperty in class WidgetContext

User-supplied widget configuration, available inside the widget controller as $this->widgetConfiguration, if being inside an AJAX request

AbstractGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Service

Common base class for XML generators.

$ AbstractGenerator#abstractViewHelperReflectionClassProperty in class AbstractGenerator

The reflection class for AbstractViewHelper. Is needed quite often, that's why we use a pre-initialized one.

AbstractGenerator::addChildWithCData() — Method in class AbstractGenerator

Add a child node to $parentXmlNode, and wrap the contents inside a CDATA section.

XsdGenerator::addAttributes() — Method in class XsdGenerator

Add attribute descriptions to a given tag.

XsdGenerator::addDocumentation() — Method in class XsdGenerator

Add documentation XSD to a given XML node

$ FormViewHelper#authenticationManagerProperty in class FormViewHelper
FormViewHelper::addFormObjectNameToViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Adds the form object name to the ViewHelperVariableContainer if "objectName" argument or "name" attribute is specified.

FormViewHelper::addFormObjectToViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Adds the object that is bound to this form to the ViewHelperVariableContainer if the formObject attribute is specified.

FormViewHelper::addFieldNamePrefixToViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Adds the field name prefix to the ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::addFormFieldNamesToViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Adds a container for form field names to the ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::addEmptyHiddenFieldNamesToViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Adds a container for rendered hidden field names for empty values to the ViewHelperVariableContainer

AbstractFormFieldViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

Abstract Form View Helper. Bundles functionality related to direct property access of objects in other Form ViewHelpers.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::addAdditionalIdentityPropertiesIfNeeded() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Add additional identity properties in case the current property is hierarchical (of the form "bla.blubb").

AbstractFormViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

Abstract Form View Helper. Bundles functionality related to direct property access of objects in other Form ViewHelpers.

ActionViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Link

A view helper for creating links to actions.

RenderChildrenViewHelper::addArgumentsToTemplateVariableContainer() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper

Add the given arguments to the TemplateVariableContainer of the widget.

ActionViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Uri

A view helper for creating URIs to actions.

AutocompleteViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget

Usage: <f:input id="name" ... />

$ AutocompleteViewHelper#ajaxWidgetProperty in class AutocompleteViewHelper
AutocompleteControllerClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget\Controller

Controller for the auto-complete widget

AutocompleteController::autocompleteAction() — Method in class AutocompleteController
AbstractTemplateViewClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View

The abstract base of all Fluid views.

AbstractTemplateView::assign() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Add a variable to the view data collection.

AbstractTemplateView::assignMultiple() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Add multiple variables to the view data collection

KickstartCommandController::actionControllerCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart a new action controller

ArraysClass in namespace Neos\Utility

Some array functions to help with common tasks

Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule() — Method in class Arrays

Merges two arrays recursively and "binary safe" (integer keys are overridden as well), overruling similar values in the first array ($firstArray) with the values of the second array ($secondArray) in case of identical keys, ie. keeping the values of the second.

Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverruleWithCallback() — Method in class Arrays

Merges two arrays recursively and "binary safe" (integer keys are overridden as well), overruling similar values in the first array ($firstArray) with the values of the second array ($secondArray) In case of identical keys, ie. keeping the values of the second. The given $toArray closure will be used if one of the two array keys contains an array and the other not. It should return an array.

Arrays::array_reduce() — Method in class Arrays

Replacement for array_reduce that allows any type for $initial (instead of only integer)


BackendInstantiationTraitClass in namespace Neos\Cache

Abstracts the task of creating a BackendInterface implementation with it's options.

BackendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a Cache Backend

IterableMultiBackend::buildSubBackend() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
$ MultiBackend#backendConfigurationsProperty in class MultiBackend
$ MultiBackend#backendsProperty in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::buildSubBackend() — Method in class MultiBackend
$ PdoBackend#batchSizeProperty in class PdoBackend
$ RedisBackend#batchSizeProperty in class RedisBackend

Redis allows a maximum of 1024 * 1024 parameters, but we use a lower limit to prevent long blocking calls.

$ SimpleFileBackend#baseDirectoryProperty in class SimpleFileBackend

Overrides the base directory for this cache, the effective directory will be a subdirectory of this.

TaggableMultiBackend::buildSubBackend() — Method in class TaggableMultiBackend
$ AbstractFrontend#backendProperty in class AbstractFrontend
$ CacheEntryIterator#backendProperty in class CacheEntryIterator
$ PhpFrontend#backendProperty in class PhpFrontend
$ CachePool#backendProperty in class CachePool
$ SimpleCache#backendProperty in class SimpleCache
CompilingEelParser::BooleanLiteral__finalise() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
FizzleParser::BooleanLiteral__finalise() — Method in class FizzleParser
OperationResolver::buildOperationsAndFinalOperationNames() — Method in class OperationResolver
StringHelper::base64encode() — Method in class StringHelper

Implementation of the PHP base64_encode function

StringHelper::base64decode() — Method in class StringHelper

Implementation of the PHP base64_decode function

InterpretedEelParser::BooleanLiteral__finalise() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
BeforeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a method as an before advice to be triggered before any pointcut matching the given expression.

BeforeAdviceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice

Implementation of the Before Advice.

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::build() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Builds method interception PHP code

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::buildArraySetupCode() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Builds a string containing PHP code to build the array given as input.

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::buildMethodArgumentsArrayCode() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Builds the PHP code for the method arguments array which is passed to the constructor of a new join point. Used in the method interceptor functions.

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::buildSavedConstructorParametersCode() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Generates the parameters code needed to call the constructor with the saved parameters.

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::buildAdvicesCode() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Builds the advice interception code, to be used in a method interceptor.

AdvisedConstructorInterceptorBuilder::build() — Method in class AdvisedConstructorInterceptorBuilder

Builds interception PHP code for an advised constructor

AdvisedMethodInterceptorBuilder::build() — Method in class AdvisedMethodInterceptorBuilder

Builds interception PHP code for an advised method

ProxyClassBuilder::build() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds proxy class code which weaves advices into the respective target classes.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildAspectContainers() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

/** Checks the annotations of the specified classes for aspect tags and creates an aspect with advisors accordingly.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildAspectContainer() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Creates and returns an aspect from the annotations found in a class which is tagged as an aspect. The object acting as an advice will already be fetched (and therefore instantiated if necessary).

ProxyClassBuilder::buildProxyClass() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds methods for a single AOP proxy class for the specified class.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildMethodsAndAdvicesArrayCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Creates code for an array of target methods and their advices.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildMethodsInterceptorCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all intercepted methods and their advices and builds PHP code to intercept methods if necessary.

PointcutFilterComposite::buildRuntimeEvaluationsConditionCode() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns the PHP code of the conditions used for runtime evaluations

PointcutFilterComposite::buildMethodArgumentsEvaluationConditionCode() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns the PHP code of the conditions used argument runtime evaluations

PointcutFilterComposite::buildGlobalRuntimeEvaluationsConditionCode() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns the PHP code of the conditions used for global runtime evaluations

PointcutFilterComposite::buildArgumentEvaluationAccessCode() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns the PHP code used to access one argument of a runtime evaluation

$ CommandManager#bootstrapProperty in class CommandManager
$ CommandRequestHandler#bootstrapProperty in class CommandRequestHandler
CommandRequestHandler::boot() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

Initializes the matching boot sequence depending on the type of the command (RUNLEVEL_RUNTIME or RUNLEVEL_COMPILETIME) and manually injects the necessary dependencies of this request handler.

RequestBuilder::build() — Method in class RequestBuilder

Builds a CLI request object from a command line.

$ SlaveRequestHandler#bootstrapProperty in class SlaveRequestHandler
$ CacheCommandController#bootstrapProperty in class CacheCommandController
$ CoreCommandController#bootstrapProperty in class CoreCommandController
$ HelpCommandController#bootstrapProperty in class HelpCommandController
HelpCommandController::buildCommandsIndex() — Method in class HelpCommandController

Builds an index of available commands. For each of them a Command object is added to the commands array of this class.

$ PackageCommandController#bootstrapProperty in class PackageCommandController
RoutesLoader::buildSubRouteConfigurations() — Method in class RoutesLoader

Merges all routes in $routesConfiguration with the sub routes in $subRoutesConfiguration

$ Scripts#builtPhpCommandProperty in class Scripts
Scripts::buildSubprocessCommand() — Method in class Scripts
Scripts::buildPhpCommand() — Method in class Scripts
BootstrapClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

General purpose central core hyper Flow bootstrap class

Bootstrap::buildEssentialsSequence() — Method in class Bootstrap

Builds a boot sequence with the minimum modules necessary for both, compiletime and runtime.

Bootstrap::buildCompiletimeSequence() — Method in class Bootstrap

Builds a boot sequence starting all modules necessary for the compiletime state.

Bootstrap::buildRuntimeSequence() — Method in class Bootstrap

Builds a boot sequence starting all modules necessary for the runtime state.

ClassLoader::buildClassPathWithPsr0() — Method in class ClassLoader

Try to build a path to a class according to PSR-0 rules.

ClassLoader::buildClassPathWithPsr4() — Method in class ClassLoader

Try to build a path to a class according to PSR-4 rules.

AbstractExceptionHandler::buildView() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Prepares a view for rendering the custom error page.

BaseUriProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Supports to get a baseUri from various possible sources.

$ BaseUriProvider#bootstrapProperty in class BaseUriProvider
BrowserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

An HTTP client simulating a web browser

$ InternalRequestEngine#bootstrapProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
ArgumentsHelper::buildUnifiedArguments() — Method in class ArgumentsHelper

Takes the raw GET & POST arguments and maps them into the request object.

SecurityEntryPointMiddleware::buildHttpResponse() — Method in class SecurityEntryPointMiddleware

Build a base HTTP Response in case of a missing authentication exception

$ RequestHandler#bootstrapProperty in class RequestHandler
RequestHandler::boot() — Method in class RequestHandler

Boots up Flow to runtime

BackendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

Contract for a logger backend interface

$ Logger#backendsProperty in class Logger
$ FileStorage#backtraceRendererProperty in class FileStorage
ActionResponse::buildHttpResponse() — Method in class ActionResponse

During the migration of {ActionResponse} to {HttpResponse} this might come in handy.

RouterCachingService::buildResolveCacheIdentifier() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Generates the Resolve cache identifier for the given Request

$ UriBuilder#baseUriProviderProperty in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::build() — Method in class UriBuilder

Builds the URI

CompileTimeObjectManager::buildObjectsArray() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Builds the objects array which contains information about the registered objects, their scope, class, built method etc.

ConfigurationBuilder::buildObjectConfigurations() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Traverses through the given class and interface names and builds a base object configuration for all of them. Then parses the provided extra configuration and merges the result into the overall configuration. Finally autowires dependencies of arguments and properties which can be resolved automatically.

$ DependencyProxy#builderProperty in class DependencyProxy
ProxyClassBuilder::build() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Analyzes the object configuration provided by the compile-time object manager and builds the necessary PHP code for the proxy classes to realize dependency injection.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildSetInstanceCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Renders additional code which registers the instance of the proxy class at the Object Manager before constructor injection is executed. Used in constructors and wakeup methods.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildSerializeRelatedEntitiesCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Renders code to create identifier/type information from related entities in an object.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildSetRelatedEntitiesCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::buildConstructorInjectionCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Renders additional code for the __construct() method of the Proxy Class which realizes constructor injection.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildPropertyInjectionCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds the code necessary to inject setter based dependencies.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildPropertyInjectionCodeByConfiguration() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which injects an object which was specified by its object configuration

ProxyClassBuilder::buildPropertyInjectionCodeByString() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which injects an object which was specified by its object name

ProxyClassBuilder::buildPropertyInjectionCodeByConfigurationTypeAndPath() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which assigns the value stored in the specified configuration into the given class property.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildPropertyInjectionCodeByCacheIdentifier() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which assigns the frontend of the specified cache into the given class property.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildLazyPropertyInjectionCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which injects a DependencyProxy instead of the actual dependency

ProxyClassBuilder::buildSetterInjectionCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds a code snippet which tries to inject the specified property first through calling the related inject() method and then the set() method. If neither exists and the property doesn't exist either, an empty array is returned.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildLifecycleInitializationCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which calls the lifecycle initialization method, if any.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildLifecycleShutdownCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Builds code which registers the lifecycle shutdown method, if any.

ProxyClassBuilder::buildMethodParametersCode() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

FIXME: Not yet completely refactored to new proxy mechanism

ProxyClassBuilder::buildCustomFactoryCall() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ObjectManager::buildObjectByFactory() — Method in class ObjectManager

Invokes the Factory defined in the object configuration of the specified object in order to build an instance. Arguments which were defined in the object configuration are passed to the factory method.

ProxyClass::buildClassDocumentation() — Method in class ProxyClass

Builds the class documentation block for the specified class keeping doc comments and vital annotations

ProxyConstructorGenerator::buildAssignMethodArgumentsCode() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
ProxyConstructorGenerator::buildCallParentMethodCode() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator

Build code which calls the parent method, if any.

ProxyMethodGenerator::buildMethodParametersCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Builds the PHP code for the parameters of the specified method to be used in a method interceptor in the proxy class

ProxyMethodGenerator::buildCallParentMethodCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Builds PHP code which calls the original (i.e. parent) method after the added code has been executed.

ProxyMethodGenerator::buildAttributesCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Build the code for the attributes of a given \ReflectionMethod object.

Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

BootablePackageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

An interface to indicate a bootable package

BootablePackageInterface::boot() — Method in class BootablePackageInterface

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

$ PackageManager#bootstrapProperty in class PackageManager
FlowAnnotationDriver::buildJoinTableColumnName() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Build a name for a column in a jointable.

FlowAnnotationDriver::buildJoinColumnsIfNeeded() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Check if the referenced column name is set (and valid) and if not make sure it is initialized properly.

PropertyMapper::buildPropertyMappingConfiguration() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Builds the default property mapping configuration.

BooleanConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms simple types to a boolean.

ObjectConverter::buildObject() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Builds a new instance of $objectType with the given $possibleConstructorArgumentValues.

ReflectionService::buildReflectionData() — Method in class ReflectionService

Builds the reflection data cache during compile time.

ReflectionService::buildClassSchemata() — Method in class ReflectionService

Builds class schemata from classes annotated as entities or value objects

ReflectionService::buildClassSchema() — Method in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionServiceFactory#bootstrapProperty in class ReflectionServiceFactory
$ FileSystemTarget#baseUriProperty in class FileSystemTarget

The configured publicly accessible web URI which points to the root path of this target.

$ FileSystemTarget#baseUriProviderProperty in class FileSystemTarget
$ WebRedirect#baseUriProviderProperty in class WebRedirect
TokenAndProviderFactory::buildProvidersAndTokensFromConfiguration() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactory

Builds the provider and token objects based on the given configuration

BearerTokenClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

rfc6750 Bearer token (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750)

FilterFirewall::blockIllegalRequests() — Method in class FilterFirewall

Analyzes a request against the configured firewall rules and blocks any illegal request.

FirewallInterface::blockIllegalRequests() — Method in class FirewallInterface

Analyzes a request against the configured firewall rules and blocks any illegal request.

AbstractPrivilege::buildCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

Initializes the unique cache entry identifier

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::buildPointcutFilters() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

Builds the needed pointcut filters for matching the policy privileges

BCryptHashingStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

Hashing passwords using BCrypt

$ RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler#bootstrapProperty in class RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler
$ ValidatorResolver#baseValidatorConjunctionsProperty in class ValidatorResolver
ValidatorResolver::buildMethodArgumentsValidatorConjunctions() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Detects and registers any validators for arguments:

  • by the data type specified in the param annotations
  • additional validators specified in the validate annotations of a method
ValidatorResolver::buildSubObjectValidator() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Builds a chain of nested object validators by specification of the given object path.

ValidatorResolver::buildBaseValidatorConjunction() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Builds a base validator conjunction for the given data type.

BooleanValueValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for a specific boolean value.

RenderingContext::buildParserConfiguration() — Method in class RenderingContext

Build parser configuration

Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

ButtonViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

Creates a button.

Base64DecodeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Applies base64_decode to the input

BytesViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Formats an integer with a byte count into human-readable form.

PaginateController::buildPagination() — Method in class PaginateController

Returns an array with the keys "pages", "current", "numberOfPages", "nextPage" & "previousPage"

$ StandaloneView#bootstrapProperty in class StandaloneView
Package::boot() — Method in class Package

Invokes custom PHP code directly after the package manager has been initialized.

Files::bytesToSizeString() — Method in class Files

Converts an integer with a byte count into human-readable form

ObjectAccess::buildSetterMethodName() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Build the setter method name for a given property by capitalizing the first letter of the property, and prepending it with "set".


$ AbstractBackend#cacheProperty in class AbstractBackend

Reference to the cache frontend which uses this backend

$ AbstractBackend#cacheIdentifierProperty in class AbstractBackend
AbstractBackend::calculateExpiryTime() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Calculates the expiry time by the given lifetime. If no lifetime is specified, the default lifetime is used.

$ ApcuBackend#cacheEntriesIteratorProperty in class ApcuBackend
ApcuBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Does nothing, as APCu does GC itself

ApcuBackend::current() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Returns the data of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

BackendInterface::collectGarbage() — Method in class BackendInterface

Does garbage collection

$ FileBackend#cacheEntryFileExtensionProperty in class FileBackend

A file extension to use for each cache entry.

$ FileBackend#cacheEntryIdentifiersProperty in class FileBackend
FileBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class FileBackend

Does garbage collection

IterableMultiBackend::current() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
MemcachedBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Does nothing, as memcache/memcached does GC itself

MultiBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class MultiBackend
NullBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

$ PdoBackend#contextProperty in class PdoBackend
$ PdoBackend#cacheTableNameProperty in class PdoBackend
$ PdoBackend#cacheEntriesIteratorProperty in class PdoBackend
PdoBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class PdoBackend

Does garbage collection

PdoBackend::connect() — Method in class PdoBackend

Connect to the database

PdoBackend::createCacheTables() — Method in class PdoBackend

Creates the tables needed for the cache backend.

PdoBackend::current() — Method in class PdoBackend

Returns the data of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

PdoBackend::context() — Method in class PdoBackend
$ RedisBackend#compressionLevelProperty in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class RedisBackend

This backend does not need an externally triggered garbage collection

RedisBackend::current() — Method in class RedisBackend
$ SimpleFileBackend#cacheDirectoryProperty in class SimpleFileBackend

Directory where the files are stored.

$ SimpleFileBackend#cacheEntryFileExtensionProperty in class SimpleFileBackend

A file extension to use for each cache entry.

$ SimpleFileBackend#cacheEntryIdentifiersProperty in class SimpleFileBackend
$ SimpleFileBackend#cacheFilesIteratorProperty in class SimpleFileBackend
SimpleFileBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Not necessary

SimpleFileBackend::current() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Returns the data of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

SimpleFileBackend::configureCacheDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend
TransientMemoryBackend::collectGarbage() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Does nothing

CacheAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache

Interface for objects which are cache aware and are collaborative when it comes to storing them in a cache.

CacheFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Cache

This cache factory takes care of instantiating a cache frontend and injecting a certain cache backend. After creation of the new cache, the cache object is registered at the cache manager.

CacheFactory::create() — Method in class CacheFactory

Factory method which creates the specified cache along with the specified kind of backend.

CacheFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache

This cache factory takes care of instantiating a cache frontend and injecting a certain cache backend. After creation of the new cache, the cache object is registered at the cache manager.

CacheFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class CacheFactoryInterface

Factory method which creates the specified cache along with the specified kind of backend.

ClassAlreadyLoadedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

A "Class Already Loaded" exception

AbstractFrontend::collectGarbage() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Does garbage collection

CacheEntryIteratorClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

An iterator for cache entries

CacheEntryIterator::current() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Returns the data of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

FrontendInterface::collectGarbage() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Does garbage collection

CacheFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr\Cache

A factory for the PSR-6 compatible cache pool.

CacheFactory::create() — Method in class CacheFactory

Factory method which creates the specified cache along with the specified kind of backend.

CacheItemClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr\Cache

A cache item (entry).

CachePoolClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr\Cache

An implementation of the CacheItemPoolInterface from the PSR-6 specification to be used with our provided backends.

CachePool::clear() — Method in class CachePool

Deletes all items in the pool.

CachePool::commit() — Method in class CachePool

Persists any deferred cache items.

SimpleCache::clear() — Method in class SimpleCache
SimpleCache::calculateLifetimeFromDateInterval() — Method in class SimpleCache
SimpleCacheFactory::create() — Method in class SimpleCacheFactory

Factory method which creates the specified cache along with the specified kind of backend.

CompilingEelParserClass in namespace Neos\Eel

A compiling expression parser

CompilingEelParser::Conjunction_lft() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::Conjunction_rgt() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::Comparison_lft() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::Comparison_comp() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::Comparison_rgt() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ConditionalExpression_cond() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ConditionalExpression_then() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ConditionalExpression_else() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEvaluatorClass in namespace Neos\Eel

An evaluator that compiles expressions down to PHP code

ContextClass in namespace Neos\Eel

A Eel evaluation context

Context::call() — Method in class Context

Call a method on this context

Context::callAndWrap() — Method in class Context

Call a method and wrap the result

$ FlowQuery#contextProperty in class FlowQuery

the objects this FlowQuery object wraps

FlowQuery::count() — Method in class FlowQuery

Implementation of the countable() interface, which is mapped to the "count" operation.

OperationInterface::canEvaluate() — Method in class OperationInterface

This method is called to determine whether the operation can work with the $context objects. It can be implemented to implement runtime conditions.

AbstractOperation::canEvaluate() — Method in class AbstractOperation

This method is called to determine whether the operation can work with the $context objects. It can be implemented to implement runtime conditions.

CountOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Count the number of elements in the context.

ChildrenOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations\Object

"children" operation working on generic objects. It iterates over all context elements and returns the values of the properties given in the filter expression that has to be specified as argument or in a following filter operation.

ArrayHelper::concat() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Concatenate arrays or values to a new array

ConfigurationHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Configuration helpers for Eel contexts

$ ConfigurationHelper#configurationManagerProperty in class ConfigurationHelper
DateHelper::create() — Method in class DateHelper

Get a date object by given date or time format

MathHelper::cbrt() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::ceil() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::cos() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::cosh() — Method in class MathHelper
SecurityHelper::csrfToken() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Returns CSRF token which is required for "unsafe" requests (e.g. POST, PUT, DELETE, ...)

StringHelper::charAt() — Method in class StringHelper

Get the character at a specific position

StringHelper::chr() — Method in class StringHelper

Generate a single-byte string from a number

StringHelper::crop() — Method in class StringHelper

Crop a string to maximumCharacters length, optionally appending suffix if cropping was necessary.

StringHelper::cropAtWord() — Method in class StringHelper

Crop a string to maximumCharacters length, taking words into account, optionally appending suffix if cropping was necessary.

StringHelper::cropAtSentence() — Method in class StringHelper

Crop a string to maximumCharacters length, taking sentences into account, optionally appending suffix if cropping was necessary.

TypeHelper::className() — Method in class TypeHelper

Get the class name of the given variable or NULL if it wasn't an object

$ InterpretedEelParser#contextProperty in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Conjunction_lft() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Conjunction_rgt() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Comparison_lft() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Comparison_comp() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Comparison_rgt() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ConditionalExpression_cond() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ConditionalExpression_then() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ConditionalExpression_else() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
ProtectedContext::call() — Method in class ProtectedContext

Call a method if it is allowed

$ Message#codeProperty in class Message

The error code.

Result::clear() — Method in class Result

Clears the result

CompileStaticClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations
$ AspectContainer#classNameProperty in class AspectContainer
$ AspectContainer#cachedTargetClassNameCandidatesProperty in class AspectContainer
$ AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder#compilerProperty in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder
ClassNameIndexClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder

A filterable index of class names

$ ClassNameIndex#classNamesProperty in class ClassNameIndex

Indexed array by class name

ClassNameIndex::count() — Method in class ClassNameIndex
$ ProxyClassBuilder#compilerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
CircularPointcutReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "Circular PointcutReference" Exception

$ JoinPoint#classNameProperty in class JoinPoint

Class name of the target class this join point refers to

$ PointcutClassNameFilter#classFilterExpressionProperty in class PointcutClassNameFilter

A regular expression to match class names

$ PointcutSettingFilter#configurationManagerProperty in class PointcutSettingFilter
$ PointcutSettingFilter#conditionProperty in class PointcutSettingFilter

The condition value to match against the configuration setting

$ PointcutSettingFilter#cachedResultProperty in class PointcutSettingFilter
$ AnnotationsCacheFlusher#configurationManagerProperty in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher
$ AnnotationsCacheFlusher#cacheManagerProperty in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher
CacheFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cache

This cache factory takes care of instantiating a cache frontend and injecting a certain cache backend. In a Flow context you should use the CacheManager to get a Cache.

$ CacheFactory#contextProperty in class CacheFactory

The current Flow context ("Production", "Development" etc.)

CacheFactory::create() — Method in class CacheFactory
CacheManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cache

The Cache Manager

$ CacheManager#cacheFactoryProperty in class CacheManager
$ CacheManager#configurationManagerProperty in class CacheManager
$ CacheManager#cachesProperty in class CacheManager
$ CacheManager#cacheItemPoolsProperty in class CacheManager
$ CacheManager#cacheConfigurationsProperty in class CacheManager
CacheManager::createAllCaches() — Method in class CacheManager

Instantiates all registered caches.

CacheManager::createCache() — Method in class CacheManager

Instantiates the cache for $identifier.

CommandClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

Represents a command

$ Command#controllerClassNameProperty in class Command
$ Command#controllerCommandNameProperty in class Command
$ Command#commandIdentifierProperty in class Command
$ Command#commandMethodReflectionProperty in class Command
CommandArgumentDefinitionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

Represents a CommandArgumentDefinition

CommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A controller which processes requests from the command line

$ CommandController#commandMethodNameProperty in class CommandController

Name of the command method

$ CommandController#commandManagerProperty in class CommandController
CommandController::callCommandMethod() — Method in class CommandController

Calls the specified command method and passes the arguments.

CommandControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

Transitional interface for command controllers.

CommandManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A helper for CLI Commands

CommandManager::commandMatchesIdentifier() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns true if the specified command identifier matches the identifier of the specified command.

CommandRequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A request handler which can handle command line requests.

CommandRequestHandler::canHandleRequest() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

This request handler can handle CLI requests.

ConsoleOutputClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A wrapper for Symfony ConsoleOutput and related helpers

ConsoleOutput::combineQuestion() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

If question is an array, split it into multi-line string

$ Request#controllerObjectNameProperty in class Request
$ Request#controllerCommandNameProperty in class Request
$ Request#commandProperty in class Request
$ RequestBuilder#commandManagerProperty in class RequestBuilder
SlaveRequestHandler::canHandleRequest() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler

This request handler can handle CLI requests.

CacheCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for managing caches

$ CacheCommandController#cacheManagerProperty in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::collectGarbageCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Cache Garbage Collection

ConfigurationCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Configuration command controller for the Neos.Flow package

$ ConfigurationCommandController#configurationManagerProperty in class ConfigurationCommandController
$ ConfigurationCommandController#configurationSchemaValidatorProperty in class ConfigurationCommandController
CoreCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for core commands

$ CoreCommandController#cacheManagerProperty in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::compileCommand() — Method in class CoreCommandController

Explicitly compile proxy classes

$ DatabaseCommandController#connectionProperty in class DatabaseCommandController
DatabaseCommandController::convertToCharacterSetAndCollation() — Method in class DatabaseCommandController

Convert the tables in the current database to use given character set and collation.

DoctrineCommandController::compileProxiesCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Compile the Doctrine proxy classes

DoctrineCommandController::createCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Create the database schema

$ MiddlewareCommandController#chainConfigurationProperty in class MiddlewareCommandController
PackageCommandController::createCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

Create a new package

ResourceCommandController::copyCommand() — Method in class ResourceCommandController

Copy resources

ResourceCommandController::cleanCommand() — Method in class ResourceCommandController

Clean up resource registry

ResourceCommandController::clearState() — Method in class ResourceCommandController

This method is used internal as a callback method to clear doctrine states

$ SessionCommandController#cacheManagerProperty in class SessionCommandController
SessionCommandController::collectGarbageCommand() — Method in class SessionCommandController

Run garbage collection for sesions.

ComposerUtilityClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer

Utility to access composer information like composer manifests (composer.json) and the lock file.

$ ComposerUtility#composerManifestCacheProperty in class ComposerUtility

Runtime cache for composer.json data

$ ComposerUtility#composerLockCacheProperty in class ComposerUtility

Runtime cache for composer.lock data

InstallerScripts::copyDistributionFiles() — Method in class InstallerScripts

Copies any distribution files to their place if needed.

ConfigurationManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration

A general purpose configuration manager

$ ConfigurationManager#configurationLoadersProperty in class ConfigurationManager

Defines which Configuration Type is processed by which logic

$ ConfigurationManager#contextProperty in class ConfigurationManager

The application context of the configuration to manage

$ ConfigurationManager#configurationsProperty in class ConfigurationManager

Storage of the raw special configurations

$ ConfigurationManager#cacheNeedsUpdateProperty in class ConfigurationManager
ConfigurationManager::constructConfigurationCachePath() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Constructs a path to the configuration cache PHP file.

ConfigurationSchemaValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration

A validator for all configuration entries using Schema

$ ConfigurationSchemaValidator#configurationManagerProperty in class ConfigurationSchemaValidator
ContainerIsLockedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A Container Is Locked exception

$ ApplicationContext#contextStringProperty in class ApplicationContext

The (internal) context string; could be something like "Development" or "Development/MyLocalMacBook"

Scripts::compileDoctrineProxies() — Method in class Scripts

Update Doctrine 2 proxy classes

$ Step#callbackProperty in class Step
$ Bootstrap#contextProperty in class Bootstrap
$ Bootstrap#compiletimeCommandsProperty in class Bootstrap
ClassLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

Class Loader implementation for test classes.

$ ClassLoader#considerTestsNamespaceProperty in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::createNamespaceMapEntry() — Method in class ClassLoader

Add a namespace to class path mapping to the class loader for resolving classes.

ClassLoader::createFallbackPathEntry() — Method in class ClassLoader

Adds an entry to the fallback path map. MappingType for this kind of paths is always PSR4 as no package namespace is used then.

$ ProxyClassLoader#classesCacheProperty in class ProxyClassLoader
RequestHandlerInterface::canHandleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandlerInterface

Checks if the request handler can handle the current request.

Debugger::clearState() — Method in class Debugger

Clear the state of the debugger

$ BaseUriProvider#configuredBaseUriProperty in class BaseUriProvider

THe possibly configured Flow base URI.

CacheControlDirectivesClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Cache-Control HTTP header generation/parsing

$ CacheControlDirectives#cacheDirectivesProperty in class CacheControlDirectives
$ Browser#contentStreamFactoryProperty in class Browser
CurlEngineClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

A Request Engine which uses cURL in order to send requests to external HTTP servers.

CurlEngineExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

An exception for the Curl Engine

$ InternalRequestEngine#configurationManagerProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
$ InternalRequestEngine#contentFactoryProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
ContentStreamClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Implementation of a PSR-7 HTTP stream

ContentStream::close() — Method in class ContentStream

Closes the stream and any underlying resources.

CookieClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Represents a HTTP Cookie as of RFC 6265

Cookie::createFromRawSetCookieHeader() — Method in class Cookie

Creates a cookie (an instance of this class) by a provided raw header string like "foo=507d9f20317a5; path=/; domain=.example.org" This is is an implementation of the algorithm explained in RFC 6265, Section 5.2 A basic statement of this algorithm is to "ignore the set-cookie-string entirely" in case a required condition is not met. In these cases this function will return NULL rather than the created cookie.

$ Headers#cookiesProperty in class Headers
$ Headers#cacheControlDirectivesProperty in class Headers
Headers::createFromServer() — Method in class Headers

Creates a new Headers instance from the given $_SERVER-superglobal-like array.

Headers::current() — Method in class Headers
ResponseInformationHelper::createFromRaw() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper

Creates a response from the given raw, that is plain text, HTTP response.

UploadedFilesHelper::calculateFieldPathsAsArray() — Method in class UploadedFilesHelper

Returns an array of all possible "field paths" for the given array.

MiddlewaresChainFactory::create() — Method in class MiddlewaresChainFactory
RequestHandler::canHandleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

This request handler can handle any web request.

$ UploadedFile#clientFilenameProperty in class UploadedFile
$ UploadedFile#clientMediaTypeProperty in class UploadedFile
CldrModelClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr

A model representing data from one or few CLDR files.

$ CldrModel#cldrBasePathProperty in class CldrModel

An absolute path to the directory where CLDR resides. It is changed only in tests.

$ CldrModel#cacheProperty in class CldrModel
$ CldrModel#cacheKeyProperty in class CldrModel

Key used to store / retrieve cached data

$ CldrModel#cldrParserProperty in class CldrModel
CldrParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr

A class which parses CLDR file to simple but useful array representation.

CldrRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr

The CldrRepository class

$ CldrRepository#cldrBasePathProperty in class CldrRepository

An absolute path to the directory where CLDR resides. It is changed only in tests.

CurrencyReaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader

A reader for data placed in "currencyData" tag in CLDR.

$ CurrencyReader#cldrRepositoryProperty in class CurrencyReader
$ CurrencyReader#cacheProperty in class CurrencyReader
$ DatesReader#cldrRepositoryProperty in class DatesReader
$ DatesReader#cacheProperty in class DatesReader
$ NumbersReader#cldrRepositoryProperty in class NumbersReader
$ NumbersReader#cacheProperty in class NumbersReader
$ PluralsReader#cldrRepositoryProperty in class PluralsReader
$ PluralsReader#cacheProperty in class PluralsReader
ConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

A Configuration instance represents settings to be used with the I18n functionality. Examples of such settings are the locale to be used and overrides for message catalogs.

$ Configuration#currentLocaleProperty in class Configuration
TranslationHelper::createTranslationParameterToken() — Method in class TranslationHelper

Create and return a TranslationParameterToken.

$ NumberFormatter#currencyReaderProperty in class NumberFormatter
LocaleTypeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class LocaleTypeConverter

Convert the given $source (a locale identifier string) to $targetType (Locale)

$ Service#cacheProperty in class Service
$ Service#configurationProperty in class Service
$ XliffFileProvider#cacheProperty in class XliffFileProvider
BackendInterface::close() — Method in class BackendInterface

Carries out all actions necessary to cleanly close the logging backend, such as closing the log file or disconnecting from a database.

ConsoleBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

A log backend which writes log entries to the console (STDOUT or STDERR)

ConsoleBackend::close() — Method in class ConsoleBackend

Carries out all actions necessary to cleanly close the logging backend, such as closing the log file or disconnecting from a database.

$ FileBackend#createParentDirectoriesProperty in class FileBackend
FileBackend::close() — Method in class FileBackend

Carries out all actions necessary to cleanly close the logging backend, such as closing the log file or disconnecting from a database.

NullBackend::close() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

CouldNotOpenResourceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Exception

A "Could Not Open Resource" exception

$ PsrLoggerFactory#configurationProperty in class PsrLoggerFactory
PsrLoggerFactory::create() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactory

Create a new instance of this PsrLoggerFactory

PsrLoggerFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactoryInterface

Create an instance of this LoggerFactory, with a given configuration.

ThrowableStorageInterface::createWithOptions() — Method in class ThrowableStorageInterface

A factory method to create an instance of the throwable storage.

FileStorage::createWithOptions() — Method in class FileStorage

Factory method to get an instance.

FileStorage::cleanupThrowableDumps() — Method in class FileStorage

Cleans up existing throwable dumps when they are older than the configured maximum age or the oldest ones exceeding the maximum number of dumps allowed.

ChangeDetectionStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Monitor\ChangeDetectionStrategy

Contract for a change detection strategy

$ ModificationTimeStrategy#cacheProperty in class ModificationTimeStrategy
$ FileMonitor#changeDetectionStrategyProperty in class FileMonitor
$ FileMonitor#cacheProperty in class FileMonitor
$ FileMonitor#changedFilesProperty in class FileMonitor

Changed files for this monitor

$ FileMonitor#changedPathsProperty in class FileMonitor

The changed paths for this monitor

FileMonitor::createFileMonitorAtBoot() — Method in class FileMonitor

Helper method to create a FileMonitor instance during boot sequence as injections have to be done manually.

$ ActionRequest#controllerPackageKeyProperty in class ActionRequest

Package key of the controller which is supposed to handle this request.

$ ActionRequest#controllerSubpackageKeyProperty in class ActionRequest

Subpackage key of the controller which is supposed to handle this request.

$ ActionRequest#controllerNameProperty in class ActionRequest

Object name of the controller which is supposed to handle this request.

$ ActionRequest#controllerActionNameProperty in class ActionRequest

Name of the action the controller is supposed to take.

ActionRequest::createSubRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Create a sub request from this action request.

ActionRequestFactory::createActionRequest() — Method in class ActionRequestFactory
$ ActionResponse#contentProperty in class ActionResponse
$ ActionResponse#contentTypeProperty in class ActionResponse
$ ActionResponse#cookiesProperty in class ActionResponse
$ AbstractController#controllerContextProperty in class AbstractController
ActionController::callActionMethod() — Method in class ActionController

Calls the specified action method and passes the arguments.

ControllerContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

The controller context holds information about the request, response, arguments and further details of a controller. Instances of this class act as a container for conveniently passing the information to other classes who need it, usually views being views or view helpers.

ControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

Generic interface for controllers

CommandExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

Base command exception

ForwardException::createForNextRequest() — Method in class ForwardException
StopActionException::createForResponse() — Method in class StopActionException
AttributeRoutesProviderFactory::createRoutesProvider() — Method in class AttributeRoutesProviderFactory
ConfigurationRoutesProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing
RouteLifetime::createUndefined() — Method in class RouteLifetime

Creates an empty instance without a specific lifetime

RouteLifetime::createInfinite() — Method in class RouteLifetime

Creates an instance without an infinite lifetime

RouteLifetime::createSeconds() — Method in class RouteLifetime

Creates an instance without lifetime specified in seconds

RouteParameters::createEmpty() — Method in class RouteParameters

Creates an empty instance of this class

RouteTags::createEmpty() — Method in class RouteTags

Creates an instance without any tags

RouteTags::createFromTag() — Method in class RouteTags

Creates an instance with one given tag

RouteTags::createFromArray() — Method in class RouteTags

Creates an instance with one given tags

UriConstraints::create() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance without any constraints

IdentityRoutePart::createPathSegmentForObject() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Creates a URI representation (path segment) for the given object matching $this->uriPattern.

$ Route#cacheTagsProperty in class Route

Specifies the tags to be associated with cache items generated by this route

$ Route#cacheLifetimeProperty in class Route

Specifies the lifetime to be associated with cache items generated by this route

Route::compareAndRemoveMatchingDefaultValues() — Method in class Route

Recursively iterates through the defaults of this route.

Route::containsObject() — Method in class Route

Checks if the given subject contains an object

RouterCachingService::containsObject() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Checks if the given subject contains an object

RouterCachingService::convertObjectsToHashes() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Recursively converts objects in an array to their identifiers

Routes::create() — Method in class Routes
RoutesProviderFactoryInterface::createRoutesProvider() — Method in class RoutesProviderFactoryInterface
$ UriBuilder#createAbsoluteUriProperty in class UriBuilder
$ ViewConfigurationManager#cacheProperty in class ViewConfigurationManager
$ ViewConfigurationManager#configurationManagerProperty in class ViewConfigurationManager
ViewConfigurationManager::createCacheIdentifier() — Method in class ViewConfigurationManager

Create a complete cache identifier for the given request that conforms to cache identifier syntax

$ AbstractView#controllerContextProperty in class AbstractView
AbstractView::createWithOptions() — Method in class AbstractView

Factory method to create an instance with given options.

$ JsonView#configurationProperty in class JsonView

The rendering configuration for this JSON view which determines which properties of each variable to render.

ViewInterface::createWithOptions() — Method in class ViewInterface

Factory method to create an instance with given options.

CompileTimeObjectManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement

A specialized Object Manager which is able to do some basic dependency injection for singleton scoped objects. This Object Manager is used during compile time when the proxy class based DI mechanism is not yet available.

$ CompileTimeObjectManager#configurationCacheProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ CompileTimeObjectManager#configurationManagerProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ CompileTimeObjectManager#cachedClassNamesByScopeProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
ConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Configuration

Flow Object Configuration

$ Configuration#classNameProperty in class Configuration

Name of the class the object is based on

$ Configuration#configurationSourceHintProperty in class Configuration

Information about where this configuration has been created. Used in error messages to make debugging easier.

ConfigurationArgumentClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Configuration

Injection (constructor-) argument as used in a Object Configuration

ConfigurationBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Configuration

Object Configuration Builder which can build object configuration objects from information collected by reflection combined with arrays of configuration options as defined in an Objects.yaml file.

ConfigurationPropertyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Configuration

Injection property as used in a Object Configuration

$ DependencyProxy#classNameProperty in class DependencyProxy
$ ProxyClassBuilder#compilerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#configurationManagerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#cacheManagerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::compileStaticMethods() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Compile the result of methods marked with CompileStatic into the proxy class

CannotBuildObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Cannot build object" Exception

CannotReconstituteObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Cannot reconstitute object" Exception

$ ObjectManager#contextProperty in class ObjectManager

The configuration context for this Flow run

$ ObjectManager#classesBeingInstantiatedProperty in class ObjectManager
$ ObjectManager#cachedLowerCasedObjectNamesProperty in class ObjectManager
ObjectManager::createLazyDependency() — Method in class ObjectManager

Creates a new DependencyProxy class for a dependency built through code identified through "hash" for a dependency of class $className. The closure in $builder contains code for actually creating the dependency instance once it needs to be materialized.

ObjectManager::callShutdownMethods() — Method in class ObjectManager

Executes the methods of the provided objects.

CompilerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

Builder for proxy classes which are used to implement Dependency Injection and Aspect-Oriented Programming

$ Compiler#classesCacheProperty in class Compiler
Compiler::compile() — Method in class Compiler

Compiles the configured proxy classes and methods as static PHP code and stores it in the proxy class code cache.

Compiler::cacheOriginalClassFileAndProxyCode() — Method in class Compiler

Reads the specified class file, appends ORIGINAL_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX to its class name and stores the result in the proxy classes cache.

Compiler::commentOutFinalKeywordForMethods() — Method in class Compiler
$ ProxyClass#constructorProperty in class ProxyClass
$ ProxyClass#constantsProperty in class ProxyClass
ProxyConstructorGenerator::copyMethodSignature() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::copyMethodSignatureAndDocblock() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator
CorruptPackageExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

"Corrupt Package" Exception

$ GenericPackage#composerNameProperty in class GenericPackage

composer name for this package

PackageFactory::create() — Method in class PackageFactory

Returns a package instance.

$ PackageManager#composerNameToPackageKeyMapProperty in class PackageManager

A map between ComposerName and PackageKey, only available when scanAvailablePackages is run

PackageManager::createPackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Create a package, given the package key

PackageManager::collectPackageManifestData() — Method in class PackageManager

Collects the manifest data for all packages in the given package states array

AbstractPersistenceManager::clearState() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Clears the in-memory state of the persistence.

AbstractPersistenceManager::convertObjectToIdentityArray() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Converts the given object into an array containing the identity of the domain object.

AbstractPersistenceManager::convertObjectsToIdentityArrays() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Recursively iterates through the given array and turns objects into an arrays containing the identity of the domain object.

$ AllowedObjectsContainer#checkNextProperty in class AllowedObjectsContainer
AllowedObjectsContainer::checkNext() — Method in class AllowedObjectsContainer

Set the internal flag to return true for shouldCheck() on the next invocation.

ArrayTypeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ArrayTypeConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

CachePoolClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

Extended PSR cache pool to include security context hash into cache key

ConnectionFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

Connection factory for Doctrine connection class

ConnectionFactory::create() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Factory method which creates an Connection from the injected EntityManager.

CountWalkerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

A walker to transform a select query into a count query.

JsonArrayType::convertToPHPValue() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Converts a value from its database representation to its PHP representation of this type.

JsonArrayType::convertToDatabaseValue() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Converts a value from its PHP representation to its database representation of this type.

EntityManagerConfiguration::configureEntityManager() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Configure the Doctrine EntityManager according to configuration settings before its creation.

EntityManagerFactory::create() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory

Factory method which creates an EntityManager.

ClassMetadataClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Mapping

A ClassMetadata instance holds all the object-relational mapping metadata of an entity and it's associations.

ClassMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Mapping

A factory for Doctrine to create our ClassMetadata instances, aware of the object manager.

$ FlowAnnotationDriver#classNamesProperty in class FlowAnnotationDriver
ClassSchemaNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Mapping\Exception

A Class Schema Not Found Exception

PersistenceManager::clearState() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Clears the in-memory state of the persistence.

PersistenceManager::createQueryForType() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Return a query object for the given type.

PersistenceManager::compile() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Called from functional tests, creates/updates database tables and compiles proxies.

$ Query#constraintProperty in class Query
$ Query#cacheResultProperty in class Query
Query::count() — Method in class Query

Returns the query result count

Query::contains() — Method in class Query

Returns a "contains" criterion used for matching objects against a query.

QueryResult::count() — Method in class QueryResult

Returns the number of objects in the result

QueryResult::current() — Method in class QueryResult
Repository::createQuery() — Method in class Repository

Returns a query for objects of this repository

Repository::createDqlQuery() — Method in class Repository

Creates a DQL query from the given query string

Repository::countAll() — Method in class Repository

Counts all objects of this repository

Service::createSchema() — Method in class Service

Creates the needed DB schema using Doctrine's SchemaTool. If tables already exist, this will throw an exception.

Service::compileProxies() — Method in class Service

Compiles the Doctrine proxy class code using the Doctrine ProxyFactory.

EmptyQueryResult::current() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::count() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
PersistenceManagerInterface::clearState() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Clears the in-memory state of the persistence.

PersistenceManagerInterface::convertObjectToIdentityArray() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Converts the given object into an array containing the identity of the domain object.

PersistenceManagerInterface::convertObjectsToIdentityArrays() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Recursively iterates through the given array and turns objects into arrays containing the identity of the domain object.

PersistenceManagerInterface::createQueryForType() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Return a query object for the given type.

QueryInterface::count() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns the query result count.

QueryInterface::contains() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a "contains" criterion used for matching objects against a query.

Repository::createQuery() — Method in class Repository

Returns a query for objects of this repository

Repository::countAll() — Method in class Repository

Counts all objects of this repository

RepositoryInterface::createQuery() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Returns a query for objects of this repository

RepositoryInterface::countAll() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Counts all objects of this repository

$ PropertyMapper#cacheProperty in class PropertyMapper
PropertyMapper::convert() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Map $source to $targetType, and return the result.

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#configurationProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

multi-dimensional array which stores type-converter specific configuration:

  1. Dimension: Fully qualified class name of the type converter
  2. Dimension: Configuration Key Value: Configuration Value
TypeConverterInterface::canConvertFrom() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Here, the TypeConverter can do some additional runtime checks to see whether it can handle the given source data and the given target type.

TypeConverterInterface::convertFrom() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

AbstractTypeConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

This implementation always returns true for this method.

ArrayConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ArrayConverter

Convert from $source to $targetType, a noop if the source is an array.

ArrayFromObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ArrayFromObjectConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

ArrayObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ArrayObjectConverter

Convert from $source to $targetType.

BooleanConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class BooleanConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType

CollectionConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms strings and arrays into a Doctrine ArrayCollection.

CollectionConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class CollectionConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

DateTimeConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class DateTimeConverter

If conversion is possible.

DateTimeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class DateTimeConverter

Converts $source to a \DateTime using the configured dateFormat

DenormalizingObjectConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::canConvertFromSourceType() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::convertFromSource() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
FloatConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class FloatConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, by doing a typecast.

IntegerConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class IntegerConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, in fact a noop here.

MediaTypeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class MediaTypeConverter

Convert the given $source to $targetType depending on the MediaTypeConverterInterface::CONFIGURATION_MEDIA_TYPE property mapping configuration

MediaTypeConverter::convertMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypeConverter

Converts the given request body according to the specified media type Override this method in your custom TypeConverter to support additional media types

$ ObjectConverter#constructorReflectionFirstLevelCacheProperty in class ObjectConverter

As it is very likely that the constructor arguments are needed twice we should cache them for the request.

ObjectConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Only convert non-persistent types

ObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Convert an object from $source to an object.

PersistentObjectConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

We can only convert if the $targetType is either tagged with entity or value object.

PersistentObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

Convert an object from $source to an entity or a value object.

PersistentObjectSerializer::convertFrom() — Method in class PersistentObjectSerializer

Convert an entity or valueobject to a string representation (by using the identifier)

ScalarTypeToObjectConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class ScalarTypeToObjectConverter

Only convert if the given target class has a constructor with one argument being of type given type

ScalarTypeToObjectConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ScalarTypeToObjectConverter

Convert the given simple type to an object

SessionConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class SessionConverter

This implementation always returns true for this method.

SessionConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class SessionConverter

Convert a session identifier from $source to a Session object

StringConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class StringConverter

Actually convert from $source to $targetType, taking into account the fully built $convertedChildProperties and $configuration.

TypedArrayConverter::canConvertFrom() — Method in class TypedArrayConverter
TypedArrayConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class TypedArrayConverter
UriTypeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class UriTypeConverter

Converts the given string to a Uri object.

ClassReflectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

Extended version of the ReflectionClass

ClassSchemaClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

A class schema

$ ClassSchema#classNameProperty in class ClassSchema

Name of the class this schema is referring to

ClassLoadingForReflectionFailedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

A "Class loading for reflection failed" exception

ClassSchemaConstraintViolationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

An "ClassSchema Constraint Violation" exception

$ ReflectionService#classSchemataRuntimeCacheProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#contextProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#classesByMethodAnnotationsProperty in class ReflectionService

Array of method annotations and the classes and methods which are annotated with them

$ ReflectionService#classSchemataProperty in class ReflectionService

Schemata of all classes which can be persisted

$ ReflectionService#classesCurrentlyBeingForgottenProperty in class ReflectionService

An array of class names which are currently being forgotten by forgetClass(). Acts as a safeguard against infinite loops.

$ ReflectionService#classReflectionDataProperty in class ReflectionService

Array with reflection information indexed by class name

ReflectionService::completeRepositoryAssignments() — Method in class ReflectionService

Complete repository-to-entity assignments.

ReflectionService::checkValueObjectRequirements() — Method in class ReflectionService

Checks if the given class meets the requirements for a value object, i.e.

ReflectionService::convertParameterDataToArray() — Method in class ReflectionService

Converts the internal, optimized data structure of parameter information into a human-friendly array with speaking indexes.

ReflectionService::convertParameterReflectionToArray() — Method in class ReflectionService

Converts the given parameter reflection into an information array

ReflectionService::cleanClassName() — Method in class ReflectionService

Clean a given class name from possibly prefixed backslash

ReflectionServiceFactory::create() — Method in class ReflectionServiceFactory

Get reflection service instance

CollectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

A resource collection

CollectionInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

Interface for a resource collection

StaticResourceHelper::content() — Method in class StaticResourceHelper

Get the content of a package resource

$ PersistentResource#collectionNameProperty in class PersistentResource

Name of a collection whose storage is used for storing this resource and whose target is used for publishing.

PersistentResource::createTemporaryLocalCopy() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the path to a local file representing this resource for use with read-only file operations such as reading or copying.

$ ResourceManager#collectionsProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceRepository::countBySha1AndCollectionName() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Counts all resources with the same SHA1 hash and collection

$ ResourceTypeConverter#convertedResourcesProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
ResourceTypeConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter

Converts the given string or array to a PersistentResource object.

PackageStorage::createStorageObject() — Method in class PackageStorage

Create a storage object for the given static resource path.

$ ResourceStreamWrapper#contextProperty in class ResourceStreamWrapper
ResourceStreamWrapper::closeDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Close directory handle.

ResourceStreamWrapper::cast() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Retrieve the underlying resource.

ResourceStreamWrapper::close() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Close an resource.

$ StreamWrapperAdapter#contextProperty in class StreamWrapperAdapter
StreamWrapperAdapter::createStreamWrapper() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Create the internal stream wrapper if needed.

StreamWrapperInterface::closeDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Close directory handle.

StreamWrapperInterface::cast() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Retrieve the underlying resource.

StreamWrapperInterface::close() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Close an resource.

$ FileSystemTarget#callbacksProperty in class FileSystemTarget
FileSystemTarget::checkAndRemovePackageSymlinks() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Checks if the PackageStorage has been previously initialized with symlinks and clears them. Otherwise the original sources would be overwritten.

$ Account#credentialsSourceProperty in class Account
$ Account#creationDateProperty in class Account
AccountFactory::createAccountWithPassword() — Method in class AccountFactory

Creates a new account and sets the given password and roles

AuthenticationProviderInterface::create() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderInterface

Constructs an instance with the given name and options.

AuthenticationProviderInterface::canAuthenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderInterface

Returns true if the given token can be authenticated by this provider

AbstractProvider::create() — Method in class AbstractProvider

Factory method

AbstractProvider::canAuthenticate() — Method in class AbstractProvider

Returns true if the given token can be authenticated by this provider

$ AbstractToken#credentialsProperty in class AbstractToken

The credentials submitted by the client

$ BearerToken#credentialsProperty in class BearerToken

The password credentials

$ PasswordToken#credentialsProperty in class PasswordToken

The password credentials

$ UsernamePassword#credentialsProperty in class UsernamePassword

The username/password credentials

FilterFirewall::createFilterFromConfiguration() — Method in class FilterFirewall
CsrfTokenMissingClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Interceptor

This security interceptor always denys access.

$ AbstractPrivilege#cacheEntryIdentifierProperty in class AbstractPrivilege

Unique identifier of this privilege (used for cache entries)

ConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A condition generator used as an eel context to orchestrate the different sql condition generators.

ConditionGenerator::conjunction() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
ConjunctionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A sql generator to create a sql conjunction condition.

$ EntityPrivilege#conditionGeneratorProperty in class EntityPrivilege
EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser::Conjunction_rgt() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser
EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser::Comparison_rgt() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser
PropertyConditionGenerator::contains() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PrivilegeTarget::createPrivilege() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::createParameterMapper() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::createParameter() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
ContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

This is the default implementation of a security context, which holds current security information like roles oder details of authenticated users.

$ Context#csrfProtectionStrategyProperty in class Context

One of the CSRF_* constants to set the csrf protection strategy

$ Context#contextHashProperty in class Context

A hash for this security context that is unique to the currently authenticated roles.

$ Context#csrfTokensRemovedAfterCurrentRequestProperty in class Context

CSRF tokens that are valid during this request but will be gone after.

Context::clearContext() — Method in class Context

Clears the security context.

Context::collectRolesAndParentRolesFromAccount() — Method in class Context
Context::collectParentRoles() — Method in class Context
Context::canBeInitialized() — Method in class Context

Check if the securityContext is ready to be initialized. Only after that security will be active.

$ BCryptHashingStrategy#costProperty in class BCryptHashingStrategy

Number of rounds to use with BCrypt for hashing passwords, must be between 4 and 31

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::checkKeyName() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Checks if the given key name is valid amd returns it (unchanged) if yes. Otherwise it throws an exception.

$ HashService#cacheProperty in class HashService
$ PrecomposedHashProvider#cacheProperty in class PrecomposedHashProvider

The Cache have to be injected non-lazy to prevent timing differences

RsaWalletServiceInterface::checkRSAEncryptedPassword() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Checks if the given encrypted password is correct by comparing it's md5 hash. The salt is appended to the decrypted password string before hashing.

RsaWalletServicePhp::checkRSAEncryptedPassword() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Checks if the given encrypted password is correct by comparing it's md5 hash. The salt is appended to the decrypted password string before hashing.

$ DummyContext#csrfProtectionTokenProperty in class DummyContext
DummyContext::clearContext() — Method in class DummyContext

Clears the security context.

CircularResourceDefinitionDetectedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "CircularResourceDefinitionDetected" Exception

$ PolicyService#configurationManagerProperty in class PolicyService
RoleConverter::convertFrom() — Method in class RoleConverter

Convert an object from $source to an object.

ControllerObjectNameClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern

This class holds an controller object name pattern an decides, if a \Neos\Flow\Mvc\ActionRequest object matches against this pattern

CsrfProtectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern

This class holds a request pattern that decides, if csrf protection was enabled for the current request and searches for invalid csrf protection tokens.

$ SessionDataContainer#csrfProtectionTokensProperty in class SessionDataContainer

The current list of CSRF tokens

LazyLoadingAspect::callMethodOnOriginalSessionObject() — Method in class LazyLoadingAspect

Around advice, wrapping every method of a scope session object. It redirects all method calls to the session object once there is one.

CookieEnabledInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session
CookieEnabledInterface::createFromCookieAndSessionInformation() — Method in class CookieEnabledInterface
$ SessionKeyValueStore#cacheProperty in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaData::createWithTimestamp() — Method in class SessionMetaData
SessionMetaData::createFromSessionIdentifierStringAndOldArrayCacheFormat() — Method in class SessionMetaData

Create session metadata from classic cache format for backwards compatibility

$ SessionMetaDataStore#cacheProperty in class SessionMetaDataStore
Session::create() — Method in class Session
Session::createRemote() — Method in class Session
Session::createRemoteFromSessionMetaData() — Method in class Session
Session::createFromCookieAndSessionInformation() — Method in class Session
Session::canBeResumed() — Method in class Session

Returns true if there is a session that can be resumed.

Session::close() — Method in class Session

Explicitly writes and closes the session

SessionInterface::canBeResumed() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns true if there is a session that can be resumed. false otherwise

SessionInterface::close() — Method in class SessionInterface

Explicitly writes (persists) and closes the session

$ SessionManager#currentSessionProperty in class SessionManager
SessionManager::createCurrentSessionFromCookie() — Method in class SessionManager
SessionManager::collectGarbage() — Method in class SessionManager

Iterates over all existing sessions and removes their data if the inactivity timeout was reached.

SessionManagerInterface::collectGarbage() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Remove data of all sessions which are considered to be expired.

TransientSession::canBeResumed() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns true if there is a session that can be resumed. false otherwise

TransientSession::close() — Method in class TransientSession

Closes the session

Dispatcher::connect() — Method in class Dispatcher

Connects a signal with a slot.

EmptyRequestHandler::canHandleRequest() — Method in class EmptyRequestHandler

Checks if the request handler can handle the current request.

RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler::canHandleRequest() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler

This request handler can handle requests in Testing Context.

$ Environment#contextProperty in class Environment
Environment::composeTemporaryDirectoryName() — Method in class Environment

Compose path name for the temporary directory respecting supplied context.

Environment::createTemporaryDirectory() — Method in class Environment

Creates Flow's temporary directory - or at least asserts that it exists and is writable.

Ip::cidrMatch() — Method in class Ip

Matches a CIDR range pattern against an IP

$ Error#codeProperty in class Error
ValidatorResolver::createValidator() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Get a validator for a given data type. Returns a validator implementing the ValidatorInterface or NULL if no validator could be resolved.

AbstractCompositeValidator::count() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Returns the number of validators contained in this conjunction.

CollectionValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A generic collection validator.

ConjunctionValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator to chain many validators in a conjunction (logical and).

CountValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for countable things

GenericObjectValidator::checkProperty() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Checks if the specified property of the given object is valid, and adds found errors to the $messages object.

PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterface::canValidate() — Method in class PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterface

Checks the given target can be validated by the validator implementation.

CacheAdaptorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Cache
$ RenderingContext#controllerContextProperty in class RenderingContext
$ RenderingContext#cacheProperty in class RenderingContext
AbstractConditionViewHelper::compile() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper

The compiled ViewHelper adds two new ViewHelper arguments: thenClosure and elseClosure.

$ AbstractViewHelper#controllerContextProperty in class AbstractViewHelper

Controller Context to use

ChildNodeAccessInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper\Facets

Child Node Access Facet. View Helpers should implement this interface if they need access to the direct children in the Syntax Tree at rendering-time.

ViewHelperResolver::createViewHelperInstanceFromClassName() — Method in class ViewHelperResolver
$ AbstractWidgetViewHelper#controllerProperty in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

The Controller associated to this widget.

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::compile() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper
$ WidgetContext#controllerObjectNameProperty in class WidgetContext

The fully qualified object name of the Controller which this widget uses.

CheckboxViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

View Helper which creates a simple checkbox ().

Base64DecodeViewHelper::compile() — Method in class Base64DecodeViewHelper

This ViewHelper is used whenever something was wrappded in CDATA Therefore we render it to raw PHP code during compilation.

CaseViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Modifies the case of an input string to upper- or lowercase or capitalization.

CropViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Use this view helper to crop the text between its opening and closing tags.

CurrencyViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Formats a given float to a currency representation.

IdentifierViewHelper::compile() — Method in class IdentifierViewHelper

Directly compile to code for the template cache.

JsonViewHelper::compile() — Method in class JsonViewHelper
Nl2brViewHelper::compile() — Method in class Nl2brViewHelper

Compile to direct nl2br use in template code.

StripTagsViewHelper::compile() — Method in class StripTagsViewHelper

Compile into direct strip_tags call in the cached template.

CsrfTokenViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Security

ViewHelper that outputs a CSRF token which is required for "unsafe" requests (e.g. POST, PUT, DELETE, ...).

CsrfTokenViewHelper::compile() — Method in class CsrfTokenViewHelper

Compile to direct call in the template.

$ AutocompleteViewHelper#controllerProperty in class AutocompleteViewHelper
$ AutocompleteController#configurationProperty in class AutocompleteController
$ PaginateController#configurationProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#currentPageProperty in class PaginateController
PaginateController::calculateDisplayRange() — Method in class PaginateController

If a certain number of links should be displayed, adjust before and after amounts accordingly.

$ PaginateViewHelper#controllerProperty in class PaginateViewHelper
$ AbstractTemplateView#controllerContextProperty in class AbstractTemplateView
AbstractTemplateView::createWithOptions() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Factory method to create an instance with given options.

StandaloneView::createWithOptions() — Method in class StandaloneView

Factory method to create an instance with given options.

TemplatePaths::createIdentifierForFile() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Returns a unique identifier for the given file in the format

____ The SH1 hash is a checksum that is based on the file path and last modification date
$ FlowUploadedFile#collectionNameProperty in class FlowUploadedFile
RequestFactoryTrait::createRequest() — Method in class RequestFactoryTrait
ResponseFactoryTrait::createResponse() — Method in class ResponseFactoryTrait
ServerRequestFactoryTrait::createServerRequest() — Method in class ServerRequestFactoryTrait
StreamFactoryTrait::createStream() — Method in class StreamFactoryTrait
StreamFactoryTrait::createStreamFromFile() — Method in class StreamFactoryTrait
StreamFactoryTrait::createStreamFromResource() — Method in class StreamFactoryTrait
UploadedFileFactoryTrait::createUploadedFile() — Method in class UploadedFileFactoryTrait
UriFactoryTrait::createUri() — Method in class UriFactoryTrait
KickstartCommandController::commandControllerCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart a new command controller

Arrays::containsMultipleTypes() — Method in class Arrays

Returns true if the given array contains elements of varying types

Arrays::convertObjectToArray() — Method in class Arrays

Recursively convert an object hierarchy into an associative array.

Files::concatenatePaths() — Method in class Files

Properly glues together filepaths / filenames by replacing backslashes and double slashes of the specified paths.

Files::createDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class Files

Creates a directory specified by $path. If the parent directories don't exist yet, they will be created as well.

Files::copyDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class Files

Copies the contents of the source directory to the target directory.

Files::createRelativeSymlink() — Method in class Files

Will create relative symlinks by given absolute paths, falling back to Windows' mklink command because PHP's symlink() does not support relative paths there.

$ OpcodeCacheHelper#clearCacheCallbacksProperty in class OpcodeCacheHelper

Contains callback functions for all active Opcode caches which can be used to flush a file.

OpcodeCacheHelper::clearAllActive() — Method in class OpcodeCacheHelper

Clear a PHP file from all active cache files. Also supports to flush the cache completely, if called without parameter.

SchemaValidator::createError() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Create Error Object

$ TypeHandling#collectionTypesProperty in class TypeHandling
$ TextIterator#currentPositionProperty in class TextIterator
TextIterator::current() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the current element


$ AbstractBackend#defaultLifetimeProperty in class AbstractBackend

Default lifetime of a cache entry in seconds

$ MultiBackend#debugProperty in class MultiBackend
$ PdoBackend#dataSourceNameProperty in class PdoBackend
$ PdoBackend#driverOptionsProperty in class PdoBackend
$ PdoBackend#databaseHandleProperty in class PdoBackend
$ RedisBackend#databaseProperty in class RedisBackend
DuplicateIdentifierExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

A "Duplicate Identifier" exception

$ CachePool#deferredItemsProperty in class CachePool

A list of items still to be persisted.

CachePool::deleteItem() — Method in class CachePool

Removes the item from the pool.

CachePool::deleteItems() — Method in class CachePool

Removes multiple items from the pool.

SimpleCache::delete() — Method in class SimpleCache
SimpleCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class SimpleCache
CompilingEelParser::Disjunction_lft() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::Disjunction_rgt() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
DateHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Date helpers for Eel contexts

$ DateHelper#datetimeFormatterProperty in class DateHelper
DateHelper::diff() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the difference between two dates as a \DateInterval object

DateHelper::dayOfMonth() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the day of month of a date

TypeHelper::debugType() — Method in class TypeHelper

Get the classname for objects or type for other values

InterpretedEelParser::Disjunction_lft() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::Disjunction_rgt() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
$ AbstractAdvice#dispatcherProperty in class AbstractAdvice

A reference to the SignalSlot Dispatcher

$ InterfaceIntroduction#declaringAspectClassNameProperty in class InterfaceIntroduction

Name of the aspect declaring this introduction

$ PropertyIntroduction#declaringAspectClassNameProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

Name of the aspect declaring this introduction

$ TraitIntroduction#declaringAspectClassNameProperty in class TraitIntroduction

Name of the aspect declaring this introduction

$ CommandArgumentDefinition#descriptionProperty in class CommandArgumentDefinition
$ CommandRequestHandler#dispatcherProperty in class CommandRequestHandler
DescriptionAwareCommandControllerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

An interface which allows a CommandController to tweak command descriptions before they are displayed to the user.

DispatcherClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A command dispatcher.

Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Try processing the request until it is successfully marked "dispatched"

$ Request#dispatchedProperty in class Request

If this request has been changed and needs to be dispatched again

$ CoreCommandController#dispatcherProperty in class CoreCommandController
$ CoreCommandController#dependencyInjectionProxyClassBuilderProperty in class CoreCommandController
DatabaseCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for tasks related to database handling

DoctrineCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for tasks related to Doctrine

$ DoctrineCommandController#doctrineServiceProperty in class DoctrineCommandController
DoctrineCommandController::dqlCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Run arbitrary DQL and display results

HelpCommandController::displayHelpIndex() — Method in class HelpCommandController
HelpCommandController::displayShortHelpForCommands() — Method in class HelpCommandController
HelpCommandController::displayHelpForCommand() — Method in class HelpCommandController

Render help text for a single command

SecurityCommandController::describeRoleCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Show details of a specified role

SessionCommandController::destroyAllCommand() — Method in class SessionCommandController

Destroys all sessions.

$ SignalCommandController#dispatcherProperty in class SignalCommandController
YamlSource::detectFilesWithWrongExtension() — Method in class YamlSource
Bootstrap::defineConstants() — Method in class Bootstrap

Defines various path constants used by Flow and if no root path or web root was specified by an environment variable, exits with a respective error message.

LockManager::doExit() — Method in class LockManager

Exit and emit a message about the reason.

DebugExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

A basic but solid exception handler which catches everything which falls through the other exception handlers and provides useful debugging information.

DebuggerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

A debugging utility class

$ InternalRequestEngine#dispatcherProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
ContentStream::detach() — Method in class ContentStream

Separates any underlying resources from the stream.

$ Cookie#domainProperty in class Cookie

Hosts to which this cookie will be sent (RFC 6265,

MediaTypeHelper::determineAcceptedMediaTypes() — Method in class MediaTypeHelper

Get accepted media types for the given request.

$ UriTemplate#delimitersProperty in class UriTemplate
UriTemplate::decodeReservedDelimiters() — Method in class UriTemplate

Decodes percent encoding on delimiters (used with + and # modifiers)

AbstractXmlParser::doParsingFromRoot() — Method in class AbstractXmlParser

Returns array representation of XML data, starting from a root node.

CldrParser::doParsingFromRoot() — Method in class CldrParser

Returns array representation of XML data, starting from a root node.

DatesReaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader

A reader for data placed in "dates" tag in CLDR.

$ Configuration#defaultLocaleProperty in class Configuration
DetectorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

The Detector class provides methods for automatic locale detection

Detector::detectLocaleFromHttpHeader() — Method in class Detector

Returns best-matching Locale object based on the Accept-Language header provided as parameter. System default locale will be returned if no successful matches were done.

Detector::detectLocaleFromLocaleTag() — Method in class Detector

Returns best-matching Locale object based on the locale identifier provided as parameter. System default locale will be returned if no successful matches were done.

Detector::detectLocaleFromTemplateLocale() — Method in class Detector

Returns best-matching Locale object based on the template Locale object provided as parameter. System default locale will be returned if no successful matches were done.

DatetimeFormatterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Formatter

Formatter for date and time.

$ DatetimeFormatter#datesReaderProperty in class DatetimeFormatter
DatetimeFormatter::doFormattingWithParsedFormat() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats provided dateTime object.

DatetimeFormatter::doFormattingForSubpattern() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats date or time element according to the subpattern provided.

NumberFormatter::doFormattingWithParsedFormat() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Formats provided float or integer.

DatetimeParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Parser

Parser for date and time.

$ DatetimeParser#datesReaderProperty in class DatetimeParser
DatetimeParser::doParsingWithParsedFormat() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses date and / or time using parsed format, in strict or lenient mode.

DatetimeParser::doParsingInStrictMode() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses date and / or time in strict mode.

DatetimeParser::doParsingInLenientMode() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses date and / or time in lenient mode.

NumberParser::doParsingWithParsedFormat() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses number using parsed format, in strict or lenient mode.

NumberParser::doParsingInStrictMode() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses number in strict mode.

NumberParser::doParsingInLenientMode() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses number in lenient mode.

XliffParser::doParsingFromRoot() — Method in class XliffParser

Returns array representation of XLIFF data, starting from a root node.

$ AnsiConsoleBackend#disableAnsiProperty in class AnsiConsoleBackend
$ FileMonitor#directoriesAndFilesProperty in class FileMonitor

Array of directories and files that were cached on the last run.

FileMonitor::detectChanges() — Method in class FileMonitor

Detects changes of the files and directories to be monitored and emits signals accordingly.

FileMonitor::detectChangesOnPath() — Method in class FileMonitor

Detect changes for one of the monitored paths.

FileMonitor::detectChangedFiles() — Method in class FileMonitor

Detects changes in the given list of files and emits signals if necessary.

$ ActionRequest#dispatchedProperty in class ActionRequest

If this request has been changed and needs to be dispatched again

ActionResponse::deleteCookie() — Method in class ActionResponse

Delete a cooke from the HTTP response This leads to a corresponding Set-Cookie header with an expired Cookie to be set in the HTTP response

$ ActionController#defaultViewObjectNameProperty in class ActionController

The default view object to use if none of the resolved views can render a response for the current request.

$ ActionController#defaultViewImplementationProperty in class ActionController
$ Argument#dataTypeProperty in class Argument

Data type of this argument's value

$ Argument#defaultValueProperty in class Argument

Default value. Used if argument is optional.

DispatchMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

A dispatch middleware that runs the current HTTP request through the MVC stack

$ DispatchMiddleware#dispatcherProperty in class DispatchMiddleware
DispatcherClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

Dispatches requests to the controller which was specified by the request and returns the response the controller generated.

Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatches a request to a controller

$ AbstractRoutePart#defaultValueProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Default value of the Route Part.

DynamicRoutePartClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Dynamic Route Part

DynamicRoutePartInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Contract for Dynamic Route Parts

$ ObjectPathMappingRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class ObjectPathMappingRepository
$ Route#defaultsProperty in class Route

Default values

DependencyProxyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection

A Proxy Class Builder which integrates Dependency Injection.

$ ObjectManager#dependencyProxiesProperty in class ObjectManager
PackageFactory::detectFlowPackageFilePath() — Method in class PackageFactory

Detects if the package contains a package file and returns the path and classname.

$ PackageManager#dispatcherProperty in class PackageManager
CachePool::deleteItem() — Method in class CachePool

Removes the item from the pool.

JsonArrayType::decodeObjectReferences() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Traverses the $array and replaces known persisted objects (tuples of type and identifier) with actual instances.

JsonArrayType::deserializeValueObject() — Method in class JsonArrayType
DatabaseConnectionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Exception

An database connection exception

DatabaseExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Exception

An generic database exception

DatabaseStructureExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Exception

An database connection exception

$ MigrationFinder#databasePlatformNameProperty in class MigrationFinder
$ Query#distinctProperty in class Query
$ Repository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class Repository
$ Repository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class Repository
DuplicateObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

A "Duplicate Object" Exception

DuplicateTypeConverterExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

A "Duplicate Type Converter" Exception

PropertyMapper::doMapping() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Internal function which actually does the property mapping.

PropertyMapper::determineSourceTypes() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Determine the type of the source data, or throw an exception if source was an unsupported format.

DateTimeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms from string, integer and array into DateTime objects.

DenormalizingObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter
$ ClassReflection#docCommentParserProperty in class ClassReflection
DocCommentParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

A little parser which creates tag objects from doc comments

$ DocCommentParser#descriptionProperty in class DocCommentParser

The description as found in the doc comment

$ MethodReflection#docCommentParserProperty in class MethodReflection
$ PropertyReflection#docCommentParserProperty in class PropertyReflection
$ ReflectionService#doctrinePhpParserProperty in class ReflectionService

The doctrine PHP parser which can parse "use" statements. Is initialized lazily when it is first needed.

$ PersistentResource#deletedProperty in class PersistentResource

An internal flag which tells if this PersistentResource object has been deleted during the current request

PersistentResource::disableLifecycleEvents() — Method in class PersistentResource

A very internal function which disables the Doctrine lifecycle events for this PersistentResource.

ResourceManager::deleteResource() — Method in class ResourceManager

Deletes the given PersistentResource from the ResourceRepository and, if the storage data is no longer used in another PersistentResource object, also deletes the data from the storage.

WritableFileSystemStorage::deleteResource() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Deletes the storage data related to the given PersistentResource object

WritableStorageInterface::deleteResource() — Method in class WritableStorageInterface

Deletes the storage data related to the given PersistentResource object

StreamWrapperAdapter::dir_closedir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Close directory handle.

StreamWrapperAdapter::dir_opendir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Open directory handle.

StreamWrapperAdapter::dir_readdir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Read entry from directory handle.

StreamWrapperAdapter::dir_rewinddir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Rewind directory handle.

FileSystemTarget::detectResourcesBaseUri() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Detects and returns the website's absolute base URI

$ AccountRepository#defaultOrderingsProperty in class AccountRepository
$ PrivilegePermissionResult#deniesProperty in class PrivilegePermissionResult
ConditionGenerator::disjunction() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
DisjunctionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A sql generator to create a sql disjunction condition.

EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser::Disjunction_rgt() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser
Context::destroySessionsForAccount() — Method in class Context

destroys all sessions belonging to the given $account

$ Pbkdf2HashingStrategy#dynamicSaltLengthProperty in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Length of the dynamic random salt to generate in bytes

$ Pbkdf2HashingStrategy#derivedKeyLengthProperty in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Derived key length

RsaWalletServiceInterface::decrypt() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Decrypts the given cypher with the private key identified by the given fingerprint Note: You should never decrypt a password with this function. Use checkRSAEncryptedPassword() to check passwords!

RsaWalletServiceInterface::destroyKeypair() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Destroys the keypair identified by the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::decrypt() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Decrypts the given cipher with the private key identified by the given fingerprint Note: You should never decrypt a password with this function. Use checkRSAEncryptedPassword() to check passwords!

RsaWalletServicePhp::destroyKeypair() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Destroys the keypair identified by the given fingerprint

DummyContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

This is dummy implementation of a security context, which holds security information like roles oder details of authenticated users.

DecryptionNotAllowedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "DecryptionNotAllowed" Exception

$ Role#descriptionProperty in class Role

A description for this role

DataNotSerializableExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception

A "Data not serializable" Exception

Session::destroy() — Method in class Session

Explicitly destroys all session data

SessionInterface::destroy() — Method in class SessionInterface

Explicitly destroys all session data

SessionManager::destroySessionsByTag() — Method in class SessionManager

Destroys all sessions which are tagged with the specified tag.

SessionManagerInterface::destroySessionsByTag() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Destroys all sessions which are tagged with the specified tag.

$ TransientSession#dataProperty in class TransientSession
TransientSession::destroy() — Method in class TransientSession

Explicitly destroys all session data

DispatcherClass in namespace Neos\Flow\SignalSlot

A dispatcher which dispatches signals by calling its registered slot methods and passing them the method arguments which were originally passed to the signal method.

Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatches a signal by calling the registered Slot methods

$ SignalAspect#dispatcherProperty in class SignalAspect
DateTimeRangeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for checking Date and Time boundaries

DateTimeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for DateTime objects.

$ DateTimeValidator#datetimeParserProperty in class DateTimeValidator
DisjunctionValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator to chain many validators in a disjunction (logical or).

DocumentationCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Command

Command controller for Fluid documentation rendering

$ ResourceInterceptor#defaultPackageKeyProperty in class ResourceInterceptor

The default package key to use when rendering resource links without a package key in the source URL.

$ LegacyNamespaceExpressionNode#detectionExpressionProperty in class LegacyNamespaceExpressionNode

Pattern which detects namespace declarations made inline.

$ AjaxWidgetMiddleware#dispatcherProperty in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware
$ AbstractGenerator#docCommentParserProperty in class AbstractGenerator

The doc comment parser.

DebugViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers

View helper that outputs its child nodes with \Neos\Flow\var_dump()

DateViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Formats a \DateTime object.

$ DateViewHelper#datetimeFormatterProperty in class DateViewHelper
$ PaginateController#displayRangeStartProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#displayRangeEndProperty in class PaginateController
$ ServerRequestFactoryTrait#defaultUserAgentProperty in class ServerRequestFactoryTrait
$ ServerRequestFactoryTrait#defaultHttpVersionProperty in class ServerRequestFactoryTrait
KickstartCommandController::documentationCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart documentation


$ AbstractBackend#environmentConfigurationProperty in class AbstractBackend
$ TransientMemoryBackend#entriesProperty in class TransientMemoryBackend
$ CacheFactory#environmentConfigurationProperty in class CacheFactory
EnvironmentConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Cache

Global Configuration about the environment to be used by caches.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache

A generic Cache exception

$ CacheFactory#environmentConfigurationProperty in class CacheFactory
$ CacheItem#expirationDateProperty in class CacheItem
CacheItem::expiresAt() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::expiresAfter() — Method in class CacheItem
SimpleCache::ensureValidEntryIdentifier() — Method in class SimpleCache
$ SimpleCacheFactory#environmentConfigurationProperty in class SimpleCacheFactory
CompilingEelParser::Expression_exp() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
$ CompilingEvaluator#evaluatedExpressionsProperty in class CompilingEvaluator

Runtime cache of execution ready closures.

$ CompilingEvaluator#expressionCacheProperty in class CompilingEvaluator
CompilingEvaluator::evaluate() — Method in class CompilingEvaluator

Evaluate an expression under a given context

CompilingEvaluator::evaluateAndUnwrap() — Method in class CompilingEvaluator
EelEvaluatorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Eel

An Eel evaluator interface

EelEvaluatorInterface::evaluate() — Method in class EelEvaluatorInterface

Evaluate an expression under a given context

EelInvocationTracerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Eel
EelParserClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Eel parser

EvaluationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Some exception that occurred during evaluation of an expression

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel

A general Eel exception

FlowQuery::evaluateOperations() — Method in class FlowQuery

Evaluate operations

OperationInterface::evaluate() — Method in class OperationInterface

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

AddOperation::evaluate() — Method in class AddOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

CountOperation::evaluate() — Method in class CountOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

FirstOperation::evaluate() — Method in class FirstOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

GetOperation::evaluate() — Method in class GetOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

IsOperation::evaluate() — Method in class IsOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

LastOperation::evaluate() — Method in class LastOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

ChildrenOperation::evaluate() — Method in class ChildrenOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

ChildrenOperation::evaluatePropertyNameFilter() — Method in class ChildrenOperation

Evaluate the property name filter by traversing to the child object. We only support nested objects right now

FilterOperation::evaluate() — Method in class FilterOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

FilterOperation::evaluateOperator() — Method in class FilterOperation

Evaluate an operator

PropertyOperation::evaluate() — Method in class PropertyOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

RemoveOperation::evaluate() — Method in class RemoveOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

SliceOperation::evaluate() — Method in class SliceOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

UniqueOperation::evaluate() — Method in class UniqueOperation

Evaluate the operation on the objects inside $flowQuery->getContext(), taking the $arguments into account.

ArrayHelper::every() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Check if all elements in an array pass a test given by the calback, passing each element and key as arguments

FileHelper::exists() — Method in class FileHelper

Check if the given file path exists

MathHelper::exp() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::expm1() — Method in class MathHelper
StringHelper::endsWith() — Method in class StringHelper

Test if a string ends with the given search string

InterpretedEelParser::Expression_exp() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEvaluator::evaluate() — Method in class InterpretedEvaluator

Evaluate an expression under a given context

Utility::evaluateEelExpression() — Method in class Utility

Evaluate an Eel expression.

ExpressionSyntaxValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Validation

A validator which checks for the correct syntax of an eel expression (without the wrapping ${…}).

ErrorClass in namespace Neos\Error\Messages

An object representation of a generic error. Subclass this to create more specific errors if necessary.

$ Result#errorsProperty in class Result
$ Result#errorsExistProperty in class Result

Caches the existence of errors

$ Autowiring#enabledProperty in class Autowiring

Whether autowiring is enabled. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

EntityClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks an object as an entity.

$ IgnoreValidation#evaluateProperty in class IgnoreValidation

Whether to evaluate the validation results of the argument

$ Pointcut#expressionProperty in class Pointcut

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ Proxy#enabledProperty in class Proxy

Whether proxy building for the target is disabled. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ ValueObject#embeddedProperty in class ValueObject

Whether the value object should be embedded.

AbstractAdvice::emitAdviceInvoked() — Method in class AbstractAdvice

Emits a signal when an Advice is invoked

$ ProxyClassBuilder#excludedSubPackagesProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder

Hardcoded list of Flow sub packages (first 15 characters) which must be immune to AOP proxying for security, technical or conceptual reasons.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

A generic AOP Framework Exception

$ JoinPoint#exceptionProperty in class JoinPoint

The exception thrown (only used for After Throwing advices)

$ PointcutFilterComposite#earlyReturnProperty in class PointcutFilterComposite
RuntimeExpressionEvaluator::evaluate() — Method in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator

Evaluate an expression with the given JoinPoint

$ CacheFactory#environmentProperty in class CacheFactory
$ CacheFactory#environmentConfigurationProperty in class CacheFactory
$ CacheManager#environmentProperty in class CacheManager
CommandRequestHandler::exitIfCompiletimeCommandWasNotCalledCorrectly() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

Checks if compile time command was not recognized as such, then runlevel was booted but it turned out that in fact the command is a compile time command.

Dispatcher::emitBeforeControllerInvocation() — Method in class Dispatcher

This signal is emitted directly before the request is been dispatched to a controller.

Dispatcher::emitAfterControllerInvocation() — Method in class Dispatcher

This signal is emitted directly after the request has been dispatched to a controller and the controller returned control back to the dispatcher.

$ Request#exceedingArgumentsProperty in class Request
$ RequestBuilder#environmentProperty in class RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder::extractArgumentNameFromCommandLinePart() — Method in class RequestBuilder

Extracts the option or argument name from the name / value pair of a command line.

SlaveRequestHandler::emitDispatchedCommandLineSlaveRequest() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler

Emits a signal that a CLI slave request was dispatched.

$ CacheCommandController#environmentProperty in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::emitWarmupCaches() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Signals that caches should be warmed up.

$ CoreCommandController#environmentProperty in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::emitFinishedCompilationRun() — Method in class CoreCommandController

Signals that the compile command was successfully finished.

DoctrineCommandController::entityStatusCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Show the current status of entities and mappings

DoctrineCommandController::emitAfterDatabaseMigration() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController
HelpCommandController::errorCommand() — Method in class HelpCommandController

Displays an error message

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer

A generic Composer Exception

ConfigurationManager::emitConfigurationManagerReady() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Emits a signal after The ConfigurationManager has been loaded

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration

A generic Configuration Exception

Scripts::executeCommand() — Method in class Scripts

Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system.

Scripts::executeCommandAsync() — Method in class Scripts

Executes the given command as a sub-request to the Flow CLI system without waiting for the output.

Scripts::ensureCLISubrequestsUseCurrentlyRunningPhpBinary() — Method in class Scripts

Compares the realpath of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a CLI request.

Scripts::ensureWebSubrequestsUseCurrentlyRunningPhpVersion() — Method in class Scripts

Compares the actual version of the configured PHP binary (if any) with the one flow was called with in a non-CLI request.

$ Bootstrap#earlyInstancesProperty in class Bootstrap
Bootstrap::emitFinishedCompiletimeRun() — Method in class Bootstrap

Emits a signal that the compile run was finished.

Bootstrap::emitFinishedRuntimeRun() — Method in class Bootstrap

Emits a signal that the runtime run was finished.

Bootstrap::emitBootstrapShuttingDown() — Method in class Bootstrap

Emits a signal that the bootstrap finished and is shutting down.

Bootstrap::ensureRequiredEnvironment() — Method in class Bootstrap

Checks PHP version and other parameters of the environment

LockManager::exitIfSiteLocked() — Method in class LockManager

Exits if the site is currently locked

AbstractExceptionHandler::echoExceptionWeb() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Echoes an exception for the web.

AbstractExceptionHandler::echoExceptionCli() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Formats and echoes the exception and its previous exceptions (if any) for the command line

DebugExceptionHandler::echoExceptionWeb() — Method in class DebugExceptionHandler

Formats and echoes the exception as XHTML.

$ Debugger#excludedPropertyNamesProperty in class Debugger
ErrorHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

Global error handler for Flow

$ ErrorHandler#exceptionalErrorsProperty in class ErrorHandler
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

An exception which represents a PHP error.

ExceptionHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

Contract for an exception handler

ProductionExceptionHandler::echoExceptionWeb() — Method in class ProductionExceptionHandler

Echoes an exception for the web.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow

A generic Flow Exception

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

A generic HTTP exception

ContentStream::eof() — Method in class ContentStream

Returns true if the stream is at the end of the stream.

ContentStream::ensureResourceReadable() — Method in class ContentStream

Throw an exception if the current resource is not readable.

ContentStream::ensureResourceOpen() — Method in class ContentStream

Throw an exception if the current resource is not valid.

$ Cookie#expiresTimestampProperty in class Cookie

Unix timestamp of the expiration date / time or 0 for "session" expiration (RFC 6265,

Cookie::expire() — Method in class Cookie

Marks this cookie for removal.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

A generic HTTP exception

Headers::eatCookie() — Method in class Headers

Although not 100% semantically correct, an alias for removeCookie()

RequestInformationHelper::extractHeadersFromServerVariables() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Extract header key/value pairs from a $_SERVER array.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

A HTTP middleware exception

$ RequestHandler#exitProperty in class RequestHandler

Make exit() a closure so it can be manipulated during tests

$ UploadedFile#errorProperty in class UploadedFile
$ UriTemplate#encodedDelimitersProperty in class UriTemplate
UriTemplate::expand() — Method in class UriTemplate

Expand the template string using the supplied variables

UriTemplate::expandMatch() — Method in class UriTemplate

Process an expansion

UriTemplate::encodeArrayVariable() — Method in class UriTemplate

Encode arrays for use in the expanded URI string

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

A generic Locale exception

DatetimeParser::extractAndCheckNumber() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Extracts one or two-digit number from the beginning of the string.

DatetimeParser::extractNumberAndGetPosition() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Extracts and returns first integer number encountered in provided string.

Utility::extractLocaleTagFromFilename() — Method in class Utility

Extracts a locale tag (identifier) from the filename given.

Utility::extractLocaleTagFromDirectory() — Method in class Utility

Extracts a locale tag (identifier) from the directory name given.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log

A generic Log exception

Logger::extractLegacyDataFromContext() — Method in class Logger
FileMonitor::emitFilesHaveChanged() — Method in class FileMonitor

Signalizes that the specified file has changed

FileMonitor::emitDirectoriesHaveChanged() — Method in class FileMonitor

Signalizes that the specified directory has changed

$ ActionController#errorMethodNameProperty in class ActionController

Name of the special error action method which is called in case of errors

$ ActionController#enableDynamicTypeValidationProperty in class ActionController

Feature flag to enable the potentially breaking support of validation for dynamic types specified with __type argument or in the PropertyMapperConfiguration.

ActionController::emitViewResolved() — Method in class ActionController

Emit that the view is resolved. The passed ViewInterface reference, gives the possibility to add variables to the view, before passing it on to further rendering

ActionController::errorAction() — Method in class ActionController

A special action which is called if the originally intended action could not be called, for example if the arguments were not valid.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

A generic Controller exception

Dispatcher::emitBeforeControllerInvocation() — Method in class Dispatcher

This signal is emitted directly before the request is being dispatched to a controller.

Dispatcher::emitAfterControllerInvocation() — Method in class Dispatcher

This signal is emitted directly after the request has been dispatched to a controller and the controller returned control back to the dispatcher.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

A generic MVC exception

$ ObjectPathMappingRepository#entityManagerProperty in class ObjectPathMappingRepository

Doctrine's Entity Manager.

Route::extractInternalArguments() — Method in class Route

Removes all internal arguments (prefixed with two underscores) from the given $arguments and returns them as array

RouterCachingService::extractUuids() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Helper method to generate tags by taking all UUIDs contained in the given $routeValues or $matchResults

Routes::empty() — Method in class Routes
$ UriBuilder#environmentProperty in class UriBuilder
$ ViewConfigurationManager#eelEvaluatorProperty in class ViewConfigurationManager
$ ConfigurationBuilder#excludeClassesFromConstructorAutowiringProperty in class ConfigurationBuilder

An array of object names for which constructor injection autowiring should be disabled.

ConfigurationBuilder::enhanceRawConfigurationWithAnnotationOptions() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Builds a raw configuration array by parsing possible scope and autowiring annotations from the given class or interface.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement

A generic Object Exception

$ Compiler#excludedSubPackagesProperty in class Compiler

Hardcoded list of Flow sub packages which must be immune proxying for security, technical or conceptual reasons.

$ Compiler#excludedSubPackagesLengthProperty in class Compiler

Length of the prefix that will be checked for exclusion of proxy building.

Compiler::emitCompiledClasses() — Method in class Compiler
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

A generic Proxy Exception

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

A generic Package Exception

GenericPackage::explodeAutoloadConfiguration() — Method in class GenericPackage

Brings the composer autoload configuration into an easy to use format for various parts of Flow.

PackageManager::emitPackageStatesUpdated() — Method in class PackageManager

Emits a signal when package states have been changed (e.g. when a package was created)

EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Aspect

Pointcut filter matching embeddable value objects

CachePool::enrichCacheItemKey() — Method in class CachePool
$ ConnectionFactory#entityManagerProperty in class ConnectionFactory
JsonArrayType::encodeObjectReferences() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Traverses the $array and replaces known persisted objects with a tuple of type and identifier.

EntityManagerConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

EntityManager configuration handler

EntityManagerConfiguration::enhanceEntityManager() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Enhance the Doctrine EntityManager by applying post creation settings, like custom filters.

EntityManagerFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

EntityManager factory for Doctrine integration

$ EntityManagerFactory#environmentProperty in class EntityManagerFactory
EntityManagerFactory::emitBeforeDoctrineEntityManagerCreation() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory
EntityManagerFactory::emitAfterDoctrineEntityManagerCreation() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory
EntityManagerFactory::enableSqlLogger() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory

The logger middleware needs to be set on the configuration applied to the Driver and Connection

$ FlowAnnotationDriver#entityManagerProperty in class FlowAnnotationDriver
FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluatePropertyAnnotations() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Evaluate the property annotations and amend the metadata accordingly.

FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluateJoinTableAnnotation() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Evaluate JoinTable annotations and fill missing bits as needed.

FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluateJoinColumnAnnotations() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Check for and build JoinColummn/JoinColumns annotations.

FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluateOverridesAnnotations() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Evaluate the association overrides annotations and amend the metadata accordingly.

FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluateEntityListenersAnnotation() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Evaluate the EntityListeners annotation and amend the metadata accordingly.

FlowAnnotationDriver::evaluateLifeCycleAnnotations() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Evaluate the lifecycle annotations and amend the metadata accordingly.

$ ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener#entityManagerProperty in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener
$ PersistenceManager#entityManagerProperty in class PersistenceManager
PersistenceManager::emitAllObjectsPersisted() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Signals that all persistAll() has been executed successfully.

$ Query#entityClassNameProperty in class Query
$ Query#entityManagerProperty in class Query
Query::execute() — Method in class Query

Executes the query and returns the result.

Query::equals() — Method in class Query

Returns an equals criterion used for matching objects against a query.

$ Repository#entityManagerProperty in class Repository
$ Service#entityManagerProperty in class Service
$ Service#environmentProperty in class Service
Service::executeMigrations() — Method in class Service

Execute all new migrations, up to $version if given.

Service::executeMigration() — Method in class Service

Execute a single migration in up or down direction. If $path is given, the SQL statements will be written to the file in $path instead of executed.

EmptyQueryResultClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

An empty result list

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

A generic Persistence exception

QueryInterface::execute() — Method in class QueryInterface

Executes the query and returns the result.

QueryInterface::equals() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns an equals criterion used for matching objects against a query.

$ Repository#entityClassNameProperty in class Repository

Warning: if you think you want to set this, look at RepositoryInterface::ENTITY_CLASSNAME first!

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property

An generic Property related exception

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

A generic Reflection Exception

$ ReflectionService#environmentProperty in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::expandType() — Method in class ReflectionService

Expand shortened class names in "var" and "param" annotations, taking use statements into account.

ReflectionService::evaluateClassPropertyAnnotationsForSchema() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::ensureAggregateRootInheritanceChainConsistency() — Method in class ReflectionService

Checks whether all aggregate roots having superclasses have a repository assigned up to the tip of their hierarchy.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

Generic ResourceManagement Exception

$ PersistentResource#environmentProperty in class PersistentResource
$ ResourceManager#environmentProperty in class ResourceManager
$ ResourceRepository#entityManagerProperty in class ResourceRepository
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

Generic Storage Exception

$ FileSystemStorage#environmentProperty in class FileSystemStorage
ResourceStreamWrapper::evaluateResourcePath() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Evaluates the absolute path and filename of the resource file specified by the given path.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Target

Generic Target Exception

$ FileSystemTarget#excludedExtensionsProperty in class FileSystemTarget

A list of extensions that are excluded and must not be published by this target.

FileSystemTarget::encodeRelativePathAndFilenameForUri() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Applies rawurlencode() to all path segments of the given $relativePathAndFilename

$ Account#expirationDateProperty in class Account
PolicyEnforcementAspect::enforcePolicy() — Method in class PolicyEnforcementAspect

The policy enforcement advice. This advices applies the security enforcement interceptor to all methods configured in the policy.

AuthenticationProviderManager::emitAuthenticatedToken() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Signals that the specified token has been successfully authenticated.

AuthenticationProviderManager::emitLoggedOut() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Signals that all active authentication tokens have been invalidated.

AuthenticationProviderManager::emitSuccessfullyAuthenticated() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Signals that authentication commenced and at least one token was authenticated.

EntryPointInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication

Contract for an authentication entry point

WebRedirect::extractRouteValue() — Method in class WebRedirect

Returns the entry $key from the array $routeValues removing the original array item.

$ AbstractToken#entryPointProperty in class AbstractToken

The authentication entry point

$ PrivilegePermissionResult#effectivePrivilegeIdentifiersWithPermissionProperty in class PrivilegePermissionResult
$ ConditionGenerator#entityTypeProperty in class ConditionGenerator

Entity type the currently parsed expression relates to

$ ConjunctionGenerator#expressionsProperty in class ConjunctionGenerator
$ DisjunctionGenerator#expressionsProperty in class DisjunctionGenerator
EntityPrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A filter to rewrite doctrine queries according to the security policy.

$ EntityPrivilege#entityTypeProperty in class EntityPrivilege
EntityPrivilege::evaluateMatcher() — Method in class EntityPrivilege

parses the matcher of this privilege using Eel and extracts "entityType" and "conditionGenerator"

EntityPrivilegeExpressionEvaluatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

An evaluator that compiles expressions down to PHP code

EntityPrivilegeExpressionEvaluator::evaluate() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionEvaluator

Evaluate an expression under a given context

EntityPrivilegeExpressionParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A compiling expression parser

$ NotExpressionGenerator#expressionProperty in class NotExpressionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#entityManagerProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::equals() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
EntityPrivilegeInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity

An entity privilege

$ HashService#encryptionKeyProperty in class HashService

A private, unique key used for encryption tasks

RsaWalletServiceInterface::encryptWithPublicKey() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Encrypts the given plaintext with the public key identified by the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::encryptWithPublicKey() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Encrypts the given plaintext with the public key identified by the given fingerprint

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

A generic Security exception

PolicyService::emitConfigurationLoaded() — Method in class PolicyService

Emits a signal when the policy configuration has been loaded

PolicyService::emitRolesInitialized() — Method in class PolicyService

Emits a signal when roles have been initialized

SessionMetaDataStore::endGarbageCollection() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session
EmptyRequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Testing\RequestHandler

A test request handler that does absolutely nothing.

EnvironmentClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

Abstraction methods which return system environment variables.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

A generic Utility Exception

PhpAnalyzer::extractFullyQualifiedClassName() — Method in class PhpAnalyzer

Extracts the Fully Qualified Class name from the given PHP code

PhpAnalyzer::extractNamespace() — Method in class PhpAnalyzer

Extracts the PHP namespace from the given PHP code

PhpAnalyzer::extractClassName() — Method in class PhpAnalyzer

Extracts the className of the given PHP code Note: This only returns the class name without namespace, extractFullyQualifiedClassName()

ErrorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation

This object holds a validation error.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation

A generic validation exception

EmailAddressValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for email addresses

$ EmailAddressValidator#emailValidatorProperty in class EmailAddressValidator
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core

A generic Fluid Core exception.

LegacyNamespaceExpressionNode::evaluateExpression() — Method in class LegacyNamespaceExpressionNode

Evaluates the expression stored in this node, in the context of $renderingcontext.

EscapingFlagProcessorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Parser\TemplateProcessor

Preprocessor to detect the "escapingEnabled" inline flag in a template.

$ NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor#EXTENDED_SPLIT_PATTERN_TEMPLATE_DYNAMICTAGSProperty in class NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor

Extension of the default pattern for dynamic tags including namespaces with uppercase letters.

$ RenderingContext#expressionNodeTypesProperty in class RenderingContext

List of class names implementing ExpressionNodeInterface which will be consulted when an expression does not match any built-in parser expression types.

$ AbstractConditionViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class AbstractConditionViewHelper
AbstractConditionViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper

Static method which can be overridden by subclasses. If a subclass requires a different (or faster) decision then this method is the one to override and implement.

AbstractConditionViewHelper::evaluateElseClosures() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper
$ AbstractTagBasedViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper

Disable escaping of tag based ViewHelpers so that the rendered tag is not htmlspecialchar'd

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

A ViewHelper Exception

$ AbstractWidgetViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper
AjaxWidgetMiddleware::extractWidgetContext() — Method in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware

Extracts the WidgetContext from the given $httpRequest.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget

A Fluid Widget exception.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor

The most general Fluid exception.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Service

A Fluid Service exception.

$ DebugViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class DebugViewHelper
$ DebugViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class DebugViewHelper
$ Base64DecodeViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class Base64DecodeViewHelper
$ Base64DecodeViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class Base64DecodeViewHelper

Disable the output escaping interceptor so that the result is not htmlspecialchar'd

$ CaseViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class CaseViewHelper
$ CropViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class CropViewHelper
$ DateViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class DateViewHelper
$ HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper
$ HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper

Disable the output escaping interceptor so that the result is not htmlspecialchar'd

$ HtmlentitiesViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class HtmlentitiesViewHelper
$ HtmlentitiesViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class HtmlentitiesViewHelper

Disable the output escaping interceptor so that the result is not htmlspecialchar'd

$ IdentifierViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class IdentifierViewHelper
$ JsonViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class JsonViewHelper
$ Nl2brViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class Nl2brViewHelper
$ PaddingViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class PaddingViewHelper
$ StripTagsViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class StripTagsViewHelper
$ UrlencodeViewHelper#escapeChildrenProperty in class UrlencodeViewHelper
EmailViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Link

Email link view helper.

ExternalViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Link

A view helper for creating links to external targets.

$ RenderChildrenViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class RenderChildrenViewHelper
IfAccessViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class IfAccessViewHelper
IfAuthenticatedViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class IfAuthenticatedViewHelper
IfHasRoleViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class IfHasRoleViewHelper
EmailViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Uri

Email uri view helper.

ExternalViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Uri

A view helper for creating URIs to external targets.

IfHasErrorsViewHelper::evaluateCondition() — Method in class IfHasErrorsViewHelper
$ ResultsViewHelper#escapeOutputProperty in class ResultsViewHelper
ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View

A generic Fluid View exception.

$ StandaloneView#environmentProperty in class StandaloneView
TemplatePaths::expandGenericPathPattern() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Processes following placeholders inside $pattern:

  • "@templateRoot"
  • "@partialRoot"
  • "@layoutRoot"
  • "@subpackage"
  • "@controller"
  • "@format"
TemplatePaths::expandSubPackageAndController() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::expandPatterns() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Expands the given $patterns by adding an array element for each $replacement replacing occurrences of $search.

Files::emptyDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class Files

Deletes all files, directories and subdirectories from the specified directory. The passed directory itself won't be deleted though.

ExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Unicode

Exception thrown by the Unicode methods.


ApcuBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

ApcuBackend::findTagsByIdentifier() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Finds all tags for the given identifier. This function uses reverse tag index to search for tags.

ApcuBackend::flush() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

ApcuBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

ApcuBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

BackendInterface::flush() — Method in class BackendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

FileBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which stores cache entries in files

$ FileBackend#frozenProperty in class FileBackend
FileBackend::freeze() — Method in class FileBackend

Freezes this cache backend.

FileBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class FileBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

FileBackend::findIdentifiersByTags() — Method in class FileBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tags.

FileBackend::flush() — Method in class FileBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache and sets the frozen flag to false.

FileBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class FileBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

FileBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class FileBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

FileBackend::findCacheFilesByIdentifier() — Method in class FileBackend

Tries to find the cache entry for the specified identifier.

FileBackendEntryDtoClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend
FileBackendEntryDto::fromString() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FreezableBackendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a cache backend which can be frozen.

FreezableBackendInterface::freeze() — Method in class FreezableBackendInterface

Freezes this cache backend.

$ MemcachedBackend#flagsProperty in class MemcachedBackend

Indicates whether the memcache uses compression or not (requires zlib), either 0 or MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED

MemcachedBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

MemcachedBackend::findTagsByIdentifier() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Finds all tags for the given identifier. This function uses reverse tag index to search for tags.

MemcachedBackend::flush() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

MemcachedBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

MemcachedBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

MultiBackend::flush() — Method in class MultiBackend
NullBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class NullBackend

Returns an empty array

NullBackend::flush() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

NullBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

NullBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

PdoBackend::flush() — Method in class PdoBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

PdoBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class PdoBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

PdoBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class PdoBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

PdoBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class PdoBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

$ RedisBackend#frozenProperty in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::flush() — Method in class RedisBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache

RedisBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class RedisBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

RedisBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class RedisBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tags.

RedisBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class RedisBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

RedisBackend::freeze() — Method in class RedisBackend

Freezes this cache backend.

$ SimpleFileBackend#frozenProperty in class SimpleFileBackend
SimpleFileBackend::flush() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

SimpleFileBackend::findCacheFilesByIdentifier() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Tries to find the cache entry for the specified identifier.

TaggableBackendInterface::flushByTag() — Method in class TaggableBackendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

TaggableBackendInterface::flushByTags() — Method in class TaggableBackendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

TaggableBackendInterface::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class TaggableBackendInterface

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

TaggableMultiBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class TaggableMultiBackend
TaggableMultiBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class TaggableMultiBackend
TaggableMultiBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class TaggableMultiBackend
TransientMemoryBackend::findIdentifiersByTag() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Finds and returns all cache entry identifiers which are tagged by the specified tag.

TransientMemoryBackend::flush() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

TransientMemoryBackend::flushByTag() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

TransientMemoryBackend::flushByTags() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

$ EnvironmentConfiguration#fileCacheBasePathProperty in class EnvironmentConfiguration

Base path for any file based caches.

AbstractFrontend::flush() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

AbstractFrontend::flushByTag() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

AbstractFrontend::flushByTags() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

$ CacheEntryIterator#frontendProperty in class CacheEntryIterator
FrontendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

Contract for a Cache (frontend)

FrontendInterface::flush() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache.

FrontendInterface::flushByTag() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by the specified tag.

FrontendInterface::flushByTags() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Removes all cache entries of this cache which are tagged by any of the specified tags.

FizzleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery
FizzleParserClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery

Fizzle parser

FizzleParser::FilterGroup_Filter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::Filter_PathFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::Filter_IdentifierFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::Filter_PropertyNameFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::Filter_AttributeFilters() — Method in class FizzleParser
FlowQueryClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery

FlowQuery is jQuery for PHP, a selector and traversal engine for object sets.

FlowQueryExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery
$ OperationResolver#finalOperationNamesProperty in class OperationResolver

associative array of registered final operations: shortOperationName => shortOperationName

$ AbstractOperation#finalProperty in class AbstractOperation

If true, the operation is final, i.e. directly executed.

$ CountOperation#finalProperty in class CountOperation
FirstOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Get the first element inside the context.

$ GetOperation#finalProperty in class GetOperation
$ IsOperation#finalProperty in class IsOperation
FilterOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations\Object

Filter operation, limiting the set of objects. The filter expression is expected as string argument and used to reduce the context to matching elements by checking each value against the filter.

$ PropertyOperation#finalProperty in class PropertyOperation
ArrayHelper::first() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Get the first element of an array

ArrayHelper::flip() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array

ArrayHelper::filter() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Filter an array by a test given as the callback, passing each element and key as arguments

DateHelper::format() — Method in class DateHelper

Format a date (or interval) to a string with a given format

DateHelper::formatCldr() — Method in class DateHelper

Format a date to a string with a given cldr format

FileHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Helper to read files.

FileHelper::fileInfo() — Method in class FileHelper

Get file name and path information

MathHelper::floor() — Method in class MathHelper
StringHelper::firstLetterToUpperCase() — Method in class StringHelper

Uppercase the first letter of a string

StringHelper::firstLetterToLowerCase() — Method in class StringHelper

Lowercase the first letter of a string

StringHelper::format() — Method in class StringHelper

Implementation of the PHP vsprintf function

Result::forProperty() — Method in class Result

Return a Result object for the given property path. This is a fluent interface, so you will probably use it like: $result->forProperty('foo.bar')->getErrors() -- to get all errors for property "foo.bar"

Result::flattenTree() — Method in class Result

Flatten a tree of Result objects, based on a certain property.

Result::filterMessages() — Method in class Result
FlushesCachesClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks a CLI command as a cache-flushing command.

AdvicesTrait::Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint() — Method in class AdvicesTrait

Invokes a given join point

ClassNameIndex::filterByPrefix() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Returns a new index object which contains all class names of this index starting with the given prefix

ProxyClassBuilder::findPointcut() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses the aspect containers to find a pointcut from the aspect class name and pointcut method name

$ PointcutFilterComposite#filtersProperty in class PointcutFilterComposite
RuntimeExpressionEvaluator::flush() — Method in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator

Flush all runtime expressions

ProxyInterface::Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint() — Method in class ProxyInterface

Invokes the joinpoint - calls the target methods.

AnnotationsCacheFlusher::flushConfigurationCachesByCompiledClass() — Method in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher

A slot that flushes caches as needed if classes with specific annotations have changed registerAnnotation()

CacheManager::flushCaches() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes all registered caches

CacheManager::flushCachesByTag() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes entries tagged by the specified tag of all registered caches.

CacheManager::flushSystemCachesByChangedFiles() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes entries tagged with class names if their class source files have changed.

CacheManager::flushClassCachesByChangedFiles() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes entries tagged with class names if their class source files have changed.

CacheManager::flushConfigurationCachesByChangedFiles() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes caches as needed if settings, routes or policies have changed

CacheManager::flushTranslationCachesByChangedFiles() — Method in class CacheManager

Flushes I18n caches if translation files have changed

CommandController::forward() — Method in class CommandController

Forwards the request to another command and / or CommandController.

CacheCommandController::flushCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Flush all caches

CacheCommandController::flushOneCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Flushes a particular cache by its identifier

PackageCommandController::freezeCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

Freeze a package

ComposerUtility::flushCaches() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Flushes the internal caches for manifest files and composer lock.

ConfigurationManager::flushConfigurationCache() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

If a cache file with previously saved configuration exists, it is removed.

Scripts::forceFlushCachesIfNecessary() — Method in class Scripts

Does some emergency, forced, low level flush caches if the user told to do so through the command line.

$ ClassLoader#fallbackClassPathsProperty in class ClassLoader
Debugger::findProxyAndShortFilePath() — Method in class Debugger
CacheControlDirectives::fromRawHeader() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives

Internally sets the cache directives correctly by parsing the given Cache-Control header value.

$ Browser#followRedirectsProperty in class Browser

If redirects should be followed

ContentStream::fromContents() — Method in class ContentStream

Creates an instance representing the given $contents string

$ Headers#fieldsProperty in class Headers
$ UploadedFile#fileProperty in class UploadedFile
CldrModel::findNodesWithinPath() — Method in class CldrModel

Returns all nodes with given name found within given path

CldrRepository::findLocaleChain() — Method in class CldrRepository

Returns absolute paths to CLDR files connected in hierarchy

$ CurrencyReader#fractionsProperty in class CurrencyReader

An array of fractions data, indexed by currency code.

$ Configuration#fallbackRuleProperty in class Configuration
FormatResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

A class for replacing placeholders in strings with formatted values.

$ FormatResolver#formattersProperty in class FormatResolver

Array of concrete formatters used by this class.

DatetimeFormatter::format() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats provided value using optional style properties

DatetimeFormatter::formatDateTimeWithCustomPattern() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Returns dateTime formatted by custom format, string provided in parameter.

DatetimeFormatter::formatDate() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats date with format string for date defined in CLDR for particular locale.

DatetimeFormatter::formatTime() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats time with format string for time defined in CLDR for particular locale.

DatetimeFormatter::formatDateTime() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Formats dateTime with format string for date and time defined in CLDR for particular locale.

FormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Formatter

An interface for formatters.

FormatterInterface::format() — Method in class FormatterInterface

Formats provided value using optional style properties

NumberFormatter::format() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Formats provided value using optional style properties

NumberFormatter::formatNumberWithCustomPattern() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Returns number formatted by custom format, string provided in parameter.

NumberFormatter::formatDecimalNumber() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Formats number with format string for decimal numbers defined in CLDR for particular locale.

NumberFormatter::formatPercentNumber() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Formats number with format string for percentage defined in CLDR for particular locale.

NumberFormatter::formatCurrencyNumber() — Method in class NumberFormatter

Formats number with format string for currency defined in CLDR for particular locale.

LocaleCollection::findBestMatchingLocale() — Method in class LocaleCollection

Returns Locale object which represents one of locales installed and which is most similar to the "template" Locale object given as parameter.

Service::findBestMatchingLocale() — Method in class Service

Returns Locale object which is the most similar to the "template" Locale object given as parameter, from the collection of locales available in the current Flow installation.

$ XliffTranslationProvider#fileProviderProperty in class XliffTranslationProvider
$ Translator#formatResolverProperty in class Translator
FileAdapterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Xliff\Model

A model representing data from an XLIFF file object that may be distributed over several documents in different versions.

$ FileAdapter#fileDataProperty in class FileAdapter
$ XliffFileProvider#filesProperty in class XliffFileProvider
AnsiConsoleBackend::formatOutput() — Method in class AnsiConsoleBackend

Apply ansi formatting to output according to tags

FileBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

A log backend which writes log entries into a file

$ FileBackend#fileHandleProperty in class FileBackend
PlainTextFormatter::format() — Method in class PlainTextFormatter
FileStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\ThrowableStorage

Stores detailed information about throwables into files.

LogEnvironment::fromMethodName() — Method in class LogEnvironment

Returns an array containing the log environment variables under the key FLOW_LOG_ENVIRONMENT to be set as part of the additional data in an log method call.

$ ModificationTimeStrategy#fileMonitorProperty in class ModificationTimeStrategy
$ ModificationTimeStrategy#filesAndModificationTimesProperty in class ModificationTimeStrategy
FileMonitorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Monitor

A monitor which detects changes in directories or files

$ ActionRequest#formatProperty in class ActionRequest

The requested representation format

ActionRequest::fromHttpRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest
AbstractController::forward() — Method in class AbstractController

Forwards the request to another action and / or controller.

AbstractController::forwardToRequest() — Method in class AbstractController

Forwards the request to another action and / or controller.

ActionController::forwardToReferringRequest() — Method in class ActionController

If information on the request before the current request was sent, this method forwards back to the originating request. This effectively ends processing of the current request, so do not call this method before you have finished the necessary business logic!

$ ControllerContext#flashMessageServiceProperty in class ControllerContext
$ Dispatcher#firewallProperty in class Dispatcher
ForwardExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

This exception is thrown by a controller to stop the execution of the current action and return the control to the dispatcher for the special case of a forward.

FlashMessageContainerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage

This is a container for all Flash Messages.

FlashMessageContainer::flush() — Method in class FlashMessageContainer

Remove messages from this container.

FlashMessageMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage

A middleware that persists any new FlashMessages that have been added during the current request cycle

$ FlashMessageMiddleware#flashMessageServiceProperty in class FlashMessageMiddleware
FlashMessageServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage
$ FlashMessageService#flashMessageContainerConfigurationProperty in class FlashMessageService
FlashMessageStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage

Contract for FlashMessage storages

FlashMessageCookieStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage\Storage
FlashMessageSessionStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\FlashMessage\Storage
RouteLifetime::fromInt() — Method in class RouteLifetime

Creates an instance with a specific lifetime

UriConstraints::fromUri() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with constraints extracted from the given $uri

DynamicRoutePart::findValueToMatch() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Returns the first part of $routePath.

DynamicRoutePart::findValueToResolve() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Returns the route value of the current route part.

IdentityRoutePart::findValueToMatch() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Returns the first part of $routePath that should be evaluated in matchValue().

ObjectPathMappingRepository::findOneByObjectTypeUriPatternAndPathSegment() — Method in class ObjectPathMappingRepository
ObjectPathMappingRepository::findOneByObjectTypeUriPatternAndIdentifier() — Method in class ObjectPathMappingRepository
Route::fromConfiguration() — Method in class Route
RouterCachingService::flushCaches() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Flushes 'route' and 'resolve' caches.

RouterCachingService::flushCachesByTag() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Flushes 'findMatchResults' and 'resolve' caches for the given $tag

RouterCachingService::flushCachesByTags() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Flushes 'findMatchResults' and 'resolve' caches for the given $tags

RouterCachingService::flushCachesForUriPath() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Flushes 'findMatchResults' caches that are tagged with the given $uriPath

Routes::fromConfiguration() — Method in class Routes
$ UriBuilder#formatProperty in class UriBuilder
CompileTimeObjectManager::filterClassNamesFromConfiguration() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Given an array of class names by package key this filters out classes that have been configured to be included by object management.

$ Configuration#factoryObjectNameProperty in class Configuration

If set, specifies the factory object name used to create this object

$ Configuration#factoryMethodNameProperty in class Configuration

Name of the factory method.

$ Configuration#factoryArgumentsProperty in class Configuration

Arguments of the factory method

$ PropertyInjectionTrait#Flow_Injected_PropertiesProperty in class PropertyInjectionTrait
ObjectManager::forgetInstance() — Method in class ObjectManager

Unsets the instance of the given object

ObjectManagerInterface::forgetInstance() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Unsets the instance of the given object

$ ObjectSerializationTrait#Flow_Object_PropertiesToSerializeProperty in class ObjectSerializationTrait
$ ObjectSerializationTrait#Flow_Persistence_RelatedEntitiesProperty in class ObjectSerializationTrait
$ ProxyClass#fullOriginalClassNameProperty in class ProxyClass

Fully qualified class name of the original class

ProxyConstructorGenerator::fromReflection() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
$ ProxyMethodGenerator#fullOriginalClassNameProperty in class ProxyMethodGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::fromReflection() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator
FlowPackageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

An interface for Flow packages that might have configuration or resources

$ GenericPackage#flattenedAutoloadConfigurationProperty in class GenericPackage
$ PackageManager#flowPackagesProperty in class PackageManager
PackageManager::filterPackagesByType() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns an array of PackageInterface objects in the given array of packages that are of the specified package type.

PackageManager::freezePackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Freezes a package

PackageManager::findComposerPackagesInPath() — Method in class PackageManager

Traverses directories recursively from the given starting point and yields folder paths, who contain a composer.json.

FlowAnnotationDriverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Mapping\Driver

This driver reads the mapping metadata from docblock annotations.

MigrationFinder::findMigrations() — Method in class MigrationFinder
Repository::findAll() — Method in class Repository

Finds all entities in the repository.

Repository::findAllIterator() — Method in class Repository

Find all objects and return an IterableResult

Repository::findByIdentifier() — Method in class Repository

Finds an object matching the given identifier.

Repository::findAll() — Method in class Repository

Returns all objects of this repository

Repository::findByIdentifier() — Method in class Repository

Finds an object matching the given identifier.

RepositoryInterface::findAll() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Returns all objects of this repository.

RepositoryInterface::findByIdentifier() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Finds an object matching the given identifier.

FormatNotSupportedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Format not supported" Exception

PropertyMapper::findTypeConverter() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Determine the type converter to be used. If no converter has been found, an exception is raised.

PropertyMapper::findFirstEligibleTypeConverterInObjectHierarchy() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Tries to find a suitable type converter for the given source and target type.

PropertyMapper::findEligibleConverterWithHighestPriority() — Method in class PropertyMapper
PropertyMappingConfiguration::forProperty() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Returns the configuration for the specific property path, ready to be modified. Should be used inside a fluent interface like: $configuration->forProperty('foo.bar')->setTypeConverterOption(....)

FloatConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms a float, integer or string to a float.

PersistentObjectConverter::fetchObjectFromPersistence() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

Fetch an object from persistence layer.

PersistentObjectConverter::findObjectByIdentityProperties() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

Finds an object from the repository by searching for its identity properties.

ClassLoadingForReflectionFailedException::forClassName() — Method in class ClassLoadingForReflectionFailedException
ReflectionService::forgetChangedClasses() — Method in class ReflectionService

Checks which classes lack a cache entry and removes their reflection data accordingly.

ReflectionService::forgetClass() — Method in class ReflectionService

Forgets all reflection data related to the specified class

ReflectionService::freezePackageReflection() — Method in class ReflectionService

Stores the current reflection data related to classes of the specified package in the PrecompiledReflectionData directory for the current context.

ReflectionService::filterArrayByClassesInPackageNamespace() — Method in class ReflectionService

Filter an array of entries where keys are class names by being in the given package namespace.

FilterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Filter

Interface for a resource processing filter

$ PersistentResource#filenameProperty in class PersistentResource

Filename which is used when the data of this resource is downloaded as a file or acting as a label

$ PersistentResource#fileSizeProperty in class PersistentResource

The size of this object's data

MessageCollector::flush() — Method in class MessageCollector
ResourceRepository::findByIdentifier() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Finds an object matching the given identifier.

ResourceRepository::findAllIterator() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Finds all objects and return an IterableResult

ResourceRepository::findByCollectionNameIterator() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Finds all objects by collection name and return an IterableResult

ResourceRepository::findSimilarResources() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Finds other resources which are referring to the same resource data, filename and collection

ResourceRepository::findBySha1() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Find all resources with the same SHA1 hash

ResourceRepository::findBySha1AndCollectionName() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Find all resources with the same SHA1 hash and collection

ResourceRepository::findOneBySha1() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Find one resource by SHA1

FileSystemStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

A resource storage based on the (local) file system

$ StorageObject#filenameProperty in class StorageObject

The suggested filename

$ StorageObject#fileSizeProperty in class StorageObject

The size of this object's data

WritableFileSystemStorage::fixFilePermissions() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Fixes the permissions as needed for Flow to run fine in web and cli context.

ResourceStreamWrapper::flush() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Flushes the output.

StreamWrapperInterface::flush() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Flushes the output.

FileSystemSymlinkTargetClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Target

A target which publishes resources by creating symlinks.

FileSystemTargetClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Target

A target which publishes resources to a specific directory in a file system.

$ Account#failedAuthenticationCountProperty in class Account
AccountRepository::findByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class AccountRepository

Returns the account for a specific authentication provider with the given identifier

AccountRepository::findActiveByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class AccountRepository

Returns the account for a specific authentication provider with the given identifier if it's not expired

FileBasedSimpleKeyProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Provider

An authentication provider that authenticates Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token\PasswordToken tokens.

$ FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider#fileBasedSimpleKeyServiceProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider
FilterFirewallClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Default Firewall which analyzes the request with a RequestFilter chain.

$ FilterFirewall#filtersProperty in class FilterFirewall
FirewallInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Contract for firewall

FalseConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A SQL generator to create a condition matching nothing.

$ MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter#filtersProperty in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
RequestFilter::filterRequest() — Method in class RequestFilter

Tries to match the given request against this filter and calls the set security interceptor on success.

Context::findBestMatchingToken() — Method in class Context

Tries to find a token matchting the given manager token in the session tokens, will return that or the manager token.

FileBasedSimpleKeyServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

File based simple encrypted key service

SignalAspect::forwardSignalToDispatcher() — Method in class SignalAspect

Passes the signal over to the Dispatcher

FileExtensionValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

The given $value is has one of the allowed file extensions Note: a value of NULL or empty string ('') are considered valid

FileSizeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for file sizes Note: a value of NULL or empty string ('') are considered valid

FloatValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for floats.

$ CacheAdaptor#flowCacheProperty in class CacheAdaptor
CacheAdaptor::flush() — Method in class CacheAdaptor

Flushes the cache either by entry or flushes the entire cache if no entry is provided.

FlowAwareRenderingContextInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Rendering

Interface for rendering contexts that are Flow aware.

FlashMessagesViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers

View helper which renders the flash messages (if there are any) as an unsorted list.

FormViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers

Used to output an HTML

tag which is targeted at the specified action, in the current controller and package.

$ FormViewHelper#formActionUriProperty in class FormViewHelper
FlowUploadedFileClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories

A Flow specific uploaded file.

FilesExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Exception

A generic File Utility Exception

FilesClass in namespace Neos\Utility

File and directory functions

SchemaGenerator::filterDuplicatesFromArray() — Method in class SchemaGenerator

Compact an array of items to avoid adding the same value more than once.

FunctionsClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Unicode

A class with UTF-8 string functions, some inspired by what might be in some future PHP version.

TextIterator::following() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the offset of the next element following the character of the original string given by its offset

TextIterator::first() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the first element


AbstractBackend::getPrefixedIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Returns the internally used, prefixed entry identifier for the given public entry identifier.

ApcuBackend::getPrefixedIdentifier() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Returns the internally used, prefixed entry identifier for the given public entry identifier.

ApcuBackend::get() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Loads data from the cache.

BackendInterface::getPrefixedIdentifier() — Method in class BackendInterface

Returns the internally used, prefixed entry identifier for the given public entry identifier.

BackendInterface::get() — Method in class BackendInterface

Loads data from the cache.

FileBackend::get() — Method in class FileBackend

Loads data from a cache file.

FileBackend::getEntryIdentifierFromFilename() — Method in class FileBackend
FileBackendEntryDto::getData() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FileBackendEntryDto::getTags() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FileBackendEntryDto::getExpiryTime() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
MemcachedBackend::getPrefixedIdentifier() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Returns the internally used, prefixed entry identifier for the given public entry identifier.

MemcachedBackend::get() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Loads data from the cache.

MultiBackend::get() — Method in class MultiBackend
NullBackend::get() — Method in class NullBackend

Returns False

PdoBackend::get() — Method in class PdoBackend

Loads data from the cache.

PdoBackend::getNotExpiredStatement() — Method in class PdoBackend

Returns an SQL statement that evaluates to true if the entry is not expired.

PdoBackend::getStatus() — Method in class PdoBackend

Validates that configured database is accessible and schema up to date

RedisBackend::get() — Method in class RedisBackend

Loads data from the cache.

RedisBackend::getStatus() — Method in class RedisBackend

Validates that the configured redis backend is accessible and returns some details about its configuration if that's the case

SimpleFileBackend::getCacheDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Returns the directory where the cache files are stored

SimpleFileBackend::get() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Loads data from a cache file.

SimpleFileBackend::getBaseDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend
SimpleFileBackend::getStatus() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Validates that the configured cache directory exists and is writeable and returns some details about its configuration if that's the case

TransientMemoryBackend::get() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Loads data from the cache.

WithStatusInterface::getStatus() — Method in class WithStatusInterface

Returns the status of the cache backend

CacheAwareInterface::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class CacheAwareInterface

Returns a string which distinctly identifies this object and thus can be used as an identifier for cache entries related to this object.

EnvironmentConfiguration::getMaximumPathLength() — Method in class EnvironmentConfiguration
EnvironmentConfiguration::getFileCacheBasePath() — Method in class EnvironmentConfiguration
EnvironmentConfiguration::getApplicationIdentifier() — Method in class EnvironmentConfiguration
AbstractFrontend::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Returns this cache's identifier

AbstractFrontend::getBackend() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Returns the backend used by this cache

FrontendInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Returns this cache's identifier

FrontendInterface::getBackend() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Returns the backend used by this cache

FrontendInterface::get() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Finds and returns data from the cache.

FrontendInterface::getByTag() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Finds and returns all cache entries which are tagged by the specified tag.

PhpFrontend::get() — Method in class PhpFrontend

Finds and returns the original code from the cache.

PhpFrontend::getWrapped() — Method in class PhpFrontend

Returns the code wrapped in php tags as written to the cache, ready to be included.

StringFrontend::get() — Method in class StringFrontend

Finds and returns a variable value from the cache.

StringFrontend::getByTag() — Method in class StringFrontend

Finds and returns all cache entries which are tagged by the specified tag.

VariableFrontend::get() — Method in class VariableFrontend

Finds and returns a variable value from the cache.

VariableFrontend::getByTag() — Method in class VariableFrontend

Finds and returns all cache entries which are tagged by the specified tag.

VariableFrontend::getIterator() — Method in class VariableFrontend

Returns an iterator over the entries of this cache

CacheItem::getKey() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::get() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::getExpirationDate() — Method in class CacheItem
CachePool::getItem() — Method in class CachePool

Returns a Cache Item representing the specified key.

CachePool::getItems() — Method in class CachePool

Returns a traversable set of cache items.

SimpleCache::get() — Method in class SimpleCache

Finds and returns a variable value from the cache.

SimpleCache::getMultiple() — Method in class SimpleCache
CompilingEvaluator::generateEvaluatorCode() — Method in class CompilingEvaluator

Internal generator method

Context::get() — Method in class Context

Get a value of the context

Context::getAndWrap() — Method in class Context

Get a value by path and wrap it into another context

FlowQuery::getIterator() — Method in class FlowQuery

Called when iterating over this FlowQuery object, triggers evaluation.

FlowQuery::getContext() — Method in class FlowQuery

Get the current context.

OperationInterface::getShortName() — Method in class OperationInterface
OperationInterface::getPriority() — Method in class OperationInterface
AbstractOperation::getPriority() — Method in class AbstractOperation
AbstractOperation::getShortName() — Method in class AbstractOperation
GetOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Get a (non-wrapped) element from the context.

FilterOperation::getPropertyPath() — Method in class FilterOperation

Evaluate a property path. This is outsourced to a single method to make overriding this functionality easy.

FileHelper::getSha1() — Method in class FileHelper
MathHelper::getE() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getLN2() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getLN10() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getLOG2E() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getLOG10E() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getPI() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getSQRT1_2() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::getSQRT2() — Method in class MathHelper
SecurityHelper::getAccount() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Get the account of the first authenticated token.

TypeHelper::getType() — Method in class TypeHelper

Get the variable type

ProtectedContext::getAndWrap() — Method in class ProtectedContext

Get a value by path and wrap it into another context

Utility::getDefaultContextVariables() — Method in class Utility

Get variables from configuration that should be set in the context by default.

Message::getMessage() — Method in class Message

Returns the error message

Message::getCode() — Method in class Message

Returns the error code

Message::getArguments() — Method in class Message
Message::getTitle() — Method in class Message
Message::getSeverity() — Method in class Message
Result::getErrors() — Method in class Result

Get all errors in the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getWarnings() — Method in class Result

Get all warnings in the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getNotices() — Method in class Result

Get all notices in the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getFirstError() — Method in class Result

Get the first error object of the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getFirstWarning() — Method in class Result

Get the first warning object of the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getFirstNotice() — Method in class Result

Get the first notice object of the current Result object (non-recursive)

Result::getFlattenedErrors() — Method in class Result

Get a list of all Error objects recursively. The result is an array, where the key is the property path where the error occurred, and the value is a list of all errors (stored as array)

Result::getFlattenedErrorsOfType() — Method in class Result

Get a list of all Error objects recursively. The result is an array, where the key is the property path where the error occurred, and the value is a list of all errors (stored as array)

Result::getFlattenedWarnings() — Method in class Result

Get a list of all Warning objects recursively. The result is an array, where the key is the property path where the warning occurred, and the value is a list of all warnings (stored as array)

Result::getFlattenedNotices() — Method in class Result

Get a list of all Notice objects recursively. The result is an array, where the key is the property path where the notice occurred, and the value is a list of all notices (stored as array)

Result::getSubResults() — Method in class Result

Get a list of all sub Result objects available.

AbstractAdvice::getAspectObjectName() — Method in class AbstractAdvice

Returns the aspect's object name which has been passed to the constructor

AbstractAdvice::getAdviceMethodName() — Method in class AbstractAdvice

Returns the advice's method name which has been passed to the constructor

AdviceInterface::getAspectObjectName() — Method in class AdviceInterface

Returns the aspect's object name which has been passed to the constructor

AdviceInterface::getAdviceMethodName() — Method in class AdviceInterface

Returns the advice's method name which has been passed to the constructor

Advisor::getAdvice() — Method in class Advisor

Returns the advisor's advice

Advisor::getPointcut() — Method in class Advisor

Returns the advisor's pointcut

AspectContainer::getClassName() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the name of the aspect class

AspectContainer::getAdvisors() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the advisors which were defined in the aspect

AspectContainer::getInterfaceIntroductions() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the interface introductions which were defined in the aspect

AspectContainer::getPropertyIntroductions() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the property introductions which were defined in the aspect

AspectContainer::getTraitIntroductions() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the trait introductions which were defined in the aspect

AspectContainer::getPointcuts() — Method in class AspectContainer

Returns the pointcuts which were declared in the aspect. This does not contain the pointcuts which were made out of the pointcut expressions for the advisors!

AspectContainer::getCachedTargetClassNameCandidates() — Method in class AspectContainer
ClassNameIndex::getClassNames() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Returns the class names contained in this index

ProxyClassBuilder::getProxyableClasses() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Determines which of the given classes are potentially proxyable and returns their names in an array.

ProxyClassBuilder::getMethodsFromTargetClass() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Returns the methods of the target class.

ProxyClassBuilder::getMatchingInterfaceIntroductions() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all aspect containers and returns an array of interface introductions which match the target class.

ProxyClassBuilder::getMatchingPropertyIntroductions() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all aspect containers and returns an array of property introductions which match the target class.

ProxyClassBuilder::getMatchingTraitNamesFromIntroductions() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Traverses all aspect containers and returns an array of trait introductions which match the target class.

ProxyClassBuilder::getInterfaceNamesFromIntroductions() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Returns an array of interface names introduced by the given introductions

ProxyClassBuilder::getIntroducedMethodsFromInterfaceIntroductions() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Returns all methods declared by the introduced interfaces

InterfaceIntroduction::getInterfaceName() — Method in class InterfaceIntroduction

Returns the name of the introduced interface

InterfaceIntroduction::getPointcut() — Method in class InterfaceIntroduction

Returns the pointcut this introduction applies to

InterfaceIntroduction::getDeclaringAspectClassName() — Method in class InterfaceIntroduction

Returns the object name of the aspect which declared this introduction

JoinPoint::getProxy() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the reference to the proxy class instance

JoinPoint::getClassName() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the class name of the target class this join point refers to

JoinPoint::getMethodName() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the method name of the method this join point refers to

JoinPoint::getMethodArguments() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns an array of arguments which have been passed to the target method

JoinPoint::getMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the value of the specified method argument

JoinPoint::getAdviceChain() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the advice chain related to this join point

JoinPoint::getException() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the exception which has been thrown in the target method.

JoinPoint::getResult() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns the result of the method invocation. The result is only available for AfterReturning advices.

JoinPointInterface::getProxy() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the reference to the proxy class instance

JoinPointInterface::getClassName() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the class name of the target class this join point refers to

JoinPointInterface::getMethodName() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the method name of the method this join point refers to

JoinPointInterface::getMethodArguments() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns an array of arguments which have been passed to the target method

JoinPointInterface::getMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the value of the specified method argument

JoinPointInterface::getAdviceChain() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the advice chain related to this join point

JoinPointInterface::getException() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the exception which has been thrown in the target method.

JoinPointInterface::getResult() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns the result of the method invocation. The result is only available for AfterReturning advices.

Pointcut::getPointcutExpression() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns the pointcut expression which has been passed to the constructor.

Pointcut::getAspectClassName() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns the aspect class name where the pointcut was declared.

Pointcut::getPointcutMethodName() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns the pointcut method name (if any was defined)

Pointcut::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

Pointcut::getRuntimeEvaluationsClosureCode() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns the PHP code (closure) that evaluates the runtime evaluations

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

PointcutClassNameFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

PointcutClassTypeFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

PointcutExpressionParser::getSubstringBetweenParentheses() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Returns the substring of $string which is enclosed by parentheses of the first level.

PointcutExpressionParser::getVisibilityFromSignaturePattern() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Parses the signature pattern and returns the visibility modifier if any. If a modifier was found, it will be removed from the $signaturePattern.

PointcutExpressionParser::getArgumentConstraintsFromMethodArgumentsPattern() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Parses the method arguments pattern and returns the corresponding constraints array

PointcutExpressionParser::getRuntimeEvaluationConditionsFromEvaluateString() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Parses the evaluate string for runtime evaluations and returns the corresponding conditions array

PointcutFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

$ PointcutFilterComposite#globalRuntimeEvaluationsDefinitionProperty in class PointcutFilterComposite
PointcutFilterComposite::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

PointcutFilterComposite::getRuntimeEvaluationsClosureCode() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns the PHP code (closure) that can evaluate the runtime evaluations

PointcutFilterInterface::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilterInterface

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

PointcutMethodNameFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutMethodNameFilter::getMethodNameFilterExpression() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Returns the method name filter expression

PointcutMethodNameFilter::getMethodVisibility() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Returns the method visibility

PointcutMethodNameFilter::getMethodArgumentConstraints() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Returns the method argument constraints

PointcutSettingFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

RuntimeExpressionEvaluator::generateExpressionFunctionName() — Method in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator
PropertyIntroduction::getPropertyName() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction

Returns the name of the introduced property

PropertyIntroduction::getPropertyVisibility() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction

Returns the visibility of the introduced property

PropertyIntroduction::getInitialValue() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction
PropertyIntroduction::getPropertyDocComment() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction

Returns the DocComment of the introduced property

PropertyIntroduction::getPointcut() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction

Returns the pointcut this introduction applies to

PropertyIntroduction::getDeclaringAspectClassName() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction

Returns the object name of the aspect which declared this introduction

TraitIntroduction::getTraitName() — Method in class TraitIntroduction

Returns the name of the introduced trait

TraitIntroduction::getPointcut() — Method in class TraitIntroduction

Returns the pointcut this introduction applies to

TraitIntroduction::getDeclaringAspectClassName() — Method in class TraitIntroduction

Returns the object name of the aspect which declared this introduction

CacheManager::getCache() — Method in class CacheManager

Returns the cache specified by $identifier

CacheManager::getSimpleCache() — Method in class CacheManager

Return a SimpleCache frontend for the cache specified by $identifier

CacheManager::getCacheItemPool() — Method in class CacheManager

Return a SimpleCache frontend for the cache specified by $identifier

CacheManager::getCacheConfigurations() — Method in class CacheManager

Returns an array of cache configurations, indexed by cache identifier

Command::getControllerClassName() — Method in class Command
Command::getControllerCommandName() — Method in class Command
Command::getCommandIdentifier() — Method in class Command

Returns the command identifier for this command

Command::getShortDescription() — Method in class Command

Returns a short description of this command

Command::getDescription() — Method in class Command

Returns a longer description of this command This is the complete method description except for the first line which can be retrieved via getShortDescription() If The command description only consists of one line, an empty string is returned

Command::getArgumentDefinitions() — Method in class Command

Returns an array of CommandArgumentDefinition that contains information about required/optional arguments of this command.

Command::getRelatedCommandIdentifiers() — Method in class Command

Returns an array of command identifiers which were specified in the "@see" annotation of a command method.

Command::getCommandMethodReflection() — Method in class Command
CommandArgumentDefinition::getName() — Method in class CommandArgumentDefinition
CommandArgumentDefinition::getDashedName() — Method in class CommandArgumentDefinition

Returns the lowercased name with dashes as word separator

CommandArgumentDefinition::getDescription() — Method in class CommandArgumentDefinition
CommandController::getFlowInvocationString() — Method in class CommandController

Returns the CLI Flow command depending on the environment

CommandManager::getAvailableCommands() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns an array of all commands

CommandManager::getCommandByIdentifier() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns a Command that matches the given identifier.

CommandManager::getCommandsByIdentifier() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns an array of Commands that matches the given identifier.

CommandManager::getShortestIdentifierForCommand() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns the shortest, non-ambiguous command identifier for the given command

CommandManager::getShortCommandIdentifiers() — Method in class CommandManager

Returns an array that contains all available command identifiers and their shortest non-ambiguous alias

CommandManager::getCommandMethodParameters() — Method in class CommandManager

Get the possible parameters for the command specified by CommandController and method name.

CommandManager::getCommandControllerMethodArguments() — Method in class CommandManager
CommandRequestHandler::getPriority() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request.

ConsoleOutput::getMaximumLineLength() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Returns the desired maximum line length for console output.

ConsoleOutput::getOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::getInput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::getQuestionHelper() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Returns or initializes the symfony/console QuestionHelper

ConsoleOutput::getProgressBar() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Returns or initializes the symfony/console ProgressHelper

ConsoleOutput::getTable() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Returns or initializes the symfony/console Table

Request::getControllerObjectName() — Method in class Request

Returns the object name of the controller

Request::getControllerCommandName() — Method in class Request

Returns the name of the command the controller is supposed to execute.

Request::getCommand() — Method in class Request

Returns the command object for this request

Request::getArgument() — Method in class Request

Returns the value of the specified argument

Request::getArguments() — Method in class Request

Returns an ArrayObject of arguments and their values

Request::getExceedingArguments() — Method in class Request

Returns additional unnamed arguments (if any) which have been passed through the command line after all required arguments (if any) have been specified.

RequestBuilder::getValueOfCurrentCommandLineOption() — Method in class RequestBuilder

Returns the value of the first argument of the given input array. Shifts the parsed argument off the array.

Response::getExitCode() — Method in class Response

Gets the numerical exit code which should be returned when exiting this application.

Response::getContent() — Method in class Response

Returns the response content without sending it.

Response::getOutputFormat() — Method in class Response

Returns the currently set output format.

SlaveRequestHandler::getPriority() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request.

ConfigurationCommandController::generateSchemaCommand() — Method in class ConfigurationCommandController

Generate a schema for the given configuration or YAML file.

RoutingCommandController::getPathCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

Generate a route path

SecurityCommandController::generateKeyPairCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Generate a public/private key pair and add it to the RSAWalletService

ComposerUtility::getComposerManifest() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Returns contents of Composer manifest - or part there of.

ComposerUtility::getPackageVersion() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Get the package version of the given package Return normalized package version.

ConfigurationManager::getAvailableConfigurationTypes() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Get the available configuration-types

ConfigurationManager::getConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Returns the specified raw configuration.

YamlSource::getHeaderFromFile() — Method in class YamlSource

Read the header part from the given file. That means, every line until the first non comment line is found.

ApplicationContext::getParent() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns the parent context object, if any

ApplicationContext::getHierarchy() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns the names of this context and all parents in ascending specificity

Scripts::getListOfPackagesWithConfiguredObjects() — Method in class Scripts
Step::getIdentifier() — Method in class Step
Bootstrap::getContext() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns the context this bootstrap was started in.

Bootstrap::getActiveRequestHandler() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns the request handler (if any) which is currently handling the request.

Bootstrap::getSignalSlotDispatcher() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns the signal slot dispatcher instance

Bootstrap::getEarlyInstance() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns an instance which was registered earlier through setEarlyInstance()

Bootstrap::getEarlyInstances() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns all registered early instances indexed by object name

Bootstrap::getObjectManager() — Method in class Bootstrap

Returns the object manager instance

Bootstrap::getEnvironmentConfigurationSetting() — Method in class Bootstrap

Tries to find an environment setting with the following fallback chain:

LockManager::getLockPath() — Method in class LockManager

Returns the absolute path to a directory that should contain the lock files

RequestHandlerInterface::getPriority() — Method in class RequestHandlerInterface

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request. An integer > 0 means "I want to handle this request" where "100" is default. "0" means "I am a fallback solution".

Debugger::getBacktraceCode() — Method in class Debugger

Renders some backtrace

Debugger::getBacktraceCodePlaintext() — Method in class Debugger
Debugger::getCodeSnippet() — Method in class Debugger

Returns a code snippet from the specified file.

Debugger::getObjectSnippetPlaintext() — Method in class Debugger
Debugger::getObjectShortName() — Method in class Debugger
Debugger::getCodeSnippetPlaintext() — Method in class Debugger
Debugger::getIgnoredClassesRegex() — Method in class Debugger

Tries to load the 'Neos.Flow.error.debugger.ignoredClasses' setting to build a regular expression that can be used to filter ignored class names If settings can't be loaded it uses self::$ignoredClassesFallback.

Debugger::getRecursionLimit() — Method in class Debugger

Tries to load the 'Neos.Flow.error.debugger.recursionLimit' setting to determine the maximal recursions-level fgor the debugger.

WithHttpStatusInterface::getStatusCode() — Method in class WithHttpStatusInterface

Returns the HTTP status code this exception corresponds to.

WithReferenceCodeInterface::getReferenceCode() — Method in class WithReferenceCodeInterface

Returns a code which can be communicated publicly so that whoever experiences the exception can refer to it and a developer can find more information about it in the system log.

Exception::getReferenceCode() — Method in class Exception

Returns a code which can be communicated publicly so that whoever experiences the exception can refer to it and a developer can find more information about it in the system log.

Exception::getStatusCode() — Method in class Exception

Returns the HTTP status code this exception corresponds to (defaults to 500).

BaseUriProvider::getConfiguredBaseUriOrFallbackToCurrentRequest() — Method in class BaseUriProvider

Gives the best possible base URI with the following priority:

  • configured base URI
  • generated base URI from currently active server request
  • generated base URI from specified $fallbackRequest
CacheControlDirectives::getDirective() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives

Returns the value of the specified Cache-Control directive.

CacheControlDirectives::getDirectives() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives
CacheControlDirectives::getCacheControlHeaderValue() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives

Renders and returns a Cache-Control header value, based on the previously set cache control directives.

Browser::getLastResponse() — Method in class Browser

Returns the response received after the last request.

Browser::getLastRequest() — Method in class Browser

Returns the last request executed.

Browser::getRequestEngine() — Method in class Browser

Returns the request engine used by this Browser.

Browser::getCrawler() — Method in class Browser

Returns the DOM crawler which can be used to interact with the web page structure, submit forms, click links or fetch specific parts of the website's contents.

Browser::getForm() — Method in class Browser

Get the form specified by $xpath. If no $xpath given, return the first form on the page.

InternalRequestEngine::getRouter() — Method in class InternalRequestEngine

Returns the router used by this internal request engine

ContentStream::getSize() — Method in class ContentStream

Get the size of the stream if known.

ContentStream::getContents() — Method in class ContentStream

Returns the remaining contents in a string

ContentStream::getMetadata() — Method in class ContentStream

Get stream metadata as an associative array or retrieve a specific key.

Cookie::getName() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the name of this cookie

Cookie::getValue() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the value of this cookie

Cookie::getExpires() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the date and time of the Expires attribute, if any.

Cookie::getMaximumAge() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the number of seconds until the cookie expires, if defined.

Cookie::getDomain() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the domain this cookie is valid for.

Cookie::getPath() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the path this cookie is valid for.

Cookie::getSameSite() — Method in class Cookie

Returns the SameSite of this cookie

Headers::getRaw() — Method in class Headers

Get raw header values

Headers::get() — Method in class Headers

Returns the specified HTTP header

Headers::getAll() — Method in class Headers

Returns all header fields

Headers::getCookie() — Method in class Headers

Returns a cookie specified by the given name

Headers::getCookies() — Method in class Headers

Returns all cookies

Headers::getCacheControlDirective() — Method in class Headers

Returns the value of the specified Cache-Control directive.

Headers::getPreparedValues() — Method in class Headers

Get all header lines prepared as "name: value" strings.

RequestInformationHelper::getScriptRequestPathAndFilename() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Returns the relative path (i.e. relative to the web root) and name of the script as it was accessed through the web server.

RequestInformationHelper::getScriptRequestPath() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Returns the relative path (i.e. relative to the web root) to the script as it was accessed through the web server.

RequestInformationHelper::getRelativeRequestPath() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Constructs a relative path for this request, that is the path segments left after removing the baseUri.

RequestInformationHelper::generateBaseUri() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Tries to detect the base URI of request.

RequestInformationHelper::generateRequestLine() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Return the Request-Line of this Request Message, consisting of the method, the URI and the HTTP version Would be, for example, "GET /foo?bar=baz HTTP/1.1" Note that the URI part is, at the moment, only possible in the form "abs_path" since the actual requestUri of the Request cannot be determined during the creation of the Request.

RequestInformationHelper::getContentCharset() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Extract the charset from the content type header if available

ResponseInformationHelper::getStatusMessageByCode() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper

Returns the human-readable message for the given status code.

ResponseInformationHelper::generateStatusLine() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper

Return the Request-Line of this Request Message, consisting of the method, the URI and the HTTP version Would be, for example, "GET /foo?bar=baz HTTP/1.1" Note that the URI part is, at the moment, only possible in the form "abs_path" since the actual requestUri of the Request cannot be determined during the creation of the Request.

UriHelper::getRelativePath() — Method in class UriHelper

Returns the path relative to the $baseUri

UriHelper::getDefaultPortForScheme() — Method in class UriHelper
HttpRequestHandlerInterface::getHttpRequest() — Method in class HttpRequestHandlerInterface

Returns the currently processed HTTP request

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::getForwardedHeader() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware
TrustedProxiesMiddleware::getTrustedProxyHeaderValues() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Get the values of trusted proxy header.

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::getFirstTrustedProxyHeaderValue() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Convenience getter for the first value of a given trusted proxy header.

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::getTrustedClientIpAddress() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Get the most trusted client's IP address.

RequestHandler::getPriority() — Method in class RequestHandler

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request.

RequestHandler::getHttpRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

Returns the currently handled HTTP request

UploadedFile::getStream() — Method in class UploadedFile

Retrieve a stream representing the uploaded file.

UploadedFile::getSize() — Method in class UploadedFile

Retrieve the file size.

UploadedFile::getError() — Method in class UploadedFile

Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file.

UploadedFile::getClientFilename() — Method in class UploadedFile

Retrieve the filename sent by the client.

UploadedFile::getClientMediaType() — Method in class UploadedFile

Retrieve the media type sent by the client.

AbstractXmlParser::getParsedData() — Method in class AbstractXmlParser

Returns parsed representation of XML file.

AbstractXmlParser::getRootNode() — Method in class AbstractXmlParser
CldrModel::getRawData() — Method in class CldrModel

Returns multi-dimensional array representing desired node and it's children, or a string value if the path points to a leaf.

CldrModel::getRawArray() — Method in class CldrModel

Returns multi-dimensional array representing desired node and it's children.

CldrModel::getElement() — Method in class CldrModel

Returns string value from a path given.

CldrModel::getNodeName() — Method in class CldrModel

Returns node name extracted from node string

CldrModel::getAttributeValue() — Method in class CldrModel

Parses the node string and returns a value of attribute for name provided.

CldrRepository::getModel() — Method in class CldrRepository

Returns an instance of CldrModel which represents CLDR file found under specified path.

CldrRepository::getModelForLocale() — Method in class CldrRepository

Returns an instance of CldrModel which represents group of CLDR files which are related in hierarchy.

CurrencyReader::getFraction() — Method in class CurrencyReader

Returns an array with keys "digits" and "rounding", each an integer.

CurrencyReader::generateFractions() — Method in class CurrencyReader

Generates an internal representation of currency fractions which can be found in supplementalData.xml CLDR file.

DatesReader::getLocalizedLiteralsForLocale() — Method in class DatesReader

Returns literals array for locale provided.

NumbersReader::getDefaultNumberingSystem() — Method in class NumbersReader
NumbersReader::getLocalizedSymbolsForLocale() — Method in class NumbersReader

Returns symbols array for provided locale.

PluralsReader::getPluralForm() — Method in class PluralsReader

Returns matching plural form based on $quantity and $locale provided.

PluralsReader::getPluralForms() — Method in class PluralsReader

Returns array of plural forms available for particular locale.

PluralsReader::generateRulesets() — Method in class PluralsReader

Generates an internal representation of plural rules which can be found in plurals.xml CLDR file.

Configuration::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the default locale of this configuration.

Configuration::getCurrentLocale() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the current locale. This is the default locale if no current locale has been set or the set current locale has a language code of "mul".

Configuration::getFallbackRule() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the current fallback rule.

FormatResolver::getFormatter() — Method in class FormatResolver

Returns instance of concrete formatter.

Locale::getLanguage() — Method in class Locale

Returns the language defined in this locale

Locale::getScript() — Method in class Locale

Returns the script defined in this locale

Locale::getRegion() — Method in class Locale

Returns the region defined in this locale

Locale::getVariant() — Method in class Locale

Returns the variant defined in this locale

LocaleCollection::getParentLocaleOf() — Method in class LocaleCollection

Returns a parent Locale object of the locale provided.

Service::getConfiguration() — Method in class Service
Service::getLocalizedFilename() — Method in class Service

Returns the path to the existing localized version of file given.

Service::getXliffFilenameAndPath() — Method in class Service

Returns the path to the existing localized version of file given.

Service::getLocaleChain() — Method in class Service

Build a chain of locale objects according to the fallback rule and the available locales.

Service::getParentLocaleOf() — Method in class Service

Returns a parent Locale object of the locale provided.

Service::generateAvailableLocalesCollectionFromSettings() — Method in class Service

Generates the available Locales Collection from the configuration setting Neos.Flow.i18n.availableLocales.

Service::getScanExcludePattern() — Method in class Service

Returns a regex pattern including enclosing characters, that matches any of the configured exclude list configured inside "Neos.Flow.i18n.scan.excludePatterns".

Service::generateAvailableLocalesCollectionByScanningFilesystem() — Method in class Service

Finds all Locale objects representing locales available in the Flow installation. This is done by scanning all Private and Public resource files of all active packages, in order to find localized files.

TranslationProviderInterface::getTranslationByOriginalLabel() — Method in class TranslationProviderInterface

Returns translated label of $originalLabel from a file defined by $sourceName.

TranslationProviderInterface::getTranslationById() — Method in class TranslationProviderInterface

Returns label for a key ($labelId) from a file defined by $sourceName.

XliffTranslationProvider::getTranslationByOriginalLabel() — Method in class XliffTranslationProvider

Returns translated label of $originalLabel from a file defined by $sourceName.

XliffTranslationProvider::getTranslationById() — Method in class XliffTranslationProvider

Returns label for a key ($labelId) from a file defined by $sourceName.

Translator::getPluralForm() — Method in class Translator

Get the plural form to be used.

FileAdapter::getTargetBySource() — Method in class FileAdapter

Returns translated label ("target" tag in XLIFF) from source-target pair where "source" tag equals to $source parameter.

FileAdapter::getTargetByTransUnitId() — Method in class FileAdapter

Returns translated label ("target" tag in XLIFF) for the id given.

FileAdapter::getTranslationUnits() — Method in class FileAdapter
$ XliffFileProvider#globalTranslationPathProperty in class XliffFileProvider
XliffFileProvider::getMergedFileData() — Method in class XliffFileProvider
XliffFileProvider::getFile() — Method in class XliffFileProvider
XliffFileProvider::getParser() — Method in class XliffFileProvider
XliffParser::getFileData() — Method in class XliffParser
XliffParser::getFileDataFromDocument() — Method in class XliffParser
AnsiConsoleBackend::getDisableAnsi() — Method in class AnsiConsoleBackend
PsrLoggerFactory::get() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactory

Get the logger configured with given identifier.

PsrLoggerFactoryInterface::get() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactoryInterface

Create a PSR-3 logger based on the given configuration.

FileStorage::generateUniqueReferenceCode() — Method in class FileStorage

Generates a reference code for this specific error event to make it findable.

FileStorage::getErrorLogMessage() — Method in class FileStorage
LogEnvironment::getPackageKeyFromClassName() — Method in class LogEnvironment
LogEnvironment::getPackageKeys() — Method in class LogEnvironment
ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface::getFileStatus() — Method in class ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface

Checks if the specified file has changed

ModificationTimeStrategy::getFileStatus() — Method in class ModificationTimeStrategy

Checks if the specified file has changed

FileMonitor::getIdentifier() — Method in class FileMonitor

Returns the identifier of this monitor

FileMonitor::getMonitoredFiles() — Method in class FileMonitor

Returns a list of all monitored files

FileMonitor::getMonitoredDirectories() — Method in class FileMonitor

Returns a list of all monitored directories

ActionRequest::getParentRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the parent request

ActionRequest::getHttpRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the top level request: the HTTP request object

ActionRequest::getMainRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the top level ActionRequest: the one just below the HTTP request

ActionRequest::getReferringRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns an ActionRequest which referred to this request, if any.

ActionRequest::getControllerObjectName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the object name of the controller defined by the package key and controller name

ActionRequest::getControllerPackageKey() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the package key of the specified controller.

ActionRequest::getControllerSubpackageKey() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the subpackage key of the specified controller.

ActionRequest::getControllerName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the object name of the controller supposed to handle this request, if one was set already (if not, the name of the default controller is returned)

ActionRequest::getControllerActionName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the name of the action the controller is supposed to execute.

ActionRequest::getArgument() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the value of the specified argument

ActionRequest::getArguments() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns an Array of arguments and their values

ActionRequest::getInternalArgument() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the value of the specified internal argument.

ActionRequest::getInternalArguments() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the internal arguments of the request, that is, all arguments whose name starts with two underscores.

ActionRequest::getArgumentNamespace() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the argument namespace, if any.

ActionRequest::getPluginArguments() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns an array of plugin argument configurations

ActionRequest::getFormat() — Method in class ActionRequest

Returns the requested representation format

ActionResponse::getHttpHeader() — Method in class ActionResponse

Return the specified HTTP header that was previously set.

ActionResponse::getContent() — Method in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::getRedirectUri() — Method in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::getStatusCode() — Method in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::getContentType() — Method in class ActionResponse
AbstractController::getControllerContext() — Method in class AbstractController

Returns this controller's context.

ActionController::getActionMethodParameters() — Method in class ActionController

Returns a map of action method names and their parameters.

ActionController::getInformationNeededForInitializeActionMethodValidators() — Method in class ActionController

This is a helper method purely used to make initializeActionMethodValidators() testable without mocking static methods.

ActionController::getActionValidationGroups() — Method in class ActionController

Returns a map of action method names and their validation groups.

ActionController::getActionValidateAnnotationData() — Method in class ActionController

Returns a map of action method names and their validation parameters.

ActionController::getActionIgnoredValidationArguments() — Method in class ActionController
ActionController::getPublicActionMethods() — Method in class ActionController
ActionController::getFlattenedValidationErrorMessage() — Method in class ActionController

Returns a string containing all validation errors separated by PHP_EOL.

ActionController::getErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class ActionController

A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize the flash message in your action controller.

Argument::getName() — Method in class Argument

Returns the name of this argument

Argument::getDataType() — Method in class Argument

Returns the data type of this argument's value

Argument::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Argument

Returns the default value of this argument

Argument::getValidator() — Method in class Argument

Returns the set validator

Argument::getValue() — Method in class Argument

Returns the value of this argument. If the value is NULL, we use the defaultValue.

Argument::getPropertyMappingConfiguration() — Method in class Argument

Return the Property Mapping Configuration used for this argument; can be used by the initialize*action to modify the Property Mapping.

Argument::getValidationResults() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getMapRequestBody() — Method in class Argument
Arguments::getArgument() — Method in class Arguments

Returns an argument specified by name

Arguments::getArgumentNames() — Method in class Arguments

Returns the names of all arguments contained in this object

Arguments::getValidationResults() — Method in class Arguments

Get all property mapping / validation errors

ControllerContext::getRequest() — Method in class ControllerContext

Get the request of the controller

ControllerContext::getResponse() — Method in class ControllerContext

The legacy response of the controller.

ControllerContext::getArguments() — Method in class ControllerContext

Get the arguments of the controller

ControllerContext::getUriBuilder() — Method in class ControllerContext

Returns the URI Builder bound to this context

ControllerContext::getFlashMessageContainer() — Method in class ControllerContext

Get the flash message container

Exception::getRequest() — Method in class Exception

Returns the request object that exception belongs to.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService::generateTrustedPropertiesToken() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService

Generate a request hash for a list of form fields

AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException::getMatchingCommands() — Method in class AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException
FlashMessageContainer::getMessages() — Method in class FlashMessageContainer

Returns all currently stored flash messages.

FlashMessageContainer::getMessagesAndFlush() — Method in class FlashMessageContainer

Get all flash messages (with given severity) currently available and remove them from the container.

FlashMessageService::getFlashMessageContainerForRequest() — Method in class FlashMessageService

Load the FlashMessageContainer for the given request

RequestMatcher::getParentRequest() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Get a new RequestMatcher for the Request's ParentRequest

RequestMatcher::getMainRequest() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Get a new RequestMatcher for the Request's MainRequest

RequestMatcher::getWeight() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Return the current weight for this match

AbstractRoutePart::getName() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Returns name of the Route Part.

AbstractRoutePart::getValue() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Returns value of the Route Part. Before match() is called this returns NULL.

AbstractRoutePart::getDefaultValue() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Gets default value of the Route Part.

AbstractRoutePart::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart
AttributeRoutesProvider::getRoutes() — Method in class AttributeRoutesProvider
ConfigurationRoutesProvider::getRoutes() — Method in class ConfigurationRoutesProvider
MatchResult::getMatchedValue() — Method in class MatchResult

The actual matched value of the respective Route Part

MatchResult::getTags() — Method in class MatchResult

RouteTags to be associated with the MatchResult, or NULL

MatchResult::getLifetime() — Method in class MatchResult

RouteLifetime to be associated with the MatchResult, or NULL

ResolveContext::getBaseUri() — Method in class ResolveContext
ResolveContext::getRouteValues() — Method in class ResolveContext
ResolveContext::getUriPathPrefix() — Method in class ResolveContext
ResolveContext::getParameters() — Method in class ResolveContext
ResolveResult::getResolvedValue() — Method in class ResolveResult
ResolveResult::getUriConstraints() — Method in class ResolveResult
ResolveResult::getTags() — Method in class ResolveResult
ResolveResult::getLifetime() — Method in class ResolveResult

RouteLifetime to be associated with the MatchResult, or NULL

RouteContext::getHttpRequest() — Method in class RouteContext
RouteContext::getParameters() — Method in class RouteContext
RouteContext::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class RouteContext
RouteLifetime::getValue() — Method in class RouteLifetime
RouteParameters::getValue() — Method in class RouteParameters

Returns the value for a given $parameterName, or NULL if it doesn't exist

RouteParameters::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class RouteParameters
RouteTags::getTags() — Method in class RouteTags

Returns the tags of this tag collection as value array

UriConstraints::getPathConstraint() — Method in class UriConstraints

Returns the URI path constraint, which consists of the path and query string parts, or NULL if none was set

IdentityRoutePart::getObjectType() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart
IdentityRoutePart::getUriPattern() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

If $this->uriPattern is specified, this will be returned, otherwise identity properties of $this->objectType are returned in the format {property1}/{property2}/{property3}.

IdentityRoutePart::getObjectIdentifierFromPathSegment() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Retrieves the object identifier from the given $pathSegment.

IdentityRoutePart::getPathSegmentByIdentifier() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Generates a unique string for the given identifier according to $this->uriPattern.

ObjectPathMapping::getPathSegment() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::getUriPattern() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::getIdentifier() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::getObjectType() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
Route::getName() — Method in class Route

Returns the name of this Route.

Route::getDefaults() — Method in class Route

Returns default values for this Route.

Route::getUriPattern() — Method in class Route

Returns the URI pattern this route should match with

Route::getAppendExceedingArguments() — Method in class Route

Returns true if exceeding arguments should be appended to the URI as query string, otherwise false

Route::getRoutePartsConfiguration() — Method in class Route

Returns the route parts configuration of this route

Route::getHttpMethods() — Method in class Route
Route::getMatchResults() — Method in class Route

Returns an array with the Route match results.

Route::getMatchedTags() — Method in class Route

Returns the tags that have been associated with this route during request matching, or NULL if no tags were set

Route::getMatchedLifetime() — Method in class Route

Returns the lifetime been associated with this route during request matching, or NULL

Route::getResolvedUriConstraints() — Method in class Route

Returns the merged UriConstraints of all Route Parts after resolving, or NULL if no constraints were set yet

Route::getResolvedTags() — Method in class Route

Returns the tags that have been associated with this route during resolving, or NULL if no tags were set

Route::getResolvedLifetime() — Method in class Route

Returns the tags that have been associated with this route during resolving, or NULL if no tags were set

RoutePartInterface::getName() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Returns name of the Route Part.

RoutePartInterface::getValue() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Returns value of the Route Part. Before match() is called this returns NULL.

RoutePartInterface::getDefaultValue() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Gets default value of the Route Part.

RoutePartInterface::getOptions() — Method in class RoutePartInterface
Router::getLastMatchedRoute() — Method in class Router

Returns the route that has been matched with the last route() call.

Router::getLastResolvedRoute() — Method in class Router

Returns the route that has been resolved with the last resolve() call.

RouterCachingService::getCachedMatchResults() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Checks the cache for the given RouteContext and returns the result or false if no matching ache entry was found

RouterCachingService::getCachedResolvedUriConstraints() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Checks the cache for the given ResolveContext and returns the cached UriConstraints if a cache entry is found

RouterCachingService::generateRouteTags() — Method in class RouterCachingService
Routes::getIterator() — Method in class Routes
RoutesProviderInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class RoutesProviderInterface
StaticRoutePart::getDefaultValue() — Method in class StaticRoutePart

Gets default value of the Route Part.

TestingRoutesProvider::getRoutes() — Method in class TestingRoutesProvider
UriBuilder::getRequest() — Method in class UriBuilder

Gets the current request

UriBuilder::getArguments() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getSection() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getFormat() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getCreateAbsoluteUri() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getAddQueryString() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString() — Method in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::getLastArguments() — Method in class UriBuilder

Returns the arguments being used for the last URI being built.

UriBuilder::getRequestNamespacePath() — Method in class UriBuilder

Get the path of the argument namespaces of all parent requests.

ViewConfigurationManager::getViewConfiguration() — Method in class ViewConfigurationManager

This method walks through the view configuration and applies matching configurations in the order of their specifity score.

AbstractView::getOption() — Method in class AbstractView

Get a specific option of this View

CompileTimeObjectManager::getRegisteredClassNames() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Returns a list of all class names, grouped by package key, which were registered by registerClassFiles()

CompileTimeObjectManager::getClassNamesByScope() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Returns a list of class names, which are configured with the given scope

CompileTimeObjectManager::getObjectConfigurations() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Returns object configurations which were previously built by the ConfigurationBuilder.

CompileTimeObjectManager::get() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Returns a fresh or existing instance of the object specified by $objectName.

Configuration::getObjectName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the object name

Configuration::getClassName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the class name

Configuration::getPackageKey() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the package key

Configuration::getFactoryObjectName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the class name of the factory for this object, if any

Configuration::getFactoryMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the factory method name

Configuration::getScope() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the scope for this object

Configuration::getAutowiring() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the autowiring mode for the configured object

Configuration::getLifecycleInitializationMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the name of the lifecycle initialization method for this object

Configuration::getLifecycleShutdownMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the name of the lifecycle shutdown method for this object

Configuration::getProperties() — Method in class Configuration

Returns the currently set injection properties of the object

Configuration::getArguments() — Method in class Configuration

Returns a sorted array of constructor arguments indexed by position (starting with "1")

Configuration::getFactoryArguments() — Method in class Configuration

Returns a sorted array of factory method arguments indexed by position (starting with "1")

Configuration::getConfigurationSourceHint() — Method in class Configuration

Returns some information (if any) about where this configuration has been created.

ConfigurationArgument::getIndex() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Returns the index (position) of the argument

ConfigurationArgument::getValue() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Returns the value of the argument

ConfigurationArgument::getType() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Returns the type of the argument

ConfigurationArgument::getAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Returns the autowiring mode for this argument

ConfigurationProperty::getName() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Returns the name of the property

ConfigurationProperty::getValue() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Returns the value of the property

ConfigurationProperty::getType() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Returns the type of the property

ConfigurationProperty::getObjectConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Returns the (optional) object configuration which may be defined for properties of type OBJECT

ConfigurationProperty::getAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Returns the autowiring mode for this property

ObjectManager::getContext() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the context Flow is running in.

ObjectManager::get() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns a fresh or existing instance of the object specified by $objectName.

ObjectManager::getScope() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the scope of the specified object.

ObjectManager::getCaseSensitiveObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the case sensitive object name of an object specified by a case insensitive object name. If no object of that name exists, false is returned.

ObjectManager::getObjectNameByClassName() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the object name corresponding to a given class name.

ObjectManager::getClassNameByObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the implementation class name for the specified object

ObjectManager::getPackageKeyByObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the key of the package the specified object is contained in.

ObjectManager::getInstance() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns the instance of the specified object or NULL if no instance has been registered yet.

ObjectManager::getLazyDependencyByHash() — Method in class ObjectManager

This method is used internally to retrieve either an actual (singleton) instance of the specified dependency or, if no instance exists yet, a Dependency Proxy object which automatically triggers the creation of an instance as soon as it is used the first time.

ObjectManager::getSessionInstances() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns all instances of objects with scope session

ObjectManager::getAllObjectConfigurations() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns all current object configurations.

ObjectManagerInterface::getContext() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the currently set context.

ObjectManagerInterface::get() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns a fresh or existing instance of the object specified by $objectName.

ObjectManagerInterface::getCaseSensitiveObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the case sensitive object name of an object specified by a case insensitive object name. If no object of that name exists, false is returned.

ObjectManagerInterface::getObjectNameByClassName() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the object name corresponding to a given class name.

ObjectManagerInterface::getClassNameByObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the implementation class name for the specified object

ObjectManagerInterface::getPackageKeyByObjectName() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the key of the package the specified object is contained in.

ObjectManagerInterface::getScope() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns the scope of the specified object.

ObjectManagerInterface::getSessionInstances() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns all instances of objects with scope session

Compiler::getProxyClass() — Method in class Compiler

Returns a proxy class object for the specified original class.

Compiler::getStoredProxyClassMap() — Method in class Compiler
ProxyClass::getConstructor() — Method in class ProxyClass

Returns the ProxyConstructorGenerator for this ProxyClass. Creates it if needed.

ProxyClass::getMethod() — Method in class ProxyClass

Returns the named ProxyMethod for this ProxyClass. Creates it if needed.

ProxyConstructorGenerator::getOriginalVisibility() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::getFullOriginalClassName() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::generate() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Generates the code for the method.

FlowPackageInterface::getResourcesPath() — Method in class FlowPackageInterface

Returns the full path to this package's Resources directory

FlowPackageInterface::getConfigurationPath() — Method in class FlowPackageInterface

Returns the full path to this package's Configuration directory

FlowPackageInterface::getFunctionalTestsClassFiles() — Method in class FlowPackageInterface

Returns a generator of filenames of class files provided by functional tests contained in this package

FlowPackageInterface::getFunctionalTestsPath() — Method in class FlowPackageInterface

Returns the full path to this package's functional tests directory

GenericPackageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

The generic base package that represents third party packages

GenericPackage::getClassFiles() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns the array of filenames of the class files

GenericPackage::getPackageKey() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns the package key of this package.

GenericPackage::getComposerName() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns the packages composer name

GenericPackage::getNamespaces() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns array of all declared autoload namespaces contained in this package

GenericPackage::getAutoloadTypes() — Method in class GenericPackage
GenericPackage::getPackagePath() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns the full path to this package's main directory

GenericPackage::getAutoloadPaths() — Method in class GenericPackage
GenericPackage::getAutoloadConfiguration() — Method in class GenericPackage

Get the autoload configuration for this package. Any valid composer "autoload" configuration.

GenericPackage::getFlattenedAutoloadConfiguration() — Method in class GenericPackage

Get a flattened array of autoload configurations that have a predictable pattern (PSR-0, PSR-4)

GenericPackage::getComposerManifest() — Method in class GenericPackage

Returns contents of Composer manifest - or part there of.

GenericPackage::getInstalledVersion() — Method in class GenericPackage

Get the installed package version (from composer) and as fallback the version given by composer manifest.

GenericPackage::getClassesInNormalizedAutoloadPath() — Method in class GenericPackage
Package::getFunctionalTestsClassFiles() — Method in class Package

Returns a generator of filenames of class files provided by functional tests contained in this package

Package::getFunctionalTestsPath() — Method in class Package

Returns the full path to this package's functional tests directory

Package::getResourcesPath() — Method in class Package

Returns the full path to this package's Resources directory

Package::getConfigurationPath() — Method in class Package

Returns the full path to this package's Configuration directory

PackageInterface::getClassFiles() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns the array of filenames of the class files

PackageInterface::getComposerName() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns the composer name of this package.

PackageInterface::getNamespaces() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns an array of all namespaces declared for this package.

PackageInterface::getPackagePath() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns the full path to this package's main directory

PackageInterface::getInstalledVersion() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns the currently installed version of this package.

PackageInterface::getComposerManifest() — Method in class PackageInterface

Returns the composer manifest of this package or just contents of a specific key of the full configuration.

PackageKeyAwareInterface::getPackageKey() — Method in class PackageKeyAwareInterface

Returns the package key of this package.

PackageManager::getFlowPackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Get only packages that implement the FlowPackageInterface for use in the Framework Array keys will be the respective package keys.

PackageManager::getPackagesBasePath() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns the base path for packages

PackageManager::getPackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns a PackageInterface object for the specified package.

PackageManager::getAvailablePackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all available packages.

PackageManager::getFrozenPackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all frozen packages.

PackageManager::getFilteredPackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns an array of PackageInterface objects of all packages that match the given package state, path, and type filters. All three filters must match, if given.

PackageManager::getCurrentPackageStates() — Method in class PackageManager

Loads the states of available packages from the PackageStates.php file and initialises a package scan if the file was not found or the configuration format was not current.

PackageManager::getCaseSensitivePackageKey() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns the correctly cased version of the given package key or false if no such package is available.

PackageManager::getPackageKeyFromComposerName() — Method in class PackageManager

Resolves a Flow package key from a composer package name.

EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PersistenceMagicAspect::generateUuid() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect

After returning advice, making sure we have an UUID for each and every entity.

PersistenceMagicAspect::generateValueHash() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect

After returning advice, generates the value hash for the object

CachePool::getItem() — Method in class CachePool

Returns a Cache Item representing the specified key.

JsonArrayType::getName() — Method in class JsonArrayType
JsonArrayType::getSQLDeclaration() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Use jsonb for PostgreSQL.

JsonArrayType::getMappedDatabaseTypes() — Method in class JsonArrayType

We map jsonb fields to our datatype by default.

ClassMetadata::getReflectionClass() — Method in class ClassMetadata

Gets the ReflectionClass instance of the mapped class.

FlowAnnotationDriver::getClassSchema() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Fetch a class schema for the given class, if possible.

FlowAnnotationDriver::getMethodCallbacks() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns an array of callbacks for lifecycle annotations on the given method.

FlowAnnotationDriver::getMaxIdentifierLength() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Derive maximum identifier length from doctrine DBAL

FlowAnnotationDriver::getAllClassNames() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns the names of all mapped (non-transient) classes known to this driver.

FlowAnnotationDriver::getUnproxiedClassName() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns the classname after stripping a potentially present Compiler::ORIGINAL_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX.

FlowAnnotationDriver::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PersistenceManager::getIdentifierByObject() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Returns the (internal) identifier for the object, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.

PersistenceManager::getObjectByIdentifier() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Returns the object with the (internal) identifier, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.

Query::getType() — Method in class Query

Returns the type this query cares for.

Query::getResult() — Method in class Query

Gets the results of this query as array.

Query::getOrderings() — Method in class Query

Returns the property names to order the result by, like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

Query::getLimit() — Method in class Query

Returns the maximum size of the result set to limit.

Query::getOffset() — Method in class Query

Returns the start offset of the result set.

Query::getConstraint() — Method in class Query

Gets the constraint for this query.

Query::greaterThan() — Method in class Query

Returns a greater than criterion used for matching objects against a query

Query::greaterThanOrEqual() — Method in class Query

Returns a greater than or equal criterion used for matching objects against a query

Query::getParameters() — Method in class Query

Gets all defined query parameters for the query being constructed.

Query::getParamNeedle() — Method in class Query

Get a needle for parameter binding.

Query::getPropertyNameWithAlias() — Method in class Query

Adds left join clauses along the given property path to the query, if needed.

Query::getSql() — Method in class Query

Return the SQL statements representing this Query.

Query::getQueryBuilder() — Method in class Query
QueryResult::getQuery() — Method in class QueryResult

Returns a clone of the query object

QueryResult::getFirst() — Method in class QueryResult

Returns the first object in the result set

Repository::getEntityClassName() — Method in class Repository

Returns the classname of the entities this repository is managing.

Service::getEntityStatus() — Method in class Service

Returns information about which entities exist and possibly if their mapping information contains errors or not.

Service::getDependencyFactory() — Method in class Service

Return the configuration needed for Migrations.

Service::getFormattedMigrationStatus() — Method in class Service

Returns a formatted string of current database migration status.

Service::getMigrationStatus() — Method in class Service

Returns the current migration status as an array.

Service::generateMigration() — Method in class Service

Generates a new migration file and returns the path to it.

Service::getMigrationFolderName() — Method in class Service

Get a migration folder name based on current connection platform

Service::getForeignKeyHandlingSql() — Method in class Service

This serves a rather strange use case: renaming columns used in FK constraints.

EmptyQueryResult::getQuery() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult

Returns a clone of the query object

EmptyQueryResult::getFirst() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult

Returns NULL

PersistenceManagerInterface::getIdentifierByObject() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Returns the (internal) identifier for the object, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.

PersistenceManagerInterface::getObjectByIdentifier() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Returns the object with the (internal) identifier, if it is known to the backend. Otherwise NULL is returned.

QueryInterface::getType() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns the type this query cares for.

QueryInterface::getOrderings() — Method in class QueryInterface

Gets the property names to order the result by, like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

QueryInterface::getLimit() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns the maximum size of the result set to limit.

QueryInterface::getOffset() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns the start offset of the result set.

QueryInterface::getConstraint() — Method in class QueryInterface

Gets the constraint for this query.

QueryInterface::greaterThan() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a greater than criterion used for matching objects against a query

QueryInterface::greaterThanOrEqual() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a greater than or equal criterion used for matching objects against a query

QueryResultInterface::getQuery() — Method in class QueryResultInterface

Returns a clone of the query object

QueryResultInterface::getFirst() — Method in class QueryResultInterface

Returns the first object in the result set

Repository::getEntityClassName() — Method in class Repository

Returns the classname of the entities this repository is managing.

RepositoryInterface::getEntityClassName() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Returns the object type this repository is managing.

Exception::getStatusCode() — Method in class Exception

Return the status code of the nested exception, if any.

PropertyMapper::getTypeConverterImplementationClassNames() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Returns all class names implementing the TypeConverterInterface.

PropertyMapper::getMessages() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Get the messages of the last Property Mapping

PropertyMapper::getConvertersForInterfaces() — Method in class PropertyMapper
PropertyMapper::getTypeConverters() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Returns a multi-dimensional array with the Type Converters available in the system.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::getConfigurationFor() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Returns the sub-configuration for the passed $propertyName. Must ALWAYS return a valid configuration object!

PropertyMappingConfiguration::getTargetPropertyName() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Maps the given $sourcePropertyName to a target property name.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::getConfigurationValue() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration
PropertyMappingConfiguration::getTypeConvertersWithParentClasses() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Get type converter classes including parents for the given type converter

PropertyMappingConfiguration::getTypeConverter() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Return the type converter set for this configuration.

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::getConfigurationFor() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface

Returns the sub-configuration for the passed $propertyName. Must ALWAYS return a valid configuration object!

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::getTargetPropertyName() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface

Maps the given $sourcePropertyName to a target property name.

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::getConfigurationValue() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface
PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::getTypeConverter() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface

This method can be used to explicitely force a TypeConverter to be used for this Configuration.

TypeConverterInterface::getSupportedSourceTypes() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Returns the list of source types the TypeConverter can handle.

TypeConverterInterface::getSupportedTargetType() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Return the target type this TypeConverter converts to.

TypeConverterInterface::getTargetTypeForSource() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Returns the type for a given source, depending on e.g. the __type setting or other properties.

TypeConverterInterface::getPriority() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Return the priority of this TypeConverter. TypeConverters with a high priority are chosen before low priority.

TypeConverterInterface::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Return a list of sub-properties inside the source object.

TypeConverterInterface::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class TypeConverterInterface

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType

AbstractTypeConverter::getSupportedSourceTypes() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

Returns the list of source types the TypeConverter can handle.

AbstractTypeConverter::getSupportedTargetType() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

Return the target type this TypeConverter converts to.

AbstractTypeConverter::getTargetTypeForSource() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

Returns the $originalTargetType unchanged in this implementation.

AbstractTypeConverter::getPriority() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

Return the priority of this TypeConverter. TypeConverters with a high priority are chosen before low priority.

AbstractTypeConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

Returns an empty list of sub property names

AbstractTypeConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class AbstractTypeConverter

This method is never called, as getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() returns an empty array.

ArrayConverter::getStringDelimiter() — Method in class ArrayConverter
ArrayConverter::getStringFormat() — Method in class ArrayConverter
ArrayConverter::getResourceExportType() — Method in class ArrayConverter
ArrayFromObjectConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class ArrayFromObjectConverter

Convert all properties in the source array

ArrayFromObjectConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class ArrayFromObjectConverter
CollectionConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class CollectionConverter

Returns the source, if it is an array, otherwise an empty array.

CollectionConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class CollectionConverter

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType

DateTimeConverter::getDefaultDateFormat() — Method in class DateTimeConverter

Determines the default date format to use for the conversion.

DenormalizingObjectConverter::getSupportedSourceTypes() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::getSupportedTargetType() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::getTargetTypeForSource() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::getPriority() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter

Return the priority of this TypeConverter. TypeConverters with a high priority are chosen before low priority.

DenormalizingObjectConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
DenormalizingObjectConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
FloatConverter::getConfigurationKeysAndValues() — Method in class FloatConverter

Helper method to collect configuration for this class.

ObjectConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Convert all properties in the source array

ObjectConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class ObjectConverter

The type of a property is determined by the reflection service.

ObjectConverter::getTargetTypeForSource() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Determines the target type based on the source's (optional) __type key.

ObjectConverter::getConstructorArgumentsForClass() — Method in class ObjectConverter

Get the constructor argument reflection for the given object type.

PersistentObjectConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

All properties in the source array except __identity are sub-properties.

PersistentObjectConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

The type of a property is determined by the reflection service.

StringConverter::getDateFormat() — Method in class StringConverter

Determines the date format to use for the conversion.

StringConverter::getCsvDelimiter() — Method in class StringConverter

Determines the delimiter to use for the conversion from array to CSV format.

StringConverter::getArrayFormat() — Method in class StringConverter

Determines the format to use for the conversion from array to string.

TypedArrayConverter::getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() — Method in class TypedArrayConverter

Returns the source, if it is an array, otherwise an empty array.

TypedArrayConverter::getTypeOfChildProperty() — Method in class TypedArrayConverter

Return the type of a given sub-property inside the $targetType

ClassReflection::getConstructor() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getConstructor() method which makes sure that MethodReflection objects are returned instead of the original ReflectionMethod instances.

ClassReflection::getInterfaces() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getInterfaces() method which makes sure that ClassReflection objects are returned instead of the original ReflectionClass instances.

ClassReflection::getMethod() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getMethod() method which makes sure that MethodReflection objects are returned instead of the orginal ReflectionMethod instances.

ClassReflection::getMethods() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getMethods() method which makes sure that MethodReflection objects are returned instead of the original ReflectionMethod instances.

ClassReflection::getParentClass() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getParentClass() method which makes sure that a ClassReflection object is returned instead of the orginal ReflectionClass instance.

ClassReflection::getProperties() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getProperties() method which makes sure that PropertyReflection objects are returned instead of the orginal ReflectionProperty instances.

ClassReflection::getProperty() — Method in class ClassReflection

Replacement for the original getProperty() method which makes sure that a PropertyReflection object is returned instead of the orginal ReflectionProperty instance.

ClassReflection::getTagsValues() — Method in class ClassReflection

Returns an array of tags and their values

ClassReflection::getTagValues() — Method in class ClassReflection

Returns the values of the specified tag

ClassReflection::getDescription() — Method in class ClassReflection

Returns the description part of the doc comment

ClassReflection::getDocCommentParser() — Method in class ClassReflection

Returns an instance of the doc comment parser and runs the parse() method.

ClassSchema::getClassName() — Method in class ClassSchema

Returns the class name this schema is referring to

ClassSchema::getProperty() — Method in class ClassSchema

Returns the given property defined in this schema. Check with hasProperty($propertyName) before!

ClassSchema::getProperties() — Method in class ClassSchema

Returns all properties defined in this schema

ClassSchema::getModelType() — Method in class ClassSchema

Returns the model type of the class this schema is referring to.

ClassSchema::getRepositoryClassName() — Method in class ClassSchema
ClassSchema::getIdentityProperties() — Method in class ClassSchema

Gets the properties (names and types) forming the identity of an object.

DocCommentParser::getTagsValues() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Returns the tags which have been previously parsed

DocCommentParser::getTagValues() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Returns the values of the specified tag. The doc comment must be parsed with parseDocComment() before tags are available.

DocCommentParser::getDescription() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Returns the description which has been previously parsed

MethodReflection::getDeclaringClass() — Method in class MethodReflection

Returns the declaring class

MethodReflection::getParameters() — Method in class MethodReflection

Replacement for the original getParameters() method which makes sure that ParameterReflection objects are returned instead of the original ReflectionParameter instances.

MethodReflection::getTagsValues() — Method in class MethodReflection

Returns an array of tags and their values

MethodReflection::getTagValues() — Method in class MethodReflection

Returns the values of the specified tag

MethodReflection::getDescription() — Method in class MethodReflection

Returns the description part of the doc comment

MethodReflection::getDeclaredReturnType() — Method in class MethodReflection
MethodReflection::getDocCommentParser() — Method in class MethodReflection

Returns an instance of the doc comment parser and runs the parse() method.

ParameterReflection::getDeclaringClass() — Method in class ParameterReflection

Returns the declaring class

ParameterReflection::getClass() — Method in class ParameterReflection

Returns the parameter class

ParameterReflection::getBuiltinType() — Method in class ParameterReflection
PropertyReflection::getDeclaringClass() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns the declaring class

PropertyReflection::getTagsValues() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns an array of tags and their values

PropertyReflection::getTagValues() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns the values of the specified tag

PropertyReflection::getDescription() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns the description part of the doc comment

PropertyReflection::getValue() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns the value of the reflected property - even if it is protected.

PropertyReflection::getDocCommentParser() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns an instance of the doc comment parser and runs the parse() method.

ReflectionService::getDoctrinePhpParser() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::getAllClassNames() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the names of all classes known to this reflection service.

ReflectionService::getDefaultImplementationClassNameForInterface() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns the class name of the default implementation of the given interface name. If no class implementing the interface was found or more than one implementation was found in the package defining the interface, false is returned.

ReflectionService::getAllImplementationClassNamesForInterface() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns all class names of implementations of the given object type (interface name). If no class implementing the interface was found, an empty array is returned.

ReflectionService::getAllSubClassNamesForClass() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns all names of classes inheriting the specified class.

ReflectionService::getClassNamesByAnnotation() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns all names of classes which are tagged by the specified annotation. If no classes were found, an empty array is returned.

ReflectionService::getClassAnnotations() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified class annotations or an empty array

ReflectionService::getClassAnnotation() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified class annotation or NULL.

ReflectionService::getClassesContainingMethodsAnnotatedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns all class names of classes containing at least one method annotated with the given annotation class

ReflectionService::getMethodsAnnotatedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns all names of methods of the given class that are annotated with the given annotation class

ReflectionService::getMethodAnnotations() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified method annotations or an empty array

ReflectionService::getMethodAnnotation() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified method annotation or NULL.

ReflectionService::getClassPropertyNames() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the names of all properties of the specified class

ReflectionService::getMethodTagsValues() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns all tags and their values the specified method is tagged with

ReflectionService::getMethodParameters() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns an array of parameters of the given method. Each entry contains additional information about the parameter position, type hint etc.

ReflectionService::getMethodDeclaredReturnType() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the declared return type of a method (for PHP < 7.0 this will always return null)

ReflectionService::getPropertyNamesByTag() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns all names of class properties which are tagged by the specified tag.

ReflectionService::getPropertyTagsValues() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns all tags and their values the specified class property is tagged with

ReflectionService::getPropertyTagValues() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the values of the specified class property tag

ReflectionService::getPropertyType() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the property type

ReflectionService::getPropertyNamesByAnnotation() — Method in class ReflectionService

Searches for and returns all names of class properties which are marked by the specified annotation. If no properties were found, an empty array is returned.

ReflectionService::getPropertyAnnotations() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified property annotations or an empty array

ReflectionService::getPropertyAnnotation() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the specified property annotation or NULL.

ReflectionService::getClassSchema() — Method in class ReflectionService

Returns the class schema for the given class

ReflectionService::getParentClasses() — Method in class ReflectionService

Finds all parent classes of the given class

ReflectionService::getPrecompiledReflectionStoragePath() — Method in class ReflectionService
Collection::getName() — Method in class Collection

Returns the name of this collection

Collection::getStorage() — Method in class Collection

Returns the storage used for this collection

Collection::getTarget() — Method in class Collection

Returns the publication target defined for this collection

Collection::getObjects() — Method in class Collection

Returns all internal data objects of the storage attached to this collection.

Collection::getStreamByResource() — Method in class Collection

Returns a stream handle of the given persistent resource which allows for opening / copying the resource's data. Note that this stream handle may only be used read-only.

CollectionInterface::getName() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Returns the name of this collection

CollectionInterface::getStorage() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Returns the storage used for this collection

CollectionInterface::getTarget() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Returns the publication target defined for this collection

CollectionInterface::getObjects() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Returns all internal data objects of the storage attached to this collection.

CollectionInterface::getStreamByResource() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Returns a stream handle of the given persistent resource which allows for opening / copying the resource's data. Note that this stream handle may only be used read-only.

StaticResourceHelper::getLocalizedResourcePath() — Method in class StaticResourceHelper

Get a resource://.. url for the given arguments and apply localization if needed

PersistentResource::getStream() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns a stream for use with read-only file operations such as reading or copying.

PersistentResource::getCollectionName() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the name of the collection this resource is part of

PersistentResource::getFilename() — Method in class PersistentResource

Gets the filename

PersistentResource::getFileExtension() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the file extension used for this resource

PersistentResource::getRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the relative publication path

PersistentResource::getMediaType() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the Media Type for this resource

PersistentResource::getFileSize() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the size of the content of this resource

PersistentResource::getSha1() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns the SHA1 hash of the content of this resource

PersistentResource::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class PersistentResource

Returns a string which distinctly identifies this object and thus can be used as an identifier for cache entries related to this object. Introduced through the CacheAwareInterface.

ResourceManager::getResourceBySha1() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns the resource object identified by the given SHA1 hash over the content, or NULL if no such PersistentResource object is known yet.

ResourceManager::getStreamByResource() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns a stream handle of the given persistent resource which allows for opening / copying the resource's data. Note that this stream handle may only be used read-only.

ResourceManager::getImportedResources() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns an object storage with all resource objects which have been imported by the ResourceManager during this script call. Each resource comes with an array of additional information about its import.

ResourceManager::getPublicPersistentResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns the web accessible URI for the given resource object

ResourceManager::getPublicPersistentResourceUriByHash() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns the web accessible URI for the resource object specified by the given SHA1 hash.

ResourceManager::getPublicPackageResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns the public URI for a static resource provided by the specified package and in the given path below the package's resources directory.

ResourceManager::getPublicPackageResourceUriByPath() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns the public URI for a static resource provided by the public package

ResourceManager::getPackageAndPathByPublicPath() — Method in class ResourceManager

Return the package key and the relative path and filename from the given resource path

ResourceManager::getStorage() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns a Storage instance by the given name

ResourceManager::getCollection() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns a Collection instance by the given name

ResourceManager::getCollections() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns an array of currently known Collection instances

ResourceManager::getCollectionsByStorage() — Method in class ResourceManager

Returns an array of Collection instances which use the given storage

ResourceMetaDataInterface::getFilename() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Gets the filename

ResourceMetaDataInterface::getFileSize() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Returns the size of the content of this storage object

ResourceMetaDataInterface::getRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface
ResourceMetaDataInterface::getMediaType() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Returns the Media Type for this storage object

ResourceMetaDataInterface::getSha1() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Returns the sha1 hash of the content of this storage object

ResourceRepository::getAddedResources() — Method in class ResourceRepository
ResourceTypeConverter::getCollectionName() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter

Get the collection name this resource will be stored in. Default will be ResourceManager::DEFAULT_PERSISTENT_COLLECTION_NAME The propertyMappingConfiguration CONFIGURATION_COLLECTION_NAME will directly override the default. Then if CONFIGURATION_ALLOW_COLLECTION_OVERRIDE is true and __collectionName is in the $source this will finally be the value.

FileSystemStorage::getName() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Returns the instance name of this storage

FileSystemStorage::getStreamByResource() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Returns a stream handle which can be used internally to open / copy the given resource stored in this storage.

FileSystemStorage::getStreamByResourcePath() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Returns a stream handle which can be used internally to open / copy the given resource stored in this storage.

FileSystemStorage::getObjects() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Retrieve all Objects stored in this storage.

FileSystemStorage::getObjectsByCollection() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Retrieve all Objects stored in this storage, filtered by the given collection name

FileSystemStorage::getStoragePathAndFilenameByHash() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Determines and returns the absolute path and filename for a storage file identified by the given SHA1 hash.

PackageStorage::getObjects() — Method in class PackageStorage

Retrieve all Objects stored in this storage.

PackageStorage::getObjectsByPathPattern() — Method in class PackageStorage

Return all Objects stored in this storage filtered by the given directory / filename pattern

PackageStorage::getStreamByResource() — Method in class PackageStorage

Because we cannot store persistent resources in a PackageStorage, this method always returns false.

PackageStorage::getPublicResourcePaths() — Method in class PackageStorage

Returns the absolute paths of public resources directories of all active packages.

StorageInterface::getName() — Method in class StorageInterface

Returns the instance name of this storage

StorageInterface::getStreamByResource() — Method in class StorageInterface

Returns a stream handle which can be used internally to open / copy the given resource stored in this storage.

StorageInterface::getStreamByResourcePath() — Method in class StorageInterface

Returns a stream handle which can be used internally to open / copy the given resource stored in this storage.

StorageInterface::getObjects() — Method in class StorageInterface

Retrieve all Objects stored in this storage.

StorageInterface::getObjectsByCollection() — Method in class StorageInterface

Retrieve all Objects stored in this storage, filtered by the given collection name

StorageObject::getMediaType() — Method in class StorageObject

Retrieve the IANA media type of this Object

StorageObject::getFilename() — Method in class StorageObject

Retrieve the suggested filename of this Object

StorageObject::getRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class StorageObject

Retrieve the suggested relative publication path

StorageObject::getFileSize() — Method in class StorageObject

Returns the size of the content of this storage object

StorageObject::getSha1() — Method in class StorageObject

Retrieve the SHA1 hash identifying the data of this object

StorageObject::getStream() — Method in class StorageObject

Returns the data stream which can deliver the content of this storage object

ResourceStreamWrapper::getScheme() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Returns the scheme ("protocol") this wrapper handles.

StreamWrapperAdapter::getRegisteredStreamWrappers() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Returns the stream wrappers registered with this class.

StreamWrapperAdapter::getStreamWrapperImplementationClassNames() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Returns all class names implementing the StreamWrapperInterface.

StreamWrapperInterface::getScheme() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Returns the scheme ("protocol") this wrapper handles.

FileSystemTarget::getName() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Returns the name of this target instance

FileSystemTarget::getPublicStaticResourceUri() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Returns the web accessible URI pointing to the given static resource

FileSystemTarget::getPublicPersistentResourceUri() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Returns the web accessible URI pointing to the specified persistent resource

FileSystemTarget::getResourcesBaseUri() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Returns the resolved absolute base URI for resources of this target.

FileSystemTarget::getRelativePublicationPathAndFilename() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Determines and returns the relative path and filename for the given Storage Object or PersistentResource. If the given object represents a persistent resource, its own relative publication path will be empty. If the given object represents a static resources, it will contain a relative path.

TargetInterface::getName() — Method in class TargetInterface

Returns the name of this target instance

TargetInterface::getPublicStaticResourceUri() — Method in class TargetInterface

Returns the web accessible URI pointing to the given static resource

TargetInterface::getPublicPersistentResourceUri() — Method in class TargetInterface

Returns the web accessible URI pointing to the specified persistent resource

Account::getAccountIdentifier() — Method in class Account

Returns the account identifier

Account::getAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class Account

Returns the authentication provider name this account corresponds to

Account::getCredentialsSource() — Method in class Account

Returns the credentials source

Account::getRoles() — Method in class Account

Returns the roles this account has assigned

Account::getCreationDate() — Method in class Account

Returns the date on which this account has been created.

Account::getExpirationDate() — Method in class Account

Returns the date on which this account has expired or will expire. If no expiration date has been set, NULL is returned.

Account::getFailedAuthenticationCount() — Method in class Account
Account::getLastSuccessfulAuthenticationDate() — Method in class Account
LoggingAspect::getLogEnvironmentFromJoinPoint() — Method in class LoggingAspect
AuthenticationManagerInterface::getSecurityContext() — Method in class AuthenticationManagerInterface

Returns the security context

AuthenticationProviderInterface::getTokenClassNames() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderInterface

Returns the classnames of the tokens this provider is responsible for.

AuthenticationProviderManager::getSecurityContext() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Returns the security context

AbstractAuthenticationController::getErrorFlashMessage() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize the flash message in your action controller.

EntryPointInterface::getOptions() — Method in class EntryPointInterface

Returns the options array

AbstractEntryPoint::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractEntryPoint

Returns the options array

WebRedirect::generateUriFromRouteValues() — Method in class WebRedirect
FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider::getTokenClassNames() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider

Returns the class names of the tokens this provider can authenticate.

PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider::getTokenClassNames() — Method in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider

Returns the class names of the tokens this provider can authenticate.

TestingProvider::getTokenClassNames() — Method in class TestingProvider

Returns the class names of the tokens this provider can authenticate.

TokenAndProviderFactory::getTokens() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactory

Returns clean tokens this manager is responsible for.

TokenAndProviderFactory::getProviders() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactory

Returns all configured authentication providers

TokenAndProviderFactoryInterface::getTokens() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactoryInterface
TokenAndProviderFactoryInterface::getProviders() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactoryInterface
TokenInterface::getAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns the name of the authentication provider responsible for this token

TokenInterface::getAuthenticationStatus() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns the current authentication status

TokenInterface::getAuthenticationEntryPoint() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns the configured authentication entry point, NULL if none is available

TokenInterface::getRequestPatterns() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns an array of set \Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPatternInterface, NULL if none was set

TokenInterface::getCredentials() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns the credentials of this token. The type depends on the provider of the token.

TokenInterface::getAccount() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns the account if one is authenticated, NULL otherwise.

AbstractToken::getAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns the name of the authentication provider responsible for this token

AbstractToken::getAuthenticationEntryPoint() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns the configured authentication entry point, NULL if none is available

AbstractToken::getRequestPatterns() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns an array of set \Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPatternInterface, NULL if none was set

AbstractToken::getCredentials() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns the credentials (username and password) of this token.

AbstractToken::getAccount() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns the account if one is authenticated, NULL otherwise.

AbstractToken::getAuthenticationStatus() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns the current authentication status

BearerToken::getBearer() — Method in class BearerToken
PasswordToken::getPassword() — Method in class PasswordToken
PasswordTokenInterface::getPassword() — Method in class PasswordTokenInterface
UsernamePassword::getUsername() — Method in class UsernamePassword
UsernamePassword::getPassword() — Method in class UsernamePassword
UsernamePasswordTokenInterface::getUsername() — Method in class UsernamePasswordTokenInterface
UsernamePasswordTokenInterface::getPassword() — Method in class UsernamePasswordTokenInterface
PrivilegeManager::getPrivilegeByTypeReducer() — Method in class PrivilegeManager
PrivilegeManager::getPrivilegeSubjectFilter() — Method in class PrivilegeManager
$ PrivilegePermissionResult#grantsProperty in class PrivilegePermissionResult
PrivilegePermissionResult::getDenies() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult
PrivilegePermissionResult::getGrants() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult
PrivilegePermissionResult::getAbstains() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult
PrivilegePermissionResult::getEffectivePrivilegeIdentifiersWithPermission() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult
AbstractPrivilege::getCacheEntryIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

Unique identifier of this privilege

AbstractPrivilege::getParameters() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
AbstractPrivilege::getPermission() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
AbstractPrivilege::getPrivilegeTarget() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

The related privilege target

AbstractPrivilege::getPrivilegeTargetIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

Unique identifier for the related privilege target (e.g. "Neos.Flow:PublicMethods")

AbstractPrivilege::getMatcher() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

A matcher string, describing the privilegeTarget (e.g. pointcut expression for methods or EEL expression for entities)

AbstractPrivilege::getParsedMatcher() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

Returns the matcher string with replaced parameter markers.

ConditionGenerator::getEntityType() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
ConjunctionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class ConjunctionGenerator
DisjunctionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class DisjunctionGenerator
EntityPrivilege::getSqlConstraint() — Method in class EntityPrivilege

Note: The result of this method cannot be cached, as the target table alias might change for different query scenarios

EntityPrivilege::getConditionGenerator() — Method in class EntityPrivilege
EntityPrivilegeExpressionEvaluator::generateEvaluatorCode() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionEvaluator

Internal generator method

FalseConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class FalseConditionGenerator

Returns an SQL query part that is basically a no-op in order to match no entity

NotExpressionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class NotExpressionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#globalObjectsProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator

Array of registered global objects that can be accessed as operands

PropertyConditionGenerator::greaterThan() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::greaterOrEqual() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSqlForPropertyContains() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSqlForSimpleProperty() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSqlForManyToOneAndOneToOneRelationsWithoutPropertyPath() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSqlForManyToOneAndOneToOneRelationsWithPropertyPath() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getSubselectQuery() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getConstraintStringForSimpleProperty() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getValueForOperand() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator

Returns the static value of the given operand, this might be also a global object

PropertyConditionGenerator::getRawParameterValue() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::getObjectValueByPath() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator

Redirects directly to \Neos\Utility\ObjectAccess::getPropertyPath($result, $propertyPath) This is only needed for unit tests!

SqlGeneratorInterface::getSql() — Method in class SqlGeneratorInterface
TrueConditionGenerator::getSql() — Method in class TrueConditionGenerator

Returns an SQL query part that is basically a no-op in order to match any entity

EntityPrivilegeInterface::getSqlConstraint() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeInterface
MethodPrivilege::getPointcutFilterComposite() — Method in class MethodPrivilege

Returns the pointcut filter composite, matching all methods covered by this privilege

MethodPrivilegeInterface::getPointcutFilterComposite() — Method in class MethodPrivilegeInterface

Returns the pointcut filter composite, matching all methods covered by this privilege

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for the pointcut.

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::getFilterEvaluator() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
MethodPrivilegeSubject::getJoinPoint() — Method in class MethodPrivilegeSubject
AbstractPrivilegeParameter::getName() — Method in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter

Name of this parameter

AbstractPrivilegeParameter::getValue() — Method in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter

The value of this parameter

PrivilegeParameterDefinition::getName() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterDefinition
PrivilegeParameterDefinition::getParameterClassName() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterDefinition
PrivilegeParameterInterface::getName() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface

Name of this parameter

PrivilegeParameterInterface::getValue() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface

The value of this parameter

PrivilegeParameterInterface::getPossibleValues() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface
PrivilegeParameterInterface::getType() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface
StringPrivilegeParameter::getPossibleValues() — Method in class StringPrivilegeParameter
StringPrivilegeParameter::getType() — Method in class StringPrivilegeParameter
PrivilegeInterface::getPermission() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
PrivilegeInterface::getPrivilegeTarget() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface

Returns the related privilege target

PrivilegeInterface::getPrivilegeTargetIdentifier() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface

Unique name of the related privilege target (for example "Neos.Flow:PublicMethods")

PrivilegeInterface::getMatcher() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface

A matcher string, describing the privilegeTarget (e.g. pointcut expression for methods or EEL expression for entities)

PrivilegeInterface::getParameters() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
PrivilegeTarget::getIdentifier() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::getPrivilegeClassName() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::getMatcher() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::getParameterDefinitions() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::getLabel() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
RequestFilter::getRequestPattern() — Method in class RequestFilter

Returns the set request pattern

RequestFilter::getSecurityInterceptor() — Method in class RequestFilter

Returns the set security interceptor

$ Context#globalObjectsProperty in class Context

Array of registered global objects that can be accessed as operands

Context::getAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class Context

Get the token authentication strategy

Context::getAuthenticationTokens() — Method in class Context

Returns all Authentication\Tokens of the security context which are active for the current request. If a token has a request pattern that cannot match against the current request it is determined as not active.

Context::getAuthenticationTokensOfType() — Method in class Context

Returns all Authentication\Tokens of the security context which are active for the current request and of the given type. If a token has a request pattern that cannot match against the current request it is determined as not active.

Context::getRoles() — Method in class Context

Returns the roles of all authenticated accounts, including inherited roles.

Context::getAccount() — Method in class Context

Returns the account of the first authenticated authentication token.

Context::getAccountByAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class Context

Returns an authenticated account for the given provider or NULL if no account was authenticated or no token was registered for the given authentication provider name.

Context::getCsrfProtectionToken() — Method in class Context

Returns the current CSRF protection token. A new one is created when needed, depending on the configured CSRF protection strategy.

Context::getInterceptedRequest() — Method in class Context

Returns the request, that has been stored for later resuming after it has been intercepted by a security exception, NULL if there is none.

Context::getContextHash() — Method in class Context

Returns a hash that is unique for the current context, depending on hash components, setContextHashComponent()

Context::getSessionTagForAccount() — Method in class Context

returns the tag to use for sessions belonging to the given $account

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::generateKey() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Generates a new key & saves it encrypted with a hashing strategy

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::getKey() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Returns a key by its name

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::getKeyPathAndFilename() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Returns the path and filename for the key with the given name.

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::getPath() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Helper function to get the base path for key storage.

HashService::generateHmac() — Method in class HashService

Generate a hash (HMAC) for a given string

HashService::getPasswordHashingStrategyAndIdentifier() — Method in class HashService

Get a password hashing strategy

HashService::getEncryptionKey() — Method in class HashService

Returns the encryption key from the persistent cache or Data/Persistent directory. If none exists, a new encryption key will be generated and stored in the cache.

OpenSslRsaKey::getModulus() — Method in class OpenSslRsaKey

Returns the modulus in HEX representation

OpenSslRsaKey::getKeyString() — Method in class OpenSslRsaKey

Returns the key string

PrecomposedHashProvider::getPrecomposedHash() — Method in class PrecomposedHashProvider
RsaWalletServiceInterface::generateNewKeypair() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Generates a new keypair and returns a fingerprint to refer to it

RsaWalletServiceInterface::getPublicKey() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Returns the public key for the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::generateNewKeypair() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Generates a new keypair and returns a fingerprint to refer to it

RsaWalletServicePhp::getPublicKey() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Returns the public key for the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::getFingerprintByPublicKey() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Generate an OpenSSH fingerprint for a RSA public key

DummyContext::getAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class DummyContext

Get the token authentication strategy

DummyContext::getAuthenticationTokens() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns all Authentication\Tokens of the security context which are active for the current request. If a token has a request pattern that cannot match against the current request it is determined as not active.

DummyContext::getAuthenticationTokensOfType() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns all Authentication\Tokens of the security context which are active for the current request and of the given type. If a token has a request pattern that cannot match against the current request it is determined as not active.

DummyContext::getRoles() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns the roles of all authenticated accounts, including inherited roles.

DummyContext::getCsrfProtectionToken() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns the current CSRF protection token. A new one is created when needed, depending on the configured CSRF protection strategy.

DummyContext::getInterceptedRequest() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns the request, that has been stored for later resuming after it has been intercepted by a security exception, NULL if there is none.

AuthenticationRequiredException::getInterceptedRequest() — Method in class AuthenticationRequiredException
PolicyService::getRole() — Method in class PolicyService

Returns a Role object configured in the PolicyService

PolicyService::getRoles() — Method in class PolicyService

Returns an array of all configured roles

PolicyService::getAllPrivilegesByType() — Method in class PolicyService

Returns all privileges of the given type

PolicyService::getPrivilegeTargets() — Method in class PolicyService

Returns all configured privilege targets

PolicyService::getPrivilegeTargetByIdentifier() — Method in class PolicyService

Returns the privilege target identified by the given string

Role::getIdentifier() — Method in class Role

Returns the fully qualified identifier of this role

Role::getPackageKey() — Method in class Role

The key of the package that defines this role.

Role::getName() — Method in class Role

The name of this role, being the identifier without the package key.

Role::getParentRoles() — Method in class Role

Returns an array of all directly assigned parent roles.

Role::getAllParentRoles() — Method in class Role

Returns all (directly and indirectly reachable) parent roles for the given role.

Role::getPrivileges() — Method in class Role
Role::getPrivilegesByType() — Method in class Role
Role::getPrivilegeForTarget() — Method in class Role
Role::getLabel() — Method in class Role
Role::getDescription() — Method in class Role
SessionDataContainer::getSecurityTokens() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Get the current list of security tokens.

SessionDataContainer::getCsrfProtectionTokens() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Get the current list of active CSRF tokens.

SessionDataContainer::getInterceptedRequest() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Get a possible saved request after a security exceptoin happeened.

LoggingAspect::getSessionImplementationClassName() — Method in class LoggingAspect
SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter::getRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter

Returns runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

CookieEnabledInterface::getSessionCookie() — Method in class CookieEnabledInterface
Session::getSessionCookie() — Method in class Session
Session::getId() — Method in class Session

Returns the current session identifier

Session::getData() — Method in class Session

Returns the data associated with the given key.

Session::getLastActivityTimestamp() — Method in class Session

Returns the unix time stamp marking the last point in time this session has been in use.

Session::getTags() — Method in class Session

Returns the tags this session has been tagged with.

SessionInterface::getId() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns the current session ID.

SessionInterface::getData() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns the content (mixed) associated with the given key.

SessionInterface::getTags() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns the tags this session has been tagged with.

SessionInterface::getLastActivityTimestamp() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns the unix time stamp marking the last point in time this session has been in use.

SessionManager::getCurrentSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Returns the currently active session which stores session data for the current HTTP request on this local system.

SessionManager::getSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Returns the specified session. If no session with the given identifier exists, NULL is returned.

SessionManager::getActiveSessions() — Method in class SessionManager

Returns all active sessions, even remote ones.

SessionManager::getSessionsByTag() — Method in class SessionManager

Returns all sessions which are tagged by the specified tag.

SessionManagerInterface::getCurrentSession() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Returns the currently active session which stores session data for the current HTTP request on this local system.

SessionManagerInterface::getSession() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Returns the specified session. If no session with the given identifier exists, NULL is returned.

SessionManagerInterface::getActiveSessions() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Returns all active sessions, even remote ones.

SessionManagerInterface::getSessionsByTag() — Method in class SessionManagerInterface

Returns all sessions which are tagged by the specified tag.

TransientSession::getId() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns the current session ID.

TransientSession::getData() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns the data associated with the given key.

TransientSession::getLastActivityTimestamp() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns the unix time stamp marking the last point in time this session has been in use.

TransientSession::getTags() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns the tags this session has been tagged with.

Dispatcher::getSlots() — Method in class Dispatcher

Returns all slots which are connected with the given signal

Dispatcher::getSignals() — Method in class Dispatcher

Returns all signals with its slots

SignalInformation::getSignalClassName() — Method in class SignalInformation
SignalInformation::getSignalName() — Method in class SignalInformation
SignalInformation::getSignalArguments() — Method in class SignalInformation
SignalInformation::getSignalArgument() — Method in class SignalInformation
EmptyRequestHandler::getPriority() — Method in class EmptyRequestHandler

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request. An integer > 0 means "I want to handle this request" where "100" is default. "0" means "I am a fallback solution".

RuntimeSequenceHttpRequestHandler::getHttpRequest() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceHttpRequestHandler

Returns the currently processed HTTP request

RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler::getPriority() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler

Returns the priority - how eager the handler is to actually handle the request.

Algorithms::generateUUID() — Method in class Algorithms

Generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) according to RFC 4122.

Algorithms::generateRandomBytes() — Method in class Algorithms

Returns a string of random bytes.

Algorithms::generateRandomToken() — Method in class Algorithms

Returns a random token in hex format.

Algorithms::generateRandomString() — Method in class Algorithms

Returns a random string with alpha-numeric characters.

Environment::getPathToTemporaryDirectory() — Method in class Environment

Returns the full path to Flow's temporary directory.

Environment::getMaximumPathLength() — Method in class Environment

Retrieves the maximum path length that is valid in the current environment.

Environment::getContext() — Method in class Environment
ValidatorResolver::getBaseValidatorConjunction() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Resolves and returns the base validator conjunction for the given data type.

ValidatorResolver::getPolyTypeObjectValidatorImplementationClassNames() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Returns a map of object validator class names.

ValidatorResolver::getValidatorImplementationClassNames() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Returns all class names implementing the ValidatorInterface.

ValidatorResolver::getValidatorType() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Used to map PHP types to validator types.

AbstractCompositeValidator::getValidators() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Returns the child validators of this Composite Validator

AbstractCompositeValidator::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Returns the options for this validator

AbstractValidator::getResult() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Get the current Result for this validation invocation. Use this inside your isValid() implementation to e.g. merge results together into the current one.

AbstractValidator::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Returns the options of this validator

GenericObjectValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A generic object validator which allows for specifying property validators.

GenericObjectValidator::getPropertyValue() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Load the property value to be used for validation.

GenericObjectValidator::getPropertyValidators() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Returns all property validators - or only validators of the specified property

PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterface::getPriority() — Method in class PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterface

Return the priority of this validator.

ValidatorInterface::getOptions() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Returns the options of this validator which can be specified in the constructor

DocumentationCommandController::generateXsdCommand() — Method in class DocumentationCommandController

Generate Fluid ViewHelper XSD Schema

CacheAdaptor::get() — Method in class CacheAdaptor

Gets an entry from the cache or NULL if the entry does not exist.

CacheAdaptor::getCacheWarmer() — Method in class CacheAdaptor

Get an instance of FluidCacheWarmerInterface which can warm up template files that would normally be cached on-the-fly to this FluidCacheInterface implementaion.

ResourceInterceptor::getInterceptionPoints() — Method in class ResourceInterceptor

This interceptor wants to hook into text nodes.

FlowAwareRenderingContextInterface::getObjectManager() — Method in class FlowAwareRenderingContextInterface
FlowAwareRenderingContextInterface::getControllerContext() — Method in class FlowAwareRenderingContextInterface
RenderingContext::getControllerContext() — Method in class RenderingContext
RenderingContext::getObjectManager() — Method in class RenderingContext
AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper::getLocale() — Method in class AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper

Get the locale to use for all locale specific functionality.

TemplateVariableContainer::getByPath() — Method in class TemplateVariableContainer

Get a variable by dotted path expression, retrieving the variable from nested arrays/objects one segment at a time.

TemplateVariableContainer::getBooleanValue() — Method in class TemplateVariableContainer

Tries to interpret the given path as boolean value, either returns the boolean value or null.

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::getWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Generate the configuration for this widget. Override to adjust.

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::getAjaxWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Generate the configuration for this widget in AJAX context.

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::getNonAjaxWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Generate the configuration for this widget in non-AJAX context.

AjaxWidgetContextHolder::get() — Method in class AjaxWidgetContextHolder

Get the widget context for the given $ajaxWidgetId.

WidgetContext::getWidgetIdentifier() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::getAjaxWidgetIdentifier() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::getWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::getControllerObjectName() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::getViewHelperChildNodes() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::getViewHelperChildNodeRenderingContext() — Method in class WidgetContext
AbstractGenerator::getClassNamesInNamespace() — Method in class AbstractGenerator

Get all class names inside this namespace and return them as array.

AbstractGenerator::getTagNameForClass() — Method in class AbstractGenerator

Get a tag name for a given ViewHelper class.

XsdGenerator::generateXsd() — Method in class XsdGenerator

Generate the XML Schema definition for a given namespace.

XsdGenerator::generateXmlForClassName() — Method in class XsdGenerator

Generate the XML Schema for a given class name.

FormViewHelper::getFormActionUri() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Returns the action URI of the form tag.

FormViewHelper::getFormObjectName() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Returns the name of the object that is bound to this form.

FormViewHelper::getFieldNamePrefix() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Get the field name prefix

FormViewHelper::getDefaultFieldNamePrefix() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Retrieves the default field name prefix for this form

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getName() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Get the name of this form element.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getRequest() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Shortcut for retrieving the request from the controller context

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getNameWithoutPrefix() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Get the name of this form element, without prefix.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getValueAttribute() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Returns the current value of this Form ViewHelper and converts it to an identifier string in case it's an object The value is determined as follows:

  • If property mapping errors occurred and the form is re-displayed, the last submitted value is returned
  • Else the bound property is returned (only in objectAccessor-mode)
  • As fallback the "value" argument of this ViewHelper is used
AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getLastSubmittedFormData() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Get the form data which has last been submitted; only returns valid data in case a property mapping error has occurred. Check with hasMappingErrorOccurred() before!

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getPropertyValue() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Get the current property of the object bound to this form.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getPropertyPath() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Returns the "absolute" property path of the property bound to this ViewHelper.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getMappingResultsForProperty() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Get errors for the property and form name of this view helper

SelectViewHelper::getOptions() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Render the option tags.

SelectViewHelper::getSelectedValue() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Retrieves the selected value(s)

SelectViewHelper::getOptionValueScalar() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Get the option value for an object

SelectViewHelper::getTranslatedLabel() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Returns a translated version of the given label

UploadViewHelper::getUploadedResource() — Method in class UploadViewHelper

Returns a previously uploaded resource, or the resource specified via "value" argument if no resource has been uploaded before If errors occurred during property mapping for this property, NULL is returned

UploadViewHelper::getNameWithoutPrefix() — Method in class UploadViewHelper

Get the name of this form element, without prefix.

RenderChildrenViewHelper::getWidgetRenderingContext() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper

Get the widget rendering context, or throw an exception if it cannot be found.

RenderChildrenViewHelper::getWidgetChildNodes() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper
RenderChildrenViewHelper::getWidgetContext() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper
IfAccessViewHelper::getPrivilegeManager() — Method in class IfAccessViewHelper
LinkViewHelper::getAjaxUri() — Method in class LinkViewHelper

Get the URI for an AJAX Request.

LinkViewHelper::getWidgetUri() — Method in class LinkViewHelper

Get the URI for a non-AJAX Request.

UriViewHelper::getAjaxUri() — Method in class UriViewHelper

Get the URI for an AJAX Request.

UriViewHelper::getWidgetUri() — Method in class UriViewHelper

Get the URI for a non-AJAX Request.

AbstractTemplateView::getOption() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Get a specific option of this View

StandaloneView::getFormat() — Method in class StandaloneView

Returns the format of the current request (defaults is "html")

StandaloneView::getRequest() — Method in class StandaloneView

Returns the current request object

StandaloneView::getTemplatePathAndFilename() — Method in class StandaloneView

Returns the absolute path to a Fluid template file if it was specified with setTemplatePathAndFilename() before

StandaloneView::getLayoutRootPaths() — Method in class StandaloneView

Resolves the layout root to be used inside other paths.

StandaloneView::getPartialRootPaths() — Method in class StandaloneView

Returns the absolute path to the folder that contains Fluid partial files

TemplatePaths::getTemplateRootPathPattern() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::getTemplateRootPaths() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Resolves the template root to be used inside other paths.

TemplatePaths::getLayoutRootPaths() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::getPartialRootPaths() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::getPatternReplacementVariables() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::getLayoutPathAndFilename() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Resolve the path and file name of the layout file, based on $this->options['layoutPathAndFilename'] and $this->options['layoutPathAndFilenamePattern'].

TemplatePaths::getPartialPathAndFilename() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Resolve the partial path and filename based on $this->options['partialPathAndFilenamePattern'].

TemplatePaths::getPackagePath() — Method in class TemplatePaths
TemplatePaths::getOption() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Get a specific option of this object

FlowUploadedFile::getOriginallySubmittedResource() — Method in class FlowUploadedFile

This is either the persistent identifier of a previously submitted resource file or an array with the "__identity" key set to the persistent identifier.

FlowUploadedFile::getCollectionName() — Method in class FlowUploadedFile
$ KickstartCommandController#generatorServiceProperty in class KickstartCommandController
GeneratorServiceClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\Service

Service for the Kickstart generator

$ GeneratorService#generatedFilesProperty in class GeneratorService
GeneratorService::generateActionController() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a controller with the given name for the given package

GeneratorService::generateCrudController() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate an Action Controller with pre-made CRUD methods

GeneratorService::generateCommandController() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a command controller with the given name for the given package

GeneratorService::generateView() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a view with the given name for the given package and controller

GeneratorService::generateLayout() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a default layout

GeneratorService::generateFusion() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a Fusion with the given name for the given package and controller

GeneratorService::generatePrototype() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a default page prototype

GeneratorService::generateModel() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a model for the package with the given model name and fields

GeneratorService::generateTestsForModel() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a dummy testcase for a model for the package with the given model name

GeneratorService::generateRepository() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a repository for a model given a model name and package key

GeneratorService::generateDocumentation() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a documentation skeleton for the package key

GeneratorService::generateTranslation() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate translation for the package key

GeneratorService::generateFile() — Method in class GeneratorService

Generate a file with the given content and add it to the generated files

GeneratorService::getPrimaryNamespaceAndEntryPath() — Method in class GeneratorService
Arrays::getValueByPath() — Method in class Arrays

Returns the value of a nested array by following the specifed path.

Arrays::getAccessorByPath() — Method in class Arrays

Returns a type safe accessor for a value in a nested array by following the specified path.

Files::getUnixStylePath() — Method in class Files

Replacing backslashes and double slashes to slashes.

Files::getNormalizedPath() — Method in class Files

Makes sure path has a trailing slash

Files::getRecursiveDirectoryGenerator() — Method in class Files
Files::getFileContents() — Method in class Files

An enhanced version of file_get_contents which intercepts the warning issued by the original function if a file could not be loaded.

Files::getUploadErrorMessage() — Method in class Files

Returns a human-readable message for the given PHP file upload error constant.

Files::getRelativePath() — Method in class Files

Finds the relative path between two given absolute paths.

MediaTypes::getMediaTypeFromFilename() — Method in class MediaTypes

Returns a Media Type based on the filename extension

MediaTypes::getMediaTypeFromFileContent() — Method in class MediaTypes

Returns a Media Type based on the file content

MediaTypes::getFilenameExtensionFromMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypes

Returns the primary filename extension based on the given Media Type.

MediaTypes::getFilenameExtensionsFromMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypes

Returns all possible filename extensions based on the given Media Type.

$ ObjectAccess#gettablePropertyNamesCacheProperty in class ObjectAccess

Internal RuntimeCache for getGettablePropertyNames()

ObjectAccess::getProperty() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Get a property of a given object or array.

ObjectAccess::getPropertyInternal() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Gets a property of a given object or array.

ObjectAccess::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Gets a property path from a given object or array.

ObjectAccess::getGettablePropertyNames() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Returns an array of properties which can be get with the getProperty() method.

ObjectAccess::getSettablePropertyNames() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Returns an array of properties which can be set with the setProperty() method.

ObjectAccess::getGettableProperties() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Get all properties (names and their current values) of the current $object that are accessible through this class.

PositionalArraySorter::getSortedKeys() — Method in class PositionalArraySorter

Returns the keys of $this->subject sorted according to the position meta data

SchemaGenerator::generate() — Method in class SchemaGenerator

Generate a schema for the given value

SchemaGenerator::generateDictionarySchema() — Method in class SchemaGenerator

Create a schema for a dictionary

SchemaGenerator::generateArraySchema() — Method in class SchemaGenerator

Create a schema for an array structure

SchemaGenerator::generateStringSchema() — Method in class SchemaGenerator

Create a schema for a given string

TypeHandling::getTypeForValue() — Method in class TypeHandling

Return simple type or class for object

TextIterator::getAll() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns all elements of the iterator in an array

TextIterator::getRuleStatus() — Method in class TextIterator
TextIterator::getRuleStatusArray() — Method in class TextIterator
TextIterator::getAvailableLocales() — Method in class TextIterator
TextIteratorElement::getValue() — Method in class TextIteratorElement

Returns the element's value

TextIteratorElement::getOffset() — Method in class TextIteratorElement

Returns the element's offset

TextIteratorElement::getLength() — Method in class TextIteratorElement

Returns the element's length


ApcuBackend::has() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

BackendInterface::has() — Method in class BackendInterface

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

FileBackend::has() — Method in class FileBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

MemcachedBackend::has() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

MultiBackend::has() — Method in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::handleError() — Method in class MultiBackend
NullBackend::has() — Method in class NullBackend

Returns False

PdoBackend::has() — Method in class PdoBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

$ RedisBackend#hostnameProperty in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::has() — Method in class RedisBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

SimpleFileBackend::has() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

TransientMemoryBackend::has() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

AbstractFrontend::has() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

FrontendInterface::has() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Checks if a cache entry with the specified identifier exists.

$ CacheItem#hitProperty in class CacheItem
CachePool::hasItem() — Method in class CachePool

Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.

SimpleCache::has() — Method in class SimpleCache
OperationResolver::hasOperation() — Method in class OperationResolver
OperationResolverInterface::hasOperation() — Method in class OperationResolverInterface
FilterOperation::handleSimpleTypeOperand() — Method in class FilterOperation
DateHelper::hour() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the hour of a date (24 hour format)

MathHelper::hypot() — Method in class MathHelper
SecurityHelper::hasAccess() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Returns true, if access to the given privilege-target is granted

SecurityHelper::hasRole() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Returns true, if at least one of the currently authenticated accounts holds a role with the given identifier, also recursively.

StringHelper::htmlSpecialChars() — Method in class StringHelper

Convert special characters to HTML entities

Message::hasCode() — Method in class Message
Message::hasTitle() — Method in class Message
Result::hasErrors() — Method in class Result

Does the current Result object have Errors? (Recursively)

Result::hasWarnings() — Method in class Result

Does the current Result object have Warnings? (Recursively)

Result::hasNotices() — Method in class Result

Does the current Result object have Notices? (Recursively)

Result::hasMessages() — Method in class Result

Does the current Result object have Notices, Errors or Warnings? (Recursively)

ClassNameIndex::hasClassName() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Checks, if a class name is contained in this index

JoinPoint::hasException() — Method in class JoinPoint

If an exception was thrown by the target method Only makes sense for After Throwing advices.

JoinPointInterface::hasException() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

If an exception was thrown by the target method Only makes sense for After Throwing advices.

Pointcut::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class Pointcut

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutClassNameFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutClassTypeFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutFilterComposite::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutFilterInterface::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilterInterface

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutMethodNameFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PointcutSettingFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

CacheManager::hasCache() — Method in class CacheManager

Checks if the specified cache has been registered.

Command::hasArguments() — Method in class Command

Returns true if this command expects required and/or optional arguments, otherwise false

CommandRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

Handles a command line request.

Request::hasArgument() — Method in class Request

Checks if an argument of the given name exists (is set)

Response::hasColorSupport() — Method in class Response

Tells if the response content should be styled on send().

SlaveRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler

Creates an event loop which takes orders from the parent process and executes them in runtime mode.

SlaveRequestHandler::handleException() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler

Displays a human readable, partly beautified version of the given exception and stops the application, return a non-zero exit code.

DoctrineCommandController::handleException() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Output an error message and log the exception.

HelpCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

A Command Controller which provides help for available commands

HelpCommandController::helpStubCommand() — Method in class HelpCommandController

Displays a short, general help message

HelpCommandController::helpCommand() — Method in class HelpCommandController

Display help for a command

YamlSource::has() — Method in class YamlSource

Checks for the specified configuration file and returns true if it exists.

$ ApplicationContext#hierarchyProperty in class ApplicationContext
RequestHandlerInterface::handleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandlerInterface

Handles a raw request

AbstractExceptionHandler::handleException() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Handles the given exception

$ DebugExceptionHandler#htmlExceptionTemplateProperty in class DebugExceptionHandler

The template for the HTML Exception output.

ErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Handles an error by converting it into an exception.

ExceptionHandlerInterface::handleException() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerInterface

Handles the given exception

$ Cookie#httpOnlyProperty in class Cookie
HeadersClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Container for HTTP header fields

Headers::has() — Method in class Headers

Checks if the specified HTTP header exists

Headers::hasCookie() — Method in class Headers

Checks if the specified cookie exists

SecurityHelper::hasSafeMethod() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Tells if the request method is "safe", that is, it is expected to not take any other action than retrieval. This should the case with "GET" and "HEAD" requests.

HttpRequestHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

The interface for a request handler which handles and works with HTTP requests

MiddlewaresChain::handle() — Method in class MiddlewaresChain

The PSR-15 request handler implementation method

SessionMiddleware::handleSetCookie() — Method in class SessionMiddleware
$ RequestHandler#httpRequestProperty in class RequestHandler
$ RequestHandler#httpResponseProperty in class RequestHandler
RequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

Handles a HTTP request

$ ActionRequest#hashServiceProperty in class ActionRequest
$ ActionRequest#httpRequestProperty in class ActionRequest

Cached pointer to the http request

ActionRequest::hasArgument() — Method in class ActionRequest

Checks if an argument of the given name exists (is set)

$ ActionResponse#headersProperty in class ActionResponse
$ ActionResponse#httpResponseProperty in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::hasContentType() — Method in class ActionResponse
ActionController::handleTargetNotFoundError() — Method in class ActionController

Checks if the arguments validation result contain errors of type TargetNotFoundError and throws a TargetNotFoundException if that's the case for a top-level object.

Arguments::hasArgument() — Method in class Arguments

Checks if an argument with the specified name exists

$ MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService#hashServiceProperty in class MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService
FlashMessageContainer::hasMessages() — Method in class FlashMessageContainer

Whether there are any messages in the FlashMessageContainer

AbstractRoutePart::hasValue() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Returns true if a value is set for this Route Part, otherwise false.

AbstractRoutePart::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Returns true if a default value is set for this Route Part, otherwise false.

MatchResult::hasTags() — Method in class MatchResult

Whether this result is tagged

MatchResult::hasLifetime() — Method in class MatchResult

Whether this has a lifetime

ResolveResult::hasUriConstraints() — Method in class ResolveResult
ResolveResult::hasTags() — Method in class ResolveResult
ResolveResult::hasLifetime() — Method in class ResolveResult

Whether this result has a lifetime

RouteParameters::has() — Method in class RouteParameters

Checks whether a given parameter exists

RouteTags::has() — Method in class RouteTags

Whether a given $tag is contained in the collection of this instance

$ Route#httpMethodsProperty in class Route

If not empty only the specified HTTP verbs are accepted by this route

Route::hasHttpMethodConstraints() — Method in class Route

Whether or not this route is limited to one or more HTTP verbs

RoutePartInterface::hasValue() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Returns true if a value is set for this Route Part, otherwise false.

RoutePartInterface::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Returns true if a default value is set for this Route Part, otherwise false.

ObjectManager::has() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier.

ObjectManager::hasInstance() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns true if this object manager already has an instance for the specified object.

ObjectManagerInterface::has() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

This is the PSR-11 ContainerInterface equivalent to isRegistered.

Compiler::hasCacheEntryForClass() — Method in class Compiler

Checks if the specified class still exists in the code cache. If that is the case, it means that obviously the proxy class doesn't have to be rebuilt because otherwise the cache would have been flushed by the file monitor or some other mechanism.

$ AbstractPersistenceManager#hasUnpersistedChangesProperty in class AbstractPersistenceManager
AbstractPersistenceManager::hasUnpersistedChanges() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Gives feedback if the persistence Manager has unpersisted changes.

EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

CachePool::hasItem() — Method in class CachePool

Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.

FlowAnnotationDriver::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PersistenceManager::hasUnpersistedChanges() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Gives feedback if the persistence Manager has unpersisted changes.

PersistenceManagerInterface::hasUnpersistedChanges() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Gives feedback if the persistence Manager has unpersisted changes.

PersistentObjectConverter::handleArrayData() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

Handle the case if $source is an array.

ClassSchema::hasProperty() — Method in class ClassSchema

If the class schema has a certain property.

ReflectionService::hasMethod() — Method in class ReflectionService

Wrapper for method_exists() which tells if the given method exists.

ReflectionService::hasFrozenCacheInProduction() — Method in class ReflectionService
MessageCollector::hasMessages() — Method in class MessageCollector
ResourceTypeConverter::handleFileUploads() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter
ResourceTypeConverter::handleHashAndData() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter
ResourceTypeConverter::handleUploadedFile() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter
$ ResourceStreamWrapper#handleProperty in class ResourceStreamWrapper
FileSystemTarget::handleMissingData() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Handle missing data notification

Account::hasRole() — Method in class Account

Return if the account has a certain role

$ AccountFactory#hashServiceProperty in class AccountFactory
HttpBasicClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\EntryPoint

An authentication entry point, that sends an HTTP header to start HTTP Basic authentication.

$ FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider#hashServiceProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider
$ PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider#hashServiceProperty in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider
TokenInterface::hasRequestPatterns() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns true if \Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern were set

AbstractToken::hasRequestPatterns() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns true if any request pattern has been defined

AbstractPrivilege::hasParameters() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

PrivilegeInterface::hasParameters() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
PrivilegeTarget::hasParameters() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
HttpsInterceptorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Channel

This security interceptor switches the current channel between HTTP and HTTPS protocol.

Context::hasRole() — Method in class Context

Returns true, if at least one of the currently authenticated accounts holds a role with the given identifier, also recursively.

Context::hasCsrfProtectionTokens() — Method in class Context

Returns true if the context has CSRF protection tokens.

BCryptHashingStrategy::hashPassword() — Method in class BCryptHashingStrategy

Creates a BCrypt hash

$ FileBasedSimpleKeyService#hashServiceProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService
HashServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

A hash service which should be used to generate and validate hashes.

HashService::hashPassword() — Method in class HashService

Hash a password using the configured password hashing strategy

PasswordHashingStrategyInterface::hashPassword() — Method in class PasswordHashingStrategyInterface

Hash a password for storage

Pbkdf2HashingStrategy::hashPassword() — Method in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Hash a password for storage using PBKDF2 and the configured parameters.

$ PrecomposedHashProvider#hashServiceProperty in class PrecomposedHashProvider
DummyContext::hasRole() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns true, if at least one of the currently authenticated accounts holds a role with the given identifier, also recursively.

DummyContext::hasCsrfProtectionTokens() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns true if the context has CSRF protection tokens.

AuthenticationRequiredException::hasInterceptedRequest() — Method in class AuthenticationRequiredException
PolicyService::hasRole() — Method in class PolicyService

Checks if a role exists

Role::hasParentRole() — Method in class Role

Returns true if the given role is a directly assigned parent of this role.

CsrfProtection::hasPolicyEntryForMethod() — Method in class CsrfProtection
HostClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern

This class holds a host URI pattern and decides, if an ActionRequest object matches against this pattern Note: the pattern is a simple wildcard matching pattern, with * as the wildcard character.

SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter::hasRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter

Returns true if this filter holds runtime evaluations for a previously matched pointcut

SessionKeyValueStore::has() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaDataStore::has() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
Session::hasKey() — Method in class Session

Returns true if a session data entry $key is available.

SessionInterface::hasKey() — Method in class SessionInterface

Returns true if $key is available.

TransientSession::hasKey() — Method in class TransientSession

Returns true if $key is available.

EmptyRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class EmptyRequestHandler

Handles a raw request

RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler

Handles a command line request

AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::handleAdditionalArguments() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper

Handles additional arguments, sorting out any data- prefixed tag attributes and assigning them. Then passes the unassigned arguments to the parent class' method, which in the default implementation will throw an error about "undeclared argument used".

$ AjaxWidgetMiddleware#hashServiceProperty in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware
$ FormViewHelper#hashServiceProperty in class FormViewHelper
AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::hasMappingErrorOccurred() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Checks if a property mapping error has occurred in the last request.

HiddenViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

Renders an <input type="hidden" ...> tag.

HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Applies html_entity_decode() to a value

HtmlentitiesViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Applies htmlentities() escaping to a value

$ LinkViewHelper#hashServiceProperty in class LinkViewHelper
$ UriViewHelper#hashServiceProperty in class UriViewHelper
StandaloneView::hasTemplate() — Method in class StandaloneView

Checks whether a template can be resolved for the current request

Inflector::humanizeCamelCase() — Method in class Inflector

Convert a model class name like "BlogAuthor" or a field name like "blogAuthor" to a humanized version like "Blog author" for better readability.

HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\ViewHelpers\Inflect

Humanize a camel cased value


BackendInstantiationTrait::instantiateBackend() — Method in class BackendInstantiationTrait
$ AbstractBackend#identifierPrefixProperty in class AbstractBackend

A prefix to seperate stored by appliaction context and cache

$ ApcuBackend#identifierPrefixProperty in class ApcuBackend

A prefix to seperate stored data from other data possible stored in the APCu

FileBackend::isFrozen() — Method in class FileBackend

Tells if this backend is frozen.

FileBackend::isCacheFileExpired() — Method in class FileBackend

Checks if the given cache entry files are still valid or if their lifetime has exceeded.

FileBackend::internalGet() — Method in class FileBackend

Internal get method, allows to nest locks by using the $acquireLock flag

FileBackend::internalGetWhileFrozen() — Method in class FileBackend

Internal get method in case the cache is frozen, this will not check expiry times!

FileBackendEntryDto::isExpired() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FileBackendEntryDto::isTaggedWith() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FreezableBackendInterface::isFrozen() — Method in class FreezableBackendInterface

Tells if this backend is frozen.

IterableBackendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a cache backend which provides Iterator functionality.

IterableMultiBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

An iterable, taggable multi backend, falling back to multiple backends if errors occur.

$ MemcachedBackend#identifierPrefixProperty in class MemcachedBackend

A prefix to separate stored data from other data possible stored in the memcache

$ MultiBackend#initializedProperty in class MultiBackend
RedisBackend::isFrozen() — Method in class RedisBackend

Tells if this backend is frozen.

SimpleFileBackend::isCacheFileExpired() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Checks if the given cache entry files are still valid or if their lifetime has exceeded.

CacheFactory::instantiateCache() — Method in class CacheFactory
InvalidBackendExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

An "Invalid Backend" exception

InvalidCacheExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

An "Invalid Cache" exception

InvalidDataExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

An "Invalid Data" exception

$ AbstractFrontend#identifierProperty in class AbstractFrontend

Identifies this cache

AbstractFrontend::initializeObject() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Initializes this frontend

AbstractFrontend::isValidEntryIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Checks the validity of an entry identifier. Returns true if it's valid.

AbstractFrontend::isValidTag() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Checks the validity of a tag. Returns true if it's valid.

FrontendInterface::isValidEntryIdentifier() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Checks the validity of an entry identifier. Returns true if it's valid.

FrontendInterface::isValidTag() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Checks the validity of a tag. Returns true if it's valid.

VariableFrontend::initializeObject() — Method in class VariableFrontend

Initializes this cache frontend

CacheFactory::instantiateCache() — Method in class CacheFactory
CacheItem::isHit() — Method in class CacheItem
$ CachePool#identifierProperty in class CachePool

An identifier for this cache, useful if you use several different caches.

CachePool::isValidEntryIdentifier() — Method in class CachePool

Checks the validity of an entry identifier. Returns true if it's valid.

InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr

An invalid argument (usually an inacceptable cache key) was given to a PSR cache.

$ SimpleCache#identifierProperty in class SimpleCache
SimpleCache::isValidEntryIdentifier() — Method in class SimpleCache
SimpleCacheFactory::instantiateCache() — Method in class SimpleCacheFactory
CompilingEvaluator::injectExpressionCache() — Method in class CompilingEvaluator

TODO: As soon as we support PSR-16 (Simple Cache) this could be replaced by a simple cache.

OperationInterface::isFinal() — Method in class OperationInterface
OperationResolver::initializeObject() — Method in class OperationResolver

Initializer, building up $this->operations and $this->finalOperationNames

OperationResolver::isFinalOperation() — Method in class OperationResolver
OperationResolverInterface::isFinalOperation() — Method in class OperationResolverInterface
AbstractOperation::isFinal() — Method in class AbstractOperation
IsOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Check whether the at least one of the context elements match the given filter.

ArrayHelper::isEmpty() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Check if an array is empty

ArrayHelper::indexOf() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present

MathHelper::isFinite() — Method in class MathHelper

Test if the given value is a finite number

MathHelper::isInfinite() — Method in class MathHelper

Test if the given value is an infinite number (INF or -INF)

MathHelper::isNaN() — Method in class MathHelper

Test if the given value is not a number (either not numeric or NAN)

SecurityHelper::isAuthenticated() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Returns true, if any account is currently authenticated

StringHelper::indexOf() — Method in class StringHelper

Find the first position of a substring in the given string

StringHelper::isBlank() — Method in class StringHelper

Test if the given string is blank (empty or consists of whitespace only)

TypeHelper::isArray() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable an array.

TypeHelper::isString() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable a string.

TypeHelper::isNumeric() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable numeric.

TypeHelper::isInteger() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable an integer.

TypeHelper::isFloat() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable a float.

TypeHelper::isScalar() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable a scalar.

TypeHelper::isBoolean() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable boolean.

TypeHelper::isObject() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable an object.

TypeHelper::instance() — Method in class TypeHelper

Is the given variable of the provided object type.

InterpretedEelParserClass in namespace Neos\Eel

An interpreting expression parser

InterpretedEvaluatorClass in namespace Neos\Eel

An expression evalutator that interprets expressions

ExpressionSyntaxValidator::isValid() — Method in class ExpressionSyntaxValidator

Check if $value is valid. If it is not valid, needs to add an error to Result.

IdentityClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks a property as being (part of) the identity of an object.

IgnoreValidationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to ignore validation on a specific method argument or class property.

InjectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to enable property injection.

InjectCacheClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to enable property injection for cache frontends.

$ InjectCache#identifierProperty in class InjectCache

Identifier for the Cache that will be injected.

InternalClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to mark a command as internal - it will not be shown in CLI help output.

IntroduceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Introduces the given interface or property into any target class matching the given pointcut expression.

$ Introduce#interfaceNameProperty in class Introduce

The interface name to introduce.

AbstractAdvice::invoke() — Method in class AbstractAdvice

Invokes the advice method

AdviceInterface::invoke() — Method in class AdviceInterface

Invokes the advice method

AroundAdvice::invoke() — Method in class AroundAdvice

Invokes the advice method

$ AspectContainer#interfaceIntroductionsProperty in class AspectContainer

An array of \Neos\Flow\Aop\InterfaceIntroduction objects

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::injectReflectionService() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder

Injects the reflection service

AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder::injectCompiler() — Method in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder
ClassNameIndex::intersect() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Returns a new index object with all class names contained in this and the given index

ProxyClassBuilder::injectCompiler() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectReflectionService() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectLogger() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectPointcutExpressionParser() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectObjectConfigurationCache() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectAdvisedConstructorInterceptorBuilder() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectAdvisedMethodInterceptorBuilder() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectObjectManager() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "Invalid Argument" Exception

InvalidConstructorSignatureExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "Invalid Constructor Signature" Exception

InvalidPointcutExpressionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "Invalid Pointcut Expression" Exception

InvalidTargetClassExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

An "Invalid Target Class" Exception

InterfaceIntroductionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

Implementation of the interface introduction declaration.

$ InterfaceIntroduction#interfaceNameProperty in class InterfaceIntroduction

Name of the introduced interface

JoinPoint::isMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPoint

Returns true if the argument with the specified name exists in the method call this joinpoint refers to.

JoinPointInterface::isMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Returns true if the argument with the specified name exists in the method call this joinpoint refers to.

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

Injects the reflection service

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::injectLogger() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

PointcutClassNameFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

Injects the reflection service

$ PointcutClassTypeFilter#interfaceOrClassNameProperty in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

An interface name to match class types

$ PointcutClassTypeFilter#isInterfaceProperty in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

If the type specified by the expression is an interface (or class)

PointcutClassTypeFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

Injects the reflection service

PointcutExpressionParser::injectProxyClassBuilder() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutExpressionParser::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutExpressionParser::injectObjectManager() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutFilter::injectProxyClassBuilder() — Method in class PointcutFilter

Injects the AOP Proxy Class Builder

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

Injects the reflection service

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::injectLogger() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

PointcutMethodNameFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Injects the reflection service

PointcutMethodNameFilter::injectLogger() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

PointcutSettingFilter::injectConfigurationManager() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

Injects the configuration manager

RuntimeExpressionEvaluator::injectObjectManager() — Method in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator

This object is created very early and is part of the excluded "Neos\Flow\Aop" namespace so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection.

$ PropertyIntroduction#initialValueProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

The initial value of the property

CacheFactory::injectEnvironmentConfiguration() — Method in class CacheFactory
CacheFactory::instantiateCache() — Method in class CacheFactory
CacheFactory::instantiateBackend() — Method in class CacheFactory
CacheManager::injectLogger() — Method in class CacheManager

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

CacheManager::injectCacheFactory() — Method in class CacheManager
CacheManager::injectConfigurationManager() — Method in class CacheManager
CacheManager::injectEnvironment() — Method in class CacheManager
CacheManager::isCachePersistent() — Method in class CacheManager

Checks if the specified cache is marked as "persistent".

Command::injectReflectionService() — Method in class Command
Command::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Command
Command::isInternal() — Method in class Command

Tells if this command is internal and thus should not be exposed through help texts, user documentation etc.

Command::isDeprecated() — Method in class Command

Tells if this command is deprecated and thus should be marked as such in help texts, user documentation etc.

Command::isFlushingCaches() — Method in class Command

Tells if this command flushes all caches and thus needs special attention in the interactive shell.

CommandArgumentDefinition::isRequired() — Method in class CommandArgumentDefinition
CommandController::injectCommandManager() — Method in class CommandController
CommandController::injectObjectManager() — Method in class CommandController

Injects the reflection service

CommandController::initializeCommandMethodArguments() — Method in class CommandController

Initializes the arguments array of this controller by creating an empty argument object for each of the method arguments found in the designated command method.

CommandManager::injectObjectManager() — Method in class CommandManager
CommandManager::injectBootstrap() — Method in class CommandManager
$ ConsoleOutput#inputProperty in class ConsoleOutput
Dispatcher::injectSignalDispatcher() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatcher::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Dispatcher
InfiniteLoopExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli\Exception

An "Infinite Loop" exception

InvalidCommandControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli\Exception
Request::isDispatched() — Method in class Request

If this request has been dispatched and addressed by the responsible controller and the response is ready to be sent.

RequestBuilder::injectEnvironment() — Method in class RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder::injectObjectManager() — Method in class RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder::injectPackageManager() — Method in class RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder::injectCommandManager() — Method in class RequestBuilder
CacheCommandController::injectCacheManager() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::injectLockManager() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::injectPackageManager() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::injectBootstrap() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::injectObjectManager() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::injectEnvironment() — Method in class CacheCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectRequestBuilder() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectDispatcher() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectSignalSlotDispatcher() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectBootstrap() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectCacheManager() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectProxyClassCompiler() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectAopProxyClassBuilder() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectDependencyInjectionProxyClassBuilder() — Method in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::injectEnvironment() — Method in class CoreCommandController
DatabaseCommandController::initializeConnection() — Method in class DatabaseCommandController

Create a Doctrine DBAL Connection with the configured settings.

DoctrineCommandController::injectSettings() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Injects the Flow settings, only the persistence part is kept for further use

DoctrineCommandController::injectLogger() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController
DoctrineCommandController::isDatabaseConfigured() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController
PackageCommandController::injectSettings() — Method in class PackageCommandController
PackageCommandController::injectPackageManager() — Method in class PackageCommandController
PackageCommandController::injectBootstrap() — Method in class PackageCommandController
SecurityCommandController::injectCacheManager() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Injects the Cache Manager because we cannot inject an automatically factored cache during compile time.

SecurityCommandController::importPublicKeyCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Import a public key

SecurityCommandController::importPrivateKeyCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Import a private key

SessionCommandController::injectCacheManager() — Method in class SessionCommandController
SessionCommandController::injectSessionManager() — Method in class SessionCommandController
ComposerUtility::isFlowPackageType() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Checks if the given (composer) package type is a type native to the neos project.

InvalidConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer\Exception

An Invalid Configuration Exception

InvalidPackageManifestExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer\Exception

An "package manifest could not be converted to JSON" exception

InstallerScriptsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer

Class for Composer install scripts

InvalidConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

An Invalid Configuration Exception

InvalidConfigurationTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

An Invalid Configuration Type Exception

RoutesLoader::includeSubRoutesFromSettings() — Method in class RoutesLoader

Merges routes from Neos.Flow.mvc.routes settings into $routeDefinitions NOTE: Routes from settings will always be appended to existing route definitions from the main Routes configuration!

ApplicationContext::isDevelopment() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns true if this context is the Development context or a sub-context of it

ApplicationContext::isProduction() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns true if this context is the Production context or a sub-context of it

ApplicationContext::isTesting() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns true if this context is the Testing context or a sub-context of it

Scripts::initializeClassLoader() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Class Loader

Scripts::initializeClassLoaderClassesCache() — Method in class Scripts

Injects the classes cache to the already initialized class loader

Scripts::initializeSignalSlot() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Signal Slot module

Scripts::initializePackageManagement() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the package system and loads the package configuration and settings provided by the packages.

Scripts::initializeConfiguration() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Configuration Manager, the Flow settings and the Environment service

Scripts::initializeSystemLogger() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the System Logger

Scripts::initializeExceptionStorage() — Method in class Scripts

Initialize the exception storage

Scripts::initializeErrorHandling() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the error handling

Scripts::initializeCacheManagement() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the cache framework

Scripts::initializeProxyClasses() — Method in class Scripts

Runs the compile step if necessary

Scripts::initializeObjectManagerCompileTimeCreate() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 1)

Scripts::initializeObjectManagerCompileTimeFinalize() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Compiletime Object Manager (phase 2)

Scripts::initializeObjectManager() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the runtime Object Manager

Scripts::initializeReflectionServiceFactory() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Reflection Service Factory

Scripts::initializeReflectionService() — Method in class Scripts

Initializes the Reflection Service

Scripts::initializeSystemFileMonitor() — Method in class Scripts

Checks if classes (i.e. php files containing classes), Policy.yaml, Objects.yaml or localization files have been altered and if so flushes the related caches.

Scripts::initializeResources() — Method in class Scripts

Initialize the stream wrappers.

$ Sequence#identifierProperty in class Sequence
Sequence::invoke() — Method in class Sequence

Executes all steps of this sequence

Sequence::invokeStep() — Method in class Sequence

Invokes a single step of this sequence and also invokes all steps registered to be executed after the given step.

$ Step#identifierProperty in class Step
Bootstrap::isCompiletimeCommand() — Method in class Bootstrap

Tells if the given command controller is registered for compiletime or not.

$ ClassLoader#ignoredClassNamesProperty in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::isAutoloadTypeWithPredictableClassPath() — Method in class ClassLoader

Is the given mapping type predictable in terms of path to class name

LockManager::isSiteLocked() — Method in class LockManager

Tells if the site is currently locked

$ ProxyClassLoader#ignoredClassNamesProperty in class ProxyClassLoader
ProxyClassLoader::injectClassesCache() — Method in class ProxyClassLoader

Injects the cache for storing the renamed original classes

ProxyClassLoader::initializeAvailableProxyClasses() — Method in class ProxyClassLoader

Initialize available proxy classes from the cached list.

AbstractExceptionHandler::injectLogger() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler
AbstractExceptionHandler::injectThrowableStorage() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler
$ Debugger#ignoredClassesFallbackProperty in class Debugger

Hardcoded list of Flow class names (regex) which should not be displayed during debugging.

$ Debugger#ignoredClassesRegexProperty in class Debugger
Debugger::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Debugger

Injects the Object Manager

InfiniteRedirectionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

An HTTP exception occuring if an endless Location: redirect is suspect to happen

InternalRequestEngineClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

A Request Engine which uses Flow's request dispatcher directly for processing HTTP requests internally.

ContentStream::isSeekable() — Method in class ContentStream

Returns whether or not the stream is seekable.

ContentStream::isWritable() — Method in class ContentStream

Returns whether or not the stream is writable.

ContentStream::isReadable() — Method in class ContentStream

Returns whether or not the stream is readable.

ContentStream::isValidResource() — Method in class ContentStream
Cookie::isSecure() — Method in class Cookie

Tells if the cookie was flagged to be sent over "secure" channels only.

Cookie::isHttpOnly() — Method in class Cookie

Tells if this cookie should only be used through the HTTP protocol.

Cookie::isExpired() — Method in class Cookie

Tells if this cookie is expired and will be removed in the user agent when it received the response containing this cookie.

SecurityHelper::isSecureRequest() — Method in class SecurityHelper

Indicates if this request has been received through a secure channel.

InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

A generic HTTP InvalidArgument exception

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::injectSettings() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Injects the configuration settings

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::ipIsTrustedProxy() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Check if the given IP address is from a trusted proxy.

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::isFromTrustedProxy() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware

Check if the given request is from a trusted proxy.

UploadedFile::isOk() — Method in class UploadedFile

Return true if there is no upload error

UploadedFile::isMoved() — Method in class UploadedFile
UriTemplate::isAssociative() — Method in class UriTemplate

Determines if an array is associative, i.e. contains at least one key that is a string.

CldrModel::injectCache() — Method in class CldrModel

Injects the Flow_I18n_Cldr_CldrModelCache cache

CldrModel::injectParser() — Method in class CldrModel
CldrModel::initializeObject() — Method in class CldrModel

When it's called, CLDR file is parsed or cache is loaded, if available.

CldrParser::isDistinguishingAttribute() — Method in class CldrParser

Checks if given attribute belongs to the group of distinguishing attributes

CldrRepository::injectLocalizationService() — Method in class CldrRepository
InvalidCldrDataExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Exception

The "Invalid CLDR Data" exception

CurrencyReader::injectCldrRepository() — Method in class CurrencyReader
CurrencyReader::injectCache() — Method in class CurrencyReader

Injects the Flow_I18n_Cldr_Reader_CurrencyReader cache

CurrencyReader::initializeObject() — Method in class CurrencyReader

Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.

DatesReader::injectCldrRepository() — Method in class DatesReader
DatesReader::injectCache() — Method in class DatesReader

Injects the Flow_I18n_Cldr_Reader_DatesReader cache

DatesReader::initializeObject() — Method in class DatesReader

Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.

InvalidDateTimeFormatExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Invalid DateTime Format" exception

InvalidFormatLengthExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Invalid Format Length" exception

InvalidFormatTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Invalid Format Type" exception

InvalidPluralRuleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Invalid Plural Rule" exception

NumbersReader::injectCldrRepository() — Method in class NumbersReader
NumbersReader::injectCache() — Method in class NumbersReader

Injects the Flow_I18n_CDLR_Reader_NumbersReader cache

NumbersReader::initializeObject() — Method in class NumbersReader

Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.

PluralsReader::injectCldrRepository() — Method in class PluralsReader
PluralsReader::injectCache() — Method in class PluralsReader

Injects the Flow_I18n_Cldr_Reader_PluralsReader cache

PluralsReader::initializeObject() — Method in class PluralsReader

Constructs the reader, loading parsed data from cache if available.

Detector::injectLocalizationService() — Method in class Detector
Detector::injectLocaleCollection() — Method in class Detector
TranslationHelper::id() — Method in class TranslationHelper

Start collection of parameters for translation by id

TranslationParameterToken::injectTranslator() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Inject the translator into the token.

TranslationParameterToken::id() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the id.

IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Index Out Of Bounds" exception

InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Invalid Argument" exception

InvalidFormatPlaceholderExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Invalid Format Placeholder" exception

InvalidFormatterExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Unsatisfactory Formatter" exception

InvalidLocaleIdentifierExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Invalid Locale Identifier" exception

InvalidXmlFileExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Invalid XML File" exception

FormatResolver::injectObjectManager() — Method in class FormatResolver
FormatResolver::injectLocalizationService() — Method in class FormatResolver
DatetimeFormatter::injectDatesReader() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter
NumberFormatter::injectNumbersReader() — Method in class NumberFormatter
NumberFormatter::injectCurrencyReader() — Method in class NumberFormatter
DatetimeParser::injectDatesReader() — Method in class DatetimeParser
InvalidParseStringExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Parser\Exception

The "Invalid Parse String" exception

NumberParser::injectNumbersReader() — Method in class NumberParser
Service::injectSettings() — Method in class Service
Service::initializeObject() — Method in class Service

Initializes the locale service

InvalidPluralFormExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\TranslationProvider\Exception

An "Invalid Plural Form" exception

XliffTranslationProvider::injectFileProvider() — Method in class XliffTranslationProvider
XliffTranslationProvider::injectPluralsReader() — Method in class XliffTranslationProvider
Translator::injectLocalizationService() — Method in class Translator
Translator::injectTranslationProvider() — Method in class Translator
Translator::injectFormatResolver() — Method in class Translator
Translator::injectPluralsReader() — Method in class Translator
InvalidXliffDataExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Xliff\Exception

An "Invalid XLIFF Data" exception

$ FileAdapter#i18nLoggerProperty in class FileAdapter
XliffFileProvider::injectCache() — Method in class XliffFileProvider

Injects the Flow_I18n_XmlModelCache cache

XliffFileProvider::initializeObject() — Method in class XliffFileProvider

When it's called, XML file is parsed (using parser set in $xmlParser) or cache is loaded, if available.

$ XliffReader#i18nLoggerProperty in class XliffReader
XliffReader::isFileNode() — Method in class XliffReader
InvalidBackendExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Exception

An "Invalid Backend" exception

$ PsrLoggerFactory#instancesProperty in class PsrLoggerFactory
PsrLoggerFactory::instantiateBackends() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactory

Instantiate all configured backends

PsrLoggerFactory::instantiateBackend() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactory

Instantiate a backend based on configuration.

$ LogEnvironment#initializedProperty in class LogEnvironment
ModificationTimeStrategy::injectCache() — Method in class ModificationTimeStrategy

Injects the Flow_Monitor cache

$ FileMonitor#identifierProperty in class FileMonitor
FileMonitor::injectChangeDetectionStrategy() — Method in class FileMonitor

Injects the Change Detection Strategy

FileMonitor::injectSignalDispatcher() — Method in class FileMonitor

Injects the Singal Slot Dispatcher because classes of the Monitor subpackage cannot be proxied by the AOP framework because it is not initialized at the time the monitoring is used.

FileMonitor::injectLogger() — Method in class FileMonitor

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

FileMonitor::injectCache() — Method in class FileMonitor

Injects the Flow_Monitor cache

$ ActionRequest#internalArgumentsProperty in class ActionRequest

Framework-internal arguments for this request, such as __referrer.

ActionRequest::isMainRequest() — Method in class ActionRequest

Checks if this request is the uppermost ActionRequest, just one below the HTTP request.

AbstractController::initializeController() — Method in class AbstractController

Initializes the controller

ActionController::injectSettings() — Method in class ActionController
ActionController::injectLogger() — Method in class ActionController

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

ActionController::injectThrowableStorage() — Method in class ActionController

Injects the throwable storage.

ActionController::initializeActionMethodArguments() — Method in class ActionController

Implementation of the arguments initialization in the action controller: Automatically registers arguments of the current action

ActionController::initializeActionMethodValidators() — Method in class ActionController

Adds the needed validators to the Arguments:

ActionController::initializeAction() — Method in class ActionController

Initializes the controller before invoking an action method.

ActionController::initializeView() — Method in class ActionController

Initializes the view before invoking an action method.

$ Argument#isRequiredProperty in class Argument

true if this argument is required

Argument::isRequired() — Method in class Argument

Returns true if this argument is required

InactivePackageExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller\Exception

An Inactive Package Exception

InvalidControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller\Exception

An Invalid Controller Exception.

InvalidPackageExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller\Exception

An Invalid Package Exception.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService::initializePropertyMappingConfigurationFromRequest() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService

Initialize the property mapping configuration in $controllerArguments if the trusted properties are set inside the request.

RestController::initializeCreateAction() — Method in class RestController

Allow creation of resources in createAction()

RestController::initializeUpdateAction() — Method in class RestController

Allow modification of resources in updateAction()

StandardController::indexAction() — Method in class StandardController

Displays the default view

Dispatcher::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Dispatcher

Inject the Object Manager through setter injection because property injection is not available during compile time.

Dispatcher::injectSecurityContext() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatcher::injectFirewall() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatcher::initiateDispatchLoop() — Method in class Dispatcher

Try processing the request until it is successfully marked "dispatched"

InfiniteLoopExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Infinite Loop" exception

InvalidActionNameExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "invalid action name" exception

InvalidActionVisibilityExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "invalid action visibility" exception

InvalidArgumentMixingExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Argument Mixing" exception

InvalidArgumentNameExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Argument Name" exception

InvalidArgumentTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Argument Type" exception

InvalidArgumentValueExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Argument Value" exception

InvalidCommandIdentifierExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Command Identifier" exception

InvalidControllerNameExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Controller Name" exception

InvalidFlashMessageConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid FlashMessage Configuration" exception

InvalidFormatExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Format" exception

InvalidMarkerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Marker" exception

InvalidOrMissingRequestHashExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Or Missing Request Hash" exception

InvalidPackageKeyExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Package Key" exception

InvalidPartExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Part" exception

InvalidRequestMethodExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Request Method" exception

InvalidRequestTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Request Type" exception

InvalidRoutePartHandlerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "invalid RoutePartHandler" exception

InvalidRoutePartValueExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "invalid RoutePartValue" exception

InvalidRouteSetupExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "invalid Route setup" exception

InvalidTemplateResourceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid Template Resource" exception

InvalidUriPatternExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Invalid URI Pattern" exception

RequestMatcher::isPackage() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Check if the current Request's Package equals the argument

RequestMatcher::isSubPackage() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Check if the current Request's SubPackage equals the argument

RequestMatcher::isController() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Check if the current Request's Controller equals the argument

RequestMatcher::isAction() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Check if the current Request's Action equals the argument

RequestMatcher::isFormat() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Check if the current Request's Format equals the argument

$ AbstractRoutePart#isOptionalProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Specifies whether this Route Part is optional. Which means it's put in parentheses in the routes URI pattern.

AbstractRoutePart::isOptional() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Getter for $this->isOptional.

AbstractRoutePart::isLowerCase() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Getter for $this->lowerCase.

ResolveContext::isForceAbsoluteUri() — Method in class ResolveContext
RouteLifetime::isUndefined() — Method in class RouteLifetime
RouteLifetime::isInfinite() — Method in class RouteLifetime
RouteParameters::isEmpty() — Method in class RouteParameters
InvalidControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Exception

An Invalid Controller Exception.

IdentityRoutePartClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Identity Route Part This route part can be used to create and resolve ObjectPathMappings.

$ ObjectPathMapping#identifierProperty in class ObjectPathMapping

Identifier of the object this mapping belongs to

$ Route#isParsedProperty in class Route

Indicates whether this route is parsed.

Route::isLowerCase() — Method in class Route

Getter for $this->lowerCase.

RoutePartInterface::isOptional() — Method in class RoutePartInterface
RoutePartInterface::isLowerCase() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Getter for $this->lowerCase.

Router::injectLogger() — Method in class Router

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

RouterCachingService::injectLogger() — Method in class RouterCachingService
RouterCachingService::initializeObject() — Method in class RouterCachingService
CompileTimeObjectManager::injectReflectionService() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager
CompileTimeObjectManager::injectConfigurationManager() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager
CompileTimeObjectManager::injectConfigurationCache() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Injects the configuration cache of the Object Framework

CompileTimeObjectManager::injectLogger() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

CompileTimeObjectManager::initialize() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Initializes the object configurations and some other parts of this Object Manager.

Configuration::isCreatedByFactory() — Method in class Configuration

Returns true if factoryObjectName or factoryMethodName are defined.

$ ConfigurationArgument#indexProperty in class ConfigurationArgument

The position of the constructor argument. Counting starts at "1".

ConfigurationBuilder::injectReflectionService() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder
ConfigurationBuilder::injectLogger() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

ConfigurationBuilder::injectExcludeClassesFromConstructorAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder
ConfigurationProperty::isLazyLoading() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

If this property can be lazy loaded if the dependency injection mechanism offers that.

ProxyClassBuilder::injectReflectionService() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectCompiler() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectConfigurationManager() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectCacheManager() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectLogger() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::injectObjectManager() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder
InvalidClassExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Invalid class" Exception

InvalidObjectConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Invalid Object Configuration" Exception

InvalidObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Invalid object" Exception

InvalidObjectNameExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Invalid object name" Exception

$ ObjectManager#internalShutdownObjectsProperty in class ObjectManager

A SplObjectStorage containing only those shutdown objects which have been registered for Flow.

ObjectManager::injectAllSettings() — Method in class ObjectManager

Injects the global settings array, indexed by package key.

ObjectManager::isRegistered() — Method in class ObjectManager

Returns true if an object with the given name is registered

ObjectManager::instantiateClass() — Method in class ObjectManager

Speed optimized alternative to ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs()

ObjectManagerInterface::isRegistered() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Returns true if an object with the given name has already been registered.

Compiler::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Compiler
Compiler::injectClassesCache() — Method in class Compiler

Injects the cache for storing the renamed original classes and proxy classes

Compiler::injectReflectionService() — Method in class Compiler
$ ProxyClass#interfacesProperty in class ProxyClass

Note: Not using ProxyInterface::class here, since the interface names must have a leading backslash.

ProxyClass::injectReflectionService() — Method in class ProxyClass

Injects the Reflection Service

InvalidPackageKeyExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

An "Invalid Package Key" exception

InvalidPackagePathExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

"Invalid Package Path" Exception

InvalidPackageStateExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

An "Invalid Package State" exception

GenericPackage::isPathAutoloadEntryPoint() — Method in class GenericPackage
PackageManager::injectSettings() — Method in class PackageManager

Inject settings into the package manager. Has to be called explicitly on object initialization as the package manager subpackage is excluded from proxy class building.

PackageManager::initialize() — Method in class PackageManager

Initializes the package manager

PackageManager::isPackageAvailable() — Method in class PackageManager

Returns true if a package is available (the package's files exist in the packages directory) or false if it's not.

PackageManager::isPackageFrozen() — Method in class PackageManager

Tells if a package is frozen

PackageManager::isPackageKeyValid() — Method in class PackageManager

Check the conformance of the given package key

AbstractPersistenceManager::injectSettings() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.

EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter::injectReflectionService() — Method in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter

Injects the reflection service

PersistenceMagicAspect::isEntity() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect
PersistenceMagicAspect::isNonEmbeddedValueObject() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect
PersistenceMagicAspect::isEntityOrValueObject() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect
PersistenceMagicAspect::initializeObject() — Method in class PersistenceMagicAspect

Initializes this aspect

JsonArrayType::initializeDependencies() — Method in class JsonArrayType

Fetches dependencies from the static object manager.

EntityManagerConfiguration::injectSettings() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration

Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.

EntityManagerFactory::injectSettings() — Method in class EntityManagerFactory

Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.

ClassMetadata::initializeReflection() — Method in class ClassMetadata

Initializes $this->reflClass and a number of related variables.

FlowAnnotationDriver::injectReflectionService() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver
FlowAnnotationDriver::isAggregateRoot() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Check for $className being an aggregate root.

FlowAnnotationDriver::isValueObject() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Check for $className being a value object.

FlowAnnotationDriver::inferTableNameFromClassName() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Given a class name a table name is returned. That name should be reasonably unique.

FlowAnnotationDriver::inferDiscriminatorTypeFromClassName() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Given a class name returns a value to be used as a discriminator type value.

FlowAnnotationDriver::inferJoinTableNameFromClassAndPropertyName() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Given a class and property name a table name is returned. That name should be reasonably unique.

FlowAnnotationDriver::isTransient() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Returns whether the class with the specified name is transient. Only non-transient classes, that is entities and mapped superclasses, should have their metadata loaded.

PersistenceManager::injectLogger() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

PersistenceManager::isNewObject() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Checks if the given object has ever been persisted.

PersistenceManager::isConnected() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Returns true, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.

Query::injectEntityManager() — Method in class Query
Query::injectSettings() — Method in class Query

Injects the Flow settings, the persistence part is kept for further use.

Query::injectLogger() — Method in class Query
Query::isDistinct() — Method in class Query

Returns the DISTINCT flag for this query.

Query::isEmpty() — Method in class Query

Returns an "isEmpty" criterion used for matching objects against a query.

Query::in() — Method in class Query

Returns an "in" criterion used for matching objects against a query. It matches if the property's value is contained in the multivalued operand.

QueryResult::initialize() — Method in class QueryResult

Loads the objects this QueryResult is supposed to hold

IllegalObjectTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Exception

An Illegal Object Type Exception

InvalidQueryExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Exception

An "Invalid Query" Exception

PersistenceManagerInterface::injectSettings() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Injects the Flow settings, called by Flow.

PersistenceManagerInterface::isNewObject() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Checks if the given object has ever been persisted.

PersistenceManagerInterface::isConnected() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Returns true, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.

QueryInterface::isDistinct() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns the DISTINCT flag for this query.

QueryInterface::isEmpty() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns an "isEmpty" criterion used for matching objects against a query.

QueryInterface::in() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns an "in" criterion used for matching objects against a query. It matches if the property's value is contained in the multivalued operand.

InvalidDataTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Data Type" Exception

InvalidFormatExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Format" Exception

InvalidPropertyExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Property" Exception

InvalidPropertyMappingConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Property Mapping Configuration" Exception

InvalidSourceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Source" Exception

InvalidTargetExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\Exception

An "Invalid Target" Exception

PropertyMapper::initializeObject() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Lifecycle method, called after all dependencies have been injected.

DateTimeConverter::isDatePartKeysProvided() — Method in class DateTimeConverter

Returns whether date information (day, month, year) are present as keys in $source.

DenormalizingObjectConverter::isDenormalizable() — Method in class DenormalizingObjectConverter
IntegerConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms to an integer.

ClassReflection::isTaggedWith() — Method in class ClassReflection

Checks if the doc comment of this method is tagged with the specified tag

$ ClassSchema#identityPropertiesProperty in class ClassSchema

The properties forming the identity of an object

ClassSchema::isLazyLoadableObject() — Method in class ClassSchema

Marks the class as being lazy-loadable.

ClassSchema::isMultiValuedProperty() — Method in class ClassSchema

Checks if the given property defined in this schema is multi-valued (i.e.

ClassSchema::isAggregateRoot() — Method in class ClassSchema

Whether the class is accessible through a repository and therefore an aggregate root.

ClassSchema::isPropertyLazy() — Method in class ClassSchema

If a certain class schema property is to be lazy loaded

ClassSchema::isPropertyTransient() — Method in class ClassSchema

If a certain class schema property is to disregarded for persistence

ClassSchema::isPropertyNullable() — Method in class ClassSchema

If a certain class schema property is nullable

DocCommentParser::isTaggedWith() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Checks if a tag with the given name exists

InvalidClassExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

An "Invalid Class" exception

InvalidPropertyTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

An "Invalid Property Type" exception

InvalidValueObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

An "Invalid Value Object" exception

MethodReflection::isTaggedWith() — Method in class MethodReflection

Checks if the doc comment of this method is tagged with the specified tag

MethodReflection::isDeclaredReturnTypeNullable() — Method in class MethodReflection
$ PropertyReflection#isAopIntroducedProperty in class PropertyReflection

Whether this property represents an AOP-introduced property

PropertyReflection::isTaggedWith() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Checks if the doc comment of this property is tagged with the specified tag

PropertyReflection::isAopIntroduced() — Method in class PropertyReflection
$ ReflectionService#initializedProperty in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::injectSettings() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::injectLogger() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::injectPackageManager() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::injectEnvironment() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::initialize() — Method in class ReflectionService

Initialize the reflection service lazily

ReflectionService::isClassReflected() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class is known to this reflection service and reflection information is available.

ReflectionService::isClassAnnotatedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class has the given annotation

ReflectionService::isClassImplementationOf() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class implements the given interface

ReflectionService::isClassAbstract() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class is abstract or not

ReflectionService::isClassFinal() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class is final or not

ReflectionService::isClassReadonly() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class is readonly or not

ReflectionService::isClassUnconfigurable() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the class is unconfigurable or not

ReflectionService::isMethodFinal() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is final or not

ReflectionService::isMethodStatic() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is declared as static or not

ReflectionService::isMethodPublic() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is public

ReflectionService::isMethodProtected() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is protected

ReflectionService::isMethodPrivate() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is private

ReflectionService::isMethodTaggedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method is tagged with the given tag

ReflectionService::isAttributeIgnored() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if a specific PHP attribute is to be ignored for reflection

ReflectionService::isMethodAnnotatedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified method has the given annotation

ReflectionService::isPropertyPrivate() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified property is private

ReflectionService::isPropertyPromoted() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified property is promoted

ReflectionService::isPropertyTaggedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified class property is tagged with the given tag

ReflectionService::isPropertyAnnotatedWith() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tells if the specified property has the given annotation

ReflectionService::isTagIgnored() — Method in class ReflectionService

Check if a specific annotation tag is configured to be ignored.

Collection::importResource() — Method in class Collection

Imports a resource (file) from the given URI or PHP resource stream into this collection.

Collection::importResourceFromContent() — Method in class Collection

Imports a resource from the given string content into this collection.

CollectionInterface::importResource() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Imports a resource (file) from the given URI or PHP resource stream into this collection.

CollectionInterface::importResourceFromContent() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Imports a resource from the given string content into this collection.

$ StaticResourceHelper#i18nServiceProperty in class StaticResourceHelper
InvalidResourceDataExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Exception

"Invalid Resource Data" Exception

PersistentResource::initializeObject() — Method in class PersistentResource

Protects this PersistentResource if it has been persisted already.

PersistentResource::isDeleted() — Method in class PersistentResource

An internal method which tells if this PersistentResource object has been already deleted by the ResourceManager.

MessageCollector::injectLogger() — Method in class MessageCollector

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

$ ResourceManager#initializedProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceManager::injectSettings() — Method in class ResourceManager

Injects the settings of this package

ResourceManager::injectLogger() — Method in class ResourceManager

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

ResourceManager::initialize() — Method in class ResourceManager

Initializes the ResourceManager by parsing the related configuration and registering the resource stream wrapper.

ResourceManager::importResource() — Method in class ResourceManager

Imports a resource (file) from the given location as a persistent resource.

ResourceManager::importResourceFromContent() — Method in class ResourceManager

Imports the given content passed as a string as a new persistent resource.

ResourceManager::importUploadedResource() — Method in class ResourceManager

Imports a resource (file) from the given upload info array as a persistent resource.

ResourceManager::initializeStorages() — Method in class ResourceManager

Initializes the Storage objects according to the current settings

ResourceManager::initializeTargets() — Method in class ResourceManager

Initializes the Target objects according to the current settings

ResourceManager::initializeCollections() — Method in class ResourceManager

Initializes the Collection objects according to the current settings

ResourceTypeConverter::injectLogger() — Method in class ResourceTypeConverter

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

FileSystemStorage::initializeObject() — Method in class FileSystemStorage

Initializes this resource storage

PackageStorage::initializeObject() — Method in class PackageStorage

Initializes this resource storage

WritableFileSystemStorage::initializeObject() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Initializes this resource storage

WritableFileSystemStorage::importResource() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Imports a resource (file) from the given URI or PHP resource stream into this storage.

WritableFileSystemStorage::importResourceFromContent() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Imports a resource from the given string content into this storage.

WritableFileSystemStorage::importTemporaryFile() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Imports the given temporary file into the storage and creates the new resource object.

WritableStorageInterface::importResource() — Method in class WritableStorageInterface

Imports a resource (file) from the given URI or PHP resource stream into this storage.

WritableStorageInterface::importResourceFromContent() — Method in class WritableStorageInterface

Imports a resource from the given string content into this storage.

ResourceStreamWrapper::isAtEof() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.

StreamWrapperAdapter::initializeStreamWrapper() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Initialize StreamWrappers with this adapter

StreamWrapperInterface::isAtEof() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.

FileSystemTarget::injectLogger() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

FileSystemTarget::initializeObject() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Initializes this resource publishing target

FileSystemTarget::invokeOnPublishCallbacks() — Method in class FileSystemTarget
Account::initializeRoles() — Method in class Account

Initializes the roles field by fetching the role objects referenced by the roleIdentifiers

Account::isActive() — Method in class Account

Returns true if it is currently allowed to use this account for authentication.

AuthenticationManagerInterface::isAuthenticated() — Method in class AuthenticationManagerInterface

Checks if at least one token is authenticated

$ AuthenticationProviderManager#isAuthenticatedProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager
$ AuthenticationProviderManager#isInitializedProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager
AuthenticationProviderManager::injectSettings() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Inject the settings and does a fresh build of tokens based on the injected settings

AuthenticationProviderManager::isAuthenticated() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Checks if one or all tokens are authenticated (depending on the authentication strategy).

$ TokenAndProviderFactory#isInitializedProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
TokenAndProviderFactory::injectSettings() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactory

Inject the settings and does a fresh build of tokens based on the injected settings

TokenInterface::isAuthenticated() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns true if this token is currently authenticated

AbstractToken::isAuthenticated() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns true if this token is currently authenticated

$ FilterFirewall#interceptorResolverProperty in class FilterFirewall
FilterFirewall::injectSettings() — Method in class FilterFirewall

Injects the configuration settings

InterceptorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Contract for a security interceptor.

InterceptorInterface::invoke() — Method in class InterceptorInterface

Invokes the security interception (e.g. calls a PrivilegeManagerInterface)

InterceptorResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

The security interceptor resolver. It resolves the class name of a security interceptor based on names.

AccessDeny::invoke() — Method in class AccessDeny

Invokes nothing, always throws an AccessDenied Exception.

AccessGrant::invoke() — Method in class AccessGrant

Invokes nothing, always returns true.

CsrfTokenMissing::invoke() — Method in class CsrfTokenMissing

Invokes nothing, always throws an AccessDenied Exception.

PolicyEnforcement::invoke() — Method in class PolicyEnforcement

Invokes the security interception

RequireAuthentication::invoke() — Method in class RequireAuthentication

Invokes the authentication, if needed.

PrivilegeManager::isGranted() — Method in class PrivilegeManager

Returns true, if the given privilege type is granted for the given subject based on the current security context.

PrivilegeManager::isGrantedForRoles() — Method in class PrivilegeManager

Returns true, if the given privilege type would be granted for the given roles and subject

PrivilegeManager::isPrivilegeTargetGranted() — Method in class PrivilegeManager

Returns true if access is granted on the given privilege target in the current security context

PrivilegeManager::isPrivilegeTargetGrantedForRoles() — Method in class PrivilegeManager

Returns true if access is granted on the given privilege target in the current security context

PrivilegeManagerInterface::isGranted() — Method in class PrivilegeManagerInterface

Returns true, if the given privilege type is granted for the given subject based on the current security context.

PrivilegeManagerInterface::isGrantedForRoles() — Method in class PrivilegeManagerInterface

Returns true, if the given privilege type would be granted for the given roles and subject

PrivilegeManagerInterface::isPrivilegeTargetGranted() — Method in class PrivilegeManagerInterface

Returns true if access is granted on the given privilege target in the current security context

PrivilegeManagerInterface::isPrivilegeTargetGrantedForRoles() — Method in class PrivilegeManagerInterface

Returns true if access is granted on the given privilege target in the current security context

AbstractPrivilege::injectObjectManager() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

AbstractPrivilege::isGranted() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
AbstractPrivilege::isAbstained() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
AbstractPrivilege::isDenied() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
ConditionGenerator::isType() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
$ EntityPrivilege#isEvaluatedProperty in class EntityPrivilege
PropertyConditionGenerator::in() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
SqlFilter::initializeDependencies() — Method in class SqlFilter

Initializes the dependencies by retrieving them from the object manager

MethodPrivilege::injectObjectManager() — Method in class MethodPrivilege

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection This method also takes care of initializing caches and other dependencies.

MethodPrivilege::initialize() — Method in class MethodPrivilege
MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::injectObjectManager() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::initializeObject() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
PrivilegeInterface::injectObjectManager() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

PrivilegeInterface::isGranted() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
PrivilegeInterface::isAbstained() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
PrivilegeInterface::isDenied() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface
$ PrivilegeTarget#identifierProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
PrivilegeTarget::injectObjectManager() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

TestingPrivilegeManager::isGranted() — Method in class TestingPrivilegeManager

Returns true, if the given privilege type is granted for the given subject based on the current security context or if set based on the override decision value.

TestingPrivilegeManager::isPrivilegeTargetGranted() — Method in class TestingPrivilegeManager

Returns true if access is granted on the given privilege target in the current security context or if set based on the override decision value.

HttpsInterceptor::invoke() — Method in class HttpsInterceptor

Redirects the current request to HTTP or HTTPS depending on $this->useSSL;

$ Context#initializedProperty in class Context

true if the context is initialized in the current request, false or NULL otherwise.

$ Context#inactiveTokensProperty in class Context

Array of tokens currently inactive

Context::injectSettings() — Method in class Context

Injects the configuration settings

Context::initialize() — Method in class Context

Initializes the security context for the given request.

Context::isInitialized() — Method in class Context
Context::isCsrfProtectionTokenValid() — Method in class Context

Returns true if the given string is a valid CSRF protection token. The token will be removed if the configured csrf strategy is 'onePerUri'.

Context::isTokenActive() — Method in class Context

Evaluates any RequestPatterns of the given token to determine whether it is active for the current request

  • If no RequestPattern is configured for this token, it is active
  • Otherwise it is active only if at least one configured RequestPattern per type matches the request
FileBasedSimpleKeyService::injectSettings() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService
HashService::injectSettings() — Method in class HashService

Injects the settings of the package this controller belongs to.

$ Pbkdf2HashingStrategy#iterationCountProperty in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Hash iteration count, high counts (>10.000) make brute-force attacks unfeasible

RsaWalletServicePhp::injectSettings() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Injects the OpenSSL configuration to be used

RsaWalletServicePhp::initializeObject() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Initializes the rsa wallet service by fetching the keys from the keystore file

$ DummyContext#initializedProperty in class DummyContext

true if the context is initialized in the current request, false or NULL otherwise.

$ DummyContext#interceptedRequestProperty in class DummyContext
DummyContext::isInitialized() — Method in class DummyContext
DummyContext::isCsrfProtectionTokenValid() — Method in class DummyContext

Returns true if the given string is a valid CSRF protection token. The token will be removed if the configured csrf strategy is 'onePerUri'.

$ AuthenticationRequiredException#interceptedRequestProperty in class AuthenticationRequiredException
InvalidArgumentForHashGenerationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "InvalidArgumentForHashGeneration" Exception

InvalidArgumentForRequestHashGenerationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "InvalidArgumentForRequestHashGeneration" Exception

InvalidAuthenticationProviderExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "InvalidAuthenticationProvider" Exception

InvalidAuthenticationStatusExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "InvalidAuthenticationStatus" Exception

InvalidHashExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "InvalidHash" Exception, thrown when a HMAC validation failed.

InvalidKeyPairIdExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoEntryInPolicy" Exception

InvalidPolicyExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "InvalidPolicyException" Exception

InvalidPrivilegeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "InvalidPrivilegeException" Exception

InvalidPrivilegeTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "InvalidPrivilegeTypeException" Exception

InvalidQueryRewritingConstraintExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "InvalidQueryRewritingConstraintException" Exception

InvalidRequestPatternExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "InvalidRequestPattern" Exception

$ PolicyService#initializedProperty in class PolicyService
PolicyService::injectConfigurationManager() — Method in class PolicyService

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

PolicyService::injectObjectManager() — Method in class PolicyService

This object is created very early so we can't rely on AOP for the property injection

PolicyService::initialize() — Method in class PolicyService

Parses the global policy configuration and initializes roles and privileges accordingly

PolicyService::initializePrivilegeTargets() — Method in class PolicyService

Initialized all configured privilege targets from the policy definitions

$ Role#identifierProperty in class Role

The identifier of this role

Role::isAbstract() — Method in class Role

Whether or not this role is "abstract", meaning it can't be assigned to accounts directly but only serves as a "template role" for other roles to inherit from

CsrfProtection::injectLogger() — Method in class CsrfProtection

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

IpClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern

This class holds a CIDR IP pattern an decides, if an ActionRequest object matches against this pattern, comparing the client IP address.

$ SessionDataContainer#interceptedRequestProperty in class SessionDataContainer

A possible request that was intercepted on a security exception

LazyLoadingAspect::initializeSession() — Method in class LazyLoadingAspect

Before advice for all methods annotated with "@Flow\Session(autoStart=true)".

SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter::injectObjectManager() — Method in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter
SessionKeyValueStore::injectCache() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionKeyValueStore::initializeObject() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaData::isSame() — Method in class SessionMetaData

Determine whether the metadata is equal in all aspects other than lastActivityTimestamp

SessionMetaDataStore::injectCache() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::initializeObject() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::isValidSessionIdentifier() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::isValidSessionTag() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::isGarbageCollectionRunning() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
InvalidDataInSessionDataStoreExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception
InvalidRequestHandlerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception

An "Invalid Request Handler" Exception

InvalidRequestResponseExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception

An "Invalid Request or Response" Exception

$ Session#inactivityTimeoutProperty in class Session
Session::injectSettings() — Method in class Session
Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session

Tells if the session has been started already.

Session::isRemote() — Method in class Session

Tells if the session is local (the current session bound to the current HTTP request) or remote (retrieved through the Session Manager).

SessionInterface::isStarted() — Method in class SessionInterface

Tells if the session has been started already.

SessionManager::initializeCurrentSessionFromCookie() — Method in class SessionManager
TransientSession::isStarted() — Method in class TransientSession

Tells if the session has been started already.

Dispatcher::injectObjectManager() — Method in class Dispatcher

Injects the object manager

InvalidSlotExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\SignalSlot\Exception

"Invalid Slot" Exception

Environment::isRewriteEnabled() — Method in class Environment

Whether or not URL rewriting is enabled.

IpClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

A utility class for dealing with IP addresses.

InvalidSubjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

An "Invalid Subject" Exception

InvalidTypeHintExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

An "Invalid Type Hint" Exception

InvalidValidationConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

An "Invalid Validation Configuration" Exception

InvalidValidationOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

An "Invalid Validation Options" Exception

AbstractValidator::isValid() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Check if $value is valid. If it is not valid, needs to add an error to Result.

AbstractValidator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractValidator
AggregateBoundaryValidator::isValid() — Method in class AggregateBoundaryValidator

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validator, and returns the Error Messages object which occurred. Will skip validation if value is an uninitialized lazy loading proxy.

AlphanumericValidator::isValid() — Method in class AlphanumericValidator

The given $value is valid if it is an alphanumeric string, which is defined as [[:alnum:]].

BooleanValueValidator::isValid() — Method in class BooleanValueValidator

Checks if the given value is a specific boolean value.

CollectionValidator::isValid() — Method in class CollectionValidator

Checks for a collection and if needed validates the items in the collection.

CountValidator::isValid() — Method in class CountValidator

The given value is valid if it is an array or \Countable that contains the specified amount of elements.

DateTimeRangeValidator::isValid() — Method in class DateTimeRangeValidator

Adds errors if the given DateTime does not match the set boundaries.

DateTimeValidator::isValid() — Method in class DateTimeValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid DateTime object.

EmailAddressValidator::initializeObject() — Method in class EmailAddressValidator
EmailAddressValidator::isValid() — Method in class EmailAddressValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid email address.

FileExtensionValidator::isValid() — Method in class FileExtensionValidator

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

FileSizeValidator::isValid() — Method in class FileSizeValidator

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

FloatValidator::isValid() — Method in class FloatValidator

The given value is valid if it is of type float or a string matching the regular expression [0-9.e+-]

GenericObjectValidator::isValid() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Checks if the given value is valid according to the property validators.

GenericObjectValidator::isUninitializedProxy() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator
GenericObjectValidator::isValidatedAlready() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator
IntegerValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for integers.

IntegerValidator::isValid() — Method in class IntegerValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid integer.

LabelValidator::isValid() — Method in class LabelValidator

The given value is valid if it matches the regular expression specified in PATTERN_VALIDCHARACTERS.

LocaleIdentifierValidator::isValid() — Method in class LocaleIdentifierValidator

Is valid if the given value is a valid "locale identifier".

MediaTypeValidator::isValid() — Method in class MediaTypeValidator

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

NotEmptyValidator::isValid() — Method in class NotEmptyValidator

Checks if the given value is not empty (NULL, empty string, empty array or empty object that implements the Countable interface).

NumberRangeValidator::isValid() — Method in class NumberRangeValidator

The given value is valid if it is a number in the specified range.

NumberValidator::isValid() — Method in class NumberValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid number.

RawValidator::isValid() — Method in class RawValidator

This validator is always valid.

RegularExpressionValidator::isValid() — Method in class RegularExpressionValidator

Checks if the given value matches the specified regular expression.

StringLengthValidator::isValid() — Method in class StringLengthValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid string (or can be cast to a string if an object is given) and its length is between minimum and maximum specified in the validation options.

StringValidator::isValid() — Method in class StringValidator

Checks if the given value is a string.

TextValidator::isValid() — Method in class TextValidator

Checks if the given value is a valid text (contains no XML tags).

UniqueEntityValidator::isValid() — Method in class UniqueEntityValidator

Checks if the given value is a unique entity depending on it's identity properties or custom configured identity properties.

UuidValidator::isValid() — Method in class UuidValidator

Checks if the given value is a syntactically valid UUID.

ResourceUriNode::injectViewHelperResolver() — Method in class ResourceUriNode
TemplateParser::isEscapingEnabled() — Method in class TemplateParser
RenderingContext::injectObjectManager() — Method in class RenderingContext
AbstractConditionViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper

Initializes the "then" and "else" arguments

AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper::injectLocalizationService() — Method in class AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper
AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::injectTagBuilder() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper
AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::initialize() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper

Sets the tag name to $this->tagName.

AbstractViewHelper::injectObjectManager() — Method in class AbstractViewHelper
AbstractViewHelper::injectLogger() — Method in class AbstractViewHelper

Injects the (system) logger based on PSR-3.

AbstractViewHelper::isEscapingInterceptorEnabled() — Method in class AbstractViewHelper
InvalidVariableExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper\Exception

A "Invalid Variable" exception.

ViewHelperResolver::initializeObject() — Method in class ViewHelperResolver
AbstractWidgetViewHelper::injectAjaxWidgetContextHolder() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper
AbstractWidgetViewHelper::injectWidgetContext() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper
AbstractWidgetViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Registers the widgetId viewhelper

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::initializeArgumentsAndRender() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Initialize the arguments of the ViewHelper, and call the render() method of the ViewHelper.

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::initiateSubRequest() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Initiate a sub request to $this->controller. Make sure to fill $this->controller via Dependency Injection.

InvalidControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget\Exception

An exception if the widget controller has been changed

DebugViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class DebugViewHelper

Arguments initialization

FlashMessagesViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class FlashMessagesViewHelper

Initialize arguments

FormViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Initialize arguments.

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper
AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::isObjectAccessorMode() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Internal method which checks if we should evaluate a domain object or just output arguments['name'] and arguments['value']

AbstractFormViewHelper::injectPersistenceManager() — Method in class AbstractFormViewHelper

Injects the Flow Persistence Manager

ButtonViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ButtonViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

CheckboxViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class CheckboxViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

HiddenViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class HiddenViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

PasswordViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class PasswordViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

RadioViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class RadioViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

SelectViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Initialize arguments.

SelectViewHelper::isSelected() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Render the option tags.

SubmitViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class SubmitViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

TextareaViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class TextareaViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

TextfieldViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class TextfieldViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

UploadViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class UploadViewHelper
Base64DecodeViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class Base64DecodeViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

BytesViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class BytesViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

CaseViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class CaseViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

CropViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class CropViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

CurrencyViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class CurrencyViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

DateViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class DateViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

HtmlentitiesViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class HtmlentitiesViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

IdentifierViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

This ViewHelper renders the identifier of a persisted object (if it has an identity).

IdentifierViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class IdentifierViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

JsonViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class JsonViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

Nl2brViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class Nl2brViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

NumberViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class NumberViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

PaddingViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class PaddingViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

StripTagsViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class StripTagsViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

UrlencodeViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class UrlencodeViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

ActionViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ActionViewHelper

Initialize arguments

EmailViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class EmailViewHelper

Arguments initialization

ExternalViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ExternalViewHelper

Initialize arguments

RenderChildrenViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

IfAccessViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Security

This view helper implements an ifAccess/else condition.

IfAccessViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class IfAccessViewHelper

Initializes the "then" and "else" arguments

IfAuthenticatedViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Security

This view helper implements an ifAuthenticated/else condition.

IfHasRoleViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Security

This view helper implements an ifHasRole/else condition.

IfHasRoleViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class IfHasRoleViewHelper

Initializes the "then" and "else" arguments

TranslateViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class TranslateViewHelper

Initialize arguments

TranslateViewHelper::injectTranslator() — Method in class TranslateViewHelper
ActionViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ActionViewHelper

Initialize arguments

EmailViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class EmailViewHelper

Arguments initialization

ExternalViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ExternalViewHelper

Arguments initialization

$ ResourceViewHelper#i18nServiceProperty in class ResourceViewHelper
ResourceViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ResourceViewHelper

Initialize and register all arguments.

IfHasErrorsViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Validation

This view helper allows to check whether validation errors adhere to the current request.

IfHasErrorsViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class IfHasErrorsViewHelper
ResultsViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class ResultsViewHelper

Arguments initialization

AutocompleteViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class AutocompleteViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

AutocompleteController::initializeAction() — Method in class AutocompleteController
AutocompleteController::indexAction() — Method in class AutocompleteController
PaginateController::initializeAction() — Method in class PaginateController
PaginateController::indexAction() — Method in class PaginateController
LinkViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class LinkViewHelper

Initialize arguments

PaginateViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class PaginateViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

UriViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class UriViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

InvalidSectionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View\Exception

An "Invalid Section" exception

InvalidTemplateResourceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View\Exception

An "Invalid Template Resource" exception

StandaloneView::initializeObject() — Method in class StandaloneView

Initiates the StandaloneView by creating the required ControllerContext

TemplatePaths::injectPackageManager() — Method in class TemplatePaths
$ GeneratorService#inflectorProperty in class GeneratorService
InflectorClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\Utility

Inflector utilities for the Kickstarter. This is a basic conversion from PHP class and field names to a human readable form.

Validation::isReservedKeyword() — Method in class Validation

Check the given keyword to be not one of the reserved words of PHP.

LtrimViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class LtrimViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

$ HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper#inflectorProperty in class HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper
HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper::initializeArguments() — Method in class HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper

Initialize the arguments.

$ PluralizeViewHelper#inflectorProperty in class PluralizeViewHelper
Arrays::integerExplode() — Method in class Arrays

Explodes a $string delimited by $delimiter and passes each item in the array through intval().

InvalidPositionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Exception

An Invalid Position Exception

InvalidTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Exception

An Invalid Type Exception

Files::is_link() — Method in class Files

A version of is_link() that works on Windows too

ObjectAccess::initializePropertyGetterCache() — Method in class ObjectAccess
ObjectAccess::isPropertySettable() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Tells if the value of the specified property can be set by this Object Accessor.

ObjectAccess::isPropertyGettable() — Method in class ObjectAccess

Tells if the value of the specified property can be retrieved by this Object Accessor.

$ OpcodeCacheHelper#initializedProperty in class OpcodeCacheHelper
OpcodeCacheHelper::initialize() — Method in class OpcodeCacheHelper

Initialize the ClearCache-Callbacks

PdoHelper::importSql() — Method in class PdoHelper

Pumps the SQL into the database. Use for DDL only.

SchemaValidator::isSchema() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Determine whether the given php array is a schema or not

SchemaValidator::isNumericallyIndexedArray() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Determine whether the given php array is a plain numerically indexed array

SchemaValidator::isDictionary() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Determine whether the given php array is a Dictionary (has no numeric identifiers)

TypeHandling::isLiteral() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns true if the $type is a literal.

TypeHandling::isSimpleType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns true if the $type is a simple type.

TypeHandling::isCollectionType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns true if the $type is a collection type.

TypeHandling::isUnionType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns true if the $type is a union type.

TypeHandling::isIntersectionType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns true if the $type is an intersection type.

$ TextIterator#iteratorTypeProperty in class TextIterator
$ TextIterator#iteratorCacheProperty in class TextIterator
$ TextIterator#iteratorCacheIteratorProperty in class TextIterator
TextIterator::isBoundary() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns true if the current element is a boundary element.

TextIteratorElement::isBoundary() — Method in class TextIteratorElement

Returns true for a boundary element


ArrayHelper::join() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Join values of an array with a separator

JsonHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

JSON helpers for Eel contexts

JoinPointClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

In Flow the join point object contains context information when a point cut matches and the registered advices are executed.

JoinPointInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

Contract for a join point

JsonFileBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

A log backend which writes log entries into a file in an easy to parse json format

JsonViewClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\View

A JSON view

JsonArrayTypeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\DataTypes

Extends the default doctrine JsonArrayType to work with entities.

FlowAnnotationDriver::joinColumnToArray() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Parse the given JoinColumn into an array

$ Query#joinsProperty in class Query
$ Query#joinAliasCounterProperty in class Query
$ PolicyEnforcement#joinPointProperty in class PolicyEnforcement

The current joinpoint

$ MethodPrivilegeSubject#joinPointProperty in class MethodPrivilegeSubject
JsonViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Wrapper for PHPs json_encode function.


ApcuBackend::key() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Returns the identifier of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

IterableMultiBackend::key() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
PdoBackend::key() — Method in class PdoBackend

Returns the identifier of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

RedisBackend::key() — Method in class RedisBackend
SimpleFileBackend::key() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Returns the identifier of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

CacheEntryIterator::key() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Returns the identifier of the current cache entry pointed to by the cache entry iterator.

$ CacheItem#keyProperty in class CacheItem
ArrayHelper::keys() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Get the array keys

ArrayHelper::ksort() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Sort an array by key

Headers::key() — Method in class Headers
QueryResult::key() — Method in class QueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::key() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
KnownObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Exception

A Known Object Exception

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::keyExists() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Checks if a key exists

$ OpenSslRsaKey#keyStringProperty in class OpenSslRsaKey
$ RsaWalletServicePhp#keystorePathAndFilenameProperty in class RsaWalletServicePhp
$ RsaWalletServicePhp#keysProperty in class RsaWalletServicePhp
KickstartCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\Command

Command controller for the Kickstart generator

TextIterator::key() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the key of the current element. That means the number of the current element starting with 0.


$ MultiBackend#logErrorsProperty in class MultiBackend
$ MultiBackend#loggerProperty in class MultiBackend
LastOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Get the last element inside the context.

ArrayHelper::length() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Get the length of an array

ArrayHelper::last() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Get the last element of an array

$ DateHelper#localizationServiceProperty in class DateHelper
MathHelper::log() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::log1p() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::log10() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::log2() — Method in class MathHelper
StringHelper::lastIndexOf() — Method in class StringHelper

Find the last position of a substring in the given string

StringHelper::length() — Method in class StringHelper

Get the length of a string

$ Inject#lazyProperty in class Inject

Whether the dependency should be injected instantly or if a lazy dependency proxy should be injected instead

LazyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks a property or class as lazy-loaded.

$ ProxyClassBuilder#loggerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter#loggerProperty in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter#loggerProperty in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter
$ PointcutMethodNameFilter#loggerProperty in class PointcutMethodNameFilter
$ AnnotationsCacheFlusher#loggerProperty in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher
$ CacheManager#loggerProperty in class CacheManager
$ CacheCommandController#lockManagerProperty in class CacheCommandController
CacheCommandController::listCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

List all configured caches and their status if available

ConfigurationCommandController::listTypesCommand() — Method in class ConfigurationCommandController

List registered configuration types

$ DoctrineCommandController#loggerProperty in class DoctrineCommandController
MiddlewareCommandController::listCommand() — Method in class MiddlewareCommandController

Lists all configured middleware components in the order they will be executed

PackageCommandController::listCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

List available packages

RoutingCommandController::listCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

List the known routes

SecurityCommandController::listRolesCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

List all configured roles

SignalCommandController::listConnectedCommand() — Method in class SignalCommandController

Lists all connected signals with their slots.

TypeConverterCommandController::listCommand() — Method in class TypeConverterCommandController

Lists all currently active and registered type converters

ConfigurationManager::loadConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Loads special configuration defined in the specified packages and merges them with those potentially existing in the global configuration folders. The result is stored in the configuration manager's configuration registry and can be retrieved with the getConfiguration() method.

ConfigurationManager::loadConfigurationsFromCache() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Includes the cached configuration file such that $this->configurations is fully populated

AppendLoader::load() — Method in class AppendLoader

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader

The interface for a configuration loader

LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

MergeLoader::load() — Method in class MergeLoader

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

ObjectsLoader::load() — Method in class ObjectsLoader

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

PolicyLoader::load() — Method in class PolicyLoader

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

RoutesLoader::load() — Method in class RoutesLoader
SettingsLoader::load() — Method in class SettingsLoader

Read configuration resources and return the final configuration array for the given configurationType

YamlSource::load() — Method in class YamlSource

Loads the specified configuration file and returns its content as an array. If the file does not exist or could not be loaded, an empty array is returned

ClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class ClassLoader

Loads php files containing classes or interfaces found in the classes directory of a package and specifically registered classes.

ClassLoader::loadClassFromPossiblePaths() — Method in class ClassLoader

Tries to load a class from a list of possible paths. This is needed because packages are not prefix-free; i.e.

LockManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

The Lock Manager controls the master lock of the whole site which is mainly used to regenerate code caches in peace.

$ LockManager#lockPathAndFilenameProperty in class LockManager

This file contains the actual lock, set via \flock() in lockSiteOrExit()

$ LockManager#lockFlagPathAndFilenameProperty in class LockManager

This file is used to track the status of the site lock: If it exists the site is considered locked.

$ LockManager#lockHoldingPageProperty in class LockManager
$ LockManager#lockResourceProperty in class LockManager
LockManager::lockSiteOrExit() — Method in class LockManager

Locks the site for further requests.

ProxyClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class ProxyClassLoader

Loads php files containing classes or interfaces found in the classes directory of a package and specifically registered classes.

$ AbstractExceptionHandler#loggerProperty in class AbstractExceptionHandler
$ Browser#lastRequestProperty in class Browser
$ Browser#lastResponseProperty in class Browser
$ ContentStream#loggerProperty in class ContentStream
$ CldrRepository#localizationServiceProperty in class CldrRepository
$ DatesReader#localizedLiteralsProperty in class DatesReader

Associative array of literals used in particular locales.

$ NumbersReader#localizedSymbolsProperty in class NumbersReader

Associative array of symbols used in particular locales.

$ Detector#localizationServiceProperty in class Detector
$ Detector#localeCollectionProperty in class Detector

A collection of Locale objects representing currently installed locales, in a hierarchical manner.

TranslationParameterToken::locale() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the locale.

$ FormatResolver#localizationServiceProperty in class FormatResolver
LocaleClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

Represents a locale

$ Locale#languageProperty in class Locale

The language identifier - a BCP47, ISO 639-3 or 639-5 code Like the standard says, we use "mul" to label multilanguage content

LocaleCollectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

The LocaleCollection class contains all locales available in current Flow installation, and describes hierarchical relations between them.

$ LocaleCollection#localeCollectionProperty in class LocaleCollection

This array contains all locales added to this collection.

$ LocaleCollection#localeParentCollectionProperty in class LocaleCollection

This array contains a parent Locale objects for given locale.

LocaleTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

Converter which transforms strings to a Locale object.

$ Service#localeCollectionProperty in class Service

A collection of Locale objects representing currently installed locales, in a hierarchical manner.

$ Service#localeBasePathProperty in class Service

The base path to use in filesystem operations. It is changed only in tests.

$ Translator#localizationServiceProperty in class Translator
$ XliffFileProvider#localizationServiceProperty in class XliffFileProvider
$ AbstractBackend#logIpAddressProperty in class AbstractBackend

Flag telling if the IP address of the current client (if available) should be logged.

$ FileBackend#logFileUrlProperty in class FileBackend
$ FileBackend#logFilesToKeepProperty in class FileBackend
$ FileBackend#logMessageOriginProperty in class FileBackend
LoggerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Psr

PSR-3 supporting logger.

Logger::log() — Method in class Logger
ThrowableStorageInterface::logThrowable() — Method in class ThrowableStorageInterface

Stores information about the given exception and returns information about the exception and where the details have been stored. The returned message can be logged or displayed as needed.

FileStorage::logThrowable() — Method in class FileStorage

Stores information about the given exception and returns information about the exception and where the details have been stored. The returned message can be logged or displayed as needed.

LogEnvironmentClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Utility
$ FileMonitor#loggerProperty in class FileMonitor
FileMonitor::loadDetectedDirectoriesAndFiles() — Method in class FileMonitor

Loads the last detected files for this monitor.

$ ActionController#loggerProperty in class ActionController
FlashMessageStorageInterface::load() — Method in class FlashMessageStorageInterface
FlashMessageCookieStorage::load() — Method in class FlashMessageCookieStorage
FlashMessageSessionStorage::load() — Method in class FlashMessageSessionStorage
$ AbstractRoutePart#lowerCaseProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Specifies whether this Route Part should be converted to lower case when resolved.

$ Route#lowerCaseProperty in class Route

Specifies whether Route Parts of this Route should be converted to lower case when resolved.

$ Router#loggerProperty in class Router
$ Router#lastMatchedRouteProperty in class Router
$ Router#lastResolvedRouteProperty in class Router
$ RouterCachingService#loggerProperty in class RouterCachingService
$ UriBuilder#lastArgumentsProperty in class UriBuilder

Arguments which have been used for building the last URI

$ CompileTimeObjectManager#loggerProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ Configuration#lifecycleInitializationMethodNameProperty in class Configuration

Name of the method to call during the initialization of the object (after dependencies are injected)

$ Configuration#lifecycleShutdownMethodNameProperty in class Configuration

Name of the method to call during the shutdown of the framework

$ ConfigurationBuilder#loggerProperty in class ConfigurationBuilder
$ ConfigurationProperty#lazyLoadingProperty in class ConfigurationProperty

Should this property be lazy loaded

$ ProxyClassBuilder#loggerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
PackageManager::loadPackageStates() — Method in class PackageManager

Load the current package states

$ AllowedObjectsListener#loggerProperty in class AllowedObjectsListener
$ SqlLogger#loggerProperty in class SqlLogger
FlowAnnotationDriver::loadMetadataForClass() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Loads the metadata for the specified class into the provided container.

$ PersistenceManager#loggerProperty in class PersistenceManager
$ Query#loggerProperty in class Query
$ Query#limitProperty in class Query
Query::logicalAnd() — Method in class Query

Performs a logical conjunction of the two given constraints. The method takes one or more constraints and concatenates them with a boolean AND.

Query::logicalOr() — Method in class Query

Performs a logical disjunction of the two given constraints. The method takes one or more constraints and concatenates them with a boolean OR.

Query::logicalNot() — Method in class Query

Performs a logical negation of the given constraint

Query::like() — Method in class Query

Returns a like criterion used for matching objects against a query.

Query::lessThan() — Method in class Query

Returns a less than criterion used for matching objects against a query

Query::lessThanOrEqual() — Method in class Query

Returns a less or equal than criterion used for matching objects against a query

$ Service#logMessagesProperty in class Service
QueryInterface::logicalAnd() — Method in class QueryInterface

Performs a logical conjunction of the two given constraints. The method takes one or more constraints and concatenates them with a boolean AND.

QueryInterface::logicalOr() — Method in class QueryInterface

Performs a logical disjunction of the two given constraints. The method takes one or more constraints and concatenates them with a boolean OR.

QueryInterface::logicalNot() — Method in class QueryInterface

Performs a logical negation of the given constraint

QueryInterface::like() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a like criterion used for matching objects against a query.

QueryInterface::lessThan() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a less than criterion used for matching objects against a query

QueryInterface::lessThanOrEqual() — Method in class QueryInterface

Returns a less or equal than criterion used for matching objects against a query

$ FloatConverter#localizationServiceProperty in class FloatConverter
$ ClassSchema#lazyLoadableProperty in class ClassSchema

Whether instances of the class can be lazy-loadable

$ ReflectionService#loggerProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#loadFromClassSchemaRuntimeCacheProperty in class ReflectionService

In Production context, with frozen caches, this flag will be true

ReflectionService::loadClassReflectionCompiletimeCache() — Method in class ReflectionService

Tries to load the reflection data from the compile time cache.

ReflectionService::loadOrReflectClassIfNecessary() — Method in class ReflectionService

Loads reflection data from the cache or reflects the class if needed.

ReflectionService::log() — Method in class ReflectionService

Writes the given message along with the additional information into the log.

$ PersistentResource#lifecycleEventsActiveProperty in class PersistentResource
$ MessageCollector#loggerProperty in class MessageCollector
$ ResourceManager#loggerProperty in class ResourceManager
$ ResourceTypeConverter#loggerProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
ResourceStreamWrapper::lock() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Advisory file locking.

StreamWrapperInterface::lock() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Advisory file locking.

$ FileSystemTarget#loggerProperty in class FileSystemTarget
$ Account#lastSuccessfulAuthenticationDateProperty in class Account
LoggingAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Aspect

An aspect which centralizes the logging of security relevant actions.

LoggingAspect::logManagerAuthenticate() — Method in class LoggingAspect

Logs calls and results of the authenticate() method of the Authentication Manager

LoggingAspect::logManagerLogout() — Method in class LoggingAspect

Logs calls and results of the logout() method of the Authentication Manager

LoggingAspect::logPersistedUsernamePasswordProviderAuthenticate() — Method in class LoggingAspect

Logs calls and results of the authenticate() method of an authentication provider

LoggingAspect::logJoinPointAccessDecisions() — Method in class LoggingAspect

Logs calls and result of vote() for method privileges

LoggingAspect::logPrivilegeAccessDecisions() — Method in class LoggingAspect

Logs calls and result of isPrivilegeTargetGranted()

AuthenticationManagerInterface::logout() — Method in class AuthenticationManagerInterface

Logs all active authentication tokens out

AuthenticationProviderManager::logout() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Logout all active authentication tokens

AbstractAuthenticationController::loginAction() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

This action is used to show the login form. To make this work in your package simply create a template for this action, which could look like this in the simplest case:

AbstractAuthenticationController::logoutAction() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

Logs all active tokens out. Override this, if you want to have some custom action here. You can always call the parent method to do the actual logout.

PropertyConditionGenerator::lessThan() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::lessOrEqual() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::like() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PrivilegeTarget#labelProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
$ Role#labelProperty in class Role

A human readable label for this role

$ CsrfProtection#loggerProperty in class CsrfProtection
LazyLoadingAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect

Adds the aspect of lazy loading to objects with scope session.

$ LazyLoadingAspect#loggerProperty in class LazyLoadingAspect
LazyLoadingProxyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect

Marker interface for a Session Lazy Loading Proxy

LoggingAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect

An aspect which centralizes the logging of important session actions.

$ LoggingAspect#loggerProperty in class LoggingAspect
LoggingAspect::logStart() — Method in class LoggingAspect
LoggingAspect::logResume() — Method in class LoggingAspect
LoggingAspect::logDestroy() — Method in class LoggingAspect
LoggingAspect::logRenewId() — Method in class LoggingAspect
LoggingAspect::logCollectGarbage() — Method in class LoggingAspect
$ Session#loggerProperty in class Session
$ TransientSession#lastActivityTimestampProperty in class TransientSession
$ DateTimeValidator#localizationServiceProperty in class DateTimeValidator
LabelValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A validator for labels.

LocaleIdentifierValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A validator for locale identifiers.

$ NumberValidator#localizationServiceProperty in class NumberValidator
LegacyNamespaceExpressionNodeClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Parser\SyntaxTree\Expression

A node representing an additional namespace declaration inside the template.

$ AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper#localizationServiceProperty in class AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper
$ AbstractViewHelper#loggerProperty in class AbstractViewHelper
LinkViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget

widget.link ViewHelper This ViewHelper can be used inside widget templates in order to render links pointing to widget actions

$ TemplatePaths#layoutRootPathPatternProperty in class TemplatePaths
LtrimViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\ViewHelpers\Format

Wrapper for PHPs ltrim function.

Functions::lcfirst() — Method in class Functions

Unicode variant of lcfirst() - assumes that the string is a Unicode string, not binary

TextIterator::last() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the last element of the iterator


MemcachedBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which stores cache entries by using Memcache/Memcached.

$ MemcachedBackend#memcacheProperty in class MemcachedBackend

Instance of the PHP Memcache/Memcached class

MultiBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A multi backend, falling back to multiple backends if errors occur.

$ EnvironmentConfiguration#maximumPathLengthProperty in class EnvironmentConfiguration

The maximum allowed length of a path.

$ AbstractParser#match_S_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match__IntegerNumber_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match__Decimals_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_NumberLiteral_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_DoubleQuotedStringLiteral_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_SingleQuotedStringLiteral_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_StringLiteral_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_BooleanLiteral_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_Identifier_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
$ AbstractParser#match_PropertyPath_typestackProperty in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_S() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match__IntegerNumber() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match__Decimals() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_NumberLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_DoubleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_SingleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_StringLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_BooleanLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_Identifier() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::match_PropertyPath() — Method in class AbstractParser
CompilingEelParser::MethodCall_Identifier() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::MethodCall_Expression() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::MethodArgumentsWithoutParens_Identifier() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::MethodArgumentsWithParens_Identifier() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::MethodArguments_arguments() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
$ EelParser#match_OffsetAccess_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_MethodCall_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ObjectPath_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_Term_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_Expression_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_SimpleExpression_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ArrowFunction_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_MethodArguments_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_MethodArgumentsWithParens_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_MethodArgumentsWithoutParens_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_WrappedExpression_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_NotExpression_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ConditionalExpression_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_Disjunction_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_Conjunction_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_Comparison_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_SumCalculation_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ProdCalculation_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ArrayLiteral_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ObjectLiteralProperty_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match_ObjectLiteral_typestackProperty in class EelParser
$ EelParser#match___typestackProperty in class EelParser
EelParser::match_OffsetAccess() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_MethodCall() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ObjectPath() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_Term() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_Expression() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_SimpleExpression() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ArrowFunction() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_MethodArguments() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_MethodArgumentsWithParens() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_MethodArgumentsWithoutParens() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_WrappedExpression() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_NotExpression() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ConditionalExpression() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_Disjunction() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_Conjunction() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_Comparison() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_SumCalculation() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ProdCalculation() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ArrayLiteral() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ObjectLiteralProperty() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match_ObjectLiteral() — Method in class EelParser
EelParser::match__() — Method in class EelParser
$ FizzleParser#match_ObjectIdentifier_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_FilterGroup_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_Filter_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_IdentifierFilter_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_PropertyNameFilter_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_PathFilter_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_AttributeFilter_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_UnquotedOperand_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_PrefixMatchInsensitive_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_PrefixMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_SuffixMatchInsensitive_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_SuffixMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_SubstringMatchInsensitivee_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_SubstringMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_ExactMatchInsensitive_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_ExactMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_NotEqualMatchInsensitive_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_NotEqualMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_LessThanOrEqualMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_LessThanMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_GreaterThanOrEqualMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
$ FizzleParser#match_GreaterThanMatch_typestackProperty in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_ObjectIdentifier() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_FilterGroup() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_Filter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_IdentifierFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_PropertyNameFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_PathFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_AttributeFilter() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_UnquotedOperand() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_PrefixMatchInsensitive() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_PrefixMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_SuffixMatchInsensitive() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_SuffixMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_SubstringMatchInsensitivee() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_SubstringMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_ExactMatchInsensitive() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_ExactMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_NotEqualMatchInsensitive() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_NotEqualMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_LessThanOrEqualMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_LessThanMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_GreaterThanOrEqualMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::match_GreaterThanMatch() — Method in class FizzleParser
FilterOperation::matchesFilterGroup() — Method in class FilterOperation

Evaluate Filter Group. An element matches the filter group if it matches at least one part of the filter group.

FilterOperation::matchesFilter() — Method in class FilterOperation

Match a single filter, i.e. [foo]. It matches only if all filter parts match.

FilterOperation::matchesPropertyNameFilter() — Method in class FilterOperation

For generic objects, we do not support property name filters.

FilterOperation::matchesAttributeFilter() — Method in class FilterOperation

Match a single attribute filter

FilterOperation::matchesIdentifierFilter() — Method in class FilterOperation

Filter the object by its identifier (UUID)

ArrayHelper::map() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Apply the callback to each element of the array, passing each element and key as arguments

DateHelper::month() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the month of a date

DateHelper::minute() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the minute of a date

MathHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Math helpers for Eel contexts

MathHelper::max() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::min() — Method in class MathHelper
StringHelper::md5() — Method in class StringHelper

Calculate the MD5 checksum of the given string

InterpretedEelParser::MethodCall_Identifier() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::MethodCall_Expression() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
MessageClass in namespace Neos\Error\Messages

An object representation of a generic message. Usually, you will use Error, Warning or Notice instead of this one.

$ Message#messageProperty in class Message

The error message, could also be a key for translation.

Result::merge() — Method in class Result

Merge the given Result object into this one.

Result::mergeProperty() — Method in class Result

Merge a single property from the other result object.

MapRequestBodyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to map the request body to a single action argument.

$ ProxyClassBuilder#methodInterceptorBuildersProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ JoinPoint#methodNameProperty in class JoinPoint

Method name of the target method which is about to or has been invoked

$ JoinPoint#methodArgumentsProperty in class JoinPoint

Array of method arguments which have been passed to the target method

Pointcut::matches() — Method in class Pointcut

Checks if the given class and method match this pointcut.

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

Checks if the specified class matches with the class tag filter pattern

PointcutClassNameFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

Checks if the specified class matches with the class filter pattern

PointcutClassTypeFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

Checks if the specified class matches with the class type filter

PointcutFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutFilter

Checks if the specified class and method matches with the pointcut

PointcutFilterComposite::matches() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Checks if the specified class and method match the registered class- and method filter patterns.

PointcutFilterInterface::matches() — Method in class PointcutFilterInterface

Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

Checks if the specified method matches with the method annotation filter pattern

$ PointcutMethodNameFilter#methodNameFilterExpressionProperty in class PointcutMethodNameFilter
$ PointcutMethodNameFilter#methodVisibilityProperty in class PointcutMethodNameFilter
$ PointcutMethodNameFilter#methodArgumentConstraintsProperty in class PointcutMethodNameFilter
PointcutMethodNameFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Checks if the specified method matches against the method name expression.

PointcutSettingFilter::matches() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

Checks if the specified configuration option is set to true or false, or if it matches the specified condition

CommandController::mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments() — Method in class CommandController

Maps arguments delivered by the request object to the local controller arguments.

CoreCommandController::migrateCommand() — Method in class CoreCommandController

Migrate source files as needed

DoctrineCommandController::migrationStatusCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Show the current migration status

DoctrineCommandController::migrateCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Migrate the database schema

DoctrineCommandController::migrationExecuteCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Execute a single migration

DoctrineCommandController::migrationVersionCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Mark/unmark migrations as migrated

DoctrineCommandController::migrationGenerateCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Generate a new migration

MiddlewareCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for PSR-15 (middleware) related commands

$ ResourceCommandController#messageCollectorProperty in class ResourceCommandController
RoutingCommandController::matchCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

Match the given URI to a corresponding route

$ SecurityCommandController#methodPermissionCacheProperty in class SecurityCommandController
MissingPackageManifestExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer\Exception

An "Invalid Package Key" exception

MergeLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
RoutesLoader::mergeRoutesWithSubRoutes() — Method in class RoutesLoader

Loads specified sub routes and builds composite routes.

YamlSource::mergeFileContent() — Method in class YamlSource

Loads the file with the given path and merge it's contents into the configuration array.

Scripts::monitorDirectoryIfItExists() — Method in class Scripts

Let the given file monitor track changes of the specified directory if it exists.

$ Browser#maximumRedirectionsProperty in class Browser

The very maximum amount of redirections to follow if there is a "Location" redirect (see also $redirectionStack property)

$ Cookie#maximumAgeProperty in class Cookie

Number of seconds until the cookie expires (RFC 6265,

ArgumentsHelper::mergeArgumentArrays() — Method in class ArgumentsHelper
MediaTypeHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper for dealing with HTTP media type resolution.

ResponseInformationHelper::makeStandardsCompliant() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper

Analyzes this response, considering the given request and makes additions or removes certain headers in order to make the response compliant to RFC 2616 and related standards.

MethodOverrideMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

Allows to override the request HTTP Method via different overrides in this order:

  • a "__method" argument passes in via request body
  • X-Http-Method-Override header
  • X-Http-Method header
MiddlewaresChainClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware
MiddlewaresChainFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

Creates a new MiddlewaresChain according to the specified settings

$ RequestHandler#middlewaresChainProperty in class RequestHandler
$ UploadedFile#movedProperty in class UploadedFile
UploadedFile::moveTo() — Method in class UploadedFile

Move the uploaded file to a new location.

CldrModel::mergeTwoParsedFiles() — Method in class CldrModel

Merges two sets of data from two separate CLDR files into one array.

$ CldrRepository#modelsProperty in class CldrRepository

An array of models requested at least once in current request.

$ DatesReader#maxLengthOfSubformatsProperty in class DatesReader

Static array of date / time formatters supported by this class, and maximal lengths particular formats can get.

$ FileBackend#maximumLogFileSizeProperty in class FileBackend
$ FileStorage#maximumThrowableDumpAgeProperty in class FileStorage

The maximum age of throwable dump in seconds, 0 to disable cleaning based on age

$ FileStorage#maximumThrowableDumpCountProperty in class FileStorage

The maximum number of throwable dumps to store, 0 to disable cleaning based on count

ModificationTimeStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Monitor\ChangeDetectionStrategy

A change detection strategy based on modification times

$ ModificationTimeStrategy#modificationTimesChangedProperty in class ModificationTimeStrategy

If the modification times changed and therefore need to be cached

$ FileMonitor#monitoredFilesProperty in class FileMonitor
$ FileMonitor#monitoredDirectoriesProperty in class FileMonitor
FileMonitor::monitorFile() — Method in class FileMonitor

Adds the specified file to the list of files to be monitored.

FileMonitor::monitorDirectory() — Method in class FileMonitor

Adds the specified directory to the list of directories to be monitored.

ActionRequestFactory::mergeHttpRequestArguments() — Method in class ActionRequestFactory
ActionRequestFactory::mergeHttpRequestArgumentsWithAdditionalArguments() — Method in class ActionRequestFactory
ActionResponse::mergeIntoParentResponse() — Method in class ActionResponse
AbstractController::mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments() — Method in class AbstractController

Maps arguments delivered by the request object to the local controller arguments.

$ ActionController#mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationServiceProperty in class ActionController
$ Argument#mapRequestBodyProperty in class Argument

If the request body should be mapped into this argument.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

The default property mapping configuration is available inside the Argument-object.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

This is a Service which can generate a request hash and check whether the currently given arguments fit to the request hash.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService::modifyPropertyMappingConfiguration() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService

Modify the passed $propertyMappingConfiguration according to the $propertyConfiguration which has been generated by e.g. Fluid. In detail, if the $propertyConfiguration contains an __identity field, we allow modification of objects; else we allow creation.

$ AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException#matchingCommandsProperty in class AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException
$ FlashMessageContainer#messagesProperty in class FlashMessageContainer
RequestMatcher::matchRequestProperty() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Compare a request propertyValue against an expected value and add the weight if it's true

MatchResultClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

The result of a RoutePartInterface::match() call if the corresponding Route Part matched

RouteLifetime::merge() — Method in class RouteLifetime

Merges two instances of this class combining results by using the lowest lifetime while respecting the special meaning of 0 = infinite and null = undefined

RouteTags::merge() — Method in class RouteTags

Merges two instances of this class combining and unifying all tags

UriConstraints::merge() — Method in class UriConstraints

Merge two instances of UriConstraints Constraints of the given $uriConstraints instance will overrule similar constraints of this instance

DynamicRoutePart::match() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks whether this Dynamic Route Part corresponds to the given $routePath.

DynamicRoutePart::matchWithParameters() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks whether this Dynamic Route Part corresponds to the given $routePath.

DynamicRoutePart::matchValue() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks, whether given value can be matched.

MissingActionNameExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Exception

A Missing actionName Exception.

IdentityRoutePart::matchValue() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Checks, whether given value can be matched.

ParameterAwareRoutePartInterface::matchWithParameters() — Method in class ParameterAwareRoutePartInterface
$ Route#matchResultsProperty in class Route

Contains the routing results (indexed by "package", "controller" and "action") after a successful call of matches()

$ Route#matchedTagsProperty in class Route

The tags that have been associated with this route during request matching, or NULL if no tags were set

$ Route#matchedLifetimeProperty in class Route

The lifetime that has been associated with this route during request matching, or NULL

Route::matches() — Method in class Route

Checks whether $routeContext corresponds to this Route.

RoutePartInterface::match() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Checks whether this Route Part corresponds to the given $routePath.

Routes::merge() — Method in class Routes
StaticRoutePart::match() — Method in class StaticRoutePart

Checks whether this Static Route Part correspond to the given $routePath.

UriBuilder::mergeArgumentsWithRequestArguments() — Method in class UriBuilder

Merges specified arguments with arguments from request.

Compiler::makePrivateConstructorPublic() — Method in class Compiler

If a constructor exists, and it is private, this method will change its visibility to public in the given class code. This is only necessary in order to allow the proxy class to call its parent constructor.

$ ProxyClass#methodsProperty in class ProxyClass
PackageManager::movePackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Moves a package from one path to another.

$ PackageOrderResolver#manifestDataProperty in class PackageOrderResolver
EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter::matches() — Method in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter

Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter

FlowAnnotationDriver::matches() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Checks if the specified class has a property annotated with Id

MigrationFinderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

The GlobFinder class finds migrations in a directory using the PHP glob() function.

Query::matching() — Method in class Query

The constraint used to limit the result set. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface)

Service::markAsMigrated() — Method in class Service

Add a migration version to the migrations table or remove it.

QueryInterface::matching() — Method in class QueryInterface

The constraint used to limit the result set. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface).

$ PropertyMapper#messagesProperty in class PropertyMapper

A list of property mapping messages (errors, warnings) which have occured on last mapping.

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#mappingProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Keys which should be renamed

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#mapUnknownPropertiesProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

If true, unknown properties will be mapped.

MediaTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms strings to arrays using the configured strategy.

MediaTypeConverterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

A marker interface for type converters that are used to decode the content of a HTTP request

$ ClassSchema#modelTypeProperty in class ClassSchema

Model type of the class this schema is referring to

ClassSchema::markAsIdentityProperty() — Method in class ClassSchema

Marks the given property as one of properties forming the identity of an object. The property must already be registered in the class schema.

MethodReflectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

Extended version of the ReflectionMethod

$ ReflectionService#methodAnnotationsRuntimeCacheProperty in class ReflectionService

A runtime cache for reflected method annotations to speed up repeating checks.

ReflectionService::makeChildClassesAggregateRoot() — Method in class ReflectionService

Assigns the repository of any aggregate root to all it's subclasses, unless they are aggregate root already.

$ PersistentResource#mediaTypeProperty in class PersistentResource

The IANA media type of this resource

MessageCollectorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Publishing

Message Collector

$ MessageCollector#messagesProperty in class MessageCollector
$ StorageObject#mediaTypeProperty in class StorageObject

The IANA media type of the stored data

WritableFileSystemStorage::moveTemporaryFileToFinalDestination() — Method in class WritableFileSystemStorage

Move a temporary file to the final destination, creating missing path segments on the way.

ResourceStreamWrapper::makeDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Create a directory.

StreamWrapperAdapter::mkdir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Create a directory.

StreamWrapperInterface::makeDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Create a directory.

$ FileSystemTarget#messageCollectorProperty in class FileSystemTarget
$ AbstractPrivilege#matcherProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
EntityPrivilege::matchesEntityType() — Method in class EntityPrivilege
EntityPrivilege::matchesSubject() — Method in class EntityPrivilege

Returns true, if this privilege covers the given subject. As entity privileges are evaluated and enforced "within the database system" in SQL and not by the voting process, this method will always return false.

EntityPrivilegeInterface::matchesEntityType() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeInterface
MethodPrivilegeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Method

A method privilege, able to restrict method calls based on pointcut expressions

$ MethodPrivilege#methodPermissionsProperty in class MethodPrivilege
MethodPrivilege::matchesSubject() — Method in class MethodPrivilege

Returns true, if this privilege covers the given subject (join point)

MethodPrivilege::matchesMethod() — Method in class MethodPrivilege

Returns true, if this privilege covers the given method

MethodPrivilegeInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Method

Contract for a privilege used to restrict method calls

MethodPrivilegeInterface::matchesMethod() — Method in class MethodPrivilegeInterface

Returns true, if this privilege covers the given method

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Method

Pointcut filter which connects the method privileges to the AOP framework

$ MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter#methodPermissionsProperty in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
$ MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter#methodPermissionCacheProperty in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::matches() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter, i.e. if there is a policy entry to intercept this method.

MethodPrivilegeSubjectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Method

A method privilege subject

MethodTargetExpressionParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Method

A specialized pointcut expression parser tailored to policy expressions

PrivilegeInterface::matchesSubject() — Method in class PrivilegeInterface

Returns true, if this privilege covers the given subject

$ PrivilegeTarget#matcherProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
Context::mergeTokens() — Method in class Context

Merges the session and manager tokens. All manager tokens types will be in the result array If a specific type is found in the session this token replaces the one (of the same type) given by the manager.

$ OpenSslRsaKey#modulusProperty in class OpenSslRsaKey
MissingConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "MissingConfiguration" Exception

RequestPatternInterface::matchRequest() — Method in class RequestPatternInterface

Matches an ActionRequest against its set pattern rules

ControllerObjectName::matchRequest() — Method in class ControllerObjectName

Matches an ActionRequest against its set controller object name pattern rules

CsrfProtection::matchRequest() — Method in class CsrfProtection

Matches an ActionRequest against the configured CSRF pattern rules and searches for invalid csrf tokens. If this returns true, the request is invalid!

Host::matchRequest() — Method in class Host

Matches an ActionRequest against its set host pattern rules

Ip::matchRequest() — Method in class Ip

Matches an ActionRequest against the set IP pattern rules

Uri::matchRequest() — Method in class Uri

Matches an ActionRequest against its set URL pattern rules

SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter::matches() — Method in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter

Checks if the specified class and method matches against the filter

$ Error#messageProperty in class Error
MediaTypeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

The given $value is matches the defined media types Note: a value of NULL or empty string ('') are considered valid

MissingControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget\Exception

An exception if the controller is missing.

$ FormViewHelper#mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationServiceProperty in class FormViewHelper
BytesViewHelper::maximizeUnit() — Method in class BytesViewHelper
$ PaginateController#maximumNumberOfLinksProperty in class PaginateController
KickstartCommandController::modelCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart a new domain model

MediaTypesClass in namespace Neos\Utility

Utility class for converting Internet Media Types to file extensions and vice versa.

MediaTypes::mediaRangeMatches() — Method in class MediaTypes

Checks if the given media range and the media type match.


ApcuBackend::next() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Move forward to the next cache entry

IterableMultiBackend::next() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
NullBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which forgets everything immediately

PdoBackend::next() — Method in class PdoBackend

Move forward to the next cache entry.

RedisBackend::next() — Method in class RedisBackend
SimpleFileBackend::next() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Move forward to the next cache entry

NoSuchCacheExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

A "No Such Cache" exception

NotSupportedByBackendExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Exception

A "Not Supported by Backend" exception

CacheEntryIterator::next() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Move forward to the next cache entry

CompilingEelParser::NumberLiteral__finalise() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::NotExpression_exp() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
FizzleParser::NumberLiteral__finalise() — Method in class FizzleParser
DateHelper::now() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the current date and time

StringHelper::nl2br() — Method in class StringHelper

Insert HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string

InterpretedEelParser::NumberLiteral__finalise() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::NotExpression_exp() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
NotAllowedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel

An exception that is thrown when methods are accessed which are not allowed

NoticeClass in namespace Neos\Error\Messages

An object representation of a generic notice. Subclass this to create more specific notices if necessary.

$ Result#noticesProperty in class Result
$ Result#noticesExistProperty in class Result

Caches the existence of notices

$ Inject#nameProperty in class Inject

Optional object name This is useful if the object name does not match the class name of the object to be injected: (at)Inject(name="Some.Package:Some.Virtual.Object")

$ CommandArgumentDefinition#nameProperty in class CommandArgumentDefinition
NoSuchFileExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A No Such File exception

NoSuchOptionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A No Such Option exception

$ ClassLoader#nonExistentClassesProperty in class ClassLoader

Cache classNames that were not found in this class loader in order to save time in resolving those non existent classes.

$ Cookie#nameProperty in class Cookie

Cookie Name, a token (RFC 6265, 4.1.1)

Headers::next() — Method in class Headers
MediaTypeHelper::negotiateMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypeHelper

Returns the best fitting IANA media type after applying the content negotiation rules on the accepted media types.

NumbersReaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader

A reader for data placed in "numbers" tag in CLDR.

NumberFormatterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Formatter

Formatter for numbers.

$ NumberFormatter#numbersReaderProperty in class NumberFormatter
NumberParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Parser

Parser for numbers.

$ NumberParser#numbersReaderProperty in class NumberParser
NullBackendClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Backend

A backend which just ignores everything

NoSuchBackendExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log\Exception

A "No Such Backend" exception

$ AbstractController#negotiatedMediaTypeProperty in class AbstractController

The media type that was negotiated by this controller

$ Argument#nameProperty in class Argument

Name of this argument

$ ForwardException#nextRequestProperty in class ForwardException

The next request the MVC Dispatcher should handle.

NoMatchingRouteExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "no matching route" exception that is thrown if the router could not find a route that matches/resolves the given uri pattern/route values

NoSuchActionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "No Such Action" exception

NoSuchArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "No Such Argument" exception

NoSuchCommandExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "No Such Command" exception

NoSuchControllerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "No Such Controller" exception

NoSuchViewExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "No Such View" exception

$ AbstractRoutePart#nameProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Name of the Route Part

$ Route#nameProperty in class Route

Route name

$ ConfigurationProperty#nameProperty in class ConfigurationProperty
$ ProxyClass#namespaceProperty in class ProxyClass

Namespace, extracted from the fully qualified original class name

$ GenericPackage#namespacesProperty in class GenericPackage

Array of all declared autoload namespaces contained in this package

GenericPackage::normalizeAutoloadPath() — Method in class GenericPackage
$ AbstractPersistenceManager#newObjectsProperty in class AbstractPersistenceManager
ClassMetadataFactory::newClassMetadataInstance() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactory

Creates a new ClassMetadata instance for the given class name.

$ QueryResult#numberOfRowsProperty in class QueryResult
QueryResult::next() — Method in class QueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::next() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
$ FloatConverter#numberParserProperty in class FloatConverter
ClassReflection::newInstanceWithoutConstructor() — Method in class ClassReflection

Creates a new class instance without invoking the constructor.

$ Collection#nameProperty in class Collection
$ FileSystemStorage#nameProperty in class FileSystemStorage

Name which identifies this resource storage

$ FileSystemTarget#nameProperty in class FileSystemTarget

Name which identifies this publishing target

$ Account#nowProperty in class Account
$ AbstractProvider#nameProperty in class AbstractProvider
ConditionGenerator::notExpression() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser::NotExpression_exp() — Method in class EntityPrivilegeExpressionParser
NotExpressionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A sql generator to create a sql not condition.

PropertyConditionGenerator::notEquals() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ AbstractPrivilegeParameter#nameProperty in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter
$ PrivilegeParameterDefinition#nameProperty in class PrivilegeParameterDefinition
NoAuthenticationProviderFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoAuthenticationProviderFound" Exception

NoAuthenticationTokenFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoAuthenticationTokenFound" Exception

NoContextAvailableExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoContextAvailable" Exception

NoEntryPointFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoRequestPatternFound" Exception

NoInterceptorFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoInterceptorFound" Exception

NoRequestPatternFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoRequestPatternFound" Exception

NoSuchRoleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "NoSuchRole" Exception, thrown when a roles is not defined.

NoTokensAuthenticatedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "NoTokensAuthenticated" Exception

$ Role#nameProperty in class Role

The name of this role (without package key)

$ Session#nowProperty in class Session
NowClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

A unique DateTime object which serves as a reliable reference for the time "now" for all parts of Flow and its packages. It also improves testability of code relying on a certain time.

NoSuchFilterExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

A "No Such Filter" Exception

NoSuchValidatorExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Exception

A "No Such Validator" Exception

NotEmptyValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for not empty values.

NumberRangeValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for general numbers

NumberValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for general numbers.

$ NumberValidator#numberParserProperty in class NumberValidator
NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Parser\TemplateProcessor

Note: this detects Namespace declarations AND takes care of CDATA because the class in TYPO3Fluid does so as well.

$ ViewHelperResolver#namespacesProperty in class ViewHelperResolver

Custom merged namespace for Neos Fluid adapter; will look for classes in both namespaces starting from the bottom.

$ ViewHelperResolver#namespacesFromConfigurationProperty in class ViewHelperResolver
$ WidgetContext#nonAjaxWidgetConfigurationProperty in class WidgetContext

User-supplied widget configuration, available inside the widget controller as $this->widgetConfiguration, if being inside a non-AJAX request

$ BytesViewHelper#numberFormatterProperty in class BytesViewHelper
$ CurrencyViewHelper#numberFormatterProperty in class CurrencyViewHelper
Nl2brViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Wrapper for PHPs nl2br function.

NumberViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Formats a number with custom precision, decimal point and grouped thousands.

$ NumberViewHelper#numberFormatterProperty in class NumberViewHelper
$ PaginateController#numberOfPagesProperty in class PaginateController
GeneratorService::normalizeFieldDefinitions() — Method in class GeneratorService

Normalize types and prefix types with namespaces

TypeHandling::normalizeType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Normalize data types so they match the PHP type names: int -> integer double -> float bool -> boolean

TextIterator::next() — Method in class TextIterator

Advances the iterator to the next element


CompilingEelParser::OffsetAccess_Expression() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectPath_Identifier() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectPath_OffsetAccess() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectPath_MethodCall() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectLiteralProperty_Identifier() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectLiteralProperty_StringLiteral() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectLiteral_ObjectLiteralProperty() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ObjectLiteral__finalise() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
$ FlowQuery#operationsProperty in class FlowQuery

Ordered list of operations, each operation is internally represented as array('name' => '...', 'arguments' => array(...)) whereas the name is a string like 'children' and the arguments are a numerically-indexed array

$ FlowQuery#operationResolverProperty in class FlowQuery
OperationInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery

Contract for a FlowQuery operation which is applied onto a set of objects.

OperationResolverClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery

FlowQuery Operation Resolver

$ OperationResolver#objectManagerProperty in class OperationResolver
$ OperationResolver#operationsProperty in class OperationResolver

2-dimensional array of registered operations: shortOperationName => priority => operation class name

OperationResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery

FlowQuery Operation Resolver Interface

FilterOperation::operandIsSimpleType() — Method in class FilterOperation
StringHelper::ord() — Method in class StringHelper

Convert the first byte of a string to a value between 0 and 255

InterpretedEelParser::OffsetAccess_Expression() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectPath_Identifier() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectPath_OffsetAccess() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectPath_MethodCall() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectLiteralProperty_Identifier() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectLiteralProperty_StringLiteral() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectLiteral_ObjectLiteralProperty() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ObjectLiteral__finalise() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
$ Validate#optionsProperty in class Validate

Options for the validator, validator-specific.

$ AbstractAdvice#objectManagerProperty in class AbstractAdvice

A reference to the Object Manager

$ ProxyClassBuilder#objectConfigurationCacheProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#objectManagerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ PointcutClassNameFilter#originalExpressionStringProperty in class PointcutClassNameFilter
$ PointcutExpressionParser#objectManagerProperty in class PointcutExpressionParser
$ RuntimeExpressionEvaluator#objectManagerProperty in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator
$ Command#objectManagerProperty in class Command
$ CommandController#objectManagerProperty in class CommandController
$ CommandController#outputProperty in class CommandController
CommandController::output() — Method in class CommandController

Outputs specified text to the console window You can specify arguments that will be passed to the text via sprintf

CommandController::outputLine() — Method in class CommandController

Outputs specified text to the console window and appends a line break

CommandController::outputFormatted() — Method in class CommandController

Formats the given text to fit into MAXIMUM_LINE_LENGTH and outputs it to the console window

$ CommandManager#objectManagerProperty in class CommandManager
$ CommandRequestHandler#objectManagerProperty in class CommandRequestHandler
$ ConsoleOutput#outputProperty in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::output() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Outputs specified text to the console window You can specify arguments that will be passed to the text via sprintf

ConsoleOutput::outputLine() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Outputs specified text to the console window and appends a line break

ConsoleOutput::outputFormatted() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Formats the given text to fit into the maximum line length and outputs it to the console window

ConsoleOutput::outputTable() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Renders a table like output of the given $rows

$ Dispatcher#objectManagerProperty in class Dispatcher
$ RequestBuilder#objectManagerProperty in class RequestBuilder
$ CacheCommandController#objectManagerProperty in class CacheCommandController
$ ResourceCommandController#objectManagerProperty in class ResourceCommandController
$ RoutingCommandController#objectManagerProperty in class RoutingCommandController
$ SecurityCommandController#objectManagerProperty in class SecurityCommandController
ObjectsLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
$ AbstractExceptionHandler#optionsProperty in class AbstractExceptionHandler
$ Debugger#objectManagerProperty in class Debugger
$ CurlEngine#optionsProperty in class CurlEngine
MiddlewaresChain::onStep() — Method in class MiddlewaresChain

Register a callback that is invoked whenever a middleware component is about to be processed

$ MiddlewaresChainFactory#objectManagerProperty in class MiddlewaresChainFactory
$ PoweredByMiddleware#objectManagerProperty in class PoweredByMiddleware
$ RequestBodyParsingMiddleware#objectManagerProperty in class RequestBodyParsingMiddleware
$ StandardsComplianceMiddleware#optionsProperty in class StandardsComplianceMiddleware
$ UriTemplate#operatorsProperty in class UriTemplate
$ FormatResolver#objectManagerProperty in class FormatResolver
AnsiConsoleBackend::open() — Method in class AnsiConsoleBackend

Open the log backend

BackendInterface::open() — Method in class BackendInterface

Carries out all actions necessary to prepare the logging backend, such as opening the log file or opening a database connection.

ConsoleBackend::open() — Method in class ConsoleBackend

Carries out all actions necessary to prepare the logging backend, such as opening the log file or opening a database connection.

FileBackend::open() — Method in class FileBackend

Carries out all actions necessary to prepare the logging backend, such as opening the log file or opening a database connection.

NullBackend::open() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

$ ActionRequest#objectManagerProperty in class ActionRequest
$ ActionController#objectManagerProperty in class ActionController
Arguments::offsetSet() — Method in class Arguments

Adds or replaces the argument specified by $value. The argument's name is taken from the argument object itself, therefore the $offset does not have any meaning in this context.

Arguments::offsetUnset() — Method in class Arguments

Unsets an argument

Arguments::offsetExists() — Method in class Arguments

Returns whether the requested index exists

Arguments::offsetGet() — Method in class Arguments

Returns the value at the specified index

$ Dispatcher#objectManagerProperty in class Dispatcher
$ FlashMessageService#objectManagerProperty in class FlashMessageService
$ AbstractRoutePart#optionsProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Contains options for this Route Part.

$ IdentityRoutePart#objectPathMappingRepositoryProperty in class IdentityRoutePart
$ IdentityRoutePart#objectTypeProperty in class IdentityRoutePart

The object type (class name) of the entity this route part belongs to

ObjectPathMappingClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

An ObjectPathMapping model This contains the URI representation of an object (pathSegment)

$ ObjectPathMapping#objectTypeProperty in class ObjectPathMapping

Class name of the object this mapping belongs to

ObjectPathMappingRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Repository for object path mapping objects

$ Route#objectManagerProperty in class Route
$ RouterCachingService#objectManagerProperty in class RouterCachingService
$ AbstractView#optionsProperty in class AbstractView

The configuration options of this view

$ CompileTimeObjectManager#objectConfigurationsProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ CompileTimeObjectManager#objectNameBuildStackProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ Configuration#objectNameProperty in class Configuration

Name of the object

$ ConfigurationProperty#objectConfigurationProperty in class ConfigurationProperty

If specified, this configuration is used for instantiating / retrieving an property of type object

$ ProxyClassBuilder#objectManagerProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#objectConfigurationsProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
ObjectAlreadyRegisteredExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Object already registered" Exception

ObjectManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement

Object Manager

$ ObjectManager#objectsProperty in class ObjectManager
ObjectManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement

Interface for the Flow Object Manager This is a superset of the PSR-11 ContainerInterface.

$ Compiler#objectManagerProperty in class Compiler
ObjectSerializationTraitClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

Methods used to serialize objects used by proxy classes.

$ ProxyClass#originalClassNameProperty in class ProxyClass

The original class name

AllowedObjectsListener::onFlush() — Method in class AllowedObjectsListener

Doctrine onFlush listener that checks for only allowed objects and reconnects if the database connection was closed.

$ EntityManagerConfiguration#objectManagerProperty in class EntityManagerConfiguration
$ EntityManagerFactory#objectManagerProperty in class EntityManagerFactory
ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListenerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

An onFlush listener for Flow's Doctrine PersistenceManager.

ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener::onFlush() — Method in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener

An onFlush event listener used to act upon persistence.

$ Query#orderingsProperty in class Query
$ Query#offsetProperty in class Query
QueryResult::offsetExists() — Method in class QueryResult

This method is needed to implement the \ArrayAccess interface, but it isn't very useful as the offset has to be an integer

QueryResult::offsetGet() — Method in class QueryResult
QueryResult::offsetSet() — Method in class QueryResult

This method has no effect on the persisted objects but only on the result set

QueryResult::offsetUnset() — Method in class QueryResult

This method has no effect on the persisted objects but only on the result set

$ Repository#objectTypeProperty in class Repository

Warning: if you think you want to set this, look at RepositoryInterface::ENTITY_CLASSNAME first!

EmptyQueryResult::offsetExists() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::offsetGet() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::offsetSet() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
EmptyQueryResult::offsetUnset() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
ObjectValidationFailedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Exception

An ObjectValidationFailedException thrown when a validation error is encountered during persistence.

$ PropertyMapper#objectManagerProperty in class PropertyMapper
DateTimeConverter::overrideTime() — Method in class DateTimeConverter

Overrides hour, minute & second of the given date with the values in the $source array

ObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

This converter transforms arrays to simple objects (POPO) by setting properties.

$ ObjectConverter#objectManagerProperty in class ObjectConverter
$ ResourceManager#objectManagerProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceStreamWrapper::openDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Open directory handle.

ResourceStreamWrapper::open() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Opens file or URL.

StreamWrapperInterface::openDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Open directory handle.

StreamWrapperInterface::open() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Opens file or URL.

$ FileSystemTarget#optionsProperty in class FileSystemTarget
FileSystemTarget::onPublish() — Method in class FileSystemTarget
TargetInterface::onPublish() — Method in class TargetInterface

Registers a callback, which must be invoked by the implementation after each resource publishing

$ Account#objectManagerProperty in class Account
$ AuthenticationProviderResolver#objectManagerProperty in class AuthenticationProviderResolver
$ AuthenticationTokenResolver#objectManagerProperty in class AuthenticationTokenResolver
AbstractAuthenticationController::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

Is called if authentication failed.

AbstractAuthenticationController::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationController

Is called if authentication was successful. If there has been an intercepted request due to security restrictions, you might want to use something like the following code to restart the originally intercepted request:

$ AbstractEntryPoint#optionsProperty in class AbstractEntryPoint

The configurations options

$ AbstractProvider#optionsProperty in class AbstractProvider
$ TokenAndProviderFactory#objectManagerProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
$ AbstractToken#optionsProperty in class AbstractToken

Token options

$ FilterFirewall#objectManagerProperty in class FilterFirewall
$ InterceptorResolver#objectManagerProperty in class InterceptorResolver
$ PrivilegeManager#objectManagerProperty in class PrivilegeManager
$ AbstractPrivilege#objectManagerProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#operatorProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#operandDefinitionProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#operandProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#objectManagerProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter#objectManagerProperty in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
$ PrivilegeTarget#objectManagerProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
$ TestingPrivilegeManager#overrideDecisionProperty in class TestingPrivilegeManager
$ Context#objectManagerProperty in class Context
$ HashService#objectManagerProperty in class HashService
OpenSslRsaKeyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

An RSA key

$ RsaWalletServicePhp#openSSLConfigurationProperty in class RsaWalletServicePhp

The openSSL configuration

OperationNotPermittedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "OperationNotPermitted" Exception

$ PolicyService#objectManagerProperty in class PolicyService
$ RequestPatternResolver#objectManagerProperty in class RequestPatternResolver
$ ControllerObjectName#optionsProperty in class ControllerObjectName
$ CsrfProtection#objectManagerProperty in class CsrfProtection
$ Host#optionsProperty in class Host
$ Ip#optionsProperty in class Ip
$ Uri#optionsProperty in class Uri
$ SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter#objectManagerProperty in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter
OperationNotSupportedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception
$ Session#objectManagerProperty in class Session
$ Dispatcher#objectManagerProperty in class Dispatcher
$ ValidatorResolver#objectManagerProperty in class ValidatorResolver
$ AbstractCompositeValidator#optionsProperty in class AbstractCompositeValidator
$ AbstractValidator#optionsProperty in class AbstractValidator
ObjectValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Contract for a validator

TemplateObjectAccessInterface::objectAccess() — Method in class TemplateObjectAccessInterface

Post-Processor which is called whenever this object is encountered in a Fluid object access.

$ RenderingContext#objectManagerProperty in class RenderingContext
$ AbstractViewHelper#objectManagerProperty in class AbstractViewHelper
$ ViewHelperResolver#objectManagerProperty in class ViewHelperResolver
$ XsdGenerator#objectManagerProperty in class XsdGenerator
$ PaginateController#objectsProperty in class PaginateController
$ AbstractTemplateView#optionsProperty in class AbstractTemplateView

The configuration options of this view

$ TemplatePaths#optionsProperty in class TemplatePaths
$ FlowUploadedFile#originallySubmittedResourceProperty in class FlowUploadedFile

This is either the persistent identifier of a previously submitted resource file or an array with the "__identity" key set to the persistent identifier.

$ GeneratorService#objectManagerProperty in class GeneratorService
ObjectAccessClass in namespace Neos\Utility

Provides methods to call appropriate getter/setter on an object given the property name. It does this following these rules:

OpcodeCacheHelperClass in namespace Neos\Utility

This class contains a helper to clear PHP Opcode Caches, auto-detecting the current opcache system in use.

TextIterator::offset() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the offset in the original given string of the current element


MultiBackend::prepareBackends() — Method in class MultiBackend
PdoBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A PDO database cache backend

$ PdoBackend#passwordProperty in class PdoBackend
$ PdoBackend#pdoDriverProperty in class PdoBackend
PhpCapableBackendInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a cache backend which is capable of storing, retrieving and including PHP source code.

$ RedisBackend#portProperty in class RedisBackend
$ RedisBackend#passwordProperty in class RedisBackend
PhpFrontendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

A cache frontend tailored to PHP code.

CompilingEelParser::ProdCalculation_lft() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ProdCalculation_op() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::ProdCalculation_rgt() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
Context::push() — Method in class Context

Push an entry to the context

FizzleParser::PropertyNameFilter_Identifier() — Method in class FizzleParser
FizzleParser::parseFilterGroup() — Method in class FizzleParser
FlowQuery::popOperation() — Method in class FlowQuery

Pop the topmost operation from the stack and return it; i.e. the operation which should be executed next. The returned array has the form: array('name' => '...', 'arguments' => array(...))

FlowQuery::pushOperation() — Method in class FlowQuery

Push a new operation onto the operations stack.

FlowQuery::peekOperationName() — Method in class FlowQuery

Peek onto the next operation name, if any, or NULL otherwise.

$ AbstractOperation#priorityProperty in class AbstractOperation

The priority of operations. higher numbers override lower ones.

$ FilterOperation#persistenceManagerProperty in class FilterOperation
PropertyOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations\Object

Access properties of an object using ObjectAccess.

ArrayHelper::pop() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Removes the last element from an array

ArrayHelper::push() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Insert one or more elements at the end of an array

DateHelper::parse() — Method in class DateHelper

Parse a date from string with a format to a DateTime object

JsonHelper::parse() — Method in class JsonHelper

JSON decode the given string

MathHelper::pow() — Method in class MathHelper

Calculate the power of x by y

$ SecurityHelper#privilegeManagerProperty in class SecurityHelper
StringHelper::pregMatch() — Method in class StringHelper

Match a string with a regular expression (PREG style)

StringHelper::pregMatchAll() — Method in class StringHelper

Perform a global regular expression match (PREG style)

StringHelper::pregReplace() — Method in class StringHelper

Replace occurrences of a search string inside the string using regular expression matching (PREG style)

StringHelper::pregSplit() — Method in class StringHelper

Split a string by a separator using regular expression matching (PREG style)

InterpretedEelParser::ProdCalculation_lft() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ProdCalculation_op() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::ProdCalculation_rgt() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
PackageClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Package base class of the Eel package.

ParserExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Some exception that occurred during parsing of an expression

ProtectedContextClass in namespace Neos\Eel

A protected evaluation context

ProtectedContextAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Interface for classes that are aware of a protected Eel context

Utility::parseEelExpression() — Method in class Utility

Return the expression if it is a valid EEL expression, null otherwise.

$ Result#propertyResultsProperty in class Result

The result objects for the sub properties

$ Result#parentProperty in class Result
$ After#pointcutExpressionProperty in class After

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ AfterReturning#pointcutExpressionProperty in class AfterReturning

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ AfterThrowing#pointcutExpressionProperty in class AfterThrowing

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ Around#pointcutExpressionProperty in class Around

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ Before#pointcutExpressionProperty in class Before

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

$ Introduce#pointcutExpressionProperty in class Introduce

The pointcut expression. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

PointcutClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Declares a named pointcut. The annotated method does not become an advice but can be used as a named pointcut instead of the given expression.

ProxyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to disable proxy building for an object.

AdviceChain::proceed() — Method in class AdviceChain

An advice usually calls (but doesn't have to necessarily) this method in order to proceed with the next advice in the chain. If no advice is left in the chain, the proxy classes' method invokeJoinpoint() will finally be called.

$ Advisor#pointcutProperty in class Advisor

The pointcut for the advice

$ AspectContainer#propertyIntroductionsProperty in class AspectContainer

An array of \Neos\Flow\Aop\PropertyIntroduction objects

$ AspectContainer#pointcutsProperty in class AspectContainer

An array of explicitly declared \Neos\Flow\Pointcut objects

ProxyClassBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Builder

The main class of the AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) framework.

$ ProxyClassBuilder#pointcutExpressionParserProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::proxySubClassesOfClassToEnsureAdvices() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Makes sure that any subclasses of an advised class also build the advices array on construction.

$ InterfaceIntroduction#pointcutProperty in class InterfaceIntroduction

The pointcut this introduction applies to

$ JoinPoint#proxyProperty in class JoinPoint

A reference to the proxy object

PointcutClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

The pointcut defines the set of join points (ie. "situations") in which certain code associated with the pointcut (ie. advices) should be executed. This set of join points is defined by a pointcut expression which is matched against class and method signatures.

$ Pointcut#pointcutExpressionProperty in class Pointcut

A pointcut expression which configures the pointcut

$ Pointcut#pointcutFilterCompositeProperty in class Pointcut

The filter composite object, created from the pointcut expression

$ Pointcut#pointcutMethodNameProperty in class Pointcut

If this pointcut is based on a pointcut declaration, contains the name of the method acting as the pointcut identifier

$ Pointcut#pointcutQueryIdentifierProperty in class Pointcut

An identifier which is used to detect circular references between pointcuts

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A class filter which fires on classes annotated with a certain annotation

PointcutClassNameFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A simple class filter which fires on class names defined by a regular expression

PointcutClassTypeFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A class type filter which fires on class or interface names

PointcutExpressionParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

The pointcut expression parser parses the definition of the place and circumstances where advices can be inserted later on. The input of the parse() function is a string from a pointcut- or advice annotation and returns a pointcut filter composite.

$ PointcutExpressionParser#proxyClassBuilderProperty in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutExpressionParser::parse() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Parses a string pointcut expression and returns the pointcut objects accordingly

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorClassAnnotatedWith() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Takes a class annotation filter pattern and adds a so configured class annotation filter to the filter composite object.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorClass() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Takes a class filter pattern and adds a so configured class filter to the filter composite object.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorMethodAnnotatedWith() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Takes a method annotation filter pattern and adds a so configured method annotation filter to the filter composite object.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseAnnotationPattern() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Parse an annotation pattern and adjust $annotationPattern and $annotationPropertyConstraints as needed.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorMethod() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Splits the parameters of the pointcut designator "method" into a class and a method part and adds the appropriately configured filters to the filter composite object.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorWithin() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Adds a class type filter to the pointcut filter composite

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorPointcut() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Splits the value of the pointcut designator "pointcut" into an aspect class- and a pointcut method part and adds the appropriately configured filter to the composite object.

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorFilter() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Adds a custom filter to the pointcut filter composite

PointcutExpressionParser::parseDesignatorSetting() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Adds a setting filter to the pointcut filter composite

PointcutExpressionParser::parseRuntimeEvaluations() — Method in class PointcutExpressionParser

Adds runtime evaluations to the pointcut filter composite

PointcutFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A filter which refers to another pointcut.

$ PointcutFilter#pointcutMethodNameProperty in class PointcutFilter

Name of the pointcut method

$ PointcutFilter#pointcutProperty in class PointcutFilter

The pointcut this filter is based on

$ PointcutFilter#proxyClassBuilderProperty in class PointcutFilter

A reference to the AOP Proxy ClassBuilder

PointcutFilterCompositeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

This composite allows to check for match against a row pointcut filters by only one method call. All registered filters will be invoked and if one filter doesn't match, the overall result is "no".

PointcutFilterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

The contract for an AOP Pointcut Filter class

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A method filter which fires on methods annotated with a certain annotation

PointcutMethodNameFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A little filter which filters for method names

PointcutSettingFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

A settings filter which fires on configuration setting set to true or equal to the given condition.

PointcutSettingFilter::parseConfigurationOptionPath() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

Parses the given configuration path expression and sets $this->actualSettingValue and $this->condition accordingly

PropertyIntroductionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

Implementation of the property introduction declaration.

$ PropertyIntroduction#propertyNameProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

Name of the introduced property

$ PropertyIntroduction#propertyVisibilityProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

Visibility of the introduced property

$ PropertyIntroduction#propertyDocCommentProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

DocComment of the introduced property

$ PropertyIntroduction#pointcutProperty in class PropertyIntroduction

The pointcut this introduction applies to

ProxyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop

Contract and marker interface for the AOP Proxy classes

$ TraitIntroduction#pointcutProperty in class TraitIntroduction

The pointcut this introduction applies to

$ CacheManager#persistentCachesProperty in class CacheManager
CommandController::processRequest() — Method in class CommandController

Processes a command line request.

CommandControllerInterface::processRequest() — Method in class CommandControllerInterface

Processes a general request. The result can be returned by altering the given response.

$ ConsoleOutput#progressBarProperty in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::progressStart() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Starts the progress output

ConsoleOutput::progressAdvance() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Advances the progress output X steps

ConsoleOutput::progressSet() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Sets the current progress

ConsoleOutput::progressFinish() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Finishes the progress output

DescriptionAwareCommandControllerInterface::processShortDescription() — Method in class DescriptionAwareCommandControllerInterface

Processes the given short description of the specified command.

DescriptionAwareCommandControllerInterface::processDescription() — Method in class DescriptionAwareCommandControllerInterface

Processes the given description of the specified command.

$ RequestBuilder#packageManagerProperty in class RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder::parseRawCommandLineArguments() — Method in class RequestBuilder

Takes an array of unparsed command line arguments and options and converts it separated by named arguments, options and unnamed arguments.

$ CacheCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class CacheCommandController
$ CoreCommandController#proxyClassCompilerProperty in class CoreCommandController
$ DatabaseCommandController#persistenceSettingsProperty in class DatabaseCommandController
$ DoctrineCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class DoctrineCommandController
$ HelpCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class HelpCommandController
PackageCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Package command controller to handle packages from CLI

$ PackageCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class PackageCommandController
$ ResourceCommandController#persistenceManagerProperty in class ResourceCommandController
$ ResourceCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class ResourceCommandController
ResourceCommandController::publishCommand() — Method in class ResourceCommandController

Publish resources

$ SchemaCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class SchemaCommandController
$ SecurityCommandController#policyServiceProperty in class SecurityCommandController
$ TypeConverterCommandController#propertyMapperProperty in class TypeConverterCommandController
InstallerScripts::postUpdateAndInstall() — Method in class InstallerScripts

Make sure required paths and files are available outside of Package Run on every Composer install or update - must be configured in root manifest

InstallerScripts::postPackageUpdateAndInstall() — Method in class InstallerScripts

Calls actions and install scripts provided by installed packages.

$ ConfigurationManager#packagesProperty in class ConfigurationManager

Active packages to load the configuration for

ConfigurationManager::processConfigurationType() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Generate configuration with environment variables replaced without modifying or loading the cache

$ ConfigurationSchemaValidator#packageManagerProperty in class ConfigurationSchemaValidator
ParseErrorExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A Parse Error exception

PolicyLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
$ ApplicationContext#parentContextProperty in class ApplicationContext

The parent context, or NULL if there is no parent context

$ Bootstrap#preselectedRequestHandlerClassNameProperty in class Bootstrap
$ ClassLoader#packageNamespacesProperty in class ClassLoader

A list of namespaces this class loader is definitely responsible for.

ProxyClassLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

Class loader for Flow proxy classes.

ProductionExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

A quite exception handler which catches but ignores any exception.

$ InternalRequestEngine#persistenceManagerProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
InternalRequestEngine::prepareErrorResponse() — Method in class InternalRequestEngine

Prepare a response in case an error occurred.

$ Cookie#pathProperty in class Cookie
MediaTypeHelper::parseContentNegotiationQualityValues() — Method in class MediaTypeHelper

Parses a RFC 2616 content negotiation header field by evaluating the Quality Values and splitting the options into an array list, ordered by user preference.

ResponseInformationHelper::prepareHeaders() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper

Prepare array of header lines for this response

MethodOverrideMiddleware::process() — Method in class MethodOverrideMiddleware

Process an incoming server request and overwrite the request method of a POST based on a __method argument or either the X-Http-Method-Override or X-Http-Method header.

PoweredByMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

Adds the "X-Flow-Powered" to the response.

PoweredByMiddleware::process() — Method in class PoweredByMiddleware
PoweredByMiddleware::prepareApplicationToken() — Method in class PoweredByMiddleware

Generate an application information header for the response based on settings and package versions.

$ RequestBodyParsingMiddleware#propertyMapperProperty in class RequestBodyParsingMiddleware
RequestBodyParsingMiddleware::process() — Method in class RequestBodyParsingMiddleware
RequestBodyParsingMiddleware::parseRequestBody() — Method in class RequestBodyParsingMiddleware

Parses the request body according to the media type.

SecurityEntryPointMiddleware::process() — Method in class SecurityEntryPointMiddleware
SessionMiddleware::process() — Method in class SessionMiddleware
SessionMiddleware::prepareCookie() — Method in class SessionMiddleware

Prepares a cookie object for the session.

StandardsComplianceMiddleware::process() — Method in class StandardsComplianceMiddleware
TrustedProxiesMiddleware::process() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware
UriTemplate::parseExpression() — Method in class UriTemplate

Parse an expression into parts

$ AbstractXmlParser#parsedFilesProperty in class AbstractXmlParser

Associative array of "filename => parsed data" pairs.

AbstractXmlParser::parseXmlFile() — Method in class AbstractXmlParser

Reads and parses XML file and returns internal representation of data.

$ CldrModel#parsedDataProperty in class CldrModel
CldrModel::parseFiles() — Method in class CldrModel

Parses given CLDR files using CldrParser and merges parsed data.

CldrParser::parseNode() — Method in class CldrParser

Returns array representation of XML data, starting from a node pointed by $node variable.

$ DatesReader#parsedFormatsProperty in class DatesReader

An array of parsed formats, indexed by format strings.

$ DatesReader#parsedFormatsIndicesProperty in class DatesReader

An array which stores references to formats used by particular locales.

DatesReader::parseFormatFromCldr() — Method in class DatesReader

Returns parsed date or time format basing on locale and desired format length.

DatesReader::parseCustomFormat() — Method in class DatesReader

Returns parsed date or time format string provided as parameter.

DatesReader::parseFormat() — Method in class DatesReader

Parses a date / time format (with syntax defined in CLDR).

DatesReader::parseLocalizedLiterals() — Method in class DatesReader

Parses one CLDR child of "dates" node and returns it's array representation.

DatesReader::parseLocalizedEras() — Method in class DatesReader

Parses "eras" child of "dates" node and returns it's array representation.

DatesReader::prepareDateAndTimeFormat() — Method in class DatesReader

Creates one parsed datetime format from date and time formats merged together.

$ NumbersReader#parsedFormatsProperty in class NumbersReader

An array of parsed formats, indexed by format strings.

$ NumbersReader#parsedFormatsIndicesProperty in class NumbersReader

An array which stores references to formats used by particular locales.

NumbersReader::parseFormatFromCldr() — Method in class NumbersReader

Returns parsed number format basing on locale and desired format length if provided.

NumbersReader::parseCustomFormat() — Method in class NumbersReader

Returns parsed date or time format string provided as parameter.

NumbersReader::parseFormat() — Method in class NumbersReader

Parses a number format (with syntax defined in CLDR).

PluralsReaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader

A reader for data placed in "plurals" tag in CLDR.

PluralsReader::parseRule() — Method in class PluralsReader

Parses a plural rule from CLDR.

$ TranslationParameterToken#parametersProperty in class TranslationParameterToken

Key/Value store to keep the collected parameters

TranslationParameterToken::package() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the package.

DatetimeFormatter::padString() — Method in class DatetimeFormatter

Pads given string to the specified length with zeros.

$ LocaleTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class LocaleTypeConverter
DatetimeParser::parseDatetimeWithCustomPattern() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Returns dateTime parsed by custom format (string provided in parameter).

DatetimeParser::parseDate() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses date with format string for date defined in CLDR for particular locale.

DatetimeParser::parseTime() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses time with format string for time defined in CLDR for particular locale.

DatetimeParser::parseDateAndTime() — Method in class DatetimeParser

Parses dateTime with format string for date and time defined in CLDR for particular locale.

NumberParser::parseNumberWithCustomPattern() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses number given as a string using provided format.

NumberParser::parseDecimalNumber() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses decimal number using proper format from CLDR.

NumberParser::parsePercentNumber() — Method in class NumberParser

Parses percent number using proper format from CLDR.

$ Service#packageManagerProperty in class Service
$ XliffTranslationProvider#pluralsReaderProperty in class XliffTranslationProvider
$ Translator#pluralsReaderProperty in class Translator
Utility::parseAcceptLanguageHeader() — Method in class Utility

Parses Accept-Language header and returns array of locale tags (like: en-GB, en), or false if no tags were found.

$ XliffFileProvider#packageManagerProperty in class XliffFileProvider
PlainTextFormatterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log

Format any value as plain text representation.

PsrLoggerFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log

This actually creates a logger from the Neos.Log package.

PsrLoggerFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Log

Interface for PSR-3 logger factories. Any adapter for logging in Flow should bring such a factory.

$ LogEnvironment#packageKeysProperty in class LogEnvironment
$ ActionRequest#packageManagerProperty in class ActionRequest
$ ActionRequest#pluginArgumentsProperty in class ActionRequest

Arguments and configuration for plugins – including widgets – which are sub controllers to the controller referred to by this request.

$ ActionRequest#parentRequestProperty in class ActionRequest

The parent request – either another sub ActionRequest a main ActionRequest or null

ActionRequestFactory::prepareActionRequest() — Method in class ActionRequestFactory
$ AbstractController#persistenceManagerProperty in class AbstractController
ActionController::processRequest() — Method in class ActionController

Handles a request. The result output is returned by altering the given response.

$ Argument#propertyMappingConfigurationProperty in class Argument
$ Argument#propertyMapperProperty in class Argument
ControllerInterface::processRequest() — Method in class ControllerInterface

Processes a general request.

DispatchMiddleware::process() — Method in class DispatchMiddleware

Create an action request from stored route match values and dispatch to that

FlashMessageMiddleware::process() — Method in class FlashMessageMiddleware
FlashMessageService::persistFlashMessages() — Method in class FlashMessageService

Persist all FlashMessageContainers that have been instantiated during the current request cycle

FlashMessageStorageInterface::persist() — Method in class FlashMessageStorageInterface
FlashMessageCookieStorage::persist() — Method in class FlashMessageCookieStorage
FlashMessageSessionStorage::persist() — Method in class FlashMessageSessionStorage
$ RequestMatcher#parentMatcherProperty in class RequestMatcher

This property is set if parentRequest or mainRequest is used. The main purpose is to properly track the weight of the parentRequest and mainRequest Matchers through the addWeight method

$ DynamicRoutePart#persistenceManagerProperty in class DynamicRoutePart
$ DynamicRoutePart#parametersProperty in class DynamicRoutePart

The Routing RouteParameters passed to matchWithParameters() These allow sub classes to adjust the matching behavior accordingly

$ IdentityRoutePart#persistenceManagerProperty in class IdentityRoutePart
$ ObjectPathMapping#pathSegmentProperty in class ObjectPathMapping

Path segment (URI representation) of the object this mapping belongs to

ObjectPathMappingRepository::persistEntities() — Method in class ObjectPathMappingRepository

Persists all entities managed by the repository and all cascading dependencies

ParameterAwareRoutePartInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Contract for Route parts that are aware of Routing RouteParameters

$ Route#persistenceManagerProperty in class Route
Route::parse() — Method in class Route

Iterates through all segments in $this->uriPattern and creates appropriate RoutePart instances.

$ RouterCachingService#persistenceManagerProperty in class RouterCachingService
$ RoutingMiddleware#packageManagerProperty in class RoutingMiddleware
RoutingMiddleware::process() — Method in class RoutingMiddleware

Resolve a route for the request

$ JsonView#persistenceManagerProperty in class JsonView
$ Configuration#packageKeyProperty in class Configuration

Key of the package the specified object is part of

$ Configuration#propertiesProperty in class Configuration

Array of properties which are injected into the object

ConfigurationBuilder::parseConfigurationArray() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Builds an object configuration object from a generic configuration container.

ConfigurationBuilder::parseScope() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Parses the value of the option "scope"

ConfigurationBuilder::parseAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Parses the value of the option "autowiring"

ConfigurationBuilder::parsePropertyOfTypeObject() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Parses the configuration for properties of type OBJECT

ConfigurationBuilder::parseArgumentOfTypeObject() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Parses the configuration for arguments of type OBJECT

$ DependencyProxy#propertyVariablesProperty in class DependencyProxy
PropertyInjectionTraitClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection

Boilerplate code for dependency injection

ProxyClassBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection

A Proxy Class Builder which integrates Dependency Injection

ProxyCompilerExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception
$ Compiler#proxyClassesProperty in class Compiler
ProxyClassClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

Representation of a Proxy Class during rendering time

$ ProxyClass#propertiesProperty in class ProxyClass
ProxyConstructorGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy
ProxyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

A marker interface for Proxy Classes

ProxyMethodGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Proxy

Class ProxyMethodGenerator

PackageClass in namespace Neos\Flow

The Flow Package

$ Package#protectedProperty in class Package
PackageKeyAlreadyExistsExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

A "Package Key Already Exists" exception

PackageStatesFileNotWritableExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

"Package states file not writable" Exception

ProtectedPackageKeyExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

A "Protected Package Key" exception

$ GenericPackage#packageKeyProperty in class GenericPackage

Unique key of this package. Example for the Flow package: "Neos.Flow"

$ GenericPackage#packagePathProperty in class GenericPackage

Full path to this package's main directory

PackageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

A Flow Package

PackageFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

Class for building Packages

PackageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

Interface for a basic Package class

PackageKeyAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

An interface for packages that are aware of the concept of package keys, eg. "Neos.Flow".

PackageManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

The default Flow Package Manager

$ PackageManager#packageFactoryProperty in class PackageManager
$ PackageManager#packagesProperty in class PackageManager

Array of available packages, indexed by package key (case sensitive)

$ PackageManager#packageKeysProperty in class PackageManager

A translation table between lower cased and upper camel cased package keys

$ PackageManager#packagesBasePathProperty in class PackageManager

Absolute path leading to the various package directories

$ PackageManager#packageInformationCacheFilePathProperty in class PackageManager
$ PackageManager#packageStatesConfigurationProperty in class PackageManager

Package states configuration as stored in the PackageStates.php file

PackageManager::preparePackageStateConfiguration() — Method in class PackageManager
PackageOrderResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package

A simple package dependency order solver. Just sorts by simple dependencies, does no checking or versions.

$ PackageOrderResolver#packageStatesProperty in class PackageOrderResolver
PackageOrderResolver::packageRequirementIsComposerPackage() — Method in class PackageOrderResolver

Check whether the given package requirement (like "neos/flow" or "php") is a composer package or not

PersistenceMagicAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Aspect

Adds the aspect of persistence magic to relevant objects

$ PersistenceMagicAspect#persistenceManagerProperty in class PersistenceMagicAspect
$ PersistenceMagicAspect#Persistence_Object_IdentifierProperty in class PersistenceMagicAspect
PersistenceMagicInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Aspect

A marker interface used to support object persistence

$ AllowedObjectsListener#persistenceManagerProperty in class AllowedObjectsListener
AllowedObjectsListener::ping() — Method in class AllowedObjectsListener

Execute a dummy query on the given connection and return false if the connection is not open

$ ArrayTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class ArrayTypeConverter
$ ArrayTypeConverter#propertyMapperProperty in class ArrayTypeConverter
$ JsonArrayType#persistenceManagerProperty in class JsonArrayType
$ MigrationFinder#packageManagerProperty in class MigrationFinder
$ ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener#persistenceManagerProperty in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener
ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener::prePersist() — Method in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener

An prePersist event listener to deduplicate value objects.

PersistenceManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

Flow's Doctrine PersistenceManager

PersistenceManager::persistAll() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Commits new objects and changes to objects in the current persistence session into the backend

PersistenceManager::persistAllowedObjects() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Commits new objects and changes to objects in the current persistence session into the backend.

$ Query#parameterIndexProperty in class Query
$ Query#parametersProperty in class Query
$ Repository#persistenceManagerProperty in class Repository
$ Service#packageManagerProperty in class Service
PersistenceManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

The Flow Persistence Manager interface

PersistenceManagerInterface::persistAll() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Commits new objects and changes to objects in the current persistence session into the backend.

$ Repository#persistenceManagerProperty in class Repository
PropertyMapperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property

The Property Mapper transforms simple types (arrays, strings, integers, floats, booleans) to objects or other simple types.

PropertyMapper::prepareTypeConverterMap() — Method in class PropertyMapper

Collects all TypeConverter implementations in a multi-dimensional array with source and target types.

PropertyMappingConfigurationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property

Concrete configuration object for the PropertyMapper.

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#propertiesToBeMappedProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

List of allowed property names to be converted

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#propertiesToSkipProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

List of property names to be skipped during property mapping

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#propertiesNotToBeMappedProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

List of disallowed property names which will be ignored while property mapping

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property

Configuration object for the property mapper. This interface specifies all methods which are used by the property mapper and by the type converters during the conversion process. Thus, this interface does only contain read-only methods, and no methods to set any of these options.

$ AbstractTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class AbstractTypeConverter

The priority for this converter.

$ ArrayConverter#priorityProperty in class ArrayConverter
$ ArrayFromObjectConverter#persistenceManagerProperty in class ArrayFromObjectConverter
$ ArrayFromObjectConverter#priorityProperty in class ArrayFromObjectConverter
$ ArrayObjectConverter#priorityProperty in class ArrayObjectConverter
$ BooleanConverter#priorityProperty in class BooleanConverter
$ CollectionConverter#priorityProperty in class CollectionConverter
$ DateTimeConverter#priorityProperty in class DateTimeConverter
$ FloatConverter#priorityProperty in class FloatConverter
FloatConverter::parseUsingLocaleIfConfigured() — Method in class FloatConverter

Tries to parse the input using the NumberParser.

$ IntegerConverter#priorityProperty in class IntegerConverter
$ MediaTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class MediaTypeConverter

This converter is not used automatically

$ ObjectConverter#priorityProperty in class ObjectConverter
PersistentObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

This converter transforms arrays or strings to persistent objects. It does the following:

$ PersistentObjectConverter#priorityProperty in class PersistentObjectConverter
$ PersistentObjectConverter#persistenceManagerProperty in class PersistentObjectConverter
PersistentObjectSerializerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

This converter transforms persistent objects to strings by returning their (technical) identifier.

$ PersistentObjectSerializer#priorityProperty in class PersistentObjectSerializer
$ PersistentObjectSerializer#persistenceManagerProperty in class PersistentObjectSerializer
$ ScalarTypeToObjectConverter#priorityProperty in class ScalarTypeToObjectConverter
$ SessionConverter#priorityProperty in class SessionConverter
$ StringConverter#priorityProperty in class StringConverter
$ TypedArrayConverter#priorityProperty in class TypedArrayConverter
$ UriTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class UriTypeConverter
$ ClassSchema#propertiesProperty in class ClassSchema

Properties of the class which need to be persisted

DocCommentParser::parseDocComment() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Parses the given doc comment and saves the result (description and tags) in the parser's object. They can be retrieved by the getTags() getTagValues() and getDescription() methods.

DocCommentParser::parseTag() — Method in class DocCommentParser

Parses a line of a doc comment for a tag and its value.

ParameterReflectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

Extended version of the ReflectionParameter

$ ParameterReflection#parameterClassNameProperty in class ParameterReflection
PropertyReflectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

Extended version of the ReflectionProperty

$ ReflectionService#packageManagerProperty in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::prepareClassReflectionForUsage() — Method in class ReflectionService

Initializes the ReflectionService, cleans the given class name and finally reflects the class if necessary.

ReflectionService::produceCacheIdentifierFromClassName() — Method in class ReflectionService

Transform backslashes to underscores to provide a valid cache identifier.

$ Collection#pathPatternsProperty in class Collection
Collection::publish() — Method in class Collection

Publishes the whole collection to the corresponding publishing target

CollectionInterface::publish() — Method in class CollectionInterface

Publishes the whole collection to the corresponding publishing target

PersistentResourceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

Model representing a persistable resource

$ PersistentResource#protectedProperty in class PersistentResource

As soon as the PersistentResource has been published, modifying this object is not allowed

PersistentResource::postPersist() — Method in class PersistentResource

Doctrine lifecycle event callback which is triggered on "postPersist" events.

PersistentResource::preRemove() — Method in class PersistentResource

Doctrine lifecycle event callback which is triggered on "preRemove" events.

$ ResourceManager#persistenceManagerProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceManager::prepareUploadedFileForImport() — Method in class ResourceManager

Prepare an uploaded file to be imported as resource object. Will check the validity of the file, move it outside of upload folder if open_basedir is enabled and check the filename.

$ ResourceRepository#persistenceManagerProperty in class ResourceRepository
$ ResourceTypeConverter#priorityProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
$ ResourceTypeConverter#persistenceManagerProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
$ FileSystemStorage#pathProperty in class FileSystemStorage

The path (in a filesystem) where resources are stored

PackageStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

A resource storage which stores and retrieves resources from active Flow packages.

$ PackageStorage#packageManagerProperty in class PackageStorage
PackageStorage::prepareRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class PackageStorage

Prepares a relative publication path for a package resource.

$ ResourceStreamWrapper#packageManagerProperty in class ResourceStreamWrapper
ResourceStreamWrapper::pathStat() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Retrieve information about a file.

StreamWrapperInterface::pathStat() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Retrieve information about a file.

FileSystemSymlinkTarget::publishCollection() — Method in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget

Publishes the whole collection to this target

FileSystemSymlinkTarget::publishFile() — Method in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget

Publishes the given source stream to this target, with the given relative path.

FileSystemSymlinkTarget::publishDirectory() — Method in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget

Publishes the specified directory to this target, with the given relative path.

$ FileSystemTarget#pathProperty in class FileSystemTarget

The path (in a filesystem) where resources are published to

FileSystemTarget::publishCollection() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Publishes the whole collection to this target

FileSystemTarget::publishResource() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Publishes the given persistent resource from the given storage

FileSystemTarget::publishFile() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Publishes the given source stream to this target, with the given relative path.

TargetInterface::publishCollection() — Method in class TargetInterface

Publishes the whole collection to this target

TargetInterface::publishResource() — Method in class TargetInterface

Publishes the given persistent resource from the given storage

$ Account#policyServiceProperty in class Account
$ AccountFactory#policyServiceProperty in class AccountFactory
PolicyEnforcementAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Aspect

The central security aspect, that invokes the security interceptors.

$ PolicyEnforcementAspect#policyEnforcementInterceptorProperty in class PolicyEnforcementAspect

The policy enforcement interceptor

$ AuthenticationProviderManager#providerConfigurationsProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager

Injected configuration for providers.

$ FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider#policyServiceProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider
PersistedUsernamePasswordProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Provider

An authentication provider that authenticates Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token\UsernamePassword tokens.

$ PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider#persistenceManagerProperty in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider
$ PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider#precomposedHashProviderProperty in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider

The PrecomposedHashProvider has to be injected non-lazy to prevent timing differences

$ TokenAndProviderFactory#providersProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
$ TokenAndProviderFactory#providerConfigurationsProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
$ TokenAndProviderFactory#providerResolverProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
PasswordTokenClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

An authentication token used for simple password authentication.

PasswordTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

Interface for authentication tokens which only hold a password

AfterInvocationManagerInterface::process() — Method in class AfterInvocationManagerInterface

Processes the given return object. May throw an security exception or filter the result depending on the current user rights.

AfterInvocationProcessorInterface::process() — Method in class AfterInvocationProcessorInterface

Processes the given return object. May throw an security exception or filter the result depending on the current user rights.

PolicyEnforcementClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Interceptor

This is the main security interceptor, which enforces the current security policy and is usually called by the central security aspect:

$ PolicyEnforcement#privilegeManagerProperty in class PolicyEnforcement
PrivilegeManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

An access decision voter manager

PrivilegeManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

Contract for a privilege manager

PrivilegePermissionResultClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization
$ AbstractPrivilege#privilegeTargetProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
$ AbstractPrivilege#parametersProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
$ AbstractPrivilege#parsedMatcherProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
$ AbstractPrivilege#permissionProperty in class AbstractPrivilege
ConditionGenerator::property() — Method in class ConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A sql generator to create a sql condition for an entity property.

$ PropertyConditionGenerator#pathProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator

Property path the currently parsed expression relates to

$ PropertyConditionGenerator#policyServiceProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#persistenceManagerProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#parametersProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator

Raw parameter values

$ SqlFilter#policyServiceProperty in class SqlFilter
$ MethodPrivilege#pointcutFilterProperty in class MethodPrivilege
MethodTargetExpressionParser::parseDesignatorPointcut() — Method in class MethodTargetExpressionParser

Throws an exception, as recursive privilege targets are not allowed.

PrivilegeParameterDefinitionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Parameter

A privilege parameter definition

$ PrivilegeParameterDefinition#parameterClassNameProperty in class PrivilegeParameterDefinition
PrivilegeParameterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Parameter

Contract for a privilege parameter

PrivilegeInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege

Contract for a privilege

PrivilegeSubjectInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege

Marker interface for privilege subjects

PrivilegeTargetClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege

A privilege target

$ PrivilegeTarget#privilegeClassNameProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
$ PrivilegeTarget#parameterDefinitionsProperty in class PrivilegeTarget
$ RequestFilter#patternProperty in class RequestFilter
$ Context#policyServiceProperty in class Context
Algorithms::pbkdf2() — Method in class Algorithms

Compute a derived key from a password based on PBKDF2

$ FileBasedSimpleKeyService#passwordHashingStrategyProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService
$ FileBasedSimpleKeyService#passwordGenerationLengthProperty in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService
FileBasedSimpleKeyService::persistKey() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Persists a key to the file system

$ HashService#passwordHashingStrategiesProperty in class HashService
PasswordHashingStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

A password hashing strategy interface

Pbkdf2HashingStrategyClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

A PBKDF2 based password hashing strategy

PrecomposedHashProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

Precomposes a hash to be used to prevent timing attacks

PrecomposedHashProvider::precomposeHash() — Method in class PrecomposedHashProvider
$ RsaWalletServicePhp#paddingAlgorithmProperty in class RsaWalletServicePhp

The padding to use for OpenSSL encryption/decryption

PolicyServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Policy

The policy service reads the policy configuration. The security advice asks this service which methods have to be intercepted by a security interceptor.

$ PolicyService#policyConfigurationProperty in class PolicyService
$ PolicyService#privilegeTargetsProperty in class PolicyService
$ Role#packageKeyProperty in class Role

The package key this role belongs to (extracted from the identifier)

$ Role#parentRolesProperty in class Role
$ Role#privilegesProperty in class Role
$ RoleConverter#priorityProperty in class RoleConverter
$ RoleConverter#policyServiceProperty in class RoleConverter
$ CsrfProtection#policyServiceProperty in class CsrfProtection
Session::putData() — Method in class Session

Stores the given data under the given key in the session

SessionInterface::putData() — Method in class SessionInterface

Stores the given data under the given key in the session

TransientSession::putData() — Method in class TransientSession

Stores the given data under the given key in the session

PhpAnalyzerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Utility

This utility class can be used to extract information about PHP files without having to instantiate/reflect classes.

$ PhpAnalyzer#phpCodeProperty in class PhpAnalyzer
AbstractValidator::pushResult() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Push a new Result onto the Result stack and return it in order to fix cyclic calls to a single validator.

AbstractValidator::popResult() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Pop and return the current Result from the stack and make $this->result point to the last Result again.

DateTimeRangeValidator::parseReferenceDate() — Method in class DateTimeRangeValidator

Calculates a DateTime object from a given Time interval

$ GenericObjectValidator#propertyValidatorsProperty in class GenericObjectValidator
PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Contract for a poly type validator, able to act on possibly any type.

$ UniqueEntityValidator#persistenceManagerProperty in class UniqueEntityValidator
ResourceInterceptor::process() — Method in class ResourceInterceptor

Looks for URIs pointing to package resources and in place of those adds ViewHelperNode instances using the ResourceViewHelper.

EscapingFlagProcessor::preProcessSource() — Method in class EscapingFlagProcessor

Pre-process the template source before it is returned to the TemplateParser or passed to the next TemplateProcessorInterface instance.

NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor::preProcessSource() — Method in class NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor

Pre-process the template source before it is returned to the TemplateParser or passed to the next TemplateProcessorInterface instance.

NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor::protectCDataSectionsFromParser() — Method in class NamespaceDetectionTemplateProcessor

Encodes areas enclosed in CDATA to prevent further parsing by the Fluid engine.

$ RenderingContext#parserConfigurationProperty in class RenderingContext
$ ViewHelperResolver#packageManagerProperty in class ViewHelperResolver
AbstractWidgetController::processRequest() — Method in class AbstractWidgetController

Handles a request. The result output is returned by altering the given response.

AjaxWidgetMiddleware::process() — Method in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware

Check if the current request contains a widget context.

PackageClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor

The Fluid Package

$ Package#protectedProperty in class Package
$ AbstractFormViewHelper#persistenceManagerProperty in class AbstractFormViewHelper
AbstractFormViewHelper::prefixFieldName() — Method in class AbstractFormViewHelper

Prefixes / namespaces the given name with the form field prefix

PasswordViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

View Helper which creates a simple Password Text Box ().

$ UploadViewHelper#propertyMapperProperty in class UploadViewHelper
$ IdentifierViewHelper#persistenceManagerProperty in class IdentifierViewHelper
PaddingViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Formats a string using PHPs str_pad function.

PaginateControllerClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget\Controller

Controller for the paginate widget

$ PaginateController#pagesBeforeProperty in class PaginateController
$ PaginateController#pagesAfterProperty in class PaginateController
PaginateViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget

This ViewHelper renders a Pagination of objects.

$ TemplatePaths#partialRootPathPatternProperty in class TemplatePaths
$ TemplatePaths#patternReplacementVariablesProperty in class TemplatePaths

A map of key => values to be replaced in path patterns.

$ TemplatePaths#packageManagerProperty in class TemplatePaths
PsrHttpFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories

A factory that implements all interfaces of PSR 17

$ KickstartCommandController#packageManagerProperty in class KickstartCommandController
KickstartCommandController::packageCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart a new package

PackageClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter

The Kickstart Package

$ GeneratorService#packageManagerProperty in class GeneratorService
Inflector::pluralize() — Method in class Inflector
PluralizeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\ViewHelpers\Inflect

Pluralize a word

PropertyNotAccessibleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Exception

An "Invalid Property Type" exception

MediaTypes::parseMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypes

Parses a RFC 2616 Media Type and returns its parts in an associative array.

$ ObjectAccess#propertyGetterCacheProperty in class ObjectAccess

Internal RuntimeCache for getPropertyInternal()

PdoHelperClass in namespace Neos\Utility

A helper class for handling PDO databases

PositionalArraySorterClass in namespace Neos\Utility

Flexible array sorter that sorts an array according to a "position" metadata.

TypeHandling::parseType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Returns an array with type information, including element type for collection types (array, SplObjectStorage, ...)

Functions::pathinfo() — Method in class Functions

Unicode variant of pathinfo() pathinfo() function is not unicode-friendly if setlocale is not set. It's sufficient to set it to any UTF-8 locale to correctly handle unicode strings.

Functions::parse_url() — Method in class Functions

Parse a URL and return its components, UTF-8 safe

$ TextIterator#previousElementProperty in class TextIterator
TextIterator::previous() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the previous element

TextIterator::preceding() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns the offset of the element preceding the character of the original string given by its offset


FlowQuery::q() — Method in class FlowQuery

The q function from eel

CommandController::quit() — Method in class CommandController

Exits the CLI through the dispatcher and makes sure that Flow is properly shut down.

$ ConsoleOutput#questionHelperProperty in class ConsoleOutput
TranslationParameterToken::quantity() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the quantity.

QueryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

A Query class for Doctrine 2

$ Query#queryBuilderProperty in class Query
QueryResultClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

A lazy result list that is returned by Query::execute()

$ QueryResult#queryProperty in class QueryResult
$ EmptyQueryResult#queryProperty in class EmptyQueryResult
QueryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

A persistence query interface.

QueryResultInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

A lazy result list that is returned by Query::execute()


ApcuBackend::remove() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

ApcuBackend::removeIdentifierFromAllTags() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Removes association of the identifier with the given tags

ApcuBackend::rewind() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Rewinds the cache entry iterator to the first element

BackendInterface::remove() — Method in class BackendInterface

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

FileBackend::remove() — Method in class FileBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

FileBackend::requireOnce() — Method in class FileBackend

Loads PHP code from the cache and require_onces it right away.

IterableMultiBackend::rewind() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
MemcachedBackend::remove() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

MemcachedBackend::removeIdentifierFromAllTags() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Removes association of the identifier with the given tags

$ MultiBackend#removeUnhealthyBackendsProperty in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::remove() — Method in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::removeUnhealthyBackend() — Method in class MultiBackend
NullBackend::remove() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

NullBackend::requireOnce() — Method in class NullBackend

Does nothing

PdoBackend::remove() — Method in class PdoBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

PdoBackend::rewind() — Method in class PdoBackend

Rewinds the cache entry iterator to the first element and fetches cacheEntries.

PhpCapableBackendInterface::requireOnce() — Method in class PhpCapableBackendInterface

Loads PHP code from the cache and require_onces it right away.

RedisBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which stores cache entries in Redis using the phpredis PHP extension.

$ RedisBackend#redisProperty in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::remove() — Method in class RedisBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

RedisBackend::rewind() — Method in class RedisBackend
RequireOnceFromValueTraitClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend
RequireOnceFromValueTrait::requireOnce() — Method in class RequireOnceFromValueTrait

Loads PHP code from the cache and require_onces it right away.

SimpleFileBackend::remove() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

SimpleFileBackend::requireOnce() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Loads PHP code from the cache and include_onces it right away.

SimpleFileBackend::rewind() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Rewinds the cache entry iterator to the first element

SimpleFileBackend::readCacheFile() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Reads the cache data from the given cache file, using locking.

TransientMemoryBackend::remove() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Removes all cache entries matching the specified identifier.

AbstractFrontend::remove() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Removes the given cache entry from the cache.

CacheEntryIterator::rewind() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Rewind the cache entry iterator to the first element

FrontendInterface::remove() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Removes the given cache entry from the cache.

PhpFrontend::requireOnce() — Method in class PhpFrontend

Loads PHP code from the cache and require_onces it right away.

EelInvocationTracerInterface::recordPropertyAccess() — Method in class EelInvocationTracerInterface
EelInvocationTracerInterface::recordMethodCall() — Method in class EelInvocationTracerInterface
EelInvocationTracerInterface::recordFunctionCall() — Method in class EelInvocationTracerInterface
$ OperationResolver#reflectionServiceProperty in class OperationResolver
OperationResolver::resolveOperation() — Method in class OperationResolver

Resolve an operation, taking runtime constraints into account.

OperationResolverInterface::resolveOperation() — Method in class OperationResolverInterface

Resolve an operation, taking runtime constraints into account.

RemoveOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Removes the given items from the current context.

ArrayHelper::reverse() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Returns an array in reverse order

ArrayHelper::random() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Picks a random element from the array

ArrayHelper::range() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Create an array containing a range of elements

ArrayHelper::reduce() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Apply the callback to each element of the array and accumulate a single value

FileHelper::readFile() — Method in class FileHelper

Read and return the files contents for further use.

MathHelper::random() — Method in class MathHelper

Get a random foating point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)

MathHelper::randomInt() — Method in class MathHelper

Get a random integer number between a min and max value (inclusive)

MathHelper::round() — Method in class MathHelper

Rounds the subject to the given precision

StringHelper::replace() — Method in class StringHelper

Replace occurrences of a search string inside the string

StringHelper::rawUrlEncode() — Method in class StringHelper

Encode the string for URLs according to RFC 3986

StringHelper::rawUrlDecode() — Method in class StringHelper

Decode the string from URLs according to RFC 3986

Message::render() — Method in class Message
ResultClass in namespace Neos\Error\Messages

Result object for operations dealing with objects, such as the Property Mapper or the Validators.

Result::recurseThroughResult() — Method in class Result

Internal use only!

$ Entity#repositoryClassProperty in class Entity

Name of the repository class to use for managing the entity.

$ Entity#readOnlyProperty in class Entity

Whether the entity should be read-only.

$ AbstractAdvice#runtimeEvaluationsDefinitionProperty in class AbstractAdvice

Runtime evaluations definition array

$ AbstractAdvice#runtimeEvaluatorProperty in class AbstractAdvice

Runtime evaluations function

AdviceChain::rewind() — Method in class AdviceChain

Re-initializes the index to start a new run through the advice chain

AspectContainer::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class AspectContainer

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder#reflectionServiceProperty in class AbstractMethodInterceptorBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#reflectionServiceProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
ProxyClassBuilder::renderSourceHint() — Method in class ProxyClassBuilder

Renders a short message which gives a hint on where the currently parsed pointcut expression was defined.

$ JoinPoint#resultProperty in class JoinPoint

The result of the method invocations (only used for After Returning advices)

$ Pointcut#recursionLevelProperty in class Pointcut

Counts how often this pointcut's matches() method has been called during one query

Pointcut::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class Pointcut

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter
PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutClassNameFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutClassNameFilter
PointcutClassNameFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutClassTypeFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutClassTypeFilter
PointcutClassTypeFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutExpressionParser#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutFilterComposite#runtimeEvaluationsDefinitionProperty in class PointcutFilterComposite
PointcutFilterComposite::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

PointcutFilterInterface::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutFilterInterface

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter
PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PointcutMethodNameFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class PointcutMethodNameFilter
PointcutMethodNameFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

PointcutSettingFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

RuntimeExpressionEvaluatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut

An evaluator for AOP runtime expressions

$ RuntimeExpressionEvaluator#runtimeExpressionsCacheProperty in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator
$ RuntimeExpressionEvaluator#runtimeExpressionsProperty in class RuntimeExpressionEvaluator

Currently existing runtime expressions loaded from cache.

$ AnnotationsCacheFlusher#reflectionServiceProperty in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher

The ReflectionService is only needed during compile time for handling flushConfigurationCachesByCompiledClass

AnnotationsCacheFlusher::registerAnnotation() — Method in class AnnotationsCacheFlusher

Register an annotation that should trigger a cache flush

CacheManager::registerCache() — Method in class CacheManager

Registers a cache so it can be retrieved at a later point.

$ Command#reflectionServiceProperty in class Command
$ CommandArgumentDefinition#requiredProperty in class CommandArgumentDefinition
$ CommandController#requestProperty in class CommandController
$ CommandController#responseProperty in class CommandController
CommandController::resolveCommandMethodName() — Method in class CommandController

Resolves and checks the current command method name

$ CommandRequestHandler#requestProperty in class CommandRequestHandler
$ CommandRequestHandler#responseProperty in class CommandRequestHandler
Dispatcher::resolveController() — Method in class Dispatcher

Finds and instantiates a controller that matches the current request.

RequestClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

Represents a CLI request.

RequestBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

Builds a CLI request object from the raw command call

ResponseClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A CLI specific response implementation

$ CoreCommandController#requestBuilderProperty in class CoreCommandController
PackageCommandController::refreezeCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

Refreeze a package

PackageCommandController::rescanCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

Rescan package availability and recreates the PackageStates configuration.

ResourceCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

PersistentResource command controller for the Neos.Flow package

$ ResourceCommandController#resourceManagerProperty in class ResourceCommandController
$ ResourceCommandController#resourceRepositoryProperty in class ResourceCommandController
RoutingCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for tasks related to routing

$ RoutingCommandController#routesProviderProperty in class RoutingCommandController
RoutingCommandController::resolveCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

Build an URI for the given parameters

RoutingCommandController::routePathCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

Route the given route path

$ SecurityCommandController#reflectionServiceProperty in class SecurityCommandController
$ SecurityCommandController#rsaWalletServiceProperty in class SecurityCommandController
ServerCommandController::runCommand() — Method in class ServerCommandController

Run a standalone development server

ComposerUtility::readComposerLock() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Read the content of the composer.lock

ComposerUtility::readComposerManifest() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Read the content of composer.json in the given path

InstallerScripts::runPackageScripts() — Method in class InstallerScripts

Calls a static method from it's string representation

ConfigurationManager::registerConfigurationType() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Registers a new configuration type with the given source.

ConfigurationManager::replaceConfigurationForConfigurationType() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

If a cache file with previously saved configuration exists, it is loaded.

ConfigurationManager::refreshConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationManager
ConfigurationManager::replaceVariablesInPhpString() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Replaces variables (in the format %CONSTANT% or %env:ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE%) in the given php exported configuration string.

RecursionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A Recursion exception

RoutesLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
$ ApplicationContext#rootContextStringProperty in class ApplicationContext

The root context; must be one of "Development", "Testing" or "Production"

Scripts::registerClassLoaderInAnnotationRegistry() — Method in class Scripts

Register the class loader into the Doctrine AnnotationRegistry so the DocParser is able to load annation classes from packages.

Scripts::recompileClasses() — Method in class Scripts

Recompile classes after file monitoring was executed and class files have been changed.

Sequence::removeStep() — Method in class Sequence

Removes all occurrences of the specified step from this sequence

$ Bootstrap#requestHandlersProperty in class Bootstrap
Bootstrap::run() — Method in class Bootstrap

Bootstraps the minimal infrastructure, resolves a fitting request handler and then passes control over to that request handler.

Bootstrap::registerRequestHandler() — Method in class Bootstrap

Registers a request handler which can possibly handle a request.

Bootstrap::registerCompiletimeCommand() — Method in class Bootstrap

Registers a command specified by the given identifier to be called during compiletime (versus runtime). The related command controller must be totally aware of the limited functionality Flow provides at compiletime.

Bootstrap::resolveRequestHandler() — Method in class Bootstrap

Iterates over the registered request handlers and determines which one fits best.

ClassLoader::removeNamespaceMapEntry() — Method in class ClassLoader

Tries to remove a possibly existing namespace to class path map entry.

LockManager::removeExpiredLock() — Method in class LockManager
RequestHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core

The interface for a request handler

$ AbstractExceptionHandler#renderingOptionsProperty in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Merged custom error view options from defaultRenderingOptions and of the first matching renderingGroup

AbstractExceptionHandler::resolveCustomRenderingOptions() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Checks if custom rendering rules apply to the given $exception and returns those.

AbstractExceptionHandler::resolveRenderingGroup() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler
AbstractExceptionHandler::renderNestedExceptonsCli() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler
AbstractExceptionHandler::renderSingleExceptionCli() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Renders a single exception including message, code and affected file

AbstractExceptionHandler::renderExceptionDetailCli() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Renders the given $value word-wrapped and prefixed with $label

DebugExceptionHandler::renderStatically() — Method in class DebugExceptionHandler

Returns the statically rendered exception message

$ Debugger#renderedObjectsProperty in class Debugger
$ Debugger#recursionLimitProperty in class Debugger
$ Debugger#recursionLimitFallbackProperty in class Debugger
Debugger::renderDump() — Method in class Debugger

Renders a dump of the given variable

Debugger::renderArrayDump() — Method in class Debugger

Renders a dump of the given array

Debugger::renderObjectDump() — Method in class Debugger

Renders a dump of the given object

ProductionExceptionHandler::renderStatically() — Method in class ProductionExceptionHandler

Returns the statically rendered exception message

$ Exception#referenceCodeProperty in class Exception
CacheControlDirectives::removeDirective() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives

Removes a special directive previously set for the Cache-Control header.

$ Browser#redirectionStackProperty in class Browser

A simple string array that keeps track of occurred "Location" header redirections to avoid infinite loops if the same redirection happens

$ Browser#requestEngineProperty in class Browser
Browser::removeAutomaticRequestHeader() — Method in class Browser

Allows to remove headers that were added with addAutomaticRequestHeader.

Browser::request() — Method in class Browser

Requests the given URI with the method and other parameters as specified.

$ InternalRequestEngine#routerProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
$ InternalRequestEngine#responseFactoryProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
RequestEngineInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Client

Interface for a Request Engine which can be used by a HTTP Client implementation for sending requests and returning responses.

$ ContentStream#resourceProperty in class ContentStream
ContentStream::replace() — Method in class ContentStream

Attach a new stream/resource to the instance.

ContentStream::rewind() — Method in class ContentStream

Seek to the beginning of the stream.

ContentStream::read() — Method in class ContentStream

Read data from the stream.

Headers::remove() — Method in class Headers

Removes the specified header field

Headers::removeCookie() — Method in class Headers

Removes the specified cookie if it exists

Headers::removeCacheControlDirective() — Method in class Headers

Removes a special directive previously set for the Cache-Control header.

Headers::rewind() — Method in class Headers
RequestInformationHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper to extract various information from PSR-7 requests.

RequestInformationHelper::renderRequestInformation() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Renders information about the request

RequestInformationHelper::renderRequestHeaders() — Method in class RequestInformationHelper

Renders the HTTP headers - EXCLUDING the status header - of the given request

ResponseInformationHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper to extract various information from PSR-7 responses.

PoweredByMiddleware::renderMajorVersion() — Method in class PoweredByMiddleware

Renders a major version out of a full version string

PoweredByMiddleware::renderMinorVersion() — Method in class PoweredByMiddleware

Renders a minor version out of a full version string

RequestBodyParsingMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

Parses the request body and adds the result to the ServerRequest instance.

RequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

A request handler which can handle HTTP requests.

RequestHandler::resolveDependencies() — Method in class RequestHandler

Resolves a few dependencies of this request handler which can't be resolved automatically due to the early stage of the boot process this request handler is invoked at.

CldrModel::resolveAliases() — Method in class CldrModel

Resolves any 'alias' nodes in parsed CLDR data.

$ PluralsReader#rulesetsProperty in class PluralsReader

An array of rulesets, indexed numerically.

$ PluralsReader#rulesetsIndicesProperty in class PluralsReader

An associative array holding information which ruleset is used by given locale. One or more locales can use the same ruleset.

$ FormatResolver#reflectionServiceProperty in class FormatResolver
FormatResolver::resolvePlaceholders() — Method in class FormatResolver

Replaces all placeholders in text with corresponding values.

$ Locale#regionProperty in class Locale

The region identifier - an ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code or a UN M.49 three digit code Note: We use "ZZ" for "unknown region" or "global"

$ FileAdapter#requestedLocaleProperty in class FileAdapter
XliffFileProvider::readDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class XliffFileProvider
XliffReader::readFiles() — Method in class XliffReader
FileBackend::rotateLogFile() — Method in class FileBackend

Rotate the log file and make sure the configured number of files is kept.

PlainTextFormatter::renderVariableAsPlaintext() — Method in class PlainTextFormatter

Returns a suitable form of a variable (be it a string, array, object ...) for logfile output

PlainTextFormatter::renderKeyValue() — Method in class PlainTextFormatter
Logger::removeLegacyDataFromContext() — Method in class Logger
$ FileStorage#requestInformationRendererProperty in class FileStorage
FileStorage::renderErrorInfo() — Method in class FileStorage

Get current error post mortem informations with support for error chaining

FileStorage::renderBacktrace() — Method in class FileStorage

Renders background information about the circumstances of the exception.

FileStorage::renderRequestInfo() — Method in class FileStorage

Render information about the current request, if possible

FileMonitor::readMonitoredDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class FileMonitor

Read a monitored directory recursively, taking into account filename patterns

$ ActionRequest#referringRequestProperty in class ActionRequest

Cached pointer to a request referring to this one (if any)

$ ActionResponse#redirectUriProperty in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::replaceHttpResponse() — Method in class ActionResponse

Unsafe. Please avoid the use of this escape hatch as the behaviour is partly unspecified https://github.com/neos/flow-development-collection/issues/2492

$ AbstractController#requestProperty in class AbstractController

The current action request directed to this controller

$ AbstractController#responseProperty in class AbstractController

The legacy response which will is provide by this action controller

AbstractController::redirect() — Method in class AbstractController

Redirects the request to another action and / or controller.

AbstractController::redirectToRequest() — Method in class AbstractController

Redirects the request to another action and / or controller.

AbstractController::redirectToUri() — Method in class AbstractController

Redirects to another URI

$ ActionController#reflectionServiceProperty in class ActionController
ActionController::resolveActionMethodName() — Method in class ActionController

Resolves and checks the current action method name

ActionController::resolveView() — Method in class ActionController

Prepares a view for the current action and stores it in $this->view.

ActionController::resolveViewObjectName() — Method in class ActionController

Determines the fully qualified view object name.

ActionController::renderView() — Method in class ActionController

Renders the view and returns the psr response.

Arguments::removeAll() — Method in class Arguments

Remove all arguments and resets this object

$ ControllerContext#requestProperty in class ControllerContext
$ ControllerContext#responseProperty in class ControllerContext
$ Exception#requestProperty in class Exception
RestControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

An action controller for RESTful web services

$ RestController#requestProperty in class RestController

The current request

$ RestController#responseProperty in class RestController

The response which will be returned by this action controller

$ RestController#resourceArgumentNameProperty in class RestController

Name of the action method argument which acts as the resource for the RESTful controller. If an argument with the specified name is passed to the controller, the show, update and delete actions can be triggered automatically.

RestController::resolveActionMethodName() — Method in class RestController

Determines the action method and assures that the method exists.

RestController::redirectToUri() — Method in class RestController

Redirects to another URI

StandardController::resolveView() — Method in class StandardController

Overrides the standard resolveView method

Dispatcher::resolveController() — Method in class Dispatcher

Finds and instantiates a controller that matches the current request.

RequiredArgumentMissingExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "Required Argument missing" exception

$ StopActionException#responseProperty in class StopActionException

The response to be received by the MVC Dispatcher.

$ FlashMessageService#requestPatternResolverProperty in class FlashMessageService
RequestMatcherClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

This class is a helper that can be used as a context for an Eel evaluation to match a request using the Eel Syntax. This is primarily used in the requestFilter of the Views.yaml configuration.

$ RequestMatcher#requestProperty in class RequestMatcher

Request that will be used for the matcher.

RequestMatcher::resetWeight() — Method in class RequestMatcher

Reset the match weight

ResolveContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

Simple DTO wrapping the values required for a Router::resolve() call

ResolveResultClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

The result of a RoutePartInterface::resolve() call if the corresponding Route Part resolved

RouteContextClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

Simple DTO wrapping the values required for a Router::route() call

RouteLifetimeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

RouteLifetime to be associated with matched/resolved routes

RouteParametersClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

This class allows the whole routing behavior to be parametrized.

RouteTagsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

RouteTags to be associated with matched/resolved routes

DynamicRoutePart::removeMatchingPortionFromRequestPath() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Removes matching part from $routePath.

DynamicRoutePart::resolve() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks whether $routeValues contains elements which correspond to this Dynamic Route Part.

DynamicRoutePart::resolveWithParameters() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks whether $routeValues contains elements which correspond to this Dynamic Route Part.

DynamicRoutePart::resolveValue() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Checks, whether given value can be resolved and if so, sets $this->value to the resolved value.

$ IdentityRoutePart#reflectionServiceProperty in class IdentityRoutePart
IdentityRoutePart::resolveValue() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Resolves the given entity and sets the value to a URI representation (path segment) that matches $this->uriPattern and is unique for the given object.

IdentityRoutePart::rewriteForUri() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Transforms the given string into a URI compatible format without special characters.

ParameterAwareRoutePartInterface::resolveWithParameters() — Method in class ParameterAwareRoutePartInterface

Checks whether this Route Part corresponds to the given $routeValues.

RouteClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Implementation of a standard route

$ Route#resolvedUriConstraintsProperty in class Route

The merged UriConstraints of all Route Parts after resolving

$ Route#resolvedTagsProperty in class Route

The tags that have been associated with this route during resolving, or NULL if no tags were set

$ Route#resolvedLifetimeProperty in class Route

The lifetime that has been associated with this route during resolving, or NULL

$ Route#routePartsConfigurationProperty in class Route

Contains associative array of Route Part options (key: Route Part name, value: array of Route Part options)

$ Route#routePartsProperty in class Route

Container for Route Parts.

Route::resolves() — Method in class Route

Checks whether $routeValues can be resolved to a corresponding uri.

RoutePartInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Contract for all Route Parts.

RoutePartInterface::resolve() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Checks whether this Route Part corresponds to the given $routeValues.

RouterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

The default web router

$ Router#routesProviderProperty in class Router
$ Router#routerCachingServiceProperty in class Router
Router::route() — Method in class Router

Iterates through all configured routes and calls matches() on them.

Router::resolve() — Method in class Router

Builds the corresponding uri (excluding protocol and host) by iterating through all configured routes and calling their respective resolves() method. If no matching route is found, an empty string is returned.

RouterCachingServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Caching of findMatchResults() and resolve() calls on the web Router.

$ RouterCachingService#routeCacheProperty in class RouterCachingService
$ RouterCachingService#resolveCacheProperty in class RouterCachingService
$ RouterCachingService#routingSettingsProperty in class RouterCachingService
RouterInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Contract for a Web Router

RouterInterface::route() — Method in class RouterInterface

Iterates through all configured routes and calls matches() on them.

RouterInterface::resolve() — Method in class RouterInterface

Walks through all configured routes and calls their respective resolves-method.

RoutesClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing
RoutesProviderFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing
RoutesProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Supplier for lazily fetching the routes for the router.

RoutingMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

A routing HTTP component

$ RoutingMiddleware#routerProperty in class RoutingMiddleware
StaticRoutePart::resolve() — Method in class StaticRoutePart

Sets the Route Part value to the Route Part name and returns true if successful.

TestingRoutesProvider::reset() — Method in class TestingRoutesProvider
$ UriBuilder#routerProperty in class UriBuilder
$ UriBuilder#requestProperty in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::reset() — Method in class UriBuilder

Resets all UriBuilder options to their default value.

JsonView::render() — Method in class JsonView

Transforms the value view variable to a serializable array represantion using a YAML view configuration and JSON encodes the result.

JsonView::renderArray() — Method in class JsonView

Loads the configuration and transforms the value to a serializable array.

SimpleTemplateView::render() — Method in class SimpleTemplateView

Renders the view

ViewInterface::render() — Method in class ViewInterface

Renders the view

$ CompileTimeObjectManager#reflectionServiceProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager
$ CompileTimeObjectManager#registeredClassNamesProperty in class CompileTimeObjectManager

A list of all class names known to the Object Manager

CompileTimeObjectManager::registerClassFiles() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Traverses through all class files of the active packages and registers collects the class names as "all available class names". If the respective Flow settings say so, also function test classes are registered.

$ ConfigurationBuilder#reflectionServiceProperty in class ConfigurationBuilder
$ ProxyClassBuilder#reflectionServiceProperty in class ProxyClassBuilder
ObjectManager::registerShutdownObject() — Method in class ObjectManager

Registers the passed shutdown lifecycle method for the given object

ObjectManagerInterface::registerShutdownObject() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Registers the passed shutdown lifecycle method for the given object

$ Compiler#reflectionServiceProperty in class Compiler
Compiler::renderAttribute() — Method in class Compiler

Render the source (string) form of a PHP Attribute.

Compiler::renderAnnotation() — Method in class Compiler

Render the source (string) form of an Annotation instance.

Compiler::renderOptionArrayValueAsString() — Method in class Compiler

Render an array value as string for an annotation.

Compiler::replaceClassName() — Method in class Compiler

Appends ORIGINAL_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX to the original class name

Compiler::replaceSelfWithStatic() — Method in class Compiler

Replace occurrences of "self" with "static" for instantiation with new self() and function return declarations like "public function foo(): self".

$ ProxyClass#reflectionServiceProperty in class ProxyClass
ProxyClass::render() — Method in class ProxyClass

Renders and returns the PHP code for this ProxyClass.

ProxyClass::renderConstantsCode() — Method in class ProxyClass

Renders code for the added class constants

ProxyClass::renderPropertiesCode() — Method in class ProxyClass

Renders code for the added class properties

ProxyClass::renderTraitsCode() — Method in class ProxyClass

Renders code for added traits

ProxyConstructorGenerator::renderBodyCode() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
ProxyMethodGenerator::renderBodyCode() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator
PackageManager::refreezePackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Refreezes a package

PackageManager::rescanPackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Rescans available packages, order and write a new PackageStates file.

PackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration() — Method in class PackageManager

Requires and registers all packages which were defined in packageStatesConfiguration

PackageManager::registerPackageFromStateConfiguration() — Method in class PackageManager

Registers a package under the given composer name with the configuration.

AbstractPersistenceManager::registerNewObject() — Method in class AbstractPersistenceManager

Registers an object which has been created or cloned during this request.

$ EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter#reflectionServiceProperty in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter
EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class EmbeddedValueObjectPointcutFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ PersistenceMagicAspect#reflectionServiceProperty in class PersistenceMagicAspect
$ JsonArrayType#reflectionServiceProperty in class JsonArrayType
JsonArrayType::requiresSQLCommentHint() — Method in class JsonArrayType

We require a comment on the column to make doctrine recognize the type on already existing columns

EntityManagerConfiguration::registerEventSubscribers() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration
EntityManagerConfiguration::registerEventListeners() — Method in class EntityManagerConfiguration
$ EntityManagerFactory#reflectionServiceProperty in class EntityManagerFactory
$ ClassMetadata#reflClassProperty in class ClassMetadata
$ FlowAnnotationDriver#reflectionServiceProperty in class FlowAnnotationDriver
$ FlowAnnotationDriver#readerProperty in class FlowAnnotationDriver
FlowAnnotationDriver::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

$ ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener#reflectionServiceProperty in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener
$ PersistenceManager#reflectionServiceProperty in class PersistenceManager
PersistenceManager::remove() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Removes an object to the persistence.

$ QueryResult#rowsProperty in class QueryResult
QueryResult::rewind() — Method in class QueryResult
RepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

The Flow default Repository, based on Doctrine 2

Repository::remove() — Method in class Repository

Removes an object from this repository.

Repository::removeAll() — Method in class Repository

Removes all objects of this repository as if remove() was called for all of them.

Service::runDql() — Method in class Service

Run DQL and return the result as-is.

EmptyQueryResult::rewind() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
PersistenceManagerInterface::registerNewObject() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Registers an object which has been created or cloned during this request.

PersistenceManagerInterface::remove() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Removes an object to the persistence.

RepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

The Flow default Repository

Repository::remove() — Method in class Repository

Removes an object from this repository.

Repository::removeAll() — Method in class Repository

Removes all objects of this repository as if remove() was called for all of them.

RepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence

Contract for a repository

RepositoryInterface::remove() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Removes an object from this repository.

RepositoryInterface::removeAll() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Removes all objects of this repository as if remove() was called for all of them.

$ ObjectConverter#reflectionServiceProperty in class ObjectConverter
$ ScalarTypeToObjectConverter#reflectionServiceProperty in class ScalarTypeToObjectConverter
$ ClassSchema#repositoryClassNameProperty in class ClassSchema
ReflectionServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

A service for acquiring reflection based information in a performant way. This service also builds up class schema information which is used by the Flow's persistence layer.

$ ReflectionService#reflectionDataCompiletimeCacheProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#reflectionDataRuntimeCacheProperty in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::reflectEmergedClasses() — Method in class ReflectionService

Checks if the given class names match those which already have been reflected. If the given array contains class names not yet known to this service, these classes will be reflected.

ReflectionService::reflectClass() — Method in class ReflectionService

Reflects the given class and stores the results in this service's properties.

ReflectionService::reflectClassProperty() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::reflectPropertyTag() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::reflectClassMethod() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::reflectClassMethodParameter() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionServiceFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection

Factory for getting an reflection service instance.

$ ReflectionServiceFactory#reflectionServiceProperty in class ReflectionServiceFactory
$ Collection#resourceRepositoryProperty in class Collection
$ StaticResourceHelper#resourceManagerProperty in class StaticResourceHelper
$ PersistentResource#relativePublicationPathProperty in class PersistentResource

An optional relative path which can be used by a publishing target for structuring resources into directories

$ PersistentResource#resourceManagerProperty in class PersistentResource
ResourceManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

The ResourceManager

$ ResourceManager#resourceRepositoryProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceMetaDataInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

Interface which defines the basic meta data getters and setters for PersistentResource and Storage/Object objects.

ResourceRepositoryClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

PersistentResource Repository

$ ResourceRepository#removedResourcesProperty in class ResourceRepository
ResourceRepository::remove() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Removes a PersistentResource object from this repository

ResourceRepository::resetAfterPersistingChanges() — Method in class ResourceRepository

Reset internal state after changes have been persisted

ResourceTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement

A type converter for converting strings, array and uploaded files to PersistentResource objects.

$ ResourceTypeConverter#resourceManagerProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
$ ResourceTypeConverter#resourceRepositoryProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
$ FileSystemStorage#resourceManagerProperty in class FileSystemStorage
$ FileSystemStorage#resourceRepositoryProperty in class FileSystemStorage
$ StorageObject#relativePublicationPathProperty in class StorageObject

A suggested relative path for publication of this data

ResourceStreamWrapperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Streams

A stream wrapper for resources.

$ ResourceStreamWrapper#resourceManagerProperty in class ResourceStreamWrapper
ResourceStreamWrapper::readDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Read entry from directory handle.

ResourceStreamWrapper::rewindDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Rewind directory handle.

ResourceStreamWrapper::removeDirectory() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Removes a directory.

ResourceStreamWrapper::rename() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Renames a file or directory.

ResourceStreamWrapper::read() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Read from stream.

ResourceStreamWrapper::resourceStat() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Retrieve information about a file resource.

$ StreamWrapperAdapter#registeredStreamWrappersProperty in class StreamWrapperAdapter
StreamWrapperAdapter::registerStreamWrapper() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Register a stream wrapper. Later registrations for a scheme will override earlier ones without warning.

StreamWrapperAdapter::rename() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Renames a file or directory.

StreamWrapperAdapter::rmdir() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Removes a directory.

StreamWrapperInterface::readDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Read entry from directory handle.

StreamWrapperInterface::rewindDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Rewind directory handle.

StreamWrapperInterface::removeDirectory() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Removes a directory.

StreamWrapperInterface::rename() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Renames a file or directory.

StreamWrapperInterface::read() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Read from stream.

StreamWrapperInterface::resourceStat() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Retrieve information about a file resource.

$ FileSystemSymlinkTarget#relativeSymlinksProperty in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget
$ FileSystemTarget#resourceRepositoryProperty in class FileSystemTarget
$ Account#roleIdentifiersProperty in class Account
$ Account#rolesProperty in class Account
Account::removeRole() — Method in class Account

Removes a role from this account

AccountRepository::remove() — Method in class AccountRepository

Removes an account

LoggingAspect::reduceTokenToAccountIdentifier() — Method in class LoggingAspect
AuthenticationProviderResolver::resolveProviderClass() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderResolver

Resolves the class name of an authentication provider. If a valid provider class name is given, it is just returned.

AuthenticationTokenResolver::resolveTokenClass() — Method in class AuthenticationTokenResolver

Resolves the class name of an authentication token. If a valid token class name is given, it is just returned.

TestingProvider::reset() — Method in class TestingProvider

Reset the authentication status and account

$ TokenAndProviderFactory#requestPatternResolverProperty in class TokenAndProviderFactory
$ AbstractToken#requestPatternsProperty in class AbstractToken
$ FilterFirewall#requestPatternResolverProperty in class FilterFirewall
$ FilterFirewall#rejectAllProperty in class FilterFirewall

If set to true the firewall will reject any request except the ones explicitly allowed by a \Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\AccessGrantInterceptor

InterceptorResolver::resolveInterceptorClass() — Method in class InterceptorResolver

Resolves the class name of a security interceptor. If a valid interceptor class name is given, it is just returned.

PolicyEnforcement::renderDecisionReasonMessage() — Method in class PolicyEnforcement

Returns a string message, giving insights what happened during privilege evaluation.

RequireAuthenticationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Interceptor

This security interceptor invokes the authentication of the authentication tokens in the security context.

$ MethodPrivilege#runtimeExpressionEvaluatorProperty in class MethodPrivilege
$ MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter#runtimeExpressionEvaluatorProperty in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter
MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

RequestFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization

A RequestFilter is configured to match specific ActionRequests and call a InterceptorInterface if needed.

TestingPrivilegeManager::reset() — Method in class TestingPrivilegeManager

Resets the AccessDecisionManager to behave transparently.

$ Context#requestProperty in class Context
$ Context#rolesProperty in class Context
$ Context#requestCsrfTokenProperty in class Context

CSRF token created in the current request.

Context::refreshTokens() — Method in class Context

Refreshes all active tokens by updating the credentials.

Context::refreshRoles() — Method in class Context

Refreshes the currently effective roles. In fact the roles first level cache is reset and the effective roles get recalculated by calling getRoles().

RsaWalletServiceInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

RSA related service functions (e.g. used for the RSA authentication provider)

RsaWalletServiceInterface::registerKeyPairFromPrivateKeyString() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Adds the specified keypair to the local store and returns a fingerprint to refer to it.

RsaWalletServiceInterface::registerPublicKeyFromString() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Adds the specified public key to the wallet and returns a fingerprint to refer to it.

RsaWalletServicePhpClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Cryptography

Implementation of the RSAWalletServiceInterface using PHP's OpenSSL extension

RsaWalletServicePhp::registerKeyPairFromPrivateKeyString() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Adds the specified keypair to the local store and returns a fingerprint to refer to it.

RsaWalletServicePhp::registerPublicKeyFromString() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Adds the specified public key to the wallet and returns a fingerprint to refer to it.

$ DummyContext#rolesProperty in class DummyContext
RoleExistsExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "RoleExists" Exception, thrown when a role already exists.

$ PolicyService#rolesProperty in class PolicyService
PolicyService::reset() — Method in class PolicyService

Resets the PolicyService to behave transparently during functional testing.

RoleClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Policy

A role. These roles can be structured in a tree.

RoleConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Policy

This converter transforms strings to role instances

RequestPatternInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

Contract for a request pattern.

RequestPatternResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security

The request pattern resolver. It resolves the class name of a request pattern based on names.

RequestPatternResolver::resolveRequestPatternClass() — Method in class RequestPatternResolver

Resolves the class name of a request pattern. If a valid request pattern class name is given, it is just returned.

$ CsrfProtection#reflectionServiceProperty in class CsrfProtection
SessionDataContainer::reset() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Reset data in this session container.

LazyLoadingAspect::registerSessionInstance() — Method in class LazyLoadingAspect

Registers an object of scope session.

SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter::reduceTargetClassNames() — Method in class SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilter

This method is used to optimize the matching process.

SessionKeyValueStore::retrieve() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionKeyValueStore::remove() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaDataStore::retrieve() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::retrieveByTag() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::retrieveAll() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::remove() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
$ Session#remoteProperty in class Session
Session::resume() — Method in class Session

Resumes an existing session, if any.

Session::renewId() — Method in class Session

Generates and propagates a new session ID and transfers all existing data to the new session.

Session::removeTag() — Method in class Session

Removes the specified tag from this session.

SessionInterface::resume() — Method in class SessionInterface

Resumes an existing session, if any.

SessionInterface::renewId() — Method in class SessionInterface

Generates and propagates a new session ID and transfers all existing data to the new session.

SessionInterface::removeTag() — Method in class SessionInterface

Removes the specified tag from this session.

$ SessionManager#remoteSessionsProperty in class SessionManager
TransientSession::resume() — Method in class TransientSession
TransientSession::renewId() — Method in class TransientSession

Generates and propagates a new session ID and transfers all existing data to the new session.

TransientSession::removeTag() — Method in class TransientSession

Removes the specified tag from this session.

RuntimeSequenceHttpRequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Testing\RequestHandler

Everything from {RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler} applies to this.

RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Testing\RequestHandler

A request handler which boots up Flow into a basic runtime level and then returns without actually further handling anything.

$ Environment#requestProperty in class Environment
$ ValidatorResolver#reflectionServiceProperty in class ValidatorResolver
ValidatorResolver::reset() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Resets the baseValidatorConjunctions It is usually not required to reset the ValidatorResolver during one request. This method is mainly useful for functional tests

ValidatorResolver::resolveValidatorObjectName() — Method in class ValidatorResolver

Returns the class name of an appropriate validator for the given type. If no validator is available false is returned

AbstractCompositeValidator::removeValidator() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Removes the specified validator.

$ AbstractValidator#resultStackProperty in class AbstractValidator
RawValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

A validator which accepts any input.

RegularExpressionValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator based on regular expressions.

$ UniqueEntityValidator#reflectionServiceProperty in class UniqueEntityValidator
ResourceInterceptorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Parser\Interceptor

This interceptor looks for URIs pointing to package resources and in place of those adds ResourceUriNode instances using the ResourceViewHelper to make those URIs work in the rendered template.

ResourceUriNodeClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Parser\SyntaxTree

A special ViewHelperNode that works via injections and is created by the ResourceInterceptor

$ EscapingFlagProcessor#renderingContextProperty in class EscapingFlagProcessor
RenderingContextClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Rendering

A Fluid rendering context specifically to be used in conjunction with Flow.

AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper
AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderThenChild() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper

Returns value of "then" attribute.

AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderElseChild() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper

Returns value of "else" attribute.

AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderResult() — Method in class AbstractConditionViewHelper
AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::registerTagAttribute() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper

Register a new tag attribute. Tag attributes are all arguments which will be directly appended to a tag if you call $this->initializeTag()

AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::registerUniversalTagAttributes() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper

Registers all standard HTML universal attributes.

$ AbstractViewHelper#renderingContextProperty in class AbstractViewHelper
RenderingContextNotAccessibleExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper\Exception

A "Rendering Context not Accessible" exception.

TemplateVariableContainer::resolveSubVariableReferences() — Method in class TemplateVariableContainer
AbstractWidgetViewHelper::resetState() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Resets the ViewHelper state by creating a fresh WidgetContext

RenderingContextNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget\Exception

An exception if no widget context could be found inside the AjaxWidgetContextHolder.

$ AbstractGenerator#reflectionServiceProperty in class AbstractGenerator
DebugViewHelper::render() — Method in class DebugViewHelper

Wrapper for \Neos\Flow\var_dump()

FlashMessagesViewHelper::render() — Method in class FlashMessagesViewHelper

Renders flash messages that have been added to the FlashMessageContainer in previous request(s).

FlashMessagesViewHelper::renderAsList() — Method in class FlashMessagesViewHelper

Render the flash messages as unsorted list. This is triggered if no "as" argument is given to the ViewHelper.

FlashMessagesViewHelper::renderFromTemplate() — Method in class FlashMessagesViewHelper

Defer the rendering of Flash Messages to the template. In this case, the flash messages are stored in the template inside the variable specified in "as".

FormViewHelper::render() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Render the form.

FormViewHelper::renderHiddenActionUriQueryParameters() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Render hidden form fields for query parameters from action URI.

FormViewHelper::renderAdditionalIdentityFields() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Render additional identity fields which were registered by form elements.

FormViewHelper::renderHiddenReferrerFields() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Renders hidden form fields for referrer information about the current controller and action.

FormViewHelper::removeFormObjectNameFromViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Removes the form object name from the ViewHelperVariableContainer.

FormViewHelper::removeFormObjectFromViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Removes the form object from the ViewHelperVariableContainer.

FormViewHelper::removeFieldNamePrefixFromViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Removes field name prefix from the ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::removeFormFieldNamesFromViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Removes the container for form field names from the ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::removeEmptyHiddenFieldNamesFromViewHelperVariableContainer() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Removes container for rendered hidden field names for empty values from ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::renderEmptyHiddenFields() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Renders all empty hidden fields that have been added to ViewHelperVariableContainer

FormViewHelper::renderTrustedPropertiesField() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Render the request hash field

FormViewHelper::renderCsrfTokenField() — Method in class FormViewHelper

Render the a hidden field with a CSRF token

AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::renderHiddenFieldForEmptyValue() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Renders a hidden field with the same name as the element, to make sure the empty value is submitted in case nothing is selected. This is needed for checkbox and multiple select fields

AbstractFormViewHelper::renderHiddenIdentityField() — Method in class AbstractFormViewHelper

Renders a hidden form field containing the technical identity of the given object.

AbstractFormViewHelper::registerFieldNameForFormTokenGeneration() — Method in class AbstractFormViewHelper

Register a field name for inclusion in the HMAC / Form Token generation

ButtonViewHelper::render() — Method in class ButtonViewHelper

Renders the button.

CheckboxViewHelper::render() — Method in class CheckboxViewHelper

Renders the checkbox.

HiddenViewHelper::render() — Method in class HiddenViewHelper

Renders the hidden field.

PasswordViewHelper::render() — Method in class PasswordViewHelper

Renders the password input field.

RadioViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

View Helper which creates a simple radio button ().

RadioViewHelper::render() — Method in class RadioViewHelper

Renders the checkbox.

SelectViewHelper::render() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Render the tag.

SelectViewHelper::renderOptionTags() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Render the option tags.

SelectViewHelper::renderOptionTag() — Method in class SelectViewHelper

Render one option tag

SubmitViewHelper::render() — Method in class SubmitViewHelper

Renders the submit button.

TextareaViewHelper::render() — Method in class TextareaViewHelper

Renders the textarea.

TextfieldViewHelper::render() — Method in class TextfieldViewHelper

Renders the textfield.

UploadViewHelper::render() — Method in class UploadViewHelper

Renders the upload field.

Base64DecodeViewHelper::render() — Method in class Base64DecodeViewHelper

Converts all HTML entities to their applicable characters as needed using PHPs html_entity_decode() function.

BytesViewHelper::render() — Method in class BytesViewHelper

Render the supplied byte count as a human readable string.

CaseViewHelper::render() — Method in class CaseViewHelper

Changes the case of the input string

CaseViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class CaseViewHelper
CropViewHelper::render() — Method in class CropViewHelper

Render the cropped text

CropViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class CropViewHelper
CurrencyViewHelper::render() — Method in class CurrencyViewHelper
DateViewHelper::render() — Method in class DateViewHelper

Render the supplied DateTime object as a formatted date.

HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper::render() — Method in class HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper

Converts all HTML entities to their applicable characters as needed using PHPs html_entity_decode() function.

HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper

Applies html_entity_decode() on the specified value.

HtmlentitiesViewHelper::render() — Method in class HtmlentitiesViewHelper

Escapes special characters with their escaped counterparts as needed using PHPs htmlentities() function.

HtmlentitiesViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class HtmlentitiesViewHelper

Applies htmlentities() on the specified value.

IdentifierViewHelper::render() — Method in class IdentifierViewHelper

Outputs the identifier of the specified object

JsonViewHelper::render() — Method in class JsonViewHelper

Outputs content with its JSON representation. To prevent issues in HTML context, occurrences of greater-than or less-than characters are converted to their hexadecimal representations.

Nl2brViewHelper::render() — Method in class Nl2brViewHelper

Replaces newline characters by HTML line breaks.

NumberViewHelper::render() — Method in class NumberViewHelper

Format the numeric value as a number with grouped thousands, decimal point and precision.

PaddingViewHelper::render() — Method in class PaddingViewHelper

Pad a string to a certain length with another string

PaddingViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class PaddingViewHelper

Applies str_pad() on the specified value.

StripTagsViewHelper::render() — Method in class StripTagsViewHelper

Escapes special characters with their escaped counterparts as needed using PHPs strip_tags() function.

UrlencodeViewHelper::render() — Method in class UrlencodeViewHelper

Escapes special characters with their escaped counterparts as needed using PHPs urlencode() function.

UrlencodeViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class UrlencodeViewHelper

Applies rawurlencode() on the specified value.

ActionViewHelper::render() — Method in class ActionViewHelper

Render the link.

EmailViewHelper::render() — Method in class EmailViewHelper
ExternalViewHelper::render() — Method in class ExternalViewHelper
RenderChildrenViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers

Render the inner parts of a Widget.

RenderChildrenViewHelper::render() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper
RenderChildrenViewHelper::removeArgumentsFromTemplateVariableContainer() — Method in class RenderChildrenViewHelper

Remove the given arguments from the TemplateVariableContainer of the widget.

CsrfTokenViewHelper::render() — Method in class CsrfTokenViewHelper
IfAccessViewHelper::render() — Method in class IfAccessViewHelper

renders child if access to the given resource is allowed, otherwise renders child.

IfAccessViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class IfAccessViewHelper
IfAuthenticatedViewHelper::render() — Method in class IfAuthenticatedViewHelper

renders child if access to the given resource is allowed, otherwise renders child.

IfHasRoleViewHelper::render() — Method in class IfHasRoleViewHelper

renders child if the role could be found in the security context, otherwise renders child.

TranslateViewHelper::render() — Method in class TranslateViewHelper

Renders the translated label.

ActionViewHelper::render() — Method in class ActionViewHelper

Render the Uri.

EmailViewHelper::render() — Method in class EmailViewHelper
ExternalViewHelper::render() — Method in class ExternalViewHelper
ResourceViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Uri

A view helper for creating URIs to resources.

$ ResourceViewHelper#resourceManagerProperty in class ResourceViewHelper
ResourceViewHelper::render() — Method in class ResourceViewHelper

Render the URI to the resource. The filename is used from child content.

ResourceViewHelper::renderStatic() — Method in class ResourceViewHelper
IfHasErrorsViewHelper::render() — Method in class IfHasErrorsViewHelper

Renders child if there are validation errors. The check can be narrowed down to specific property paths.

ResultsViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Validation

Validation results view helper

ResultsViewHelper::render() — Method in class ResultsViewHelper

Iterates through selected errors of the request.

AutocompleteViewHelper::render() — Method in class AutocompleteViewHelper
LinkViewHelper::render() — Method in class LinkViewHelper

Render the link.

PaginateViewHelper::render() — Method in class PaginateViewHelper

Render this view helper

UriViewHelper::render() — Method in class UriViewHelper

Render the Uri.

AbstractTemplateView::render() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView
AbstractTemplateView::renderSection() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Renders a given section.

$ StandaloneView#requestProperty in class StandaloneView
TemplatePaths::resolveTemplateFileForControllerAndActionAndFormat() — Method in class TemplatePaths

Resolves a template file based on the given controller and action, together with eventually defined patternReplacementVariables.

TemplatePaths::replacePatternVariable() — Method in class TemplatePaths
RequestFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
RequestFactoryTraitClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
ResponseFactoryTraitClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
KickstartCommandController::repositoryCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart a new domain repository

$ GeneratorService#reflectionServiceProperty in class GeneratorService
GeneratorService::renderTemplate() — Method in class GeneratorService

Render the given template file with the given variables

LtrimViewHelper::render() — Method in class LtrimViewHelper
UcfirstViewHelper::render() — Method in class UcfirstViewHelper

Uppercase first character

HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper::render() — Method in class HumanizeCamelCaseViewHelper

Humanize a model name

PluralizeViewHelper::render() — Method in class PluralizeViewHelper

Pluralize a word

Arrays::removeEmptyElementsRecursively() — Method in class Arrays

Recursively removes empty array elements.

Files::readDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class Files

Returns all filenames from the specified directory. Filters hidden files and directories.

Files::removeEmptyDirectoriesOnPath() — Method in class Files

Removes all empty directories on the specified path. If a base path is given, this function will not remove directories, even if empty, above and including that base path.

Files::removeDirectoryRecursively() — Method in class Files

Deletes all files, directories and subdirectories from the specified directory. Contrary to emptyDirectoryRecursively() this function will also finally remove the emptied directory.

SchemaValidator::renderValue() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Create a string information for the given value

TextIterator::rewind() — Method in class TextIterator

Sets the iterator back to the first element


AbstractBackend::setProperties() — Method in class AbstractBackend
AbstractBackend::setProperty() — Method in class AbstractBackend
AbstractBackend::setCache() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Sets a reference to the cache frontend which uses this backend

AbstractBackend::setDefaultLifetime() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Sets the default lifetime for this cache backend

ApcuBackend::setCache() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Initializes the identifier prefix when setting the cache.

ApcuBackend::set() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Saves data in the cache.

BackendInterface::setCache() — Method in class BackendInterface

Sets a reference to the cache frontend which uses this backend

BackendInterface::set() — Method in class BackendInterface

Saves data in the cache.

FileBackend::setCache() — Method in class FileBackend

Sets a reference to the cache frontend which uses this backend and initializes the default cache directory.

FileBackend::set() — Method in class FileBackend

Saves data in a cache file.

$ MemcachedBackend#serversProperty in class MemcachedBackend

Array of Memcache server configurations

MemcachedBackend::setServers() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Setter for servers to be used. Expects an array, the values are expected to be formatted like "[:]" or "unix://"

MemcachedBackend::setCompression() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Setter for compression flags bit

MemcachedBackend::setCache() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Initializes the identifier prefix when setting the cache.

MemcachedBackend::set() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Saves data in the cache.

MemcachedBackend::setItem() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Stores an item on the server

$ MultiBackend#setInAllBackendsProperty in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::set() — Method in class MultiBackend
MultiBackend::setBackendConfigurations() — Method in class MultiBackend

This setter is used by AbstractBackend::setProperties()

MultiBackend::setSetInAllBackends() — Method in class MultiBackend

This setter is used by AbstractBackend::setProperties()

MultiBackend::setDebug() — Method in class MultiBackend

This setter is used by AbstractBackend::setProperties()

MultiBackend::setRemoveUnhealthyBackends() — Method in class MultiBackend

This setter is used by AbstractBackend::setProperties()

MultiBackend::setLogErrors() — Method in class MultiBackend

This setter is used by AbstractBackend::setProperties()

NullBackend::setProperty() — Method in class NullBackend

Successfully ignore every configured property

NullBackend::set() — Method in class NullBackend

Acts as if it would save data

PdoBackend::setDataSourceName() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the DSN to use

PdoBackend::setUsername() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the username to use

PdoBackend::setPassword() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the password to use

PdoBackend::setDriverOptions() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the driverOptions to use

PdoBackend::setCacheTableName() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the name of the "cache" table

PdoBackend::setTagsTableName() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the name of the "tags" table

PdoBackend::setBatchSize() — Method in class PdoBackend

Sets the maximum number of items for batch operations

PdoBackend::set() — Method in class PdoBackend

Saves data in the cache.

PdoBackend::setup() — Method in class PdoBackend

Connects to the configured PDO database and adds/updates table schema if required

RedisBackend::set() — Method in class RedisBackend

Saves data in the cache.

RedisBackend::setHostname() — Method in class RedisBackend

Sets the hostname or the socket of the Redis server

RedisBackend::setPort() — Method in class RedisBackend

Sets the port of the Redis server.

RedisBackend::setDatabase() — Method in class RedisBackend

Sets the database that will be used for this backend

RedisBackend::setPassword() — Method in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::setCompressionLevel() — Method in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::setBatchSize() — Method in class RedisBackend

Sets the Maximum number of items for batch operations

RedisBackend::setRedis() — Method in class RedisBackend
SimpleFileBackendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A caching backend which stores cache entries in files, but does not support or care about expiry times and tags.

SimpleFileBackend::setCache() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Sets a reference to the cache frontend which uses this backend and initializes the default cache directory.

SimpleFileBackend::setCacheDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Sets the directory where the cache files are stored

SimpleFileBackend::set() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Saves data in a cache file.

SimpleFileBackend::setBaseDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend
SimpleFileBackend::setup() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Sets up this backend by creating the required cache directory if it doesn't exist yet

TransientMemoryBackend::set() — Method in class TransientMemoryBackend

Saves data in the cache.

WithSetupInterface::setup() — Method in class WithSetupInterface

Sets up the cache backend, if possible, and returns the status

FrontendInterface::set() — Method in class FrontendInterface

Saves data in the cache.

PhpFrontend::set() — Method in class PhpFrontend

Saves the PHP source code in the cache.

StringFrontendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

A cache frontend for strings. Nothing else.

StringFrontend::set() — Method in class StringFrontend

Saves the value of a PHP variable in the cache.

VariableFrontend::set() — Method in class VariableFrontend

Saves the value of a PHP variable in the cache. Note that the variable will be serialized if necessary.

CacheItem::set() — Method in class CacheItem
CachePool::save() — Method in class CachePool

Persists a cache item immediately.

CachePool::saveDeferred() — Method in class CachePool

Sets a cache item to be persisted later.

SimpleCacheClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr\SimpleCache

A simple cache frontend Note: This does not follow the \Neos\Cache\Frontend\FrontendInterface this package provides.

SimpleCache::set() — Method in class SimpleCache

Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.

SimpleCache::setMultiple() — Method in class SimpleCache
SimpleCacheFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Psr\SimpleCache

A factory for PSR-16 simple caches.

AbstractParser::StringLiteral_SingleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
AbstractParser::StringLiteral_DoubleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class AbstractParser
CompilingEelParser::StringLiteral_SingleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::StringLiteral_DoubleQuotedStringLiteral() — Method in class CompilingEelParser

Evaluate a double quoted string literal

CompilingEelParser::SimpleExpression_term() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::SumCalculation_lft() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::SumCalculation_op() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
CompilingEelParser::SumCalculation_rgt() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
FlowQuery::setOperationResolver() — Method in class FlowQuery

Setter for setting the operation resolver from the outside, only needed to successfully run unit tests (hacky!)

FlowQuery::setContext() — Method in class FlowQuery

Set the updated context with the operation result applied.

$ AbstractOperation#shortNameProperty in class AbstractOperation

The short name of the operation

$ AddOperation#shortNameProperty in class AddOperation
$ CountOperation#shortNameProperty in class CountOperation
$ FirstOperation#shortNameProperty in class FirstOperation
$ GetOperation#shortNameProperty in class GetOperation
$ IsOperation#shortNameProperty in class IsOperation
$ LastOperation#shortNameProperty in class LastOperation
$ ChildrenOperation#shortNameProperty in class ChildrenOperation
$ FilterOperation#shortNameProperty in class FilterOperation
$ PropertyOperation#shortNameProperty in class PropertyOperation
$ RemoveOperation#shortNameProperty in class RemoveOperation
SliceOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Slice the current context

$ SliceOperation#shortNameProperty in class SliceOperation
$ UniqueOperation#shortNameProperty in class UniqueOperation
ArrayHelper::slice() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Extract a portion of an indexed array

ArrayHelper::sort() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Sorts an array

ArrayHelper::shuffle() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Shuffle an array

ArrayHelper::shift() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Remove the first element of an array

ArrayHelper::splice() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Replaces a range of an array by the given replacements

ArrayHelper::set() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Set the specified key in the the array

ArrayHelper::some() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Check if at least one element in an array passes a test given by the calback, passing each element and key as arguments

ConfigurationHelper::setting() — Method in class ConfigurationHelper

Return the specified settings

DateHelper::subtract() — Method in class DateHelper

Subtract an interval from a date and return a new DateTime object

DateHelper::second() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the second of a date

FileHelper::stat() — Method in class FileHelper

Get file information like creation and modification times as well as size.

JsonHelper::stringify() — Method in class JsonHelper

JSON encode the given value

MathHelper::sign() — Method in class MathHelper

Get the sign of the given number, indicating whether the number is positive, negative or zero

MathHelper::sin() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::sinh() — Method in class MathHelper
MathHelper::sqrt() — Method in class MathHelper
SecurityHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

Helper for security related information

$ SecurityHelper#securityContextProperty in class SecurityHelper
StringHelperClass in namespace Neos\Eel\Helper

String helpers for Eel contexts

StringHelper::substr() — Method in class StringHelper

Return the characters in a string from start up to the given length

StringHelper::substring() — Method in class StringHelper

Return the characters in a string from a start index to an end index

StringHelper::split() — Method in class StringHelper

Split a string by a separator

StringHelper::startsWith() — Method in class StringHelper

Test if a string starts with the given search string

StringHelper::stripTags() — Method in class StringHelper

Strip all HTML tags from the given string

StringHelper::sha1() — Method in class StringHelper

Calculate the SHA1 checksum of the given string

InterpretedEelParser::SimpleExpression_term() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::SumCalculation_lft() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::SumCalculation_op() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
InterpretedEelParser::SumCalculation_rgt() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
$ Error#severityProperty in class Error

The severity of this message ('Error').

$ Message#severityProperty in class Message

The severity of this message ('OK'), overwrite in your own implementation.

$ Notice#severityProperty in class Notice

The severity of this message ('Notice').

Result::setParent() — Method in class Result

Injects the parent result and propagates the cached error states upwards

Result::setErrorsExist() — Method in class Result

Sets the error cache to true and propagates the information upwards the Result-Object Tree

Result::setWarningsExist() — Method in class Result

Sets the warning cache to true and propagates the information upwards the Result-Object Tree

Result::setNoticesExist() — Method in class Result

Sets the notices cache to true and propagates the information upwards the Result-Object Tree

$ Warning#severityProperty in class Warning

The severity of this message ('Warning').

ScopeClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to set the scope of an object.

SessionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Used to control the behavior of session handling when the annotated method is called.

SignalClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks a method as a signal for the signal/slot implementation of Flow. The method will be augmented as needed (using AOP) to be a usable signal.

SkipCsrfProtectionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Action methods marked with this annotation will not be secured against CSRF.

ClassNameIndex::setClassNames() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Set the data of this index to the given class names. Note: Make sure to sort the array before!

ClassNameIndex::sort() — Method in class ClassNameIndex
JoinPoint::setMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPoint

Sets the value of the specified method argument

JoinPointInterface::setMethodArgument() — Method in class JoinPointInterface

Sets the value of the specified method argument

$ PointcutExpressionParser#sourceHintProperty in class PointcutExpressionParser
PointcutFilterComposite::setGlobalRuntimeEvaluationsDefinition() — Method in class PointcutFilterComposite

Sets static runtime evaluations for to pointcut, that will be used for every method this composite matches

$ PointcutSettingFilter#settingComparisonExpressionProperty in class PointcutSettingFilter

The path leading to the setting to match with

$ CacheManager#simpleCachesProperty in class CacheManager
CacheManager::setCacheConfigurations() — Method in class CacheManager

Sets configurations for caches. The key of each entry specifies the cache identifier and the value is an array of configuration options.

CommandController::sendAndExit() — Method in class CommandController

Sends the response and exits the CLI without any further code execution Should be used for commands that flush code caches.

$ CommandManager#shortCommandIdentifiersProperty in class CommandManager
CommandRequestHandler::shutdown() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler

Starts the shutdown sequence

ConsoleOutput::select() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Asks the user to select a value

ConsoleOutput::setOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::setInput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
$ Dispatcher#signalDispatcherProperty in class Dispatcher
StopCommandExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli\Exception
Request::setDispatched() — Method in class Request

Sets the dispatched flag

Request::setControllerObjectName() — Method in class Request

Sets the object name of the controller

Request::setControllerCommandName() — Method in class Request

Sets the name of the command contained in this request.

Request::setArgument() — Method in class Request

Sets the value of the specified argument

Request::setArguments() — Method in class Request

Sets the whole arguments array and therefore replaces any arguments which existed before.

Request::setExceedingArguments() — Method in class Request

Sets the exceeding arguments

Response::setExitCode() — Method in class Response

Sets the numerical exit code which should be returned when exiting this application.

Response::setContent() — Method in class Response

Overrides and sets the content of the response

Response::setColorSupport() — Method in class Response

Sets color support / styled output to yes, no or auto detection

Response::setOutputFormat() — Method in class Response

Sets the desired output format.

Response::send() — Method in class Response

Sends the response

SlaveRequestHandlerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Cli

A special request handler which handles "slave" command requests as used by the interactive shell.

CacheCommandController::showCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Display details of a cache including a detailed status if available

CacheCommandController::setupCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Setup the given Cache if possible

CacheCommandController::setupAllCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Setup all Caches

CacheCommandController::sysCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Call system function

$ ConfigurationCommandController#schemaGeneratorProperty in class ConfigurationCommandController
ConfigurationCommandController::showCommand() — Method in class ConfigurationCommandController

Show the active configuration settings

$ CoreCommandController#signalSlotDispatcherProperty in class CoreCommandController
CoreCommandController::setFilePermissionsCommand() — Method in class CoreCommandController

Adjust file permissions for CLI and web server access

DatabaseCommandController::setCharsetCommand() — Method in class DatabaseCommandController

Convert the database schema to use the given character set and collation (defaults to utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_ci).

$ DoctrineCommandController#settingsProperty in class DoctrineCommandController
$ PackageCommandController#settingsProperty in class PackageCommandController
$ RoutingCommandController#serverRequestFactoryProperty in class RoutingCommandController
RoutingCommandController::showCommand() — Method in class RoutingCommandController

Show information for a route

SchemaCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Configuration command controller for the Neos.Flow package

$ SchemaCommandController#schemaValidatorProperty in class SchemaCommandController
SecurityCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for tasks related to security

SecurityCommandController::showEffectivePolicyCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Shows a list of all defined privilege targets and the effective permissions

SecurityCommandController::showUnprotectedActionsCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Lists all public controller actions not covered by the active security policy

SecurityCommandController::showMethodsForPrivilegeTargetCommand() — Method in class SecurityCommandController

Shows the methods represented by the given security privilege target

ServerCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for starting the development-server

$ ServerCommandController#settingsProperty in class ServerCommandController
SessionCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Command controller for managing sessions

$ SessionCommandController#sessionManagerProperty in class SessionCommandController
SignalCommandControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Command

Signal command controller for the Neos.Flow package

ConfigurationManager::setTemporaryDirectoryPath() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Set an absolute file path to store configuration caches in.

ConfigurationManager::setPackages() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Sets the active packages to load the configuration for

ConfigurationManager::shutdown() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Shuts down the configuration manager.

ConfigurationManager::saveConfigurationCache() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Saves the current configuration into a cache file and creates a cache inclusion script in the context's Configuration directory.

$ ConfigurationSchemaValidator#schemaValidatorProperty in class ConfigurationSchemaValidator
SchemaValidationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Exception

A Schema Validation Exception

PolicyLoader::setTemporaryDirectoryPath() — Method in class PolicyLoader

Set an absolute file path to store configuration caches in. If null no cache will be active.

SettingsLoaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Loader
YamlSource::save() — Method in class YamlSource

Save the specified configuration array to the given file in YAML format.

SubProcessExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Exception

A Sub Process exception

ScriptsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core\Booting

Initialization scripts for modules of the Flow package

SequenceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core\Booting

A boot sequence, consisting of individual steps, each of them initializing a specific part of the application.

$ Sequence#stepsProperty in class Sequence
StepClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Core\Booting

A Step within a Sequence

$ Bootstrap#staticObjectManagerProperty in class Bootstrap

The same instance like $objectManager, but static, for use in the proxy classes.

Bootstrap::shutdown() — Method in class Bootstrap

Initiates the shutdown procedure to safely close all connections, save modified data and commit other tasks necessary to cleanly exit Flow.

Bootstrap::setPreselectedRequestHandlerClassName() — Method in class Bootstrap

Preselects a specific request handler. If such a request handler exists, it will be used if it can handle the request – regardless of the priority of this or other request handlers.

Bootstrap::setActiveRequestHandler() — Method in class Bootstrap

Explicitly sets the active request handler.

Bootstrap::setEarlyInstance() — Method in class Bootstrap

Registers the instance of the specified object for an early boot stage.

ClassLoader::setPackages() — Method in class ClassLoader

Sets the available packages

ClassLoader::setConsiderTestsNamespace() — Method in class ClassLoader

Sets the flag which enables or disables autoloading support for functional test files.

AbstractExceptionHandler::setOptions() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Sets options of this exception handler.

AbstractExceptionHandler::splitExceptionMessage() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Splits the given string into subject and body according to following rules:

  • If the string is empty or does not contain more than one sentence nor line breaks, the subject will be equal to the string and body will be an empty string
  • Otherwise the subject is everything until the first line break or end of sentence, the body contains the rest
$ Debugger#stylesheetEchoedProperty in class Debugger

Is set to true once the CSS file is included in the current page to prevent double inclusions of the CSS file.

ErrorHandler::setExceptionalErrors() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Defines which error levels result should result in an exception thrown.

ExceptionHandlerInterface::setOptions() — Method in class ExceptionHandlerInterface

Sets options of this exception handler

$ Exception#statusCodeProperty in class Exception
CacheControlDirectives::setDirective() — Method in class CacheControlDirectives

Sets a special directive for use in the Cache-Control header, according to RFC 2616 / 14.9

$ Browser#serverRequestFactoryProperty in class Browser
Browser::setRequestEngine() — Method in class Browser

Inject the request engine

Browser::setFollowRedirects() — Method in class Browser

Sets a flag if redirects should be followed or not.

Browser::sendRequest() — Method in class Browser

Sends a prepared request and returns the respective response.

Browser::submit() — Method in class Browser

Submit a form

CurlEngine::setOption() — Method in class CurlEngine

Sets an option to be used by cURL.

CurlEngine::sendRequest() — Method in class CurlEngine

Sends the given HTTP request

$ InternalRequestEngine#securityContextProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
$ InternalRequestEngine#serverRequestFactoryProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
InternalRequestEngine::sendRequest() — Method in class InternalRequestEngine

Sends the given HTTP request

RequestEngineInterface::sendRequest() — Method in class RequestEngineInterface

Sends the given HTTP request

$ ContentStream#streamProperty in class ContentStream
ContentStream::seek() — Method in class ContentStream

Seek to a position in the stream.

$ Cookie#secureProperty in class Cookie
$ Cookie#sameSiteProperty in class Cookie

Possible values: none, lax, or strict (RFC 6265bis-05, 8.8)

Cookie::setValue() — Method in class Cookie

Sets the value of this cookie

Headers::set() — Method in class Headers

Sets the specified HTTP header

Headers::setCookie() — Method in class Headers

Sets a cookie

Headers::setCacheControlDirective() — Method in class Headers

Sets a special directive for use in the Cache-Control header, according to RFC 2616 / 14.9

Headers::setCookiesFromRawHeader() — Method in class Headers

Internally sets cookie objects based on the Cookie header field value.

ResponseInformationHelper::sendStream() — Method in class ResponseInformationHelper
SecurityHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper functions about request safety and security.

SecurityEntryPointMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

A HTTP middleware that handles authentication exceptions that were thrown by the dispatcher (\Neos\Flow\Mvc\Dispatcher::dispatch()) and

  • rethrows the exception if no token with Entry Point is authenticated
  • or otherwise invokes the Entry Point of all authenticated tokens
$ SecurityEntryPointMiddleware#securityContextProperty in class SecurityEntryPointMiddleware
$ SecurityEntryPointMiddleware#securityLoggerProperty in class SecurityEntryPointMiddleware
SessionMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

A middleware that handles the session in a HTTP request

$ SessionMiddleware#sessionSettingsProperty in class SessionMiddleware
$ SessionMiddleware#sessionManagerProperty in class SessionMiddleware
StandardsComplianceMiddlewareClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Middleware

HTTP component that makes sure that the current response is standards-compliant. It is usually the last component in the chain.

$ TrustedProxiesMiddleware#settingsProperty in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware
RequestHandler::sendResponse() — Method in class RequestHandler

Send the HttpResponse of the component context to the browser and flush all output buffers.

ServerRequestAttributesClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Declares attributes Flow uses in PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface to carry derived information about the request.

$ UploadedFile#sizeProperty in class UploadedFile
$ UploadedFile#streamProperty in class UploadedFile
UploadedFile::setStreamOrFile() — Method in class UploadedFile

Depending on the value set file or stream variable

$ CldrModel#sourcePathsProperty in class CldrModel

Absolute path or path to the files represented by this class' instance.

DatesReader::shutdownObject() — Method in class DatesReader

Shutdowns the object, saving parsed format strings to the cache.

NumbersReader::shutdownObject() — Method in class NumbersReader

Shutdowns the object, saving parsed format strings to the cache.

Configuration::setCurrentLocale() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the current locale of this configuration.

Configuration::setFallbackRule() — Method in class Configuration

Allows to set a fallback order for locale resolving. If not set, the implicit inheritance of locales will be used. That is, if a locale of en_UK is requested, matches will be searched for in en_UK and en before trying the default locale configured in Flow.

TranslationParameterToken::source() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the source.

$ Locale#scriptProperty in class Locale

The script identifier - an ISO 15924 code according to BCP47

$ LocaleTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class LocaleTypeConverter
ServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

A Service which provides further information about a given locale and the current state of the i18n and L10n components.

$ Service#settingsProperty in class Service
Utility::stringBeginsWith() — Method in class Utility

Checks if $haystack string begins with $needle string.

Utility::stringEndsWith() — Method in class Utility

Checks if $haystack string ends with $needle string.

$ AbstractBackend#severityThresholdProperty in class AbstractBackend

One of the LOG_* constants. Anything below that will be filtered out.

AbstractBackend::setSeverityThreshold() — Method in class AbstractBackend

The maximum severity to log, anything less severe will not be logged.

AbstractBackend::setLogIpAddress() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Enables or disables logging of IP addresses.

AnsiConsoleBackend::setDisableAnsi() — Method in class AnsiConsoleBackend
$ ConsoleBackend#severityLabelsProperty in class ConsoleBackend

An array of severity labels, indexed by their integer constant

$ ConsoleBackend#streamNameProperty in class ConsoleBackend

Stream name to use (stdout, stderr)

$ ConsoleBackend#streamHandleProperty in class ConsoleBackend
$ FileBackend#severityLabelsProperty in class FileBackend

An array of severity labels, indexed by their integer constant

FileBackend::setLogFileURL() — Method in class FileBackend

Sets URL pointing to the log file. Usually the full directory and the filename, however any valid stream URL is possible.

FileBackend::setCreateParentDirectories() — Method in class FileBackend

Sets the flag telling if parent directories in the path leading to the log file URL should be created if they don't exist.

FileBackend::setMaximumLogFileSize() — Method in class FileBackend

Sets the maximum log file size, if the logfile is bigger, a new one is started.

FileBackend::setLogFilesToKeep() — Method in class FileBackend

If a new log file is started, keep this number of old log files.

FileBackend::setLogMessageOrigin() — Method in class FileBackend

If enabled, a hint about where the log message was created is added to the log file.

ThrowableStorageInterface::setRequestInformationRenderer() — Method in class ThrowableStorageInterface

Set a closure that returns information about the current request to be stored with the exception.

ThrowableStorageInterface::setBacktraceRenderer() — Method in class ThrowableStorageInterface

Set a closure that takes a backtrace array and returns a representation useful for this storage.

$ FileStorage#storagePathProperty in class FileStorage
FileStorage::setRequestInformationRenderer() — Method in class FileStorage
FileStorage::setBacktraceRenderer() — Method in class FileStorage
ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface::setFileMonitor() — Method in class ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface

Creates a link to the file monitor using the strategy

ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface::shutdownObject() — Method in class ChangeDetectionStrategyInterface

Commit any necessary data, like the current modification time.

ModificationTimeStrategy::setFileMonitor() — Method in class ModificationTimeStrategy

Initializes this strategy

ModificationTimeStrategy::setFileDeleted() — Method in class ModificationTimeStrategy

Notify the change strategy that this file was deleted and does not need to be tracked anymore.

ModificationTimeStrategy::shutdownObject() — Method in class ModificationTimeStrategy

Caches the file modification times

StrategyWithMarkDeletedInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Monitor\ChangeDetectionStrategy

Contract for a change detection strategy that allows the FileMonitor to mark a file deleted directly.

StrategyWithMarkDeletedInterface::setFileDeleted() — Method in class StrategyWithMarkDeletedInterface

Notify the change strategy that this file was deleted and does not need to be tracked anymore.

$ FileMonitor#signalDispatcherProperty in class FileMonitor
FileMonitor::saveDetectedDirectoriesAndFiles() — Method in class FileMonitor

Store the changed directories and files back to the cache.

FileMonitor::setDetectedFilesForPath() — Method in class FileMonitor
FileMonitor::shutdownObject() — Method in class FileMonitor

Caches the directories and their files

ActionRequest::setControllerObjectName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Explicitly sets the object name of the controller

ActionRequest::setControllerPackageKey() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the package key of the controller.

ActionRequest::setControllerSubpackageKey() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the subpackage key of the controller.

ActionRequest::setControllerName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the name of the controller which is supposed to handle the request.

ActionRequest::setControllerActionName() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the name of the action contained in this request.

ActionRequest::setArgument() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the value of the specified argument

ActionRequest::setArguments() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the specified arguments.

ActionRequest::setArgumentNamespace() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets a namespace for the arguments of this request.

ActionRequest::setFormat() — Method in class ActionRequest

Sets the requested representation format

ActionRequestFactory::setDefaultControllerAndActionNameIfNoneSpecified() — Method in class ActionRequestFactory

Set the default controller and action names if none has been specified.

$ ActionResponse#statusCodeProperty in class ActionResponse

The HTTP status code

ActionResponse::setContent() — Method in class ActionResponse
ActionResponse::setContentType() — Method in class ActionResponse

Set content mime type for this response.

ActionResponse::setRedirectUri() — Method in class ActionResponse

Set a redirect URI and according status for this response.

ActionResponse::setStatusCode() — Method in class ActionResponse

Set the status code for this response as HTTP status code.

ActionResponse::setCookie() — Method in class ActionResponse

Set a cookie in the HTTP response This leads to a corresponding Set-Cookie header to be set in the HTTP response

ActionResponse::setHttpHeader() — Method in class ActionResponse

Set the specified header in the response, overwriting any previous value set for this header.

$ AbstractController#supportedMediaTypesProperty in class AbstractController

A list of IANA media types which are supported by this controller

$ ActionController#settingsProperty in class ActionController
Argument::setRequired() — Method in class Argument

Marks this argument to be required

Argument::setDefaultValue() — Method in class Argument

Sets the default value of the argument

Argument::setValidator() — Method in class Argument

Sets a custom validator which is used supplementary to the base validation

Argument::setValue() — Method in class Argument

Sets the value of this argument.

Argument::setMapRequestBody() — Method in class Argument

Set if the request body should be mapped into this argument.

$ InvalidControllerException#statusCodeProperty in class InvalidControllerException
MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration::setTargetTypeForSubProperty() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfiguration

Set the target type for a certain property. Especially useful if there is an object which has a nested object which is abstract, and you want to instantiate a concrete object instead.

MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService::serializeAndHashFormFieldArray() — Method in class MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService

Serialize and hash the form field array

StandardControllerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller

A Special Case of a Controller: If no controller has been specified in the request, this controller is chosen.

$ Dispatcher#securityContextProperty in class Dispatcher
$ NoMatchingRouteException#statusCodeProperty in class NoMatchingRouteException
$ NoSuchActionException#statusCodeProperty in class NoSuchActionException
$ NoSuchControllerException#statusCodeProperty in class NoSuchControllerException
$ NoSuchViewException#statusCodeProperty in class NoSuchViewException
StopActionExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

This exception is thrown by a controller to stop the execution of the current action and return the control to the dispatcher. The dispatcher catches this exception and - depending on the "dispatched" status of the request - either continues dispatching the request or returns control to the request handler.

$ FlashMessageSessionStorage#sessionProperty in class FlashMessageSessionStorage
AbstractRoutePart::setName() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Sets name of the Route Part.

AbstractRoutePart::setDefaultValue() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Sets default value of the Route Part.

AbstractRoutePart::setOptional() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Specifies whether this Route part is optional.

AbstractRoutePart::setLowerCase() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Specifies whether this Route part should be converted to lower case when resolved.

AbstractRoutePart::setOptions() — Method in class AbstractRoutePart

Defines options for this Route Part.

$ DynamicRoutePart#splitStringProperty in class DynamicRoutePart

The split string represents the end of a Dynamic Route Part.

DynamicRoutePart::setSplitString() — Method in class DynamicRoutePart

Sets split string of the Route Part.

DynamicRoutePartInterface::setSplitString() — Method in class DynamicRoutePartInterface

Sets split string of the Route Part.

IdentityRoutePart::setObjectType() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart
IdentityRoutePart::setUriPattern() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart
IdentityRoutePart::storeObjectPathMapping() — Method in class IdentityRoutePart

Creates a new ObjectPathMapping and stores it in the repository

ObjectPathMapping::setPathSegment() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::setUriPattern() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::setIdentifier() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
ObjectPathMapping::setObjectType() — Method in class ObjectPathMapping
Route::setName() — Method in class Route

Sets Route name.

Route::setDefaults() — Method in class Route

Sets default values for this Route.

Route::setUriPattern() — Method in class Route

Sets the URI pattern this route should match with

Route::setLowerCase() — Method in class Route

Specifies whether Route parts of this route should be converted to lower case when resolved.

Route::setAppendExceedingArguments() — Method in class Route

Specifies whether Route values, that are not part of the Route configuration, should be appended to the Resulting URI as query string.

Route::setRoutePartsConfiguration() — Method in class Route

By default all Dynamic Route Parts are resolved by \Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\DynamicRoutePart.

Route::setHttpMethods() — Method in class Route

Limits the HTTP verbs that are accepted by this route.

Route::setCacheTags() — Method in class Route

Tags for cache items

Route::setCacheLifetime() — Method in class Route

Lifetime for cache items

RoutePartInterface::setName() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Sets name of the Route Part.

RoutePartInterface::setDefaultValue() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Sets default value of the Route Part.

RoutePartInterface::setOptional() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Specifies whether this Route part is optional.

RoutePartInterface::setLowerCase() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Specifies whether this Route part should be converted to lower case when resolved.

RoutePartInterface::setOptions() — Method in class RoutePartInterface

Defines options for this Route Part.

RouterCachingService::storeMatchResults() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Stores the $matchResults in the cache

RouterCachingService::storeResolvedUriConstraints() — Method in class RouterCachingService

Stores the resolved UriConstraints in the cache together with the $routeValues

StaticRoutePartClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

Static Route Part

$ UriBuilder#sectionProperty in class UriBuilder
UriBuilder::setRequest() — Method in class UriBuilder

Sets the current request and resets the UriBuilder

UriBuilder::setArguments() — Method in class UriBuilder

Additional query parameters.

UriBuilder::setSection() — Method in class UriBuilder

If specified, adds a given HTML anchor to the URI (#...)

UriBuilder::setFormat() — Method in class UriBuilder

Specifies the format of the target (e.g. "html" or "xml")

UriBuilder::setCreateAbsoluteUri() — Method in class UriBuilder

If set, the URI is prepended with the current base URI. Defaults to false.

UriBuilder::setAddQueryString() — Method in class UriBuilder

If set, the current query parameters will be merged with $this->arguments. Defaults to false.

UriBuilder::setArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString() — Method in class UriBuilder

A list of arguments to be excluded from the query parameters Only active if addQueryString is set

$ AbstractView#supportedOptionsProperty in class AbstractView

This contains the supported options, their default values, descriptions and types.

AbstractView::setOption() — Method in class AbstractView

Set a specific option of this View

AbstractView::setControllerContext() — Method in class AbstractView

Sets the current controller context

$ JsonView#supportedOptionsProperty in class JsonView

Supported options

JsonView::setVariablesToRender() — Method in class JsonView

Specifies which variables this JsonView should render By default only the variable 'value' will be rendered

JsonView::setConfiguration() — Method in class JsonView
SimpleTemplateViewClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\View

An abstract View

$ SimpleTemplateView#supportedOptionsProperty in class SimpleTemplateView
CompileTimeObjectManager::setInstance() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Sets the instance of the given object

CompileTimeObjectManager::shutdown() — Method in class CompileTimeObjectManager

Shuts down this Object Container by calling the shutdown methods of all object instances which were configured to be shut down.

$ Configuration#scopeProperty in class Configuration
Configuration::setObjectName() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the object name

Configuration::setClassName() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for property "className"

Configuration::setPackageKey() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the package key

Configuration::setFactoryObjectName() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the class name of a factory which is in charge of instantiating this object

Configuration::setFactoryMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the name of the factory method

Configuration::setScope() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for property "scope"

Configuration::setAutowiring() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for property "autowiring"

Configuration::setLifecycleInitializationMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for property "lifecycleInitializationMethodName"

Configuration::setLifecycleShutdownMethodName() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for property "lifecycleShutdownMethodName"

Configuration::setProperties() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for injection properties. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined properties are removed from the configuration.

Configuration::setProperty() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for a single injection property

Configuration::setArguments() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for injection constructor arguments. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined constructor arguments are removed from the configuration.

Configuration::setArgument() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for a single constructor argument

Configuration::setFactoryArgument() — Method in class Configuration

Setter function for a single factory method argument

Configuration::setConfigurationSourceHint() — Method in class Configuration

Sets some information (hint) about where this configuration has been created.

ConfigurationArgument::set() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Sets the index, value, type of the argument and object configuration

ConfigurationArgument::setAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Sets autowiring for this argument

ConfigurationProperty::set() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Sets the name, type and value of the property

ConfigurationProperty::setAutowiring() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Sets autowiring for this property

$ ObjectManager#shutdownObjectsProperty in class ObjectManager

A SplObjectStorage containing those objects which need to be shutdown when the container shuts down. Each value of each entry is the respective shutdown method name.

ObjectManager::setObjects() — Method in class ObjectManager

Sets the objects array

ObjectManager::setInstance() — Method in class ObjectManager

Sets the instance of the given object

ObjectManager::shutdown() — Method in class ObjectManager

Shuts down this Object Container by calling the shutdown methods of all object instances which were configured to be shut down.

ObjectManagerInterface::setInstance() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Sets the instance of the given object

ObjectManagerInterface::shutdown() — Method in class ObjectManagerInterface

Shuts the object manager down and calls the shutdown methods of all objects which are configured for it.

$ Compiler#storedProxyClassesProperty in class Compiler

The final map of proxy classes that end up in the cache.

Compiler::stripOpeningPhpTag() — Method in class Compiler

Removes the first opening php tag ("<?php") from the given $classCode if there is any

ProxyMethodGenerator::setFullOriginalClassName() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator
$ PackageManager#settingsProperty in class PackageManager
PackageManager::scanAvailablePackages() — Method in class PackageManager

Scans all directories in the packages directories for available packages.

PackageManager::sortAndSavePackageStates() — Method in class PackageManager

Takes the given packageStatesConfiguration, sorts it by dependencies, saves it and returns the ordered list

PackageManager::savePackageStates() — Method in class PackageManager

Save the given (ordered) array of package states data

PackageManager::sortAvailablePackagesByDependencies() — Method in class PackageManager

Orders all packages by comparing their dependencies. By this, the packages and package configurations arrays holds all packages in the correct initialization order.

$ PackageOrderResolver#sortedPackagesProperty in class PackageOrderResolver
PackageOrderResolver::sort() — Method in class PackageOrderResolver

Sorts the packages and returns the sorted packages array

PackageOrderResolver::sortPackage() — Method in class PackageOrderResolver

Recursively sort dependencies of a package. This is a depth-first approach that recursively adds all dependent packages to the sorted list before adding the given package. Visited packages are flagged to break up cyclic dependencies.

PackageOrderResolver::sortListBefore() — Method in class PackageOrderResolver

Tries to sort packages from the given list before the named package key.

$ AbstractPersistenceManager#settingsProperty in class AbstractPersistenceManager
AllowedObjectsContainer::shouldCheck() — Method in class AllowedObjectsContainer

Returns true if allowed objects should be checked this time and resets the internal flag to false, so the next call will return false unless checkNext(true) is called again.

$ ArrayTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ArrayTypeConverter
$ CachePool#securityContextProperty in class CachePool
CachePool::save() — Method in class CachePool

Persists a cache item immediately.

JsonArrayType::serializeValueObject() — Method in class JsonArrayType
$ EntityManagerConfiguration#settingsProperty in class EntityManagerConfiguration
$ EntityManagerFactory#settingsProperty in class EntityManagerFactory
SqlLoggerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Logging

Just a stub placeholder so nothing has to be changed in user configuration, This class has no meaning apart from being referenced in settings, we extract the LoggerInterface from here and apply it to a {Middleware}

FlowAnnotationDriver::setEntityManager() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver
$ Query#settingsProperty in class Query
Query::setOrderings() — Method in class Query

Sets the property names to order the result by. Expected like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

Query::setLimit() — Method in class Query

Sets the maximum size of the result set to limit. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface)

Query::setDistinct() — Method in class Query

Sets the DISTINCT flag for this query.

Query::setOffset() — Method in class Query

Sets the start offset of the result set to offset. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface)

Repository::setDefaultOrderings() — Method in class Repository

Sets the property names to order results by. Expected like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

ServiceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine

Service class for tasks related to Doctrine

QueryInterface::setOrderings() — Method in class QueryInterface

Sets the property names to order the result by. Expected like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

QueryInterface::setLimit() — Method in class QueryInterface

Sets the maximum size of the result set to limit. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface).

QueryInterface::setDistinct() — Method in class QueryInterface

Sets the DISTINCT flag for this query.

QueryInterface::setOffset() — Method in class QueryInterface

Sets the start offset of the result set to offset. Returns $this to allow for chaining (fluid interface).

Repository::setDefaultOrderings() — Method in class Repository

Sets the property names to order results by. Expected like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

RepositoryInterface::setDefaultOrderings() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Sets the property names to order results by. Expected like this: array( 'foo' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING, 'bar' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING )

$ TargetNotFoundException#statusCodeProperty in class TargetNotFoundException
$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#subConfigurationForPropertyProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Stores the configuration for specific child properties.

$ PropertyMappingConfiguration#skipUnknownPropertiesProperty in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

If true, unknown properties will be skipped during property mapping

PropertyMappingConfiguration::shouldMap() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

The behavior is as follows:

PropertyMappingConfiguration::shouldSkip() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Check if the given $propertyName should be skipped during mapping.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::skipProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Skip a list of specific properties. All arguments of skipProperties are used here (varargs).

PropertyMappingConfiguration::skipUnknownProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

When this is enabled, properties that are disallowed will be skipped instead of triggering an error during mapping.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::shouldSkipUnknownProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Whether unknown (unconfigured) properties should be skipped during mapping, instead if causing an error.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::setMapping() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Define renaming from Source to Target property.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::setTypeConverterOptions() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Set all options for the given $typeConverter.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::setTypeConverterOption() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Set a single option (denoted by $optionKey) for the given $typeConverter.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::setTypeConverter() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration

Set a type converter which should be used for this specific conversion.

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::shouldMap() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface
PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::shouldSkip() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface

Check if the given $propertyName should be skipped during mapping.

PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface::shouldSkipUnknownProperties() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface

Whether unknown (unconfigured) properties should be skipped during mapping, instead if causing an error.

$ AbstractTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class AbstractTypeConverter

The source types this converter can convert.

$ ArrayConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ArrayConverter
$ ArrayFromObjectConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ArrayFromObjectConverter
$ ArrayObjectConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ArrayObjectConverter
$ BooleanConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class BooleanConverter
$ CollectionConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class CollectionConverter
$ DateTimeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class DateTimeConverter
$ FloatConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class FloatConverter
$ IntegerConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class IntegerConverter
$ MediaTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class MediaTypeConverter
$ ObjectConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ObjectConverter
$ PersistentObjectConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class PersistentObjectConverter
PersistentObjectConverter::setIdentity() — Method in class PersistentObjectConverter

Set the given $identity on the created $object.

$ PersistentObjectSerializer#sourceTypesProperty in class PersistentObjectSerializer
ScalarTypeToObjectConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

A type converter which converts a scalar type (string, boolean, float or integer) to an object by instantiating the object and passing the string as the constructor argument.

$ ScalarTypeToObjectConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ScalarTypeToObjectConverter
SessionConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

This converter transforms a session identifier into a real session object.

$ SessionConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class SessionConverter
$ SessionConverter#sessionManagerProperty in class SessionConverter
StringConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

Converter which transforms simple types to a string.

$ StringConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class StringConverter
$ TypedArrayConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class TypedArrayConverter
$ UriTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class UriTypeConverter
ClassSchema::setLazyLoadableObject() — Method in class ClassSchema

Marks the class as being lazy-loadable.

ClassSchema::setModelType() — Method in class ClassSchema

Sets the model type of the class this schema is referring to.

ClassSchema::setRepositoryClassName() — Method in class ClassSchema

Set the class name of the repository managing an entity.

PropertyReflection::setValue() — Method in class PropertyReflection

Returns the value of the reflected property - even if it is protected.

PropertyReflection::setIsAopIntroduced() — Method in class PropertyReflection
$ ReflectionService#statusCacheProperty in class ReflectionService
$ ReflectionService#settingsProperty in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::setStatusCache() — Method in class ReflectionService

Sets the status cache

ReflectionService::setReflectionDataCompiletimeCache() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::setReflectionDataRuntimeCache() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::setClassSchemataRuntimeCache() — Method in class ReflectionService
ReflectionService::saveToCache() — Method in class ReflectionService

Exports the internal reflection data into the ReflectionData cache

ReflectionService::saveDevelopmentData() — Method in class ReflectionService

Save reflection data to cache in Development context.

ReflectionService::saveProductionData() — Method in class ReflectionService

Save reflection data to cache in Production context.

$ Collection#storageProperty in class Collection
StaticResourceHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\EelHelper
$ PersistentResource#sha1Property in class PersistentResource

SHA1 hash identifying the content attached to this resource

PersistentResource::setCollectionName() — Method in class PersistentResource

Sets the name of the collection this resource should be part of

PersistentResource::setFilename() — Method in class PersistentResource

Sets the filename which is used when this resource is downloaded or saved as a file

PersistentResource::setRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class PersistentResource

Sets a relative path which can be used by a publishing target for structuring resources into directories

PersistentResource::setMediaType() — Method in class PersistentResource

Explicitly sets the Media Type for this resource

PersistentResource::setFileSize() — Method in class PersistentResource

Sets the size of the content of this resource

PersistentResource::setSha1() — Method in class PersistentResource

Sets the SHA1 hash of the content of this resource

PersistentResource::setDeleted() — Method in class PersistentResource

An internal method which marks the PersistentResource object as deleted.

PersistentResource::shutdownObject() — Method in class PersistentResource

Takes care of removing a possibly existing temporary local copy on destruction of this object.

$ ResourceManager#settingsProperty in class ResourceManager
$ ResourceManager#storagesProperty in class ResourceManager
ResourceManager::shutdownObject() — Method in class ResourceManager

Checks if recently imported resources really have been persisted - and if not, removes its data from the respective storage.

ResourceMetaDataInterface::setFilename() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Sets the filename

ResourceMetaDataInterface::setFileSize() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Sets the size of the content of this storage object

ResourceMetaDataInterface::setRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface
ResourceMetaDataInterface::setSha1() — Method in class ResourceMetaDataInterface

Sets the sha1 hash of the content of this storage object

$ ResourceTypeConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class ResourceTypeConverter
StorageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

Interface for a resource storage

StorageObjectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

An Object which is stored in a Storage

$ StorageObject#sha1Property in class StorageObject

SHA1 hash identifying this object's data

$ StorageObject#streamProperty in class StorageObject

A stream (or, before it is used the first time, a Closure which returns a stream) which can deliver the data of this Object

StorageObject::setMediaType() — Method in class StorageObject

Set the IANA media type of this Object

StorageObject::setFilename() — Method in class StorageObject

Set the suggested filename of this Object

StorageObject::setRelativePublicationPath() — Method in class StorageObject

Set the suggested relative publication path

StorageObject::setFileSize() — Method in class StorageObject

Sets the size of the content of this storage object

StorageObject::setSha1() — Method in class StorageObject

Set the SHA1 hash identifying the data of this Object

StorageObject::setStream() — Method in class StorageObject

Sets the data stream which can deliver the content of this storage object

ResourceStreamWrapper::seek() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Seeks to specific location in a stream.

ResourceStreamWrapper::setOption() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Change stream options.

StreamWrapperAdapterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Streams

A generic stream wrapper sitting between PHP and stream wrappers implementing StreamWrapperInterface.

$ StreamWrapperAdapter#streamWrapperProperty in class StreamWrapperAdapter
StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_cast() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Retrieve the underlaying resource.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_close() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Close an resource.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_eof() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_flush() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Flushes the output.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_lock() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Advisory file locking.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_open() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Opens file or URL.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_read() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Read from stream.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_seek() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Seeks to specific location in a stream.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_set_option() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Change stream options.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_stat() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Retrieve information about a file resource.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_tell() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Retrieve the current position of a stream.

StreamWrapperAdapter::stream_write() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Write to stream.

StreamWrapperInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Streams

A stream wrapper interface. Modeled after the PHP streamWrapper class prototype. Check http://php.net/streamwrapper for details on that.

StreamWrapperInterface::seek() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Seeks to specific location in a stream.

StreamWrapperInterface::setOption() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Change stream options.

FileSystemSymlinkTarget::setOption() — Method in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget

Set an option value and return if it was set.

$ FileSystemTarget#subdivideHashPathSegmentProperty in class FileSystemTarget

If the generated URI path segment containing the sha1 should be divided into multiple segments

FileSystemTarget::setOption() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Set an option value and return if it was set.

Account::setAccountIdentifier() — Method in class Account

Set the account identifier

Account::setAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class Account

Set the authentication provider name this account corresponds to

Account::setCredentialsSource() — Method in class Account

Sets the credentials source

Account::setRoles() — Method in class Account

Sets the roles for this account

Account::setExpirationDate() — Method in class Account

Sets the date on which this account will become inactive

$ AccountRepository#securityContextProperty in class AccountRepository

Note: This is not required to be "the" SecurityContext of the current session, but any SecurityContext actually.

$ LoggingAspect#securityLoggerProperty in class LoggingAspect
$ PolicyEnforcementAspect#securityContextProperty in class PolicyEnforcementAspect
$ AuthenticationProviderManager#sessionManagerProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager
$ AuthenticationProviderManager#securityContextProperty in class AuthenticationProviderManager

The security context of the current request

$ AbstractAuthenticationController#securityContextProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationController
EntryPointInterface::setOptions() — Method in class EntryPointInterface

Sets the options array

EntryPointInterface::startAuthentication() — Method in class EntryPointInterface

Starts the authentication. (e.g. redirect to login page or send 401 HTTP header)

AbstractEntryPoint::setOptions() — Method in class AbstractEntryPoint

Sets the options array

HttpBasic::startAuthentication() — Method in class HttpBasic

Starts the authentication: Send HTTP header

WebRedirect::startAuthentication() — Method in class WebRedirect

Starts the authentication: Redirect to login page

$ PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider#securityContextProperty in class PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider
TestingProvider::setAccount() — Method in class TestingProvider

Set the account that will be authenticated

TestingProvider::setAuthenticationStatus() — Method in class TestingProvider

Set the authentication status for authentication

TestingProvider::setName() — Method in class TestingProvider

Set the provider name

TokenInterface::setAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class TokenInterface

Sets the name of the authentication provider responsible for this token

TokenInterface::setAuthenticationStatus() — Method in class TokenInterface

Sets the authentication status. Usually called by the responsible AuthenticationManagerInterface

TokenInterface::setAuthenticationEntryPoint() — Method in class TokenInterface

Sets the authentication entry point

TokenInterface::setRequestPatterns() — Method in class TokenInterface

Sets request patterns

TokenInterface::setAccount() — Method in class TokenInterface

Set the (authenticated) account

AbstractToken::setAuthenticationProviderName() — Method in class AbstractToken

Sets the name of the authentication provider responsible for this token

AbstractToken::setAuthenticationEntryPoint() — Method in class AbstractToken

Sets the authentication entry point

AbstractToken::setRequestPatterns() — Method in class AbstractToken

Sets request patterns

AbstractToken::setAccount() — Method in class AbstractToken

Set the (authenticated) account

AbstractToken::setAuthenticationStatus() — Method in class AbstractToken

Sets the authentication status. Usually called by the responsible \Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface

SessionlessTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

Marker interface for authentication tokens which don't need a session.

AfterInvocationManagerInterface::supports() — Method in class AfterInvocationManagerInterface

Returns true if this after invocation processor can process return objects of the given class name

AfterInvocationProcessorInterface::supports() — Method in class AfterInvocationProcessorInterface

Returns true if this after invocation processor can process return objects of the given class name

$ PolicyEnforcement#securityContextProperty in class PolicyEnforcement
PolicyEnforcement::setJoinPoint() — Method in class PolicyEnforcement

Sets the current joinpoint for this interception

$ PrivilegeManager#securityContextProperty in class PrivilegeManager
$ PropertyConditionGenerator#securityContextProperty in class PropertyConditionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::setParameter() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
SqlFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

A filter to rewrite doctrine queries according to the security policy.

$ SqlFilter#securityContextProperty in class SqlFilter
SqlGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Entity\Doctrine

Contract for a SQL condition generator.

MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter::savePolicyCache() — Method in class MethodPrivilegePointcutFilter

Save the found matches to the cache.

StringPrivilegeParameterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authorization\Privilege\Parameter

A privilege parameter of type string

$ RequestFilter#securityInterceptorProperty in class RequestFilter
TestingPrivilegeManager::setOverrideDecision() — Method in class TestingPrivilegeManager

Set the decision override

$ Context#sessionManagerProperty in class Context
$ Context#securityLoggerProperty in class Context
Context::setRequest() — Method in class Context

Set the current action request

Context::setInterceptedRequest() — Method in class Context

Sets an action request, to be stored for later resuming after it has been intercepted by a security exception.

Context::separateActiveAndInactiveTokens() — Method in class Context

Stores all active tokens in $this->activeTokens, all others in $this->inactiveTokens

FileBasedSimpleKeyService::storeKey() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyService

Saves a key encrypted with a hashing strategy

$ HashService#strategySettingsProperty in class HashService
RsaWalletServiceInterface::sign() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Signs the given plaintext with the private key identified by the given fingerprint

$ RsaWalletServicePhp#saveKeysOnShutdownProperty in class RsaWalletServicePhp
RsaWalletServicePhp::sign() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Signs the given plaintext with the private key identified by the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::shutdownObject() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Stores the keys array in the keystore file

DummyContext::setInitialized() — Method in class DummyContext
DummyContext::setAuthenticationTokens() — Method in class DummyContext

Sets the Authentication\Tokens of the security context which should be active.

DummyContext::setRoles() — Method in class DummyContext

Set an array of role objects.

DummyContext::setCsrfProtectionToken() — Method in class DummyContext
DummyContext::setInterceptedRequest() — Method in class DummyContext

Sets an action request, to be stored for later resuming after it has been intercepted by a security exception.

$ AccessDeniedException#statusCodeProperty in class AccessDeniedException
$ AuthenticationRequiredException#statusCodeProperty in class AuthenticationRequiredException
$ InvalidHashException#statusCodeProperty in class InvalidHashException
SyntacticallyWrongRequestHashExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

A "SyntacticallyWrongRequestHash" Exception

Role::setAbstract() — Method in class Role
Role::setParentRoles() — Method in class Role

Assign parent roles to this role.

Role::setPrivileges() — Method in class Role

Assign privileges to this role.

$ RoleConverter#sourceTypesProperty in class RoleConverter
$ CsrfProtection#securityContextProperty in class CsrfProtection
SessionDataContainerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security
$ SessionDataContainer#securityTokensProperty in class SessionDataContainer

The current list of security tokens.

SessionDataContainer::setSecurityTokens() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Set the current list of security tokens with their data.

SessionDataContainer::setCsrfProtectionTokens() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

set the list of currently active CSRF tokens.

SessionDataContainer::setInterceptedRequest() — Method in class SessionDataContainer

Save a request that triggered a security exception.

$ LazyLoadingAspect#sessionOriginalInstancesProperty in class LazyLoadingAspect
SessionObjectMethodsPointcutFilterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect

Pointcut filter matching proxyable methods in objects of scope session

SessionKeyValueStoreClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Data
SessionKeyValueStore::store() — Method in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaDataClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Data
SessionMetaDataStoreClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Data
SessionMetaDataStore::store() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionMetaDataStore::startGarbageCollection() — Method in class SessionMetaDataStore
SessionAutostartIsEnabledExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception
SessionNotStartedExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session\Exception
SessionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session

A modular session implementation based on the caching framework.

$ Session#sessionMetaDataStoreProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionKeyValueStoreProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieNameProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieLifetimeProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieDomainProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookiePathProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieSecureProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieHttpOnlyProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieSameSiteProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionCookieProperty in class Session
$ Session#sessionMetaDataProperty in class Session
$ Session#startedProperty in class Session
Session::start() — Method in class Session

Starts the session, if it has not been already started

Session::shutdownObject() — Method in class Session

Shuts down this session

SessionInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session
SessionInterface::start() — Method in class SessionInterface

Starts the session, if it has not been already started

SessionManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session
SessionManager::shutdownObject() — Method in class SessionManager

Shuts down this session

SessionManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Session

Interface for a session manager

$ TransientSession#sessionIdProperty in class TransientSession
$ TransientSession#startedProperty in class TransientSession
TransientSession::start() — Method in class TransientSession
$ Dispatcher#slotsProperty in class Dispatcher

Information about all slots connected a certain signal.

SignalAspectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\SignalSlot

Aspect which connects signal methods with the Signal Dispatcher

SignalInformationClass in namespace Neos\Flow\SignalSlot

A SignalInformation instance carries information about the signal that arrives at a slot during a signal/slot dispatch operation.

$ SignalInformation#signalClassNameProperty in class SignalInformation
$ SignalInformation#signalNameProperty in class SignalInformation
$ SignalInformation#signalArgumentsProperty in class SignalInformation
RuntimeSequenceHttpRequestHandler::setHttpRequest() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceHttpRequestHandler
Environment::setTemporaryDirectoryBase() — Method in class Environment

Sets the base path of the temporary directory

$ AbstractCompositeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class AbstractCompositeValidator

This contains the supported options, their default values and descriptions.

AbstractCompositeValidator::setValidatedInstancesContainer() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Allows to set a container to keep track of validated instances.

$ AbstractValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class AbstractValidator

This contains the supported options, each being an array of:

$ BooleanValueValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class BooleanValueValidator
$ CollectionValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class CollectionValidator
$ CountValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class CountValidator
$ DateTimeRangeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class DateTimeRangeValidator
$ DateTimeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class DateTimeValidator
$ EmailAddressValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class EmailAddressValidator
$ FileExtensionValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class FileExtensionValidator

This contains the supported options, each being an array of:

$ FileSizeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class FileSizeValidator

This contains the supported options, each being an array of:

$ GenericObjectValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class GenericObjectValidator
GenericObjectValidator::setValidatedInstancesContainer() — Method in class GenericObjectValidator

Allows to set a container to keep track of validated instances.

$ MediaTypeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class MediaTypeValidator

This contains the supported options, each being an array of:

$ NumberRangeValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class NumberRangeValidator
$ NumberValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class NumberValidator
ObjectValidatorInterface::setValidatedInstancesContainer() — Method in class ObjectValidatorInterface

Allows to set a container to keep track of validated instances.

$ RegularExpressionValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class RegularExpressionValidator
StringLengthValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for string length.

$ StringLengthValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class StringLengthValidator
StringValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for strings.

$ UniqueEntityValidator#supportedOptionsProperty in class UniqueEntityValidator
CacheAdaptor::set() — Method in class CacheAdaptor

Set or updates an entry identified by $name into the cache.

ResourceInterceptor::setDefaultPackageKey() — Method in class ResourceInterceptor

Set the default package key to use for resource URIs.

TemplateParser::setEscapingEnabled() — Method in class TemplateParser
$ EscapingFlagProcessor#SCAN_PATTERN_ESCAPINGMODIFIERProperty in class EscapingFlagProcessor
EscapingFlagProcessor::setRenderingContext() — Method in class EscapingFlagProcessor
RenderingContext::setControllerContext() — Method in class RenderingContext
RenderingContext::setOption() — Method in class RenderingContext

Set a specific option of this View

AbstractViewHelper::setRenderingContext() — Method in class AbstractViewHelper
ChildNodeAccessInterface::setChildNodes() — Method in class ChildNodeAccessInterface

Sets the direct child nodes of the current syntax tree node.

$ AbstractWidgetViewHelper#storeConfigurationInSessionProperty in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

If set to false, this widget won't create a session (only relevant for AJAX widgets).

AbstractWidgetViewHelper::setChildNodes() — Method in class AbstractWidgetViewHelper

Stores the syntax tree child nodes in the Widget Context, so they can be rendered with lateron.

AjaxWidgetContextHolder::store() — Method in class AjaxWidgetContextHolder

Stores the WidgetContext inside the Context, and sets the AjaxWidgetIdentifier inside the Widget Context correctly.

$ AjaxWidgetMiddleware#securityContextProperty in class AjaxWidgetMiddleware
WidgetContext::setWidgetIdentifier() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::setAjaxWidgetIdentifier() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::setAjaxWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::setNonAjaxWidgetConfiguration() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::setControllerObjectName() — Method in class WidgetContext
WidgetContext::setViewHelperChildNodes() — Method in class WidgetContext
$ FormViewHelper#securityContextProperty in class FormViewHelper
AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::setErrorClassAttribute() — Method in class AbstractFormFieldViewHelper

Add an CSS class if this view helper has errors

SelectViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

This ViewHelper generates a ).

$ TextfieldViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class TextfieldViewHelper
$ UploadViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class UploadViewHelper
$ ActionViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class ActionViewHelper
$ EmailViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class EmailViewHelper
$ ExternalViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class ExternalViewHelper
TranslateViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers

Returns translated message using source message or key ID.

$ TranslateViewHelper#translatorProperty in class TranslateViewHelper
$ LinkViewHelper#tagNameProperty in class LinkViewHelper
$ StandaloneView#templateSourceProperty in class StandaloneView

Source code of the Fluid template

$ StandaloneView#templatePathAndFilenameProperty in class StandaloneView

absolute path of the Fluid template

TemplatePathsClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View

Class TemplatePaths

$ TemplatePaths#templateRootPathPatternProperty in class TemplatePaths
TemplateViewClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\View

A standard Flow view based on Fluid.

KickstartCommandController::translationCommand() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Kickstart translation

Arrays::trimExplode() — Method in class Arrays

Explodes a string and trims all values for whitespace in the ends.

MediaTypes::trimMediaType() — Method in class MediaTypes

Strips off any parameters from the given media type and returns just the type and subtype in the format "type/subtype".

PositionalArraySorter::toArray() — Method in class PositionalArraySorter

Returns a sorted copy of the subject array

TypeHandlingClass in namespace Neos\Utility

PHP type handling functions

TypeHandling::truncateElementType() — Method in class TypeHandling

Parses a composite type like "\Foo\Collection<\Bar\Entity>" into "\Foo\Collection" Note: If the given type does not specify an element type it is not changed

TextIteratorClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Unicode

A UTF8-aware TextIterator

TextIteratorElementClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Unicode

A UTF8-aware TextIterator


$ PdoBackend#usernameProperty in class PdoBackend
$ SimpleFileBackend#useIgBinaryProperty in class SimpleFileBackend

If the extension "igbinary" is installed, use it for increased performance.

$ VariableFrontend#useIgBinaryProperty in class VariableFrontend

If the extension "igbinary" is installed, use it for increased performance.

CompilingEelParser::unwrapExpression() — Method in class CompilingEelParser

Return an expression that unwraps the given expression if it is a Context object.

Context::unwrap() — Method in class Context

Unwrap the context value recursively

Context::unwrapValue() — Method in class Context

Unwrap a value by unwrapping nested context objects

FizzleParser::UnquotedOperand__finalise() — Method in class FizzleParser
UniqueOperationClass in namespace Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\Operations

Removes duplicate items from the current context.

ArrayHelper::unique() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Removes duplicate values from an array

ArrayHelper::unshift() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Insert one or more elements at the beginning of an array

InterpretedEelParser::unwrap() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser

If $value is an instance of Context, the result of unwrap() is returned, otherwise $value is returned unchanged.

UtilityClass in namespace Neos\Eel

Utility to reduce boilerplate code needed to set default context variables and evaluate a string that possibly is an EEL expression.

ClassNameIndex::union() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Returns a new index object containing all class names of this index and the given one

UnknownPointcutExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "unknown pointcut" Exception

DoctrineCommandController::updateCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Update the database schema

PackageCommandController::unfreezeCommand() — Method in class PackageCommandController

Unfreeze a package

UnexpectedOperationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Composer\Exception

An Invalid Configuration Exception

$ ConfigurationManager#unprocessedConfigurationProperty in class ConfigurationManager
$ YamlSource#usePhpYamlExtensionProperty in class YamlSource

Will be set if the PHP YAML Extension is installed.

Scripts::useClassLoader() — Method in class Scripts

Check if the old fallback classloader should be used.

LockManager::unlockSite() — Method in class LockManager

Unlocks the site if this request has locked it.

AbstractExceptionHandler::useCustomErrorView() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

If a renderingGroup was successfully resolved via resolveRenderingGroup We will use a custom error view.

UploadedFilesHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper to re-organize uploaded file data for requests.

UploadedFilesHelper::upcastUploadedFiles() — Method in class UploadedFilesHelper
UploadedFilesHelper::upcastUploadedFile() — Method in class UploadedFilesHelper
UploadedFilesHelper::untangleFilesArray() — Method in class UploadedFilesHelper

Transforms the convoluted _FILES superglobal into a manageable form.

UriHelperClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http\Helper

Helper to extract information from Uris.

UriHelper::uriWithQueryParameters() — Method in class UriHelper

Sets and replaces the query parameters.

UriHelper::uriWithAdditionalQueryParameters() — Method in class UriHelper

Merges the additional query parameters recursively into the current query parameters.

TrustedProxiesMiddleware::unquoteArray() — Method in class TrustedProxiesMiddleware
UploadedFileClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Generic implementation of the PSR-7 UploadedFileInterface.

UriTemplateClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Http

Represents a URI Template as per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570

UnableToFindFormatExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Unable To Find Format" exception

UnsupportedNumberFormatExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\Exception

The "Unsupported Number Format" exception

UnknownFormatterExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Exception

The "Unknown Formatter" exception

UnsupportedParserModeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Parser\Exception

The "Unsupported Parser Mode" exception

UnsupportedTranslationMethodExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\TranslationProvider\Exception

An "Unsupported Translation Method" exception

UtilityClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n

The Utility class for locale specific actions

$ AbstractController#uriBuilderProperty in class AbstractController
$ ControllerContext#uriBuilderProperty in class ControllerContext
UnsupportedRequestTypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

An "Unsupported Request Type" exception

UriConstraintsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto

This class allows constraints to be applied to a given URI, transforming it accordingly as a result.

$ IdentityRoutePart#uriPatternProperty in class IdentityRoutePart

pattern for the URI representation (for example "{date:Y}/{date:m}/{date.d}/{title}")

$ ObjectPathMapping#uriPatternProperty in class ObjectPathMapping

Pattern of the path segment (for example "{date}/{title}")

$ Route#uriPatternProperty in class Route

URI Pattern of this route

UriBuilderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing

An URI Builder

UriBuilder::uriFor() — Method in class UriBuilder

Creates an URI used for linking to an Controller action.

UnknownClassExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Unknown Class" Exception

UnknownInterfaceExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Unknown Interface" Exception

UnknownObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Unknown Object" Exception

UnresolvedDependenciesExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Unresolved Dependencies" Exception

UnsupportedAttributeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception
UnknownPackageExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Package\Exception

"Unknown Package" Exception

PackageManager::unfreezePackage() — Method in class PackageManager

Unfreezes a package

$ PackageOrderResolver#unsortedPackagesProperty in class PackageOrderResolver

Array with state information of still unsorted packages.

$ PersistenceMagicAspect#useIgBinaryProperty in class PersistenceMagicAspect

If the extension "igbinary" is installed, use it for increased performance

PersistenceManager::update() — Method in class PersistenceManager

Update an object in the persistence.

Repository::update() — Method in class Repository

Schedules a modified object for persistence.

Service::updateSchema() — Method in class Service

Updates the DB schema using Doctrine's SchemaTool. The $safeMode flag is passed to SchemaTool unchanged.

UnknownObjectExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Persistence\Exception

An Unknown Object Exception

PersistenceManagerInterface::update() — Method in class PersistenceManagerInterface

Update an object in the persistence.

Repository::update() — Method in class Repository

Schedules a modified object for persistence.

RepositoryInterface::update() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Schedules a modified object for persistence.

UriTypeConverterClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter

A type converter for converting URI strings to Http Uri objects.

UnknownClassExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Reflection\Exception

An "Unknown Class" exception

$ ReflectionService#useStatementsForClassCacheProperty in class ReflectionService

a cache which stores the use statements reflected for a particular class (only relevant for un-expanded "var" and "param" annotations)

$ ReflectionService#updatedReflectionDataProperty in class ReflectionService

Array with updated reflection information (e.g. in Development context after classes have changed)

ReflectionService::unfreezePackageReflection() — Method in class ReflectionService

Removes the precompiled reflection data of a frozen package

ReflectionService::updateReflectionData() — Method in class ReflectionService

Set updated reflection data to caches.

StaticResourceHelper::uri() — Method in class StaticResourceHelper

Get the public uri of a package resource

$ ResourceStreamWrapper#uriProperty in class ResourceStreamWrapper
ResourceStreamWrapper::unlock() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Advisory file locking.

ResourceStreamWrapper::unlink() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Delete a file.

StreamWrapperAdapter::unlink() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Delete a file.

StreamWrapperAdapter::url_stat() — Method in class StreamWrapperAdapter

Retrieve information about a file.

StreamWrapperInterface::unlock() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Advisory file locking.

StreamWrapperInterface::unlink() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Delete a file.

FileSystemSymlinkTarget::unpublishFile() — Method in class FileSystemSymlinkTarget

Removes the specified target file from the public directory

FileSystemTarget::unpublishResource() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Unpublishes the given persistent resource

FileSystemTarget::unpublishFile() — Method in class FileSystemTarget

Removes the specified target file from the public directory

TargetInterface::unpublishResource() — Method in class TargetInterface

Unpublishes the given persistent resource

$ WebRedirect#uriBuilderProperty in class WebRedirect
TokenInterface::updateCredentials() — Method in class TokenInterface

Updates the authentication credentials, the authentication manager needs to authenticate this token.

BearerToken::updateCredentials() — Method in class BearerToken
PasswordToken::updateCredentials() — Method in class PasswordToken

Updates the password credential from the POST vars, if the POST parameters are available. Sets the authentication status to AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED, if credentials have been sent.

TestingToken::updateCredentials() — Method in class TestingToken

Simply sets the authentication status to AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED

UsernamePasswordClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

An authentication token used for simple username and password authentication.

UsernamePassword::updateCredentials() — Method in class UsernamePassword

Updates the username and password credentials from the POST vars, if the POST parameters are available. Sets the authentication status to REAUTHENTICATION_NEEDED, if credentials have been sent.

UsernamePasswordHttpBasicClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

An authentication token used for simple username and password authentication via HTTP Basic Auth.

UsernamePasswordHttpBasic::updateCredentials() — Method in class UsernamePasswordHttpBasic

Updates the username and password credentials from the HTTP authorization header.

UsernamePasswordTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token

Interface for authentication tokens which hold a username and password

$ HttpsInterceptor#useSSLProperty in class HttpsInterceptor
Context::updateTokens() — Method in class Context

Updates the token credentials for all tokens in the given array.

UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Exception

An "UnsupportedAuthenticationToken" Exception

UriClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\RequestPattern

This class holds an URI pattern an decides, if a \Neos\Flow\Mvc\ActionRequest object matches against this pattern

$ SessionKeyValueStore#useIgBinaryProperty in class SessionKeyValueStore
$ SessionMetaDataStore#updateMetadataThresholdProperty in class SessionMetaDataStore
UniqueEntityValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for uniqueness of entities.

UuidValidatorClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Validator for Universally Unique Identifiers.

UploadViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Form

A view helper which generates an HTML element.

UrlencodeViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Format

Encodes the given string according to http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3986.html (applying PHPs rawurlencode() function)

UriViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\ViewHelpers\Widget

widget.uri ViewHelper This ViewHelper can be used inside widget templates in order to render URIs pointing to widget actions

$ ServerRequestFactoryTrait#uriFactoryProperty in class ServerRequestFactoryTrait
UploadedFileFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
UploadedFileFactoryTraitClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
UriFactoryClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
UriFactoryTraitClass in namespace Neos\Http\Factories
UcfirstViewHelperClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\ViewHelpers\Format

Wrapper for PHPs ucfirst function.

Arrays::unsetValueByPath() — Method in class Arrays

Unsets an element/part of a nested array by following the specified path.

Files::unlink() — Method in class Files

A version of unlink() that works on Windows regardless on the symlink type (file/directory).

Functions::ucfirst() — Method in class Functions

Unicode variant of ucfirst() - assumes that the string is a Unicode string, not binary

UnsupportedFeatureExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Utility\Unicode

Exception thrown if a feature is not supported.


ApcuBackend::valid() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Checks if the current position of the cache entry iterator is valid

IterableMultiBackend::valid() — Method in class IterableMultiBackend
PdoBackend::valid() — Method in class PdoBackend

Checks if the current position of the cache entry iterator is valid.

RedisBackend::valid() — Method in class RedisBackend
RedisBackend::verifyRedisVersionIsSupported() — Method in class RedisBackend
SimpleFileBackend::valid() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Checks if the current position of the cache entry iterator is valid

SimpleFileBackend::verifyCacheDirectory() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend
CacheEntryIterator::valid() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Checks if current position of the cache entry iterator is valid

VariableFrontendClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Frontend

A cache frontend for any kinds of PHP variables

$ CacheItem#valueProperty in class CacheItem
ArrayHelper::values() — Method in class ArrayHelper

Get the array values

$ Scope#valueProperty in class Scope

The scope of an object: prototype, singleton, session. (Usually given as anonymous argument.)

ValidateClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Controls how a property or method argument will be validated by Flow.

$ Validate#validationGroupsProperty in class Validate

The validation groups for which this validator should be executed.

ValidationGroupsClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations
$ ValidationGroups#validationGroupsProperty in class ValidationGroups

The validation groups for which validation on this method should be executed. (Can be given as anonymous argument.)

ValueObjectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Annotations

Marks the annotate class as a value object.

VoidImplementationExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Aop\Exception

A "Void Implementation" Exception

ConfigurationCommandController::validateCommand() — Method in class ConfigurationCommandController

Validate the given configuration

DoctrineCommandController::validateCommand() — Method in class DoctrineCommandController

Validate the class/table mappings

SchemaCommandController::validateCommand() — Method in class SchemaCommandController

Validate the given configurationfile againt a schema file

ConfigurationSchemaValidator::validate() — Method in class ConfigurationSchemaValidator

Validate the given $configurationType and $path

ConfigurationSchemaValidator::validateSingleType() — Method in class ConfigurationSchemaValidator

Validate a single configuration type

$ InternalRequestEngine#validatorResolverProperty in class InternalRequestEngine
$ Cookie#valueProperty in class Cookie
Headers::valid() — Method in class Headers
$ UriTemplate#variablesProperty in class UriTemplate
DatesReader::validateFormatType() — Method in class DatesReader

Validates provided format type and throws exception if value is not allowed.

DatesReader::validateFormatLength() — Method in class DatesReader

Validates provided format length and throws exception if value is not allowed.

NumbersReader::validateFormatType() — Method in class NumbersReader

Validates provided format type and throws exception if value is not allowed.

NumbersReader::validateFormatLength() — Method in class NumbersReader

Validates provided format length and throws exception if value is not allowed.

TranslationHelper::value() — Method in class TranslationHelper

Start collection of parameters for translation by original label

TranslationParameterToken::value() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Set the original translation value (the untranslated source string).

$ Locale#variantProperty in class Locale

The optional variant identifier - one of the registered registered variants according to BCP47

$ PlainTextFormatter#variableProperty in class PlainTextFormatter
$ AbstractController#validatorResolverProperty in class AbstractController
$ ActionController#viewConfigurationManagerProperty in class ActionController
$ ActionController#viewProperty in class ActionController

The current view, as resolved by resolveView()

$ ActionController#viewObjectNamePatternProperty in class ActionController

Pattern after which the view object name is built if no format-specific view could be resolved.

$ ActionController#viewFormatToObjectNameMapProperty in class ActionController

A list of formats and object names of the views which should render them.

$ Argument#valueProperty in class Argument

Actual value of this argument

$ Argument#validatorProperty in class Argument

A custom validator, used supplementary to the base validation

$ Argument#validationResultsProperty in class Argument

The validation results. This can be asked if the argument has errors.

Arguments::validateArgumentExistence() — Method in class Arguments

Translates a short argument name to its corresponding long name. If the specified argument name is a real argument name already, it will be returned again.

ViewNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\Exception

A "View not found" exception

$ AbstractRoutePart#valueProperty in class AbstractRoutePart

Value of the Route Part after decoding.

ViewConfigurationManagerClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc

A View Configuration Manager

$ AbstractView#variablesProperty in class AbstractView

View variables and their values

$ JsonView#variablesToRenderProperty in class JsonView

Only variables whose name is contained in this array will be rendered

ViewInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Mvc\View

Interface of a view

$ ConfigurationArgument#valueProperty in class ConfigurationArgument
$ ConfigurationProperty#valueProperty in class ConfigurationProperty
$ ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener#validatorResolverProperty in class ObjectValidationAndDeDuplicationListener
$ PersistenceManager#validatorResolverProperty in class PersistenceManager
QueryResult::valid() — Method in class QueryResult
Service::validateMapping() — Method in class Service

Validates the metadata mapping for Doctrine, using the SchemaValidator of Doctrine.

EmptyQueryResult::valid() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class FileBasedSimpleKeyProvider
$ AbstractPrivilegeParameter#valueProperty in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter
PrivilegeParameterInterface::validate() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface
StringPrivilegeParameter::validate() — Method in class StringPrivilegeParameter
BCryptHashingStrategy::validatePassword() — Method in class BCryptHashingStrategy

Validate a password against a derived key (hashed password) and salt using BCrypt

HashService::validateHmac() — Method in class HashService

Tests if a string $string matches the HMAC given by $hash.

HashService::validateAndStripHmac() — Method in class HashService

Tests if the last 40 characters of a given string $string matches the HMAC of the rest of the string and, if true, returns the string without the HMAC. In case of a HMAC validation error, an exception is thrown.

HashService::validatePassword() — Method in class HashService

Validate a hashed password using the configured password hashing strategy

PasswordHashingStrategyInterface::validatePassword() — Method in class PasswordHashingStrategyInterface

Validate a hashed password against a cleartext password

Pbkdf2HashingStrategy::validatePassword() — Method in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Validate a password against a derived key (hashed password) and salt using PBKDF2.

RsaWalletServiceInterface::verifySignature() — Method in class RsaWalletServiceInterface

Checks whether the given signature is valid for the given plaintext with the public key identified by the given fingerprint

RsaWalletServicePhp::verifySignature() — Method in class RsaWalletServicePhp

Checks whether the given signature is valid for the given plaintext with the public key identified by the given fingerprint

ValidatorResolverClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation

Validator resolver to automatically find a appropriate validator for a given subject

$ AbstractCompositeValidator#validatorsProperty in class AbstractCompositeValidator
$ AbstractCompositeValidator#validatedInstancesContainerProperty in class AbstractCompositeValidator
AbstractValidator::validate() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validator, and returns the Error Messages object which occurred.

$ CollectionValidator#validatorResolverProperty in class CollectionValidator
ConjunctionValidator::validate() — Method in class ConjunctionValidator

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validators of the conjunction.

DisjunctionValidator::validate() — Method in class DisjunctionValidator

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validators of the disjunction.

EmailAddressValidator::validEmail() — Method in class EmailAddressValidator

Checking syntax of input email address

$ GenericObjectValidator#validatedInstancesContainerProperty in class GenericObjectValidator
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator

Contract for a validator

ValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validator, and returns the Error Messages object which occurred.

$ ResourceUriNode#viewHelperResolverProperty in class ResourceUriNode
$ ResourceUriNode#viewHelperClassNameProperty in class ResourceUriNode
$ RenderingContext#viewHelperResolverProperty in class RenderingContext
ViewHelperResolverClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper

Class ViewHelperResolver

$ WidgetContext#viewHelperChildNodesProperty in class WidgetContext

The child nodes of the Widget ViewHelper.

$ WidgetContext#viewHelperChildNodeRenderingContextProperty in class WidgetContext

The rendering context of the ViewHelperChildNodes.

AbstractTemplateView::validateOptions() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Validate options given to this view.

KickstartCommandController::validatePackageKey() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Checks the syntax of the given $packageKey and quits with an error message if it's not valid

KickstartCommandController::validateModelName() — Method in class KickstartCommandController

Check the given model name to be not one of the reserved words of PHP.

ValidationClass in namespace Neos\Kickstarter\Utility

Validation utilities for the Kickstarter.

SchemaValidator::validate() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate array with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a value for a given type

SchemaValidator::validateTypeArray() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a value with a given list of allowed types

SchemaValidator::validateNumberType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate an integer value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateIntegerType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate an integer value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateBooleanType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a boolean value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateArrayType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate an array value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateDictionaryType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a dictionary value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateStringType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a string value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateNullType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate a null value with the given schema

SchemaValidator::validateAnyType() — Method in class SchemaValidator

Validate any value with the given schema. Return always a valid Result.

TextIterator::valid() — Method in class TextIterator

Returns true, if the current element is not the end of the iterator


SimpleFileBackend::writeCacheFile() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Writes the cache data into the given cache file, using locking.

WithSetupInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a Cache Backend which allows to be set up

WithStatusInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Cache\Backend

A contract for a Cache Backend which allows to retrieve its status

CompilingEelParser::WrappedExpression_Expression() — Method in class CompilingEelParser
Context::wrap() — Method in class Context

Wraps the given value in a new Context

StringHelper::wordCount() — Method in class StringHelper

Return the count of words for a given string. Remove marks & digits and flatten all kind of whitespaces (tabs, new lines and multiple spaces) For example this helper can be utilized to calculate the reading time of an article.

InterpretedEelParser::WrappedExpression_Expression() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
$ Result#warningsProperty in class Result
$ Result#warningsExistProperty in class Result

Caches the existence of warning

WarningClass in namespace Neos\Error\Messages

An object representation of a generic warning. Subclass this to create more specific warnings if necessary.

CacheCommandController::warmupCommand() — Method in class CacheCommandController

Warm up caches

ComposerUtility::writeComposerManifest() — Method in class ComposerUtility

Write a composer manifest for the package.

ConfigurationManager::warmup() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Warms up the complete configuration cache, i.e. fetching every configured configuration type in order to be able to store it into the cache, if configured to do so.

ConfigurationManager::writeConfigurationCacheFile() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Writes the cache on disk in the given cache file

WithHttpStatusInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

Marks Exceptions having a HTTP status code to return.

WithReferenceCodeInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Error

Marks Exceptions having a reference code to look up.

ContentStream::write() — Method in class ContentStream

Write data to the stream.

UploadedFile::writeFile() — Method in class UploadedFile

Write the uploaded file to the given path.

$ RequestMatcher#weightProperty in class RequestMatcher

The weight is a value that's added up through various matching functions in here. This is needed to have a way to determine, how specific a configuration Method is because that's how the configuration will be sorted.

RouteParameters::withParameter() — Method in class RouteParameters

Create a new instance adding the given parameter

RouteTags::withTag() — Method in class RouteTags

Creates a new instance with the given $tag added If the $tag has been added already, this instance is returned

UriConstraints::withScheme() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the scheme constraint added

UriConstraints::withHost() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the host constraint added

UriConstraints::withHostPrefix() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the host prefix constraint added

UriConstraints::withHostSuffix() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the host suffix constraint added

UriConstraints::withPort() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the port constraint added

UriConstraints::withPath() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the path constraint added

UriConstraints::withQueryString() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the query string constraint added

UriConstraints::withAddedQueryValues() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with a query string corresponding to the given $values merged with any existing query string constraint

UriConstraints::withFragment() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the fragment constraint added

UriConstraints::withPathPrefix() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the path prefix constraint added This can be applied multiple times, later prefixes will be prepended to the start

UriConstraints::withPathSuffix() — Method in class UriConstraints

Create a new instance with the path suffix constraint added This can be applied multiple times, later suffixes will be appended to the end

ConfigurationBuilder::wireFactoryArguments() — Method in class ConfigurationBuilder

Creates a "virtual object configuration" for factory arguments, turning:

WrongScopeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Exception

"Wrong Scope" Exception

ProxyMethodGenerator::willBeRendered() — Method in class ProxyMethodGenerator

Tells if enough code was provided (yet) so that this method would actually be rendered if render() is called.

CountWalker::walkSelectStatement() — Method in class CountWalker

Walks down a SelectStatement AST node, modifying it to retrieve a COUNT

ClassMetadata::wakeupReflection() — Method in class ClassMetadata

Restores some state that can not be serialized/unserialized.

WritableFileSystemStorageClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

A resource storage based on the (local) file system

WritableStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\Storage

Interface of a PersistentResource Storage which provides import functionality.

ResourceStreamWrapper::write() — Method in class ResourceStreamWrapper

Write to stream.

StreamWrapperInterface::write() — Method in class StreamWrapperInterface

Write to stream.

WebRedirectClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\EntryPoint

An authentication entry point, that redirects to another webpage.

PrivilegePermissionResult::withPrivilege() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult
Context::withoutAuthorizationChecks() — Method in class Context

Lets you switch off authorization checks (CSRF token, policies, content security, ...) for the runtime of $callback

$ SessionKeyValueStore#writeDebounceHashesProperty in class SessionKeyValueStore
SessionMetaData::withLastActivityTimestamp() — Method in class SessionMetaData
SessionMetaData::withNewSessionIdentifier() — Method in class SessionMetaData
SessionMetaData::withAddedTag() — Method in class SessionMetaData
SessionMetaData::withRemovedTag() — Method in class SessionMetaData
$ SessionMetaDataStore#writeDebounceCacheProperty in class SessionMetaDataStore
Session::writeSessionMetaDataCacheEntry() — Method in class Session

Writes the cache entry containing information about the session, such as the last activity time and the storage identifier.

Dispatcher::wire() — Method in class Dispatcher

Connects a signal with a slot.

WrongEnctypeExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\ViewHelper\Exception

A "Wrong enctype" exception.

$ AbstractWidgetController#widgetConfigurationProperty in class AbstractWidgetController

Configuration for this widget.

$ AjaxWidgetContextHolder#widgetContextsProperty in class AjaxWidgetContextHolder

An array $ajaxWidgetIdentifier => $widgetContext which stores the widget context.

WidgetContextNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget\Exception

An exception if no widget context could be found inside the AjaxWidgetContextHolder.

WidgetContextClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Core\Widget

The WidgetContext stores all information a widget needs to know about the environment.

$ WidgetContext#widgetIdentifierProperty in class WidgetContext

Uniquely idenfies a Widget Instance on a certain page.


XliffTranslationProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\TranslationProvider

The concrete implementation of TranslationProviderInterface which uses XLIFF file format to store labels.

XliffFileProviderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Xliff\Service

A provider service for XLIFF file objects within the application

$ XliffFileProvider#xliffReaderProperty in class XliffFileProvider
$ XliffFileProvider#xliffBasePathProperty in class XliffFileProvider

The path relative to a package where translation files reside.

XliffReaderClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Xliff\Service

An Xliff reader

XliffParserClass in namespace Neos\Flow\I18n\Xliff\V12

A class which parses XLIFF file to simple but useful array representation.

$ DocumentationCommandController#xsdGeneratorProperty in class DocumentationCommandController
XsdGeneratorClass in namespace Neos\FluidAdaptor\Service

XML Schema (XSD) Generator. Will generate an XML schema which can be used for auto-completion in schema-aware editors like Eclipse XML editor.


DateHelper::year() — Method in class DateHelper

Get the year of a date

YamlSourceClass in namespace Neos\Flow\Configuration\Source

Configuration source based on YAML files


AbstractBackend::__construct() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Constructs this backend

ApcuBackend::__construct() — Method in class ApcuBackend

Constructs this backend

FileBackendEntryDto::__construct() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
FileBackendEntryDto::__toString() — Method in class FileBackendEntryDto
MemcachedBackend::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedBackend

Constructs this backend

MultiBackend::__construct() — Method in class MultiBackend

Constructs this backend

RedisBackend::__construct() — Method in class RedisBackend

Constructs this backend

$ RequireOnceFromValueTrait#_requiredEntryIdentifiersProperty in class RequireOnceFromValueTrait
SimpleFileBackend::__construct() — Method in class SimpleFileBackend

Constructs this backend

CacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class CacheFactory

Constructs this cache factory

EnvironmentConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class EnvironmentConfiguration

EnvironmentConfiguration constructor.

AbstractFrontend::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFrontend

Constructs the cache

CacheEntryIterator::__construct() — Method in class CacheEntryIterator

Constructs this Iterator

PhpFrontend::__construct() — Method in class PhpFrontend

Constructs the cache

CacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class CacheFactory

Constructs this cache factory

CacheItem::__construct() — Method in class CacheItem

Construct item.

CachePool::__construct() — Method in class CachePool

Constructs the cache

SimpleCache::__construct() — Method in class SimpleCache

Constructs the cache

SimpleCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class SimpleCacheFactory

Constructs this cache factory

Context::__construct() — Method in class Context
FlowQuery::__construct() — Method in class FlowQuery

Construct a new FlowQuery object from $context and $operations.

FlowQuery::__call() — Method in class FlowQuery

Add a new operation to the operation list and return the new FlowQuery object.

InterpretedEelParser::__construct() — Method in class InterpretedEelParser
Message::__construct() — Method in class Message

Constructs this error

Message::__toString() — Method in class Message

Converts this error into a string

After::__construct() — Method in class After
AfterReturning::__construct() — Method in class AfterReturning
AfterThrowing::__construct() — Method in class AfterThrowing
Around::__construct() — Method in class Around
Autowiring::__construct() — Method in class Autowiring
Before::__construct() — Method in class Before
Entity::__construct() — Method in class Entity
IgnoreValidation::__construct() — Method in class IgnoreValidation
Inject::__construct() — Method in class Inject
InjectCache::__construct() — Method in class InjectCache
Introduce::__construct() — Method in class Introduce
MapRequestBody::__construct() — Method in class MapRequestBody
Pointcut::__construct() — Method in class Pointcut
Proxy::__construct() — Method in class Proxy
Scope::__construct() — Method in class Scope
Session::__construct() — Method in class Session
Validate::__construct() — Method in class Validate
ValidationGroups::__construct() — Method in class ValidationGroups
ValueObject::__construct() — Method in class ValueObject
AbstractAdvice::__construct() — Method in class AbstractAdvice
AdviceChain::__construct() — Method in class AdviceChain

Initializes the advice chain

Advisor::__construct() — Method in class Advisor

Initializes the advisor with an advice and a pointcut

AspectContainer::__construct() — Method in class AspectContainer

The constructor

ClassNameIndex::__construct() — Method in class ClassNameIndex

Constructor. Note: If you pass a data array here, make sure to key sort it before!

InterfaceIntroduction::__construct() — Method in class InterfaceIntroduction
JoinPoint::__construct() — Method in class JoinPoint

Constructor, creates the join point

Pointcut::__construct() — Method in class Pointcut

The constructor

PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter

The constructor - initializes the class annotation filter with the expected annotation class

PointcutClassNameFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutClassNameFilter

The constructor - initializes the class filter with the class filter expression

PointcutClassTypeFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutClassTypeFilter

The constructor - initializes the class type filter with the class or interface name

PointcutFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutFilter

The constructor - initializes the pointcut filter with the name of the pointcut we're referring to

PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter

The constructor - initializes the method annotation filter with the expected annotation class

PointcutMethodNameFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutMethodNameFilter

Constructor - initializes the filter with the name filter pattern

PointcutSettingFilter::__construct() — Method in class PointcutSettingFilter

The constructor - initializes the configuration filter with the path to a configuration option

PropertyIntroduction::__construct() — Method in class PropertyIntroduction
TraitIntroduction::__construct() — Method in class TraitIntroduction
CacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class CacheFactory

Constructs this cache factory

Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
CommandArgumentDefinition::__construct() — Method in class CommandArgumentDefinition
CommandController::__construct() — Method in class CommandController

Constructs the command controller

CommandRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class CommandRequestHandler
ConsoleOutput::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleOutput

Creates and initializes the SymfonyConsoleOutput instance

SlaveRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class SlaveRequestHandler
ConfigurationManager::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurationManager

Constructs the configuration manager

AppendLoader::__construct() — Method in class AppendLoader
MergeLoader::__construct() — Method in class MergeLoader
ObjectsLoader::__construct() — Method in class ObjectsLoader
PolicyLoader::__construct() — Method in class PolicyLoader
RoutesLoader::__construct() — Method in class RoutesLoader
SettingsLoader::__construct() — Method in class SettingsLoader
YamlSource::__construct() — Method in class YamlSource
ApplicationContext::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Initialize the context object.

ApplicationContext::__toString() — Method in class ApplicationContext

Returns the full context string, for example "Development", or "Production/LiveSystem"

Sequence::__construct() — Method in class Sequence
Step::__construct() — Method in class Step
Step::__invoke() — Method in class Step

Invokes / executes this step

Bootstrap::__construct() — Method in class Bootstrap
ClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class ClassLoader
LockManager::__construct() — Method in class LockManager

Initializes the manager, removing expired locks

ProxyClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class ProxyClassLoader
AbstractExceptionHandler::__construct() — Method in class AbstractExceptionHandler

Constructs this exception handler - registers itself as the default exception handler.

ErrorHandler::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Constructs this error handler - registers itself as the default error handler.

Browser::__construct() — Method in class Browser

Construct the Browser instance.

ContentStream::__construct() — Method in class ContentStream
ContentStream::__toString() — Method in class ContentStream

Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end.

Cookie::__construct() — Method in class Cookie

Constructs a new Cookie object

Cookie::__toString() — Method in class Cookie

Renders the field value suitable for a HTTP "Set-Cookie" header.

Headers::__construct() — Method in class Headers

Constructs a new Headers object.

Headers::__toString() — Method in class Headers

Renders this headers object as string, with lines separated by "\r\n" as required by RFC 2616 sec 5.

MiddlewaresChain::__construct() — Method in class MiddlewaresChain
StandardsComplianceMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class StandardsComplianceMiddleware
RequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class RequestHandler
UploadedFile::__construct() — Method in class UploadedFile
CldrModel::__construct() — Method in class CldrModel

Contructs the model

Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration

Constructs a new configuration object with the given locale identifier to be used as the default locale of this configuration.

TranslationParameterToken::__construct() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken
TranslationParameterToken::__toString() — Method in class TranslationParameterToken

Runs translate to avoid the need of calling translate as a finishing method

Locale::__construct() — Method in class Locale

Constructs this locale object

Locale::__toString() — Method in class Locale

Returns the string identifier of this locale

FileAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FileAdapter
AbstractBackend::__construct() — Method in class AbstractBackend

Constructs this log backend

PlainTextFormatter::__construct() — Method in class PlainTextFormatter

Initialize the formatter with any value.

PsrLoggerFactory::__construct() — Method in class PsrLoggerFactory

PsrLoggerFactory constructor.

Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger

Constructs the PSR-3 Logger.

FileStorage::__construct() — Method in class FileStorage

Create new instance.

FileMonitor::__construct() — Method in class FileMonitor

Constructs this file monitor

ActionRequest::__construct() — Method in class ActionRequest

Constructs this action request

ActionRequest::__clone() — Method in class ActionRequest

Resets the dispatched status to false

ActionRequest::__sleep() — Method in class ActionRequest

We provide our own __sleep method, where we serialize all properties except the parentRequest if it is a HTTP request -- as this one contains $_SERVER etc.

ActionResponse::__construct() — Method in class ActionResponse
Argument::__construct() — Method in class Argument

Constructs this controller argument

Arguments::__call() — Method in class Arguments

Magic setter method for the argument values. Each argument value can be set by just calling the setArgumentName() method.

ControllerContext::__construct() — Method in class ControllerContext

Constructs this context

Exception::__construct() — Method in class Exception

Overwrites parent constructor to be able to inject current request object.

AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException::__construct() — Method in class AmbiguousCommandIdentifierException

Overwrites parent constructor to be able to inject matching commands.

FlashMessageCookieStorage::__construct() — Method in class FlashMessageCookieStorage
FlashMessageSessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class FlashMessageSessionStorage
RequestMatcher::__construct() — Method in class RequestMatcher
AttributeRoutesProvider::__construct() — Method in class AttributeRoutesProvider
AttributeRoutesProviderFactory::__construct() — Method in class AttributeRoutesProviderFactory
ConfigurationRoutesProvider::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurationRoutesProvider
MatchResult::__construct() — Method in class MatchResult
ResolveContext::__construct() — Method in class ResolveContext
ResolveResult::__construct() — Method in class ResolveResult
RouteContext::__construct() — Method in class RouteContext
TestingRoutesProvider::__construct() — Method in class TestingRoutesProvider
AbstractView::__construct() — Method in class AbstractView

Set default options based on the supportedOptions provided

Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration

The constructor

ConfigurationArgument::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurationArgument

Constructor - sets the index, value and type of the argument

ConfigurationProperty::__construct() — Method in class ConfigurationProperty

Constructor - sets the name, type and value of the property

DependencyProxy::__construct() — Method in class DependencyProxy

Constructs this proxy

DependencyProxy::_activateDependency() — Method in class DependencyProxy

Activate the dependency and set it in the object.

DependencyProxy::_getClassName() — Method in class DependencyProxy

Returns the class name of the proxied dependency

DependencyProxy::_addPropertyVariable() — Method in class DependencyProxy

Adds another variable by reference where the actual dependency object should be injected into once this proxy is activated.

DependencyProxy::__call() — Method in class DependencyProxy

Proxy magic call method which triggers the injection of the real dependency and returns the result of a call to the original method in the dependency

ObjectManager::__construct() — Method in class ObjectManager

Constructor for this Object Container

Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler

Compiler constructor.

ProxyClass::__construct() — Method in class ProxyClass

Creates a new ProxyClass instance.

ProxyConstructorGenerator::__construct() — Method in class ProxyConstructorGenerator
GenericPackage::__construct() — Method in class GenericPackage
PackageManager::__construct() — Method in class PackageManager
PackageOrderResolver::__construct() — Method in class PackageOrderResolver
ClassMetadata::_initializeReflection() — Method in class ClassMetadata

Initializes $this->reflClass and a number of related variables.

FlowAnnotationDriver::__construct() — Method in class FlowAnnotationDriver

Initializes a new AnnotationDriver that uses the given AnnotationReader for reading docblock annotations.

MigrationFinder::__construct() — Method in class MigrationFinder
Query::__construct() — Method in class Query
Query::__sleep() — Method in class Query

We need to drop the query builder, as it contains a PDO instance deep inside.

Query::__wakeup() — Method in class Query

Recreate query builder and set state again.

Query::__clone() — Method in class Query

Cloning the query clones also the internal QueryBuilder, as they are tightly coupled.

QueryResult::__construct() — Method in class QueryResult
Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository

Initializes a new Repository.

Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository

Magic call method for repository methods.

EmptyQueryResult::__construct() — Method in class EmptyQueryResult
Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository

Initializes a new Repository.

Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository

Magic call method for repository methods.

RepositoryInterface::__call() — Method in class RepositoryInterface

Magic call method for repository methods.

PropertyMappingConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class PropertyMappingConfiguration
ClassReflection::__construct() — Method in class ClassReflection
ClassSchema::__construct() — Method in class ClassSchema

Constructs this class schema

ReflectionServiceFactory::__construct() — Method in class ReflectionServiceFactory

Constructs the factory

Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
MessageCollector::__construct() — Method in class MessageCollector

Message Collector Constructor

MessageCollector::__destruct() — Method in class MessageCollector

Flush all notification during the object lifecycle

ResourceRepository::__construct() — Method in class ResourceRepository
FileSystemStorage::__construct() — Method in class FileSystemStorage
FileSystemTarget::__construct() — Method in class FileSystemTarget
Account::__construct() — Method in class Account

Upon creation the creationDate property is initialized.

PolicyEnforcementAspect::__construct() — Method in class PolicyEnforcementAspect
AuthenticationProviderManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager
AuthenticationProviderResolver::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderResolver
AuthenticationTokenResolver::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationTokenResolver
AbstractProvider::__construct() — Method in class AbstractProvider

Protected constructor, see create method

TokenAndProviderFactory::__construct() — Method in class TokenAndProviderFactory
TokenInterface::__toString() — Method in class TokenInterface

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

AbstractToken::__construct() — Method in class AbstractToken

Build an instance of this token, potentially passing it options that can be configured via tokenOptions

AbstractToken::__toString() — Method in class AbstractToken

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

BearerToken::__toString() — Method in class BearerToken

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

PasswordToken::__toString() — Method in class PasswordToken

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

TestingToken::__toString() — Method in class TestingToken

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

UsernamePassword::__toString() — Method in class UsernamePassword

Returns a string representation of the token for logging purposes.

FilterFirewall::__construct() — Method in class FilterFirewall
InterceptorResolver::__construct() — Method in class InterceptorResolver
PolicyEnforcement::__construct() — Method in class PolicyEnforcement
RequireAuthentication::__construct() — Method in class RequireAuthentication
PrivilegeManager::__construct() — Method in class PrivilegeManager
PrivilegePermissionResult::__construct() — Method in class PrivilegePermissionResult

PrivilegePermissionResult constructor.

AbstractPrivilege::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPrivilege
ConjunctionGenerator::__construct() — Method in class ConjunctionGenerator
DisjunctionGenerator::__construct() — Method in class DisjunctionGenerator
NotExpressionGenerator::__construct() — Method in class NotExpressionGenerator
PropertyConditionGenerator::__construct() — Method in class PropertyConditionGenerator
MethodPrivilegeSubject::__construct() — Method in class MethodPrivilegeSubject
AbstractPrivilegeParameter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter
AbstractPrivilegeParameter::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPrivilegeParameter

Returns the string representation of this parameter

PrivilegeParameterDefinition::__construct() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterDefinition
PrivilegeParameterInterface::__toString() — Method in class PrivilegeParameterInterface

Returns the string representation of this parameter

PrivilegeTarget::__construct() — Method in class PrivilegeTarget
RequestFilter::__construct() — Method in class RequestFilter
HttpsInterceptor::__construct() — Method in class HttpsInterceptor
BCryptHashingStrategy::__construct() — Method in class BCryptHashingStrategy

Construct a BCrypt hashing strategy with the given parameters

OpenSslRsaKey::__construct() — Method in class OpenSslRsaKey
Pbkdf2HashingStrategy::__construct() — Method in class Pbkdf2HashingStrategy

Construct a PBKDF2 hashing strategy with the given parameters

Role::__construct() — Method in class Role
Role::__toString() — Method in class Role

Returns the string representation of this role (the identifier)

RequestPatternResolver::__construct() — Method in class RequestPatternResolver
ControllerObjectName::__construct() — Method in class ControllerObjectName

Expects options in the form array('controllerObjectNamePattern' => '')

Host::__construct() — Method in class Host

Expects options in the form array('hostPattern' => '')

Ip::__construct() — Method in class Ip

Expects options in the form array('cidrPattern' => '')

Uri::__construct() — Method in class Uri

Expects options in the form array('uriPattern' => '')

LazyLoadingAspect::__construct() — Method in class LazyLoadingAspect
SessionMetaData::__construct() — Method in class SessionMetaData
Session::__construct() — Method in class Session

Session instances MUST NOT be created manually! They should be retrieved via the Session Manager or through dependency injection (use SessionInterface!).

SessionManager::__construct() — Method in class SessionManager
SignalInformation::__construct() — Method in class SignalInformation
RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class RuntimeSequenceInvokingRequestHandler
Environment::__construct() — Method in class Environment

Initializes the environment instance.

PhpAnalyzer::__construct() — Method in class PhpAnalyzer
AbstractCompositeValidator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCompositeValidator

Constructs the composite validator and sets validation options

AbstractValidator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractValidator

Constructs the validator and sets validation options

ResourceUriNode::__construct() — Method in class ResourceUriNode
RenderingContext::__construct() — Method in class RenderingContext

RenderingContext constructor.

AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper::__construct() — Method in class AbstractLocaleAwareViewHelper
AbstractTagBasedViewHelper::__construct() — Method in class AbstractTagBasedViewHelper
WidgetContext::__sleep() — Method in class WidgetContext

Serialize everything except the viewHelperChildNodes, viewHelperChildNodeRenderingContext and nonAjaxWidgetConfiguration

AbstractGenerator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractGenerator

Constructor. Sets $this->abstractViewHelperReflectionClass

AbstractTemplateView::__construct() — Method in class AbstractTemplateView

Set default options based on the supportedOptions provided

StandaloneView::__construct() — Method in class StandaloneView
TemplatePaths::__construct() — Method in class TemplatePaths
ServerRequestFactoryTrait::__construct() — Method in class ServerRequestFactoryTrait

ServerRequestFactory constructor.

PositionalArraySorter::__construct() — Method in class PositionalArraySorter
TextIterator::__construct() — Method in class TextIterator

Constructs the TextIterator

TextIteratorElement::__construct() — Method in class TextIteratorElement